Castouts (Accepting new characters)

*Steven looks down at Kyle and smiles at him patting the top of his head*

Steven: I'll be right back, I think I need to clear somethings up with your brother.

*Walking outside and looks for Xander and catches up with him quickly*

Hey listen, I'm not trying to step on your toes here, I get it...You're Alpha Wolf here and I seem like just some stranger with some quick fixes, after you've been doing everything to hold things together but look man to man, I'm not trying to make you feel not needed, I'm just trying to make people comfortable and help out, it's the least I can do since you're being cool and letting me stay here for a bit. Once my business is done with Calico then I promise you I'll be a ghost and leave your family alone. But since I'm being honest here, I used to really like your sister, yeah she was a couple of years younger then me, but something about her was...nice, I can't put my finger on it but now after all this time I see her again and I want to help her, I want to make up for not talking to her like I should have in high school.

And my offer to train you stands, maybe you don't need me to train you but I could always use someone to spar with, if you promise to go easy on me.
Julian looked at Duck again, not entirely convinced; it was his experience that it was in situations where everyone was certain it was safe that nothing at all was safe. And he himself, HE was a person they should all avoid, a person who was not safe...but it was also true that he could likely not continue to sleep outside on a park bench. And surely if this homeless shelter was crowded, if people watched you, they would be safe...and people would be safe from him.

He met Jillian's eyes only briefly before tearing them away, clearing his throat and blushing as he nodded jerkily.



Katarina had barely registered her sister's presence as she hurried past her, and she had not expected her to try to talk to her or ask her anything. She and Christina were not close, never had been...their relationship was awkward at best. She could not imagine Chris sitting with her and talking to her about either one of their feelings, or giving her a hug that Katarina had not forced on her. So when Chris knocks on the door, asking her if she's okay, Katarina's sobbing breaths catch in her throat, and she swallows several times, trying to stop her tears before they start. She can't let Chris see her like this, she can't let her know exactly how bad off she is and feels.

Chris can't see her even if she let her in the room, and she wouldn't know by looking at her how she felt. But if Katarina was crying or close to it, she'd hear it.

Katarina swallows again, furious when her voice is not as steady as she wants. The lie is obvious in her tone. "I'm...yeah."

Her eyes drift towards the tub, and slowly she moves to sit on its wall, placing the wrist that has not been rebruised by Steven against the faucet. She doesn't hit it yet, just presses it there, as if measuring it in some way.
Terabithia does not look to the older girl as she tells her that her sister got her punishment - for if she had she would have seen the blank look on her face - but simply nods, "That's good. I won't ever be mean, I promise." She now looks to Rikarah with a soft smile, "Because being mean doesn't do anybody any good, not even yourself. Plus, you'll make other people feel bad and then they might do something bad and then it'll be like a never, ending, cycle." She seems to think about the last three words, pausing inbetween as though she needs to remember them.

Terabithia listens silently and almost thoughtfully as Rikarah ponders over her question, feeling her smile grow with warmth as Rikarah calls her smart. This is a particularly nice change, as Natalia often tells Terabithia she is silly. So she decides Rikarah should know how good that makes her feel, "You really think I'm smart? Natalia says I'm silly a lot of the time."

Terabithia has her own time to think as Rikarah asks her where she'd wish to go and what she'd want to do, she frowns, stopping for a moment before her face lights up, "Can we go to the zoo! I've always wanted to see a real life monkey!" She beams up at the older girl, eyes hopeful.


Xander was deep in thought when he felt something small bump into him and then fall away from his person. He would have reached out to help her up - recognizing her as the girl from the park - but was scared he may shock her like he shocked Kat. When she looked to the light show in his hand, his eyes widened, "Oh sorry." He clenched his fist, hoping that would hide it. "Hey, you're Shira right? From the park earlier?" He offered her a smile, "I'm Xander, sorry about my sister, she's just---" Before he can finish Steven has run up, he can't help but glare at the guy.

"Yeah sure, whatever. I never said you couldn't stay." He then paused as he goes on to say he likes Katarina. Xander's fists clenched. He stepped closer, forgetting Shira was there for a moment as he glared at Steven, "Look. I'm cool with you being here, even glad that you're gonna help Kyle. But you so much as look at my sister in the wrong way and I'll find a way to kill you. Got that?" He ground his words out, "She's been through too much sh*t in her life to have some guy come along and mess with her mind, and if you hurt my sister it won't matter that you can heal."

Before he could explode the guy's face from anger, Xander turned around and for some reason grabbed Shira's wrist, pulling her away. No idea why.

Once they were far away from Steven, he suddenly realized he had pulled the girl with him and he let go, eyes wide, "Oh sorry Shira. No idea why I just did that." He looked back, then looked at her. She had a big brother, maybe she understood why Xander acted so stupidly, "Hey, where's your brother?" He asks with a frown, maybe getting another guy's - even if it was someone he had barely met - perspective would help him.
Shira raised an eyebrow at contemplation when the boy said her name. How the hell did he know who she was? She then realized that Cas had introduced her to the twins in the park earlier. She then learned his name, Xander. At least she was able to speak up now that she knew who he was. Xander had begun to apologize for his sister when another guy showed up. This one she wasn't familiar with.

