Castouts (Accepting new characters)

When Katarina shakes her head and manages to stutter out that she's okay Xander breathes a sigh of relief, and even though she is trying to push away from him, he pulls her into a hug, wrapping his arms around his twin as her head comes to rest on his shoulder and he holds her with one hand on the back of her head and the other on her back, being super gentle."Sorry Rina. That's never happened before."

He then adds as an afterthought, speaking stubbornly, "Don't care if you don't like hugs, I'm hugging you." From where he is, he can glare up at Steven, his eyes narrowed at him behind Kat's back. The look he is giving him is a 'stay-away-from-my-sister-or-else-I'll-punch-you-in-the-nuts' sort of glare.

At the mention of teaching her big words, Terabithia looks up at Rikarah with shining eyes, "Really? Yeah! If I could say anti..antidis..." She gives up on that, starting her sentence again, "If I could say that big word then Blue would be super impressed aswell!" Terabithia smiles up at the older as she accepts a sweet and she does infact swing her hand, enjoying being with Rikarah. She nods, "Yeah, like ice-cream! Ice-cream is good for a little while, but if you had it for too long you'd get super bad brain freeze and that wouldn't be good."

She nods again, looking ahead at where they are going as she speaks, "Yup, I know about my name 'cause mummy and daddy both really loved the film about it and that's why they called me Terabithia, then when I was big enough I watched the film with them. I really liked the girl in the film, because she's super brave. But I didn't like it when she died. I don't think she REALLY died though, I think maybe she hitted her head and forget who she was - because people do that sometimes - and she wandered away. Because they never did find her body, so that must mean she's not dead."

She's very glad that she has made a new friend, and decides to let Rikarah know this fact, "I really like you Rika, I'm glad we're friends." She beams up at the older, assuming they must be friends because they get along.
Violet would reach her arms up into the air and stretch out her sore limbs with a yawn. It always helped and made her feel better when she did so, but sadly it didn’t alleviate all the aches and pains. That took moving around and getting her blood going. A growling stomach would remind Violet that she had perhaps skipped a few meals and with a sigh she would start digging in her pockets. Fingers grasping flimsy bills she would make her way through the park, she could already smell the hotdogs from here.

Violet would approach the hot dog stand looking wistfully at the cart, wishing she could just eat all the food there. Sure it maybe wasn’t the healthiest, but perhaps she wouldn’t be hungry for a while after such a feast. A hotdog was handed to Violet while she was lost in her thoughts and she would blink down at the warmth now in her hand and up to the stranger that had handed it to her. Her expression was that of pleasant confusion, it was obvious that the stranger had bought it for her, but the reason why… she just didn’t understand why a stranger would go out of their way for her. Violet was a realist if anything.

“T-thank you” she would mumble, unable to speak clearly in such a situation. Biting down and enjoying her free meal she would watch the stranger somewhat. He had to be much older than her, there was some grey to his beard, and those brown eyes, why did they keep looking at her such when she had already thanked him? A hand would reach for her shoulder and Violet would wonder just what she had done wrong in this brief interaction.

“It’s nothing.” A somewhat cold voice would respond before a smile sent unease down Violet’s spine. “Why don’t you come with me girl, you look like you can use a good meal” A knot formed in Violet’s stomach, confusing her even more. Here was a nice man, offering her food, yet she wanted to back away slowly and not look back. She was unsure, wondering if she should listen to logic or her gut, or which was actually telling her what. In her hesitance the grip would tighten and he would start leading her away.

Panic set in yet Violet followed, she was frozen, deer in headlights, and her head just stopped working. Her body felt so tense, yet the grip loosened, perhaps her nerves were overreacting once again. Either way she was so distracted by this man she didn’t see the other one coming, and it took her a whole minute to realize that Sebastian was the one to push the man away from her and stand between the two.

Sebastian would have easily minded his own if it had been anyone else. But that frail girl and eagerness to trust, something about her made him step in when he saw her unease. Hell he was moving before he had agreed to do anything about it, rushing up to the odd pair and pulling the man’s arm from her shoulder, shoving him back as if his message hadn’t been clear. “Back off” he would say flatly, focusing on the man yet trying to keep a feel for where she may be behind him.

Of course the old man wouldn’t take a hint and would get aggressive “Mind your own punk” he would spit through his teeth, grabbing Sebastian by the collar of his shirt. It was in this moment that Sebastian realized he had underestimated the man just for his age, a mistake he would have never made in youth while being thrown around within the system, but when you’ve been on the streets some and gained some arrogance, some lessons go to the wind.

Sebastian’s memory went vague around here. There was some yelling, he tried pushing the man off him to no avail and even tried to throw some punches, he was sure. But mostly there was pain. His chest and his face ached and still he tried to fight, refusing to go down. Too bad one well aimed hit would knock him cold and his body would fall limply to the ground.

Violet had backed away some at the aggression and even more so when the two had grown violent. To her Sebastian was a good guy, so this man that had given her a hot dog, was he bad? Perhaps that was the reason she felt so afraid when he had touched her and tried to lead her off to… who knows what now. The silly girl was so lost in her thoughts she missed the last hit and would only come back into the present when a body hit the ground with a thud. Blinking to register what she saw, the older man would actually step over Sebastian’s fallen form. Her eyes would widen and she did the best she could to focus on her breathing, a panic attack is the last thing she needed now.

Her gaze now on the man, believing in the circumstances instead of her own gut she now knew he was bad news. Sadly she knew just standing there doing nothing was a foolish thing to do, she should yell or run, perhaps a combination of the both. But she was frozen, unable to act as her brain screamed to do something. Lucky for her the man was stopped before he took more than a few steps in her direction.

It started in the small silhouette left by Sebastian’s unconscious body. The shadows would converge on the ground, as if angered, enthralled. They would reach for the man foolish enough to attack him, building in strength as they fed from the shadows of the trees and by the time they gained to the man’s shadows his fate was already sealed.

