Castouts (Accepting new characters)

"Yes," Rikarah says steadily, unemotionally, continuing to hold Natalia's gaze. "That is what happened."

She can feel the same odd scrabbling sensation in her head, and she fights to tighten the shields of her mind, to keep any thoughts from being able to be seen...was it possible that Natalia not only could control shadows, but also read thoughts as Rikarah could? How strong of an empath or telepath was she...what was she seeing?

Rikarah was still too weakened to be able to tell how far into her thoughts Natalia was getting, and she reacted with defensive retaliation, both attempting to tighten her shields and also attempting to enter Natalia's thoughts herself, hoping that by doing so it would effectively knock her from her own mind. She couldn't let her see, she couldn't let her know one thing about herself that she didn't want Natalia to was more than an invasion of her privacy, it could be dangerous to her.

It was a bad decision to try so soon to expend energy with her power, but Rikarah did so anyway, putting all her effort into pushing Natalia out, into penetrating her thoughts as well. It did not work as well as in the case of the men at the zoo. She saw only flashes of images that did not connect into a scene. A group of adolescent girls, their age or perhaps a bit younger, shouting and shoving in a school hallway, then outside on a sidewalk, namecalling, kicking her in the side, the rage and pain in Natalia's eyes as she struggles back against them. A man flashing a knowing, lustful look in Natalia's direction as Natalia tried to slip past him in a narrow apartment hallway, the way his lips curved as she passed. A man that Rikarah realized was her father, slamming a door...and then a woman she realized to be her mother, coming at her fast with a manic gleam in her eye, a knife held high in hand.

She does not realize she has either withdrawn or been ejected from Natalia's mind until she finds herself slumped back against the wall, breathing shallowly, her face again pallid and strained as Rikarah struggles to stay conscious. She does not understand Natalia's question or its meaning until several moments after it has been spoken, and then she tries to sit up, alert, though still unable to quite control her movements.

What had she seen? What did she know?

"My name," she says firmly, though her voice is hoarse, "is Rikarah." It is clear that this is the end of the subject with her; Susannah is no longer who she identifies as. She meets Natalia's eyes as if challenging her to argue the point.

(lol thanks Jo...I don't know what you're talking about though, your writing is always very impressive)
Natalia as she comes back, feels the same odd sensation in her head, as if someone - no - as if RIKARAH - is inside her head and she becomes alert instantly, if she just saw Rikarah's memories, could Rikarah see hers too? She gives herself no time to think about how any of this is even possible, it's not logical at all, as she tries to throw up some sort of barrier, some sort of shield to stop Rikarah from seeing anything of her past at all. She obviously doesn't know Rikarah has already seen quite a bit, but it seems to work for the girl slumps back against the wall; looking like death itself.

She simply blinks at the girl as she speaks, eyes confused, "But, in that...that..." She waves her hands as if that will help her find a word, "Whatever it was..they...your family, they called you Susannah." Her eyes narrow suspiciously and she speaks in a low tone now, just in case anyone is snooping around, "What the heck just happened Rikarah." She shows her intention to drop the name subject as she calls the girl by the name she prefers, "Did you just see into my mind? Because I KNOW I just saw into yours." She frowns, looking down as she mutters, "How is that even possible?" Her eyes shoot back up to meet Rikarah's, "It's not possible! just happened!"

She groans suddenly, putting a hand to her head as it throbs with swarms of confused thoughts, "And...those shadows earlier.." She looks at Rikarah almost accusingly, "What the heck is happening to me? It only started when you came along!"

(Aw, poor confused little Natalia. You actually summed up all those flashes perfectly, better than I would have even imagined how those events played out, 'specially the bit with Natalia's mum's boyfriend. And thanks! :D )
(what happened to Xander? lol)

Natalia had seen her family...that in and of itself was disturbing, but what specifically had she seen? How much damage control did Rikarah need to exert? She could not even attempt to enter Natalia's mind again, and she was sure that the girl would not tell her if she asked. Natalia looks stunned, but not disgusted, and not as though she thinks Rikarah to be a criminal...not yet. Maybe what she had seen was of no lasting consequence...maybe it could still be okay.

Still, Rikarah had never revealed her power to anyone, not a single soul, and now this girl had not only found out, but duplicated it upon her. And yet she seemed shocked by what she had done...had she not realized that she had powers before today? How could she reach her current age and only now discover it?

She keeps her voice calm and quiet as she speaks to the girl, trying to think of what to say, even as she remains slumped against the wall, her eyes not entirely open. She is very displeased with how weak she is currently feeling, but there is little she can do about it.