She silently listened as the latest arrival talked to Xander. He seemed to be apologizing to him which was odd because the new guy was bigger than Xander, yet he metaphorically bowed his head to him. She heard the name Calico. It was a name she heard quite a lot on the streets but she never heard about who this Calico was or why he was named after a cat. Her attention was piqued when she heard the new person's offer to train Xander and something about sparring. These two were going to fight each other? That was certainly interesting. She also heard something about Kat going through sh*t as Xander had put it. She wasn't at all surprised. The girl tried to come onto Cas of all people. She must've been screwed up in the head.

Her train of thought was cut short when Xander grabbed her wrist and literally dragged her off somewhere. She wondered if this was one of those kidnappings she had heard of. Odd way of kidnapping. Anyone who walked by could easily see herself being pulled away. He soon stopped, let her go, and promptly started apologizing for doing so. "It's okay, I guess." This was a very strange kidnapping if it was one. Xander then asked about Cas' whereabouts. Shira shrugged. "I don't know. He never came back home from the park."
*Steven backs away from Xander, not knowing how to make this situation better he turns his attention to getting ready for work tonight, he looks at his phone for the text telling him where tonight's rave is. Going back to his car he grabs a bag with a shaving kit in it and walks back to his room, where Kyle is still standing there waiting.*

Kyle: Is everything ok? Where did Xander go?

Steven: Don't worry about Kyle everything is fine, listen I'm gonna be gone for a bit but I'll come back like I promised and help you out..Your brother is right I shouldn't be talking to your sister or anything since I'll be leaving as soon as my business with Calico is done.


*Kyle, doesn't wait for an answer he rushes out and runs as fast as he can to catch up with Xander.*

Rikarah thinks carefully about her words before she replies to Terabithia, squeezing her hand lightly. Her face is composed, without much emotion, but her words are kind in tone. "Well, Terabithia, I do not know that I believe that in full. Being bad is certainly not a good thing, and a person should never be bad to another person who has not been bad to them. But if someone is bad to you, or to others who do not deserve their bad behavior, sometimes it is necessary and even good to defend yourself back against them, or the person who does not deserve their badness. You see, Terabithia...if, for example, I saw that someone were hurting you and you had not hurt them, I would certainly do what I needed to stop them, yes? It would be wrong of me if I did not."

It is in this line of thinking she has sincerely convinced herself of the goodness of her own actions to harm people.

"I think you're very smart," she tells her genuinely. "I think you are the smartest person of your age I know, and you are much smarter than many ten times as old as you are. I am not sure that the zoo is open now, Terabithia, it is getting late, see? The sun is going down. But..."

She thinks, then says with a growing smile,"Would Natalia be terribly angry if we snuck in?"
Chris did not believe her sister. She knew that because of their relationship, Kat would be less than willing to share than she normally would, which would not be all that much anyways, but she was not stupid. Chris could tell something was wrong and it most likely was due to the Steven situation. Chris bit her lower lip, wondering if she should even waste the energy in getting Kat to talk. She could just leave and she was sure Kat wouldn't mind or care. It wasn't the first time Chris had thought of running away from her family, both before and after the fire. There was always different reasons, but in the end, no matter what, Chris stayed.

"Okay. I'll...I'll be in the room if you need me."

What else could she say? Nothing came to the young teen's mind and she walked away from the door.
It's not at all that Katarina wants Chris to leave her alone, not really. What she doesn't want is for Chris to be burdened by her, or for her to feel like she has to care for her or comfort her. She doesn't want to NEED that care or comfort...she wants to be able to simply gain control of her feelings and her actions with grace and dignity, and no help or need for anyone to be there as she does. But this seems impossible, for she feels helpless to her own emotions now...she feels completely unable to calm on her own.

Kyle seems to be transferring the admiration he felt towards her, the desire to confide in her alone, over to Steven now, and with good cause. Steven is older and more capable, he has powers and seems to have impressive control, and he can help Kyle, probably reassure Kyle as she never could. Chris has never been helped by her or wanted to be close to her...Steven couldn't possibly be interested in her after all that...and Xander...well she knew what Xander thought now.

Yeah, she was definitely screwed over, and it was her own fault.

When Katarina's tears began, she pressed the palm of one hand against her eyes, taking in slow breaths as she forced herself to remain as quiet as possible, not wanting Chris to hear. With her other hand, eyes closed, she slowly began to hit the faucet, slow, steady, rhythmic, and as softly as she could make it while still giving some force to it.