The shadows crawled up the man’s legs, holding his step to the ground. Nothing would look amiss unless one looked carefully on and saw the seemingly clawed shadows grabbing him at the heel, only to trace upward, constricting him ever more while doing so. Panic would show on the unfortunate’s face as he realized he couldn’t take a mere step forward and that his body was going into lockdown despite his efforts. The fool would try to yell out, but no that wouldn’t do, drawing attention could go badly. The man managed to open his mouth and just as he tried to scream out, knowing something was amiss the scream died, transforming into a gasp for air as the shadows crushed his trachea.

The shadows were kind enough to let the man collapse to his knees and even allotted the man freedom of his arms. Of course it was fruitless, he could only reach up to the damage and attempt to call out before the lack of oxygen knocked him out. This sated the darkness, and the shadows released their grip, quickly retreating back to Sebastian, who was still subconscious. He would come to soon enough, as for the man, that one was good as dead in minutes.

Violet was scared. No that was too tame for the thoughts rushing through her head, she was ******* freaked out! Her heart was racing so hard and heavy in her chest she could practically hear the beat echoing in her eardrums. What the hell had happened? Shadows from Sebastian… killed the old man? Her breath racing she knew that no matter what Sebastian did or didn’t do, it wouldn’t look good for him to be found next to the other. And it seemed she owed him one.

Violet managed to move Sebastian to a nearby bench with much effort. The guy had a few years on her and more than a few pounds additional in comparison. Perhaps she might have looked odd trying to half drag half carry him, but she couldn’t worry about that now. After all, she hadn’t noticed anyone within proximity. As always these thoughts came a day too late and she realized she hadn’t even tried to look around to make sure.

Her heart slowed some after the initial panic was gone, though she could still feel it racing some in her chest. Sure Sebastian had never done anything to her, but what happened… she couldn’t help but to be fearful of him now. That fact was evident when he finally woke up and groaned, hand going to his head as he tried sitting up. Violet fell backwards from her sitting position some feet away in reaction. “Wh-What are you?” her thoughts would be asked out loud, only for her to gasp and cover her mouth quickly with a gasp. Why did she have to be so foolish, such a question could easily anger or upset him… and the shadows. Panic stricken and fearful of how he may react she quickly pulled herself off and ran as fast as her scrawny legs could carry her.

Violet wouldn’t stop until she left the park and then some. The concept that Sebastian didn’t know what had happened, and perhaps he might need to know what he had subconsciously done wouldn’t hit her. The thought that she had left a distorted guy to pick up the pieces on his own when there was a fresh corpse not that far from his very spot didn’t subscribe either. Then again, perhaps even someone that thought things through just once might have reacted the same as she had.
Natalia had long left the theatre now - as everyone else seemed to be doing - and had headed down various streets. She had learnt her way around this area by now, and found herself heading to the closest hotdog stand she knew of. Not wanting to get an actual meal since she was planning to get food for both her and Terabithia later, but unable to ignore the growing pain of her stomach.

She brought a hotdog with the spare money from earlier and walked off slightly, leaning against a wall to munch on the hot food as she watched the others around her. Feeling the warmth go down her throat and into her stomach - beginning to satisfy the pains - she smiled lightly. Very lightly.

That was when she spotted him. A particularly creepy man had gone up to a young girl and had handed her food, that look in his eyes was giving Natalia an extremely bad feeling, and she could only imagine what the man may want from the girl in return, so, as he began to lead the shy one away, Natalia swallowed the last of her own hotdog and followed the two inconspicuously. She was getting more and more worried for the girl when a boy, who looked a bit older than herself, intervened and stopped the old man.

She froze on spot and watched as violence broke out, the boy falling with a thud to the floor. She quickly glanced around to see the other people around had simply ignored the on goings; it must happen everyday around here then. When the man took a step over the body of the boy, heading for the shy girl once more, Natalia stepped closer, not sure how or why, but she was planning to go over and stop him.

Then panic grew on the older's face, and she frowned, looking for any reasons for distress. Her eyes widened as something that looked as simple as shadows crept over the man, and slipped into his mouth. Sh*t. She noticed him grasp at his throat, as if he had lost breath, and then drop as the boy had. Though she had more of a suspicion that the older man dropped because of death.

She still watched as the girl dragged the boy away and managed to get him onto a nearby bench, then, when the poor guy woke up she sprinted like a deer in a chase. Sure, Natalia had no freakin' idea what had happened with the shadows, but she decided the poor guy deserved to know the guy he had just got into a fist fight with had dropped dead.

Once again, she looked around, wondering why the fu*k no-one had noticed any of that besides her?

She headed over to the bench and stood infront of it, rather than sitting beside him, "You alright? You just got the sh*t beaten out of you, if you don't remember." She commented rather unhelpfully - what? Give her a break! She wasn't used to being helpful. She then decided to perch on the edge of the bench, a bit wary of the boy as she nodded in the direction of the corspe. "After you blacked out that guy over there up and died. A bit surprised no-one's noticed him there yet." She shrugged, "Then again, I guess a lot of hobo's pass out around here." She didn't mention the shadows - in case the boy thought she was some sort of wacko. Really? Shadow's killing people, yeah Natalia, maybe you are a wacko.

(May I please ask how Sebastian's shadow power works? 'Cause of Natalia's own power, she has just 'copied' Sebastian's power by accident, so she now has it aswell, until she bumps into another person with powers xD )
Sebastian felt a dull ache in his head and his chest felt all bruised up. Sure he had been through worse, there were even some scars to prove it, but hell pain was still pain. He would be going through the fuzzy events in his head prior and the confusion of the Viola girl when another girl approached, one of which he had no priors with. Nodding his head some he would narrow his eyes at the girl some at her statement, yeah sure he got knocked around, but did she have to put it so bluntly? He would say nothing at first, just because he was frustrated with himself he wasn’t about to take it out on a stranger.

At her words of the old man his face would pale. He was… dead? His hazy memory didn’t add up to that being a possibility. The man had dominated him, there was no way he got in a hit that could do damage to that extremity. “H-how did he die?” His voice usually calm and collected was shaken somewhat. First the girl in his high school, then possibly this stranger. Sure the guy deserved that and more, but not by Sebastian’s hands. He wasn’t a killer, and didn’t want to be one. Yet there were two deaths in one year… you’re well on your way Sebastian, he would mock himself, trying to remain collected around the only one that could give him some answers.
Natalia looked to the older boy as he asked how the man had died. She frowned lightly and looked down, how could she explain how he died?