"I did nothing to you, Natalia. I know nothing of your powers. I can only observe that you have them, and you used them against me. If anything, it is I who should be suspicious of you."

She pauses, then adds, "It is not...uncommon. To have abilities. It is just not something people often talk about, I would suspect."
(Xander is at the scene where Steven just elimated Calico's men. I'm kinda hoping Calico might show up and see Xander there - so long as he doesn't kill him xD . He might even recognize him as Kyle's older brother)

Natalia looks at Rikarah as she speaks, now really noticing how weak and tired the older looks - the fact that her eyes aren't entirely open probably makes it look worse. She sighs almost in defeat, and glances around the room, she then gets up and walks over to Rikarah, lifting her slightly and helping her onto the couch that is in the room. "This conversation is not over by the way, we're talking about what just happened when you can actually keep your eyes open." She speaks as she goes over to the wardrobe, opening it and coughing lightly as some dust flies out, "Wow, how long has this place been abandoned for?" She mutters to herself before pulling out a long coat. She shakes the dust off then walks back to Rikarah and chucks the coat over her, trying to make it look like she doesn't care how the coat lands, but she infact manages to make it cover Rikarah's body with how she has thrown it.

She then pauses and looks at the older, "Uh. Rikarah." She ignores how self-conscious she is feeling right now, how worried. "What..what did you see, of my memories?"
Rikarah had hardly expected Natalia to even speak without hostility towards her, let alone to help her. But help her is exactly what the other girl does, even going so far as to tuck her in in a manner that is so casual as to be suspect, and Rikarah's lips twitch into a brief, faint smile in spite of herself. She closes her eyes, but answers Natalia honestly, if vaguely. She supposes she cannot expect Natalia to tell what she saw, if she does not do the same.

"Girls from your school...bullying you. Your father and a door. Men in a hallway. Your mother."

She does not specify the knowledge and inferences she is able to gleam from this, nor go into greater detail about each image. Instead, she asks, eyes still closed, though she is nowhere near sleep as of now, "And you. What did you see."
Natalia is glad that the girl closes her eyes, because then her posture, her facial expression, doesn't matter so much, she still keeps it nuetral anyway, only allowing herself to flinch lightly as she speaks of bullying. As if Natalia can see the girls right now, this very second, kicking her back in.

Although she is sure Rikarah is telling the truth, she is very vague, the first two parts had been clear enough. She had seen her being bullied and had seen her Father leave. But the last two. She had passed many a man in a hallway, and there were many things her Mother had done to her, said to her, which ones had Rikarah seen?

She still can't believe she hasn't freaked out yet. Powers exist?!? Things like this, things like controlling shadows and seeing a person's memories, it can happen!

So, as she speaks, she also keeps it vague, "Christmas Eve. Started with your dad coming into your room, ended with you asking your mum if you needed help with dinner." She guesses the girl can get all she needs from this, and stands for a moment, allowing her to ask anything that she needs to know.

(I'll introduce Lei tommorrow, thanks for accepting her :) )
(Xander is long gone right?)

*About hour after Steven cleared out the area, the loud music from Calico's caravan can be heard in the distance, it's not long until they rolled up on the scene, Calico jumps out of his hummer, looking at the smoldering van and his drugs and money turned to ash and lose his mind.*

ARRRGGHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! WHO KEEP DOING THIS TO ME! *Grabbing one of his men and just starts pounding him into the ground taking out all his rage on the poor guy into he's little more then a pile of crumbled bones, his face completely gone, he finally starts to calm down and sees a picture on the ground starting to get covered by the blood pooling around it, Calico picks it up and wipes the blood off it and he starts to smile.* Has anyone seen Whitebread Kyle lately?

GangMember: Come on boss you don't think that kid did this do you, although we haven't seen him since that day we had the party in the park, but still he don't got the skill for this.

*Calico looks at the guy as if he's crazy.*

Of course not stupid! But he does have an order brother and sisters, either way I want them all in front of me right now!

*They take off like they were told, Calico stands there looking at the picture.* Somebody is going to pay me for all my troubles I swear.

*Steven returned to the motel a little before dark, changing into more casual clothes to go work security at tonight's rave, once ready he goes to Kat and Chris's room and knocks on the door to see if they wanted to go out tonight since he was working security it would be no problem getting them in.*

Kat..Chris are you in there? It's me Steven, I'm going out and was wondering if you two wanted to come with me?
Christmas Eve...her parents. Her father in her room, her mother in the kitchen...yes, Rikarah knew exactly what she was talking about. The memory was forever burned into her mind, every detail, each emotion she had felt always controlled just below the surface at any reminders. And this was what Natalia had seen...but how much? How far? How much had she inferred