(I wonder if Chris knows this about her? Jeez, kinda hoping something will happen to improve the Kat situation soon lol, this is depressing :P )
(I think Chris might have some ideas that Kat is doing something, but she never thought to find out)

Chris could hear noises from the bathroom and this troubled her. As much as she pushed her family away, deep down she still cared. And Kat was still her older sister. She moved to the door and gently pushed on it. She felt it resist, showing it had been locked. But Chris has learned enough about this house and other things, able to pick it fairly easily. She then opened it enough to let her power go and see what might be happening.

When she sensed the movements her sister was making, she opened the door more and shook her head. "Don't lie to me."

Shira spotted another stranger approaching her or rather he was heading towards Xander. The kid was about her age give or take a year. He was then yelling at Xander. This kid was either Xander's family member or some neighbor or something. Either way, he knew Xander. But no matter how much you know someone, you shouldn't interrupt when other people are talking to them. That's rude. She got a bit ticked off. The air around her picked up a strange chill and her skin became cold to the touch, not that anyone at the moment could tell without direct contact.

Shira was pissed off at being interrupted to the point where she broke her rule about talking to strangers. She walked over to the new kid and smacked him in the back of the head. "Shut up. I was here first. Wait your turn." She then turned to Xander and opened her mouth to say something. "I've got nothing else to say." She then stepped to the side to allow the kid to continue yelling at Xander.
When the door creaks open, Katarina freezes, her wrist against the faucet, the sleeve rolled up, the bruises, cuts, scrapes, and scars along its skin clear for anyone to see. Of course Chris cannot see it, but Katarina knows from her expression, her tone as well as her words, the way her face is turned in Katarina's direction, that she probably has an idea of what is going on. was she supposed to explain this to her, make this seem okay, when it wasn't, when she couldn't even explain why she does this to herself?

Lowering her head, her brings her arm in slowly to cradle in against her chest, hunching over it almost protectively, as though to block it from her sister's view. She thins her lips, ducking her head to wipe one cheek against her shoulder, as she says finally, her voice unsteady, "'s not...I know it's not something you understand, and it's not...I don't want this. I"m sorry. Just...I'm sorry...that I'm failing you."

Several more tears emerge from her eyes then and she wipes them quickly, trying to breathe in slowly through her nose.
Lionel nodded. Jillian was right on all accounts, though Duck and Julian joining them at the shelter made the young teen feel a little uneasy. He didn't know them that well and it was just...a little too soon, he guessed. Besides his powers....what if he did something in his sleep and they saw? Lionel didn't want to think about that.

But he brighten when Cas spoke of where he lived. "Really? That sounds awesome! I want to see it...if that's okay, that is."
Chris wasn't sure what to say now that she was in here confronting her sister. Was she suppose to say stop whatever it was she was doing to herself? Was she suppose to be the older sister for right now? Chris had never played this part, except for a few times with Alice. She wasn't sure what to do.

Almost unconsciously, she moved a hand over her scars as she thought of what to say. " aren't failing me. I am doing that all by myself" Chris said. She moved a little closer. "You do so much for us and you put up with me and Kyle and even Xander at times. It's no one's fault that our family is so screwed up. Well maybe our parents." Chris felt that it was their fault. If they weren't so horrible to them, none of this would have probably happened.

"And no I don't understand, but...I don't know what to tell you Kat." Chris threw up her arms in a "I give up" motion. "Just...don't...hurt yourself because of it."
Julian notices the brief discomfort coming over Lionel's features when it is definitively decided that he and Duck will be joining the young teen and his brother at the shelter. He bites the inside of his cheeks again, ducking his head, and nervously smoothes his hand over the front of his pant leg repeatedly, swallowing. Was Lionel not happy with the thought of him joining them? Did he want to keep them separate from himself and Jillian as much as possible? Or did Lionel like Jillian himself, or notice that Julian...

Was Lionel jealous? Did he see the way Julian was looking at Jillian and think that he was zoning in on Lionel's guy? Or had he sensed something was strange about Julian, that he wasn't normal and not just because of his shyness and odd behaviors...did he know that something was WRONG?

But then Lionel was showing enthusiasm at Cas's description of his living quarters, and displaying no sign of his earlier discomfort. Still, Julian offered, "Maybe...we don't have...Duck and me...w-we can st-stay in a different room, or s-something. If you want."


Katarina sniffed, rubbing at her eyes again with the palm of one hand, and then steepled her fingertips against her temples, closing her eyes. This was something that had never occurred before...Chris speaking to her in this way, trying in her own way to help her, reassure her. There was still distance between them, both physically and emotionally, but her sister could have just taken her at her word, taken the easy way out, and left her alone in the bathroom. She could have pretended not to know what she was doing, though Katarina still wasn't sure how she had figured it out. She could have left their room entirely.

But Chris was trying. She was standing there, and she was saying, with seeming honesty, that she wasn't blaming Katarina for being how she was. That Katarina wasn't failing them. Katarina absorbed this, letting it settle as a weight against her chest, and wiped the few more tears that came, taking in a shuddery breath, before moving from the tub wall to sit on the closed toilet seat.