Oh, well some shadows crept into the guy's mouth and stopped him from breathing. Yeah, that would earn her a nice long stay in a mental hospital.

"I, I don't really know. He moved to go closer to that shy girl, but then he froze and dropped to the ground like he couldn't breathe." She shrugged, watching the boy and noticed his paled face and almost guilty look. She spoke quickly, trying to reassure him that it was nothing to do with him. "He must have had some heart or breathing problems. You didn't land a blow to anywhere serious enough to, uh, kill him. So it couldn't have been you."

Why she was being so nice, she didn't know. Natalia had never seen any point in being nice, because being 'nice' earnt you friends and friends lead to disappointment and heartbreak when they left you. Natalia liked to keep her heart protected; nowhere near her sleeve.
"an-ti-dis--e-stab-lish-ment-ar-i-an-is-m," Rikarah sounded out slowly and patiently for her. "Yes, that is a very good example, Terabithia, ice cream is only good for short periods of time. If a person has something that is very good all the time, then they will not be able to tell the difference between what is good and what is not, will they?" Rikarah smiles, reaching down to pat Terabithia's head again with the hand not holding hers.

As the little girl tells her the story of Terabithia and Leslie, Rikarah listens, learning still more of the child's optimistic and starry-eyed nature from her hopeful description of her own interpretation of the movie's end. She nods, smiling, as she looks down at her.

"You know, Terabithia, I think that is very possible. Leslie was a strong girl, was she not, and very smart, to invent an entire kingdom as she did. It makes her no less of a terrific girl to have forgotten herself. Perhaps she's decided now that her name is Sally, or Amy, or Junebug...perhaps even Terabithia," she said playfully, poking her lightly in the stomach. "Or Abi."

A thought occurs to her would be quite easy to use Terabithia and her ways to get any sort of information she would like from her, and the child may very well not realize what she is revealing. It is with this in mind she says casually, "You know, Terabithia, you are very good at telling stories. I bet you have a lot of stories about yourself and Natalia, don't you? Some good and funny ones."


Katarina does not resist Xander's hug, but rather allows herself to sink into it, burying her face into his shoulder. She is stunned by how quickly she molds her body into the embrace, how her throat chokes and her very skin seems to crave this caring contact and close touch. She is rarely touched for more than brief periods of time, and her only embraces lately- or ever- are from boyfriends, who rarely keep her for longer than a week or two, or from men who know her no longer than an hour. She had not been entirely aware of how badly she wanted a touch as simple as a hug, even if it did come from her brother, and after some time, she tentatively puts her hand against his back, a light version of a returning hug.

She doesn't say anything, just remains still, letting her twin hold her. And she is faintly surprised that with the contact, her urge to isolate herself is fading, as is the familiar antsy, itchy feeling of her skin, the need to scratch, scrape, or knock it out from her. With Xander close, physically touching her, it isn't there anymore...she doesn't feel like that is what she needs.

Has it really been that simple all along?
The girls words relieved Sebastian. So the man never got to Viola, and as an onlooker to seemingly the whole thing she saw innocence in his actions. Sure he was glad that he was able to protect the young girl, but he was selfishly more concerned with his own conscience. And it was clear. Yeah a heart attack after their scuffle could be linked to him in one way, but the man had exerted himself trying to prey on such a child. Sebastian’s logic saw a difference between a heart attack and falling from battle wounds, yet still blamed himself for the girl that ODed. Sadly it all made sense in his head.

His relief was short lived as he watched the girl. There was something about how she held herself, was she hesitating when she spoke to him? Experience screamed that the girl was hiding something, and since she only shared information about the old man and his death… Sebastian no longer liked his odds. Raising an eyebrow slightly, wondering what reason if any would this perfect stranger would lie to him and withhold information he would try to get her to open up some. “That old man practically lifted me off my feet before the fight even started, he didn’t seem a candidate for a weak heart… you sure you didn’t miss something?” he would make sure to study the girls face some with his words, to see how she would react and how her face would change when she would respond. He knew the girl didn’t owe him anything, but it would be better to try to get answers out of her than the panicked one that had ran off.

((Where to start… As of now it’s a subconscious ability. Mostly defend the ‘host’. At low level it’s a defensive ability that at times can have a mind of its own. As the power increases it’s able to be used willingly once understood, but I don’t know if she would pick up on that fast enough before getting a new ability. You need shadows, and the more access to them the stronger they can become in this dimension. AKA a shady area and one opponent, they’re dog meat. Message if you need more.))
*Steven raises his hands to show Xander he meant no harm and steps back towards the door, deciding he better look in on Kyle and what's taking him so long with his shirt, just then he sees Chris placing his shotgun back in the trunk, he then realizes that they now know about the arsenal in his car, nothing he can do about that now but accept he may have to move on if they don't understand his situation with Calico but does he even want to try to explain it, he barely knows these people and yet he just pledge to protect them and he's given them all the money he has, worst of all before he can stay here he has to decide if being here will put them in danger while he wages his war on Calico and his gang. He turns back to Xander and Kat who are having some kind of touchy feely moment, Xander's obsession with his sister seems a bit strange but Steven did just show up so he guesses that is a bit understandable.

Steven: Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean any kind of offense and I'm not trying to take advantage of your sister in anyway, it's just good to see a familiar and friendly face. Especially one that brings back some good memories of my glory days.
As Steven backs away, Katarina looks up, now concerned at his stepping back from her- and of course, Xander too. She can see from the look on his face that he is uncomfortable in the moment- because of Xander's not so subtle threats? Because he had grabbed her earlier? Because of Xander's display of a lack of control with his power? Because Xander was holding her? Was he jealous, or just weirded out?

Her cheeks reddening, she pulls away from Xander more fully, then starts moving to stand as she looks up at Steven, speaking quickly. "You're not leaving, are you? I said you could stay here, and you already paid're not taking advantage of anyone, I want you to stay. Xander," she said pointedly, looking back at her brother, before turning back to Steven. A new thought occurs to her then...his glory days? Good memories? They had hardly known each other, back then. They hadn't talked much at all...he had been more friends of friends than her own friend or date.

"Good memories? Glory days...high school is GLORY days?"
Duck becomes stuck by Julian's words. We should go somewhere else? Where do Cas, Jill, and Ly live? He begins to regret bringing it up even more, because he is stuck. "I-I don't know. I guess we can ask them..." He hated the thought of going back, right when they had only just left. First he met people, said goodbye, now he has to go back and be even more personal. This was so annoying. He looks around for answers, then he realizes something he missed. He felt really stupid for missing. Julian was obviously holding his bag of food, while Duck forgot his completely. Was Duck really that forgetful? He wanted to blame Julian, but it was his own forgetfulness, and speedy pace that triggered it.

"Ok, we're gonna go ask them!" he tries to only cover for the fact the at least needs his food, with hopes that the trio aren't there. He walks to the restaurant with his eyes staring down. As he opens the door, he barely manages to miss bumping straight into Cas. He does a yell and takes a few steps back, almost tripping before catching his last step. His face heats up and he looks at Cas's face, then straight to his chest instead, with an attemptive recovering, "Yo... Leaving?"

He begins to loathe himself for being so worrisome of security, even though it was for his safety. He feels awkward since he had only just left, only to come back, sort of pathetic looking. He glanced at Julian, wondering who would ask first. It would most likely be him, since he realized Julian rarely ever talked unless provoked. So he announces it in an single breath "Wehavenoplacetogo. Ileftmyfood. Wewerewonderingifyou..." He takes a breath, "..knew where we could go..?" He begins to sweat, afraid that he'd be immediately shut down. Who was he to ask questions like this?? The corner of his lip twitches slightly, and he looks up at Cas's face, then back down to his chest.
Jillian was surprised as well by Lionel's words but she didn't take them as him wanting Castiel to leave. In fact when he stood to go, Jillian found himself standing moving, as if he was going to go and stop him.

"No stay. Lionel just doesn't want you to stay if you don't want to, you know just to be nice," Jillian said, moving a little away. Why had he stood? Would be go after Castiel if the boy had left? He wasn't sure. "So it's no problem. Besides I like your company."

Jillian was surprised when Julian and Duck returned. He looked at them, wondering what had brought them back. When Duck spoke, Jillian bit his lower lip and glanced over at Lionel and then back to the boys.

"Me and Lionel live in the homeless shelter," Jillian said. His tone said that he was not happy with it, but Jillian knew he had no where else to go. "I'm sure they won't mind new people though. They are very...kind to us all." Jillian shrugged. "I'm sorry it's not much, but it's all I have to offer if you are willing."


Liselle was surprised by the girl's rude attitude. Sure she didn't expect her to start apologizing to her or laugh like it was funny or anything. Well laughing at Liselle would not be too far out of the question, but she did not expect Raekel to act so rude and hostile to her.

Liselle moved back a little, not certain of Raekel and if she would do anything to her.

"Hey I said I was sorry and besides you walked into me too. You got soda on me as well and now I either have to change and be late or go in with a goddamn soda stain!" Liselle had a feeling it would not be good to be yelling at the redhead nor fighting with her, but she couldn't help it. Sure she didn't expect good manners, but she had to defend herself.


Chris moved back inside, but she was uncertain of what was going on. She moved away, ready to go and leave the room. She did not belong here. She had no business interfering even if it did concern her family. It was not like most of the choices made she had a say in. Besides Chris preferred to keep to herself.

Still she lingered for a bit, not sure of what was going on, but slightly curious.
A homeless shelter...that had been exactly the place that Julian had been trying to avoid, from day one. A homeless shelter meant that you had entirely given up, that you were totally and completely homeless. A homeless shelter had other people who might recognize him, people who might mock or hurt him or steal from him. People who might ask questions.

But...wasn't it true, that he had no place to go? Wasn't it true that he had given up, that he was entirely homeless? Couldn't people ask questions and recognize him out here, couldn't they hurt him and mock him and steal from him just as well out here?

Julian knew they could. And being at a shelter...he could have a bed, a real bed, even if it was just a cot. He could have a blanket. He could have food he didn't have to pay for, maybe a shower. He could have a real toilet, even if it was dirty.

Maybe this shelter thing wouldn't be such a bad thing, if he stuck with Duck and the others...but what was he thinking? How could he be making friends with them, with anyone? How could he be getting closer to them, without them knowing who he was and what he had done?

He stands torn between his desire and his guilt, his fear, but then he speaks, saying in a rush almost equal to Duck's, "I don't mind the shelter if you don't mind us. We won't bother you."

He refrained looking from Jillian as a new thought occurred to him...that it might be hard to sleep with her nearby.
After hearing Jillian's explanation for Lionel's words, Cas couldn't hide the huge and somewhat goofy smile on his face. He was glad that he didn't mess up or anything. He was about to head back when Duck nearly crashed into him. "Sorry. I didn't see you there." Cas laughed softly at Duck's rambling. It was cute, like a kid's first day of kindergarten.

He was a bit confused when Duck asked for a place to go. Go where? Did the two want to go to another hang out or something? Cas couldn't recall any fun places. It was only when Jillian admitted to living in a homeless shelter did the Asian boy realize that the two boys were looking for a place to sleep. It took another second to realize that the entire group was homeless like him. Wel that explained why the younger ones weren't in school. "I live in an abandoned theater in an uninhabited part of town, but I don't know if Shira will let you in. She just tends to do whatever she wants."

Cas listened to Julian accepting Jillian's offer. That was probably for the best. At least a homeless shelter could offer them hot or at least warm meals and running water. The theater didn't have working pipes. Cas had been looking for a way to hook the pipes into a well or something but still wasn't sure how to. He looked at Julian. "I doubt you'll bother them. You don't seem like the type to be trouble."
Terabithia is thrilled that Rikarah liked her example and smiles wider as Rikarah pats her head; her dad used to do that, so it is a good thing to her when someone pats her head, she associates the action with nice memories. At the suggestion of Leslie changing her name to Terabithia, her eyes widen. "Wait! What if I'M the brave girl from the film!" She begins to panic lightly, "Then my mummy and daddy might have never been my REAL mummy and daddy and there might be that boy who thinks I'm dead when I'm actually not!"