Chris didn't want her to hurt herself. She knew Xander didn't, but somehow it seemed to mean more coming from Chris, who had never been close to her. Somehow, it felt just a little better to know that she cared too.

"Sorry," she repeated again quietly. "It's just...I feel like I have to...or it will be worse. Sometimes."

Slowly she stands, intending to move past Chris to sit or lie on her bed. She is tired now, almost drained.
Terabithia seems to listen with some understanding as Rikarah tries to explain to her why sometimes, only sometimes, being bad can be acceptable. She nods lightly at first, "Yeah, I kinda get that. Like, if somebody was hurting Blue, and she couldn't do anything about it, then I would have to hurt the bad guy so that they would leave Blue alone."

She smiles at the older girl, "Blue did that once for me, we was running from a guy 'cause Blue took some moneys from him so we could have dinner, and the guy grabbed me and was telling me he was gonna take me away to the police and then Blue hit the guy over the head with this rock and then he passed out and we kept on running."

Her smile grows wider as she is told by Rikarah that she is indeed very smart, even smarter than some people who are ten times her age. "Does that mean I'm smarter than somebody who's 60? 'Cause I'm 6 and I know that 6 times 10 is 60, because you just add the zero onto the end."

When the suggestion of sneaking in is offered, her face seems to light up, and the possibility that they may get caught, that sneaking into the zoo is a bad thing to do, doesn't cross her mind. She bounces slightly as she answers, "Oooh! Can we do that! I really wanna do that now! I don't think Blue would be mad, 'cause we always sneak into places, like sometimes we sneak into the swimming pool bit to have showers and stuff."


Xander smiled at Shira, "Would you mind if I went with you to find him? I just need some time away from my famil--" Yet again, he is interrupted before he can finish speaking, this time by a psychotic Kyle. He glares at the younger, and watches as Shira hits him in the back of the head - if someone else had done it, he would have got pissed off at them. But Shira was a young girl, probably younger than Kyle by the looks of it, so he let it slide.

He then turned to his little brother, his fists are clenched but now more visible blue sparks are appearing and disappearing around and on his fists. "Before I ruin everything?" He grinds out words. What is it today with him getting mad at his siblings? Infact, it had only happened since Steven showed up. "I told the assh*le that he could stay, so I don't know why you're shouting at me." He glances to Shira, "Not to mention I'm in the middle of a conversation Kyle." He then looks back at his little brother, and shakes his head, "Plus Kyle, you're not one to talk to ME about ruining stuff." He spits out the words before he can think what he is saying, and once he realizes, his eyes widen and then they narrow again, whatever, it's been said now. "Whatever Kyle, why don't you go hang out with your new best bud Steven? Oh, and while he's at it why doesn't Kat just make out with him and oh, I bet he'll even somehow magically fix Chris's blindness!" He glared at his younger brother, a spark flying out from his hand and vanishing as it hits the floor, "Looks like you guys don't need me anymore. I'm sure Steven will do a much better job at protecting you than I ever have."

Without waiting to hear any more, without even dragging Shira with him this time, he stalks off in the direction of the park - where he last saw Castiel - his hands now fully sparking out with his anger. He does however, call back, "You coming Shira?" Just so she knows she can if she wants.

(Oh dear, looks like someone's feeling replaced! *Huggles Xander*)
Duck tried to calm his nerves, he tried to trust Jillian's reassurance. She had only been nice to him, and since both Jillian and Lionen look safe, the place must be safe. Thought it had been a similar situation at the adoption center, which was probably why it never closed down. Kids were taught not to oppose those inner systems, put on a facade of a safe place. Duck shook off the thought.

"Ok... Thanks Jill..." He hopes he can trust her, but no matter where he went he didn't know for sure how safe he was going to be. He was still a bit wary, but there was no harm in trying. If he didn't like it, he could probably leave.

Then to the side of Jillian, Lionel seemed to be uneasy about something as well. This made his stomach turn a bit. He had been pretty quiet, but stuck with Jillian, which scared him of the other people. He tried to keep those feelings to himself again, hoping the boy wasn't going through a traumatic experience like he once did.

Once Julian began to speak. Speak about staying in different rooms for Jillian and Lionel. This whole time he thought they would all stay in one large single room, but probably not, so he nodded to Julian's statement. That's how it was at the adoption center, how it was at the park, with the exception of that the park was an open space. "Yeah.. different rooms. Haha, I'll be fine if I have this guy watching my back..." He states half-joking. He began to trust Julian a bit more, lately.

"Anyways, can I have the address? Well... maybe where it's close to, too." He asks Jillian, turning to Julian. "I want to go back to ...'work'" Really he wanted to say goodbye to the park. It had been home for the short time he's been there. He tried to convey to Julian his intentions, since they've been decent at signaling at each other as of late.
Shira was a bit shocked at Xander yelling at the boy. It was typical for a kid to yell at those bigger than him, but when it was the other way around it seemed mean. A lot of the things Xander had said only confused her because she didn't know enough of their background to understand. A bit intimidated by the blue sparks that returned, she kept her mouth shut. As Xander stormed off, Shira looked back to the kid. She rummaged through the pockets of her hoodie and pulled out a few caramel candies. Feeling a bit sorry for the kid, she took his hand and put the candies in his palm. Sweets always made her feel better when she had a nightmare or hurt herself.

She then ran after Xander to the park to find her brother. After she caught up to him, she asked, "Do you know him?" It wasn't a habit of hers to pry into other people's business but she wanted to know if Xander's rant was justified.

Cas laughed loudly and then pet Lionel's head. "Sure. You can visit anytime. Any of you can. We're kind of friends now, aren't we?" He looked up at the darkening sky. It was about time for him to be heading home. Any later and the food would go cold. He smiled and waved to the group. "I guess I should go now or Shira will kill me." He then headed back to the theater. When he arrived to the forgotten building, he noted how quiet it was. His newest housemates must be out. Walking into the building, he headed straight to the room he and Shira shared. He was thinking of finding a new room soon though. She was growing up and would need her space.

When he entered, he didn't see her there. He looked in the main stage area. No Shira. She wasn't on the roof or in the catwalk either. He searched the entire theater but found nothing. He then started panicking. Where could she be? He ran outside and began calling her name while running down random streets. He didn't bother going down to the park or near it yet.
"That was very good of Natalia, Terabithia," Rikarah says to her as she continues to walk with her, still letting the child lightly swing their joined hands. "That is exactly what I mean. Someone was being cruel to you, and so she had to do something cruel to them as well to protect you. But you see, Terabithia, that means that what Natalia did to him is not cruel at all. It would have been worse for her to have let him take you. That is what would have been cruel. She was good to protect you."

She lightly tweaks Terabithia's nose. "Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. You are smarter than someone who is sixty. I am very impressed with you do not even need school, do you? Let me tell you a secret, Terabithia. I did not finish school either. I had no need for it. I knew as much and even more than those who thought they could teach me. I suspect that this is your situation as well."

At Terabithia's enthused response to her suggestion of their sneaking into the zoo, Rikarah smiles, squeezing her hand. "Then that is what we will do. Hurry, Terabithia, let's go now."

She quickened her pace, beginning the somewhat lengthy trek; it was nearly fifteen blocks away, and she was unsure of how used the younger girl was to walking, as well as whether she would be able to carry her if needed.


When Duck turns to Julian, asking him with seemingly meaningful tone about going to work, Julian looks at him blankly for a few moments, not understanding. Their "work" was in the park...and weren't they done for the day? Why did Duck want to go back to the park if they'd just decided they were staying at the shelter?

He figured though that Duck must have left something, or had his reasons in some way for wanting to return, and so he nodded and agreed with his, adjusting his guitar strap over his shoulder.

"Um, yeah...w-work. S-so...I guess...we'll see you at the sh-shelter? The one a f-few blocks away?"

He smiled, even as he blushed, at Duck's statement that Julian would watch his back. Duck seemed to trust him...why did this make him feel so good when he should feel so bad?
Xander looks to see Shira has indeed followed him, and he offered her an almost weary smile, "Yeah, sorry about that." He sighed, sticking his hands in his pockets, "He's actually my little brother." He sighs, "That's kind of what I want to speak to your brother about actually, I mean, I know I don't actually know him." He spares her a glance, grinning lightly, "Or you for that matter." He looks back to the street ahead, still heading for the park. "But, he might be able to help me. He seems to do a pretty good job of looking after you, and I've got two sister and one brother to look after."

He looks to her with a weak smile, "It gets a bit tough. Looking after all three of them." He looks down, "That's why I shouted at my brother back there, he's just hard to handle sometimes, he's always arguing with almost everything I say, and he doesn't really understand me that well." He grins, "Oh gosh, look at me, unloading my issues onto you."

He looks up at the sky, "How about a more light topic? Lovely stars we're having tonight aren't they?" He grinned back at her, finding his own joke about the 'weather' rather amusing.


Terabithia nods, "Yeah. I think that's okay. To be bad to someone if you're protecting somebody else, or even yourself. 'Cause it's not fair to let somebody be bad to somebody who's good."

The young girl giggles lightly as Rikarah tweaks her nose, nodding happily at the mention of not needing school. When the older tells her she is going to reveal a secret, Terabithia looks around, just to check no-one is listening in on their private secret before listening to Rikarah eagerly. When Rikarah reveals she has infact not finished school, Terabithia gasps, "Really? But you're really smart Rikarah! You might even be smarter than a teacher." Her grin widens, "Ooo! That could be a good job! I think you'd be a really good teacher!"

She seems pleased that she has given Rikarah this brilliant career idea, and skips along as they 'hurry' She doesn't seem like she will become tired at any point, and you can see why as she speaks, "Oh! Do we get to walk lots!! I'm really good at walking lots, 'cause me and Blue had to walk for ages, sometimes even for days when we needed to find a new place to sleep."
Shira looked back when Xander said the boy was his younger brother. "Cas never talks to me like that." Her brother was pretty strict when it came to her and he could be a fuddy duddy sometimes but he never yelled at her. Even when she made fun of him. Was this Xander weird or was she the weird one? She then raised an eyebrow when Xander commented on Cas. "What are you talking about? I'm wandering around lost late at night. How is this a good job?"