After a few seconds of consideration, she shakes her head, "Oh wait, I couldn't be that brave girl could I? 'Cause mummy said she's older than me and plus she gots a different hair colour to me."

When Rikarah declares Terabithia to be a good story teller and even asks her if she has some stories about her and Natalia, the younger one's face lights up and she even skips lightly on the spot, "You really think so? I always wanted to be a story-teller when I was little." Terabithia doesn't stop to think how she is infact still little now, "But before that I wanted to be a princess with my own castle made out of candy, but then daddy told me that wouldn't work 'cause if it might have rained my castle would melt and then I wouldn't be a princess anymore and I even thought that maybe my prince might have left me 'cause we wouldn't have a house anymore."

She seems to remember Rikarah had asked stories about her and Natalia and nods, "Oh yeah, me and Blue had some fun times, though Blue never told me stuff about herself before I found her though, she told me it was none of my business. Though I think Blue might have been running or still running from someone, and I think I'm supposed to be aswell. 'Cause she said to me once before we did one of our shows that I couldn't say our real names outloud. Because if I did then someone might take me away to the social worker peoples, 'cause I got no family. And then I asked Blue why I couldn't say her name, and she told me it was because the police might take her away from me." She looked up at Rikarah, "I don't know why the police want Blue though, 'cause she told me she never killed no-body or anything like that."

She then seems to ponder a bit more, "Oh! Also, I asked Blue if the social services might take her away too. But she told me they wouldn't 'cause she still got a family." She frowns, looking at the ground and watching an ant scurry away, "I don't understand why she's not with her family though, if she still got one, 'cause I'll still be with my family if they weren't in heaven. But she just told me that I didn't know anything and when I asked her to tell me what I didn't know she didn't answer me." She now looks up to Rikarah earnestly, "Do you know why Blue might not want to be with her family?"


Natalia frowned as the boy spoke to her once more, did she miss anything? She couldn't help but look away and frown some as she pretended to be thinking back. "Miss anything?" She repeated his words before looking to him once more. Should she tell the boy she saw shadows CRAWL into the guy's mouth right before he died? Odds are he'd think she was insane, heck, if she hadn't seen it herself she'd think it was insane if someone else told her about it. She'd ask them if they lost their pills before getting the heck out of there. Then again, if the guy was to think her crazy what did it matter? She most likely wouldn't ever see him again, and what was he going to do, call her crazy? Like that would do much damage.

But it would draw unnessacary attention to herself, and that was the one thing Natalia could NOT deal with. The police might notice, and start asking questions, someone from the streets she had robbed might recognize her, and try to turn her into the police for theft. Either way, she'd get handed to the police, who would either throw her in juvy or send her back to her Mum.

She couldn't decide which was worse.

So she shrugged, "I don't think so. Maybe he had a blood clot or something that killed him." She stands up, "Just thought I'd explain to you what happened, as that other girl ran off." She began to leave, but then paused and looked back at him, "You might want to dispose of his corpse before people realize he isn't just a passed out hobo."


Xander smiles as Katarina fully accepts his hug, even melds into it by leaning herself on him. It was so rare that any of the siblings hugged. Hugging was like a medience; and lord knows they all needed a big dose of it. When Katarina pulls away because of Steven, Xander knows he is still glaring at him - despite his apology and backing off - but then he speaks of glory days and the glare is gone.

Glory days? Highschool? Was this guy insane? Or just such a big loser that HIGH SCHOOL was his best times.

Then Katarina speaks his thoughts and pointedly lets Xander know she wants Steven to stay. Yeah of course she does, so that she can get closer to Steven herself.

Xander sighs, and steps a bit closer, standing beside his twin now as he looks at Steven levelly, "Look Steven. I'm sorry, I overreacted." Good thing about Xander is that he knew how to apologize when he needs to. "Things are just tough lately and someone's got to be the protector around here." He glances to Kat, then back at Steven, with a small smirk, "And since I'm the oldest." He nudges Kat playfully with his elbow, "That person has to be me."

He sighs lightly, smirk gone, "But as long as you promise to keep your hands off my sister." He grits his teeth somewhat in that sentence, trying to control himself before he speaks normally again, "You can stick around...." He pauses, hating to admit this, "Infact, I would want you to stick around too, Kyle needs some help with his powers - apparently I do aswell, but I can sort myself out - and you seem to be the only one who can teach him how to do so."

He looks to Kat, as if reminding himself he is doing this for her aswell, before looking back to Steven, "So please stay." He grins and rubs the back of his neck, "Not like I'm begging or anything."
An abandoned theater? Well that was one of the more interesting chosen homes Julian had heard of...not, of course, that he had talked to a lot of people to be able to have heard of a lot of interesting chosen homes. He found himself wondering with some interest if Cas and his friends ever put on plays for each other, and if they had popcorn and other such foods...was it a theater for plays, or a movie theater?

He was too shy to ask, however, reacting instead to Cas's statement about Julian not looking like the type to be much trouble. He looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets, and thinned his lips, very much uncomfortable...the boy could not be any wronger. Julian was a lot of trouble...Julian had caused more trouble than any of the other four combined, of that he was certain. He wanted to cause no one any more trouble now, not for the rest of his life...but just being around him undoubtedly upped their risk. If he had any sort of self control, if he wasn't so selfish, he would leave them all now and sleep out in the cold, never let any of them come near him. He would tell them the truth of himself.

But when he opens his mouth, the words choke, and instead he just coughs. He can't do it...he can't bare to think of how they would look at him, if they really knew about him.


"No, Terabithia," Rikarah laughs, shaking her head at the girl's worry. "I agree, I do not think you are Leslie. She is older, yes, and looks very different. She would not look as you do...and if you ask me, you are prettier than she is."