She continued to listen as Xander seemed to let out his feelings. So he had another sister. That must be who Chris was, the blind one. From what Shira had seen or heard about his siblings, it must've been hard on him. Cas had enough problems with her alone, what if they're were three of her and they all had the same issues Xander's family had? She had no idea why Xander was telling her all this. She was a stranger and a 14 year old girl. What advice could she offer? Maybe he had been holding it all back. Cas often told her that being a big brother meant that you weren't allowed to be selfish. Feeling pity for him, she took out a caramel from her pocket and held it out to Xander.

As Xander commented on the stars, she looked up at the sky. The clouds of the day had gone and she could see the stars now. They were certainly pretty. "I guess." Then she realized that they were at the park. She knew the way home from here. "Follow me." She then led Xander back to the theater.

Meanwhile, Cas had given up his fruitless search and stood outside the old building, hoping that Shira would just come back on her own. He paced back and forth until he saw Shira walk up. HE charged for her and instantly picked her up. "You had me worried. Where were you?!"

Shira pointed to Xander. "With him. I got lost."

Cas looked at Xander. It was Kat's brother. He was glad Shira was with someone whose face he knew but Xander was still a stranger. He held Shira back just in case. "Thank you for bringing her home."
Chris shifted. She wasn't sure what was going on with her sister, but then again, she had never sought to find out much. But her sister's words just sounded...wrong she guessed. Chris had always wondered how her siblings dealt with it all. Chris knew she pulled back, away from people, from her family. She shut herself away from people, just as she did that first month. Only she talked and ate now. She wasn't the zombie she was, but she was sure she wasn't much better than one.

Chris had thought that Kat did something, but she was never sure what it was. Now that she knew, it made her feel uncomfortable with her sister. Still Chris meant what she said. She didn't want Kat to hurt herself. It was wrong and to Chrisina, cowardy.

"I...Okay. It's just.." Chris wasn't sure what to say to this. She reached out as if to stop Kat, but she pulled away, letting her hand trail down her sister's arm before falling to her side. "I just don't think you should have to do that Kat."


Jillian waved goodbye to Cas and then turned back to the other two. He didn't notice Lionels' uncomfortableness but if he did, he would have chalked it up to not being good with people. Lionel was kind of shy in some regards or to Jillian he was. He didn't know too much about his past either, but he knew Lionel's home life wasn't easy either.

"No you can stay with us. The rooms are large enough to hold at least eight people, though there isn't a lot of room. But it's your choice," Jillian said. He didn't see the problem. "And yeah." He told them the address then nodded at Duck.

"We'll meet you there."
"Thank you, Terabithia," Rikarah says as the child smiles up at her, again reaching down to ruffle her hair. "I have always thought that I am an excellent teacher myself. One whose students eventually do learn their lesson well."

Anyone else older and less trusting than Terabithia may have noticed an ominous quality to her tone, but her expression and voice remained pleasant as she spoke. At Terabithia's next question about walking, Rikarah nodded.

"Yes, we certainly will. I am glad you are so used to walking, because that is what we will have to do."

Rikarah is very alert to their surroundings and any people who may draw close as she and Terabithia walk. She keeps Terabithia on her inside, with her own body closer to the road, and is careful to avert her eyes or head when another passes, or even when a car drives by. She keeps hold of Terabithia's hand.

When they finally come up on the entrance gates of the zoo, Rikarah studies them; there are no guards, but she is sure that there are cameras and motion detectors. Looking down at Terabithia, she smiles.

"Terabithia, there is a situation we must first remedy."

Going up to each camera in turn, she continues to keep her face averted from their lens, glad that it is growing dark. She turns her body in such a way that Terabithia will be blocked from seeing what she is doing as she slips the knife down her wrist. Its blade is extremely sharp when retracted, and she stabs it into the camera lens, breaking the glass. Slipping it back into her sleeve, she then cuts the wires of the motion detector, still turning her body so Terabithia will not see. She replaces the knife in her sleeve before turning back to Terabithia and smiling.

"We can go now. Do you need a boost climbing the fence?"


"I shouldn't HAVE to... I know," Katarina said softly in response to Chris's statement, biting her lower lip. "I know. But I do. I'm sorry...I just do, Chris."

She can see even as little as she's trying to look at her sister that Christina is unsure of how to respond, of what to do or say, and Katarina can hardly blame her for that. She shouldn't HAVE to do or say anything, she shouldn't be in this situation. She shouldn't have to worry about Katarina or trying to comfort Katarina or doing ANYTHING for Katarina...Katarina should be doing that for her. Katarina had her eyes. Katarina was the oldest. Katarina was supposed to be the one who had it all together, or at least could fake it well...

And then Chris was touching her, of her own volition...touching her arm. Its skin was covered by her sleeve now, but still, the fact that she would do it, that she would be willing, choked Katarina's throat, forcing her to briefly close her eyes. Impulsively she reached out, taking hold of Chris's hand and squeezing.

"Everyone knows," she said quietly. "I never wanted...Chris, I'm sorry."

After a few moments, she added, her tone a little shaky, "Xander's pissed about Steven...but he's going to help Kyle. He already did. And Kyle likes him, and...he likes me. We need him, Chris. We need him to help Kyle, and...Chris, it's good if he likes me, you understand, right? He needs reasons to stay."


Eight people in one room...that part, Julian wasn't sure he liked. Eight people close to him, eight people who would be there witnessing if he woke up gasping and crying, or screaming...eight people who would hear him if he talked in his sleep...who might immediately know exactly what he had done.

And the longer he stayed around the others...around Jillian...the more he was dreading their finding out. The more he was beginning to realize that he didn't want them to...and that was dangerous.

Julian said nothing, only opened and closed his hands nervously, his palms sweating as he turned slightly towards Duck. Maybe...maybe it was time he told Duck, tried to explain. But no...what if Duck hated him too? What No, this had to stay a secret. This had to...this was his sin, his burden to carry.

He couldn't take that risk.
Xander shrugs as she says Cas never talks to her how he just talked to Kyle, "I guess it's different with little brothers. I never speak to my little sister Chris like how I just spoke to Kyle. Kyle...he's..different." He manages to murmur out, he can't tell the girl of his little brother's power, he couldn't tell her that Kyle technically killed his little sister, or that he blinded Chris, or that Xander has issues identifying with Kyle because of all this. Even though Kyle is the youngest, to Xander, he should be more responsible, simply because he's a boy, and if something were to ever happen to Xander, then Kyle would be the 'man' of the family.

And Kyle simply isn't ready for that. Infact, after how Xander acted today, he isn't even sure if he's ready to be the man of the family - he now, for a while. Even when they were staying with their parents, Xander was still the man of the family, because in his eyes, his dad was never a man because men simply didn't hit women - let alone their own kids.

But he can't say any of this to the fourteen year old girl - pratically a stranger - who is walking beside him, and he chuckles as she tells him that Cas may not be doing a good job because she is alone at night. "Well, that may be true, but considering what two of my siblings almost did today, I'd say he's doing a MUCH better job than I am." He doesn't want to think of how Kyle almost got shot today - and he wasn't there to save him. STEVEN was. He also doesn't want to think of how Katarina had almost sold herself today - and how he knew it wasn't the first time.

When the girl offered him a caramel, he smiled and took it, popping the sweet into his mouth as she declared she knew where she was going and that he should follow her. He smiled lightly as they reached their destination and Cas instantly swept his little sister up into a hug. Why couldn't he do that with Chris? Probably because he knew she'd feel awkward.

Xander nodded still with a smile as he was thanked. Now that he was here, he had no idea how to ask Cas the question that had been on his mind, he realized, with disappointment, that he didn't even know the guy. But when he looked up, finally noticing their surroundings, he frowned lightly, "You guys live here?" He looked back to them, glad he had found a way of starting conversation.

But still...if they did live here. Homeless. Maybe it would be easier to ask the guy how to handle younger siblings, because that would mean their situations were more similar than Xander had originally thought. Both homeless and both trying to look after someone else.


Terabithia, being as sweet and innocent as she is, doesn't hear anything ominious or even double-layered in Rikarah's words, and smiles as her hair is ruffled, not bothering to set it straight once more.

"I can run too." She simply states once Rikarah reveals they will indeed be walking a while, a joyful smile remaining on her face as they walk through streets. She doesn't notice any of Rikarah's precautions, simply watching her own surroundings but with more of a intrigued expression than a worried or nervous one. She looks to the stars for a moment, and comments on how pretty they are to Rikarah.

Once they reach the zoo, Terabithia watches as Rikarah seems to walk over to a few cameras. She can't see what the girl is doing, but she has a good guess as she smiles lightly and nods in response to her question about needing a boost, "Yeah, I'm too short to get over by my self. Oo, were you doing what Blue does sometimes? Sometimes she cuts the wire of a camera thingy in a shop so that we won't get caught or anything. Only in good shops though, 'cause most shops that Blue takes stuff from aren't that good anyway."

To her, cutting the wire of a camera isn't at all a bad thing, Natalia always told her it was necessary to keep them safe. And doing something bad is also okay to Terabithia when it is only being done to keep herself and others safe. She speaks hurriedly after this, her expression slightly worried, as though she doesn't want Rikarah to think bad of her or Natalia, "We don't do it to be mean though. Blue says we gotta cut the wires or else we could get caught and then I'd have to go to the social people and Blue would have to go to the police. So it's not bad. We're not bad for doing it."
Julian must've totally understood his signal, and this lightened up Duck's face a bit more. It's been a long time since he's felt familiar to someone, at least someone that wasn't his mom. Then while Cas left, he felt a bit astranged by his words. '...friends'? They were already friends? Duck thought it would take much more than that to be friends, so it confused him for a bit. Jillian was a sweet person, but doesn't mean they're friends, Julian and him had connected, that doesn't mean they're friends... right?