She says this in a conspiritoral whisper, as if she is revealing a secret to Terabithia, and ruffles her hair again as they continue to walk, letting her speak.

"I think a house made of candy would be very nice, but perhaps not one in which it is outdoors and can be rained on and melted. Why not make a small house of candy, indoors, like a gingerbread house, only large enough to crawl inside?" she suggested. "Perhaps for your birthday, one day, we could try. Would you enjoy that, Terabithia?"

Regarding what Terabithia reveals of Natalia, Rikarah considers it, piecing the facts as she is given them together in her mind. Natalia has not killed anyone, or so she tells Terabithia, but she has enough experience with police to be wary...and then there is that scar on her arm. Perhaps someone hurt her- a parent, a guardian- stabbed or cut her in such a way as to cause the scar, and then Natalia killed them and fled to the streets? It seemed possible, and would explain her guarded nature. It would also help to endear her to Rikarah, to respect her bravery and self-defense, and to regard the kill as necessary and admirable.

She says nothing of her hypothesis to Terabithia, instead smiling down at her and again stroking her hair. "Sometimes, Terabithia, parents are not kind to their children. Sometimes families are very cruel. My family was of this nature...and sometimes it is necessary then to leave. Perhaps that is so with Natalia."


Katarina is relieved when Steven stands with her and then backs off in his overly aggressive behavior towards Steven, even apologizing and asking him to stay. Maybe he won't be so bad about it...maybe he'll get used to him. If he does see that they need his help with Kyle...if he just remembers that he hadn't been a bad guy in high school, when they knew him, and he probably wasn't now, maybe he'd come around.

She smiled back at him a little as he nudged her, jabbing back at him. "Oldest by one minute, what great wisdom could you have possibly gained in the sixty seconds you were there before me? The only time I was your baby sister is when we were both actually babies."

Still, she never minds that sort of teasing from him- unless he's being overprotective. And she had noticed the comment about keeping Steven's hands off her.

"Xander, what if I WANT Steve's hands on me?" she turns towards him, challenging, one hand on her hip.

And she does...why else would he stay, if she didn't make sure he would be happy for it? He likes her, he thinks she's attractive...and she thinks he is too. Isn't that more than enough reason for...well, whatever?
Terabithia smiles at Rikarah's laugh, commenting in a light, yet appreciative voice, "You have a very pretty laugh Rika." She then goes onto blush as Rikarah says she is prettier than Leslie.

When the older girl mentions making a smaller house, inside so that it can't get spoiled by the rain, she nods eagerly, "Yeah! I wouldn't eat it I promise! And we could make a mini princess and prince to live inside, then I can make the princess a bit fat for a little while then she can have a baby, only the baby would need a dummy or else it would cry all the time, and then maybe make another baby too when the other baby's all grown up, 'cause it might be nice to have a brother or a sister. I don't know 'cause I never had one."

She looks up to Rikarah, "Did you ever have a brother or sister Rika? Was it nice or were they always stealing your toys?" When Rikarah tells her of families being not so nice she looks down, frowning at this concept, "But families should be nice to each-other, because sometimes family is all you have and if they aren't nice then you don't really got anything." She shakes her head, like it will clear the idea from the air, "I think families who aren't very nice to each other should get in trouble, so that they know it's wrong to be mean to their family."

She speaks without looking up this time, eyes wandering to watch as a butterfly zooms past and does swoops and dives in the air infront of Terabithia, "Blue never had any brothers or sisters either, she told me when I asked her to be my pretend sister." She sighs, almost like she is troubled, "I thought me being Blue's pretend sister would make her happy. But she's still sad and I don't know how to make her happy"


Xander grinned as she spoke of his older age, "Well, I learnt everything of course. Sixty seconds' is a dearly underestimated time." He just smirked at the baby comment and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

But when she spoke of her WANTING Steven to touch her, his eyebrows shot up. He folds his arms, "Nuh uh. You'll just have to live with it." He shakes his head, "No way am I letting you romp around with Mr. Regeneration over there and end up being unsafe and producing a mini-super healing baby." He physically shuddered at the thought, "The last thing we need is another mouth to feed." He smirks, "And I know there would only be one kid 'cause I'll kill Steven before you could produce another."
Katarina had always known and been partly amused, partly grateful of Xander and his protectiveness. Living with their parents as they did, it had been comforting to know that they would always have Xander looking out for them, willing to step in to keep them from harm. She appreciated and loved him for it and knew it was his way of showing his love, especially for his sisters…and especially for Katarina. She knew that in her brother’s eyes, no man would be good enough for his sisters, and especially not her.

But now he was starting to piss her off. How did he think he could TELL her that she wasn’t ALLOWED to be with a guy?!

“You won’t LET me?” she said incredulously, turning to face him full on, her voice rising slightly, her eyebrows shooting up. “How do you figure you can control what I do? You’re my brother, Xander, not my dad. You don’t have any SAY in what I do and don’t do. I’m seventeen. One more year until legal. It’s really none of your business and definitely none of your say what I do with guys. First off, I’m not planning on babies, I’m not stupid, I know how to protect myself. Second off, babies aren’t exactly born out of hand holding. Third…it’s not like I haven’t before, you know. I’m not a pure little innocent maiden. That was gone a long time ago.”

Did he really think that of her, that she…that any of this was new, that any of this was a first? She knew Xander didn’t really have girlfriends…but did he think…

Did he think she was a tramp?

(I will add Rikarah's part in a bit, I'm mad that I lost my whole post)

Rikarah continues to listen to Terabithia patiently, laughing slightly at her compliment of her "pretty laugh." "Well, thank you, Terabithia, I enjoy your laugh as well. It is a very nice sound."

"That sounds like a lovely idea, only babies are very hard work," she tells her lightly as Terabithia continues to enthusiastically come up with ideas revolving around the mythical candy house. "And I do not think we are ready for a child, we are all too young for that."

She regards her more seriously as the little girl begins to speak of brothers and sisters, families who are nice and families who are not, and thinks with coldness of her own family, their dead, bloodless faces vivid in her mind. She manages to keep her voice gentle, however, as she responds to her.

"Some brothers and sisters are not nice at all, Terabithia. I had a sister, and she was very mean to me and others. It is not always fun. It is certainly wrong of them to be that way, and I agree...they deserve punishment."

She paused, hearing their screams, seeing their terror stricken faces as she continued. " What I have discovered, is that it is nicer to choose your own sisters and brothers, to choose people who are deserving and who have true love and loyalty to you. I consider you to meet those characteristics, and I hope you will feel the same way about me. And perhaps one day, when Natalia sees that you are such a person to her, she will be happier as well."
Steven: Ummm ok you both need to slow down with the baby talk anyway I've had a rough couple of weeks myself with my mother being in a coma and me burying my father, not to mention...Um nevermind that isn't something you need to be bother with, it's my problem and I'll deal with it.

*Just then Kyle walks in with a clean shirt for Steven, holding it out and looking up him smiling*

Kyle: Here you go..Hey Steven are you a spy or something, cause you got a lot of guns and stuff?

*That kind out of the blue, and throws Steven off guard, he tries to be cool about this and answer him casually.*

Steven: Spy? No I'm not a spy, I am...I was a Marine. Gunnery Sgt Steven Aaron of the 56th Marine Recon Unit, Sir!

*Steven gives Kyle a salute then grins at him, this show makes Kyle's eyes go wide and he smiles back at Steven*

Kyle: Whoa you're a Marine that explains everything, the guns and why you're so good at fighting and stuff.

Steven: Well mainly the Marines thought me how to be a soldiers but my father he showed me how to really fight, hey if you guys want I could teach you all how to defend yourselves.
Despite her irritation with Xander, Katarina is of course distracted enough by Steven's almost casual statement of his family's situation to look over at him, blinking. "Your mom's in a coma...and your dad', I'm sorry, Steven. Uh..."

She is almost relieved when Kyle walks in again, because she had had no idea, really, what to say to him, and is glad for the chance to not have to say anything without looking like she just didn't care. But on the other hand, Kyle coming in also means that Xander probably won't continue their semi-confrontation of each other, and that bothers her.

Does Xander really think that he needs to take care of her, that he needs to be in charge of her decisions? Does he think she's weak or stupid or too much of a loser to be able to decide for herself? Maybe he's right...but for him to think that, hurts more than she had anticipated, and she deliberately focuses all her attention on Kyle- and particularly his statement about finding Steven's guns.

Guns...Katarina is not a fan of guns, not a fan of any weapons at all, especially in the hands of her blind sister, her power-uncontrolled brothers, and her own unskilled self. Putting weapons in their hands would probably get themselves killed rather than an intruder or assaulter. Still, when Steven says he is a Marine, and can help them learn self defense, she can't help but be impressed.

"Sure," she nods, and giving Xander another look, deliberately steps close to Steven again.
*Steven looks at Kyle sternly*

Steven: You understand Kyle you are never to touch my guns again, they are not toys and you are not trained to handle them safely so for now on you're gonna stay out of my trunk, if you do that I'll teach you what I know about self-defense and help you with your power, and Xander I promise you I will never touch your sister again....unless she wants me to.

*Steven trying to be very clear with both his intentions towards Kat but still be respectful to Xander*

Kyle: Ok, I promise I'll stay out of your trunk and you got to keep your promise to me and most of all you have to promise to stay.
Xander glares back at his twin as she begins to speak of him not being her dad. It is clear from her speech, and from her deliberately moving closer to Steven just to piss him off, that she is planning to DEFIENTLY let Steven touch her.

Even though Kyle has come in, speaking about guns and Steven offered them self defence, Xanders looks at Steven, speaking shortly. "I know how to defend myself. You could help the others if they wish you to."

He then, with no care that Kyle is there - too wrapped up in this argument to stop, steps closer to Katarina, eyes angry and voice holding the tone that shows he is clearly pissed off. "Yeah Kat, you're right. I'm not your dad, but I pretty much should be. Our own fu*king dad was the one I had to protect you from, so it's probably not the best idea to use HIM in an argument." He doesn't even care that he just revealed to Steven that their dad was abusive. He looks away for a moments, hands going up to run through his hair, "Sh*t. You think I didn't already know that Kat? You think I didn't know you'd already, you know, done the deed?" He now seems troubled rather than pissed off. "You think it doesn't piss me off majorly that you had to do THAT just to feel like you were helping?!?"

He looks to Kyle then, and looks to Katarina, "Damn. I'm doing a sh*t job of looking after you guys. Christina's blind, Kyle almost got frickin' shot and you" He grabs her wrist, not tightly enough to hurt her, and pulls her sleeve up, staring at the scratches and bruises for a moment before he drops her hand and looks to her, hurt now in his eyes, "You're doing that just to feel like you have control!" He shakes his head, and you can see something that looks like a blue mini-bolt of lighting leap from his palm.

"I'm.." He looks to Kyle again, "I'm sorry. I'll be back later." Without another word he walks past the three and out of the abandoned motel. Heading downtown. As he walks, blue sparks seem to be leaping from his hands ever so subtly.

(Anyone can feel free to bump into Xander)

Terabithia grins up at the older girl as she compliments her laugh also. She nods thoughtfully at the continued talk of babies, "Yeah, but maybe if we all looked after it TOGETHER, then it would be alright." She smiles, "We'd be like a big family, a street family!"

Terabithia listens solemnly as the older speaks of her own sister being mean. She frowns, "Oh, well that's not good. I hope your sister got in trouble for being mean to you." She speaks innocently as they head further down the street, hand still swinging in Rikarah's - she has no idea just how much trouble Rikarah's sister got into for being mean to her.

After a moment of taking Rikarah's words and making sense of them, Terabithia realizes the brunette is complimenting her, telling her she has true love and loyalty. She smiles at the other, "Thank you Rika, I think you have true love and loyal-loyalty too." She then frowns at the other quizzically, "What kind of other love is there besides real love? If love isn't real then what's the point of even having it?" She doesn't understand how love can't be anything else than true.