While he was a little distracted, Duck was able to get Jillan's directions. There was a little bit reassurance also, when Julian sounded like he knew where it was. He was less likely to get lost, now. He smiled and nodded at Jillian, also Duck made sure not to forget his food this time by grabbing it quickly. He walked away, finally splitting ways, waving with a smile at the kind girl and the quiet younger boy.

As he looked towards Julian, wanting to admit why he didn't want to follow Jillian immediately to the shelter, he noticed the boy had this troubled look on his face. "Hey..." He lightly tapped the boy's arm, "I'm scared to.. of being in a shelter... I've been to one before.. wasn't the best experience." He didn't realize what he had said, what he just admitted. Inside he began to yell at himself, trying to recover, "I mean... ... I-I've seen them before. What they look like...and stuff. Big open space, the kids don't seem to like each other, the care lady looked like a witch." He tried his best not to reveal his past too much. Duck was telling a lie, but it was more of a half lie.

Duck continued with what he was trying to say, "But I'm sure we'll stay out of trouble if we stick together." He felt a little embarassed saying those words, but he knew Julian was too much of a wimp by himself. Yet, deep inside, Julian just kept feeling more and more familiar, like the time they spent together were similar to the moments he spent with his mother. It made his face burn red; the thought was too weird.

He shook it off with a coughed, trying to return his original thoughts. "A-Anyways... T-this might sound stupid. But ... I want to sing a few songs in the park.. I want to say good-bye. I-I mean it's not like we're leaving it forever, just that we're not sleeping there anymore. Plus.. I have a few songs in mind... You don't have to join me, I'm not trying to draw a crowd or get cash. Just want to leave on a good note."

Duck didn't understand why he was muttering so much. Then again, it really has been a long time since he's talked this much to anyone. Julian probably thought he was wierd or something, saying good-bye to a park. Hopefully the boy never noticed him saying 'hello' to the moon. Duck really hoped Julian could join him, though, glancing at the guitar case on the boy's back. It would make Duck's singing a bit more meaningful, with Julian's guitar skills. He wouldn't admit it though, since he was usually jealous of that skill.

Suddenly the street lamps turned on, even though it was still pretty well lit outside. This made Duck walk just a little bit faster, sort of rushed to get to that spot he wanted to go to.
Terabithia is more insightful and streetsmart than Rikarah had expected in regards to her comments about how Rikarah is allowing for them to be let inside the zoo, and Rikarah turns back to her, looking at her thoughtfully. While the child is still young and innocent, it seems, at least from what she is observed, that she is that rare combination of easily molded and yet also shrewd and intelligent. In other words, perfect for Rikarah's interests, as well as a sweet and interesting child in her own right.

"Yes, Terabithia, I am doing something very like that," she tells her, though she does not specify what. "And no, I do not believe you are bad for what you and Natalia must do to protect yourself and your welfare. Remember our talk?"

She held her hands for Terabithia to step into, then hoisted her up tall enough for her to be able to climb the rest of the way up the fence herself. Then she scaled the fence herself and lightly dropped to the other side, holding out her arms for Terabithia to help her down the rest of the way as needed. Once she was beside her, she smiled at her again, taking her hand.

"Nicely done,, which animal would you like to see first?"


Julian jumps slightly when Duck taps his arm, quickly withdrawing it closer in towards his side, swallowing hard as Duck continues to speak. It takes him a few minutes to really listen enough to hear that Duck is speaking of homeless shelters, that it appears that he has lived in one before, and had a bad experience. Then what makes Duck want to return to one now?

And that is when the boy says they'll stay out of trouble if they stick together...and as much as Julian wants to recoil from that proposition, to keep to himself, where he feels it's safer, what he deserves...he has to admit that there is probably some truth to Duck's words. By himself, Julian has always felt himself to be five minutes from death or mugging every time he tries to lay down for the night, and he has never truly been able to rest at all. But with Duck...maybe he can be safe. Maybe he can even help protect Duck...

In his mind he is screaming at himself what is he doing, how can he let himself continue to draw closer to this boy, to Jillian and the other boys...but not enough to back down.

Duck explains that he wants to say goodbye to the park, that he wants to sing, and as Julian looks at him, startled by this sentimental thought, he is surprised to find that the idea appeals to him. The park has been his home, and as intimidating as he had often found it, he does feel a bit odd about leaving it behind without some sort of acknowledgment that he was doing so. Hesitantly he smiles at Duck, then nods.

"Um, yeah...I, I like that idea. I can...I c-can play guitar. If you want."

As Duck quickens his pace, Julian follows, almost jogging to keep up.

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