"I hope Natalia will be happier soon. Being sad seems like not much fun at all."
Duck began shuffling his feet a bit until Jillian started to speak about living in a homeless shelter. She was homeless too? This didn't make a lot of sense to him, and it was almost too coincidental. Suddenly Cas's reveal came out and Duck was even more dumbfounded. They're all homeless, even this guy who had 50 dollars on him? He had to think about it for a second, until Julian blurted out that he was willing to go to the homeless shelter. "Wa-wai--" He paused his words, and thing seemed to be going to fast to process.

He took a breath and quickly thought about it. If he were to be in a homeless shelter, he'd have a bed. It's just that the place makes him think of Robert. He looks to Jillian, his voice shakes a bit. "Is... it safe there? No one's going to hurt us, right?" The traumatic thoughts play in his head, causing him to him sweat a bit through the minor seasonal chill.

Duck tried to trust Jillian's words on the kindess of the homeless shelter residents, but he's been in a shelter before. Not a homeless one, but a adoption one. The authorities told him the same thing, but not one person had been kind to him there.

He looks back at Julian, for a bit of assurance, but the boy seemed to be stuck in shock, too. By what? It looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn't. This frightened Duck as well, maybe he was scared of being taken away, too. Either way, he was probably just as likely to get hurt anywhere. So he attempted to reassure Julian with a smile, yet he himself didn't feel assured. Just scared and conflicted.
Katarina stands unmoving, her muscles rigid as Xander walks away, pain, shame, and slowly rising desperation beginning to soften the defiance and anger in her face, filling her eyes until they appear to be wet with tears. His words to her, his anger towards her, his seeming disgust, had hit her like a punch in the heart, and now she could only stand there, a slow trembling beginning through her limbs as his words replayed in her thoughts.

Having to protect her, from their father...he should be her father...pissed off, over what she's done...and the way he had grabbed her...

The way Xander had looked at her had cut her to her core. He thought she was pathetic, he thought she was a slut or worse, he thought she was weak and stupid, someone he had to worry over, someone he had to protect. The way he had shoved up her sleeve, looking at her arm with such was one thing for someone else to look at her like that, someone else to think those things of her. It hurt, but it was something she was used to, even expected. But Xander...for Xander, her twin, her brother, her closest friend, the one she loved most in the world and who probably loved her most too...for him to look at her like that...

There was no hope for her, if Xander could look at her like that. Who would ever think otherwise if even he agreed?

She is sure everyone is staring at her, looking at her arm, and she realizes that now Kyle sees it, and Steven too...that Steven had heard about their father, that Steven knew not just that she's not "innocent," but that she's...just how bad off she really is. How could he possibly like her now,seeing her, knowing this...seeing that her own brother thinks this way?

With tears sticking in her throat she runs out the door and into her and Chris's room, not looking towards her or acknowledging her in any way as she moves past her. Going into their bathroom and locking the door, she sits hunched over on the closed toilet seat, still shaking, trying desperately not to cry.


"My sister did get in not worry, she got as she deserved," Rikarah assured Terabithia quietly, in a very level tone, and her face is almost blank. "Everyone does in the end, you know. That is why it is very important to be good and kind to would not want to be punished for meanness, yes?"

At Terabithia's last questions Rikarah stops walking entirely, turning to face her and looking at her with a thoughtful frown. The question was a good one, and particularly so from a child. "I do not know, Terabithia," she says slowly. "You are a smart girl to wonder. I suppose that when others pretend love and yet do not practice it, then that is not true love. True love lasts and is consistent, always. And it is very rare."

She ignores for now her comment about Natalia, simply nodding, before shifting her tone. "If you could go anywhere around here and do anything, what would you choose?" If possible, she will make it happen for the little girl.


Julian tries to return Duck's nervous smile, but his own is so feeble it is likely little reassurance. Biting the inside of his cheeks, he looks back at Jillian and Lionel, waiting to hear what they have to say.
Shira looked up in the sky as she walked through the streets of New York. It was starting to get dark but she didn't want to go home just yet. As she noticed fewer and fewer people on the sidewalk she chose, she stopped and looked around . . . She was lost. She didn't really recognized these streets. She'd never had a chance to fully explore the city before. After a moment of pondering what to do, she decided to continue walking until she could find someone to ask for directions. She looked around trying to memorize any landmarks she could find in case she ever come to this part of town again.

She then suddenly crashed into someone. The impact pushed her back enough to fall onto her behind. After getting up and brushing herself off, she looked up to see the brother from the park (Xander). Shira might've said sorry if the guy wasn't technically a stranger. She wasn't allowed to talk to strangers. The guy looked like he was in a bad mood as well and there were . . . sparks? coming out of his hand. She was a bit tempted to ask about it but then again he was a stranger. So she remained still and continued to stare at the light show coming from his palm.
Jillian thought about it and nodded at the pair. He was surprised by Cas's admittace of where he lived. He thought he might like to see it sometimes, but he didn't say this. Jillian actually felt his face warm a little at the thought. Oh great. He was getting a crush on Cas. And he probably didn't even know Jillian's true gender. Well Jillian didn't know that. So his sex. That he was biologically a male. But it didn't matter. Jillian didn't date after all.

"It's fine. Of course it is. I don't want to see you guys out there on the streets or something. If you want to come back with me and Lionel, you are more than willingly to do so." He smiled at them, glad that they had decided to come with them. He liked Ljonel's company well enough and the others there were fine, but he didn't have a lot of friends and he found he missed that in his life.

"Oh course it's safe," Jillian said, confused and concerned by Duck's words. Did something happen that made him feel like he would be unsafe there? "Don't worry. The shelter folks know what they are doing."


Chris couldn't take much more of this. It was almost insane in her opinion. Steven staying with them, Kat's insistance she wanted a relationship of some sort with him and Xander's relunctant to let that happen.

Chris had always felt an outsider in her family and she couldn't take much more of all of this. She felt like they were so close to snapping one of these days. Just exploding. She feared that day and hoped it never came, but they were far too messed up to let something like that pass.

She moved to the door and knocked on it, not sure why. Kat wouldn't talk to her. Wouldn't listen to her. Why bother?

" okay?"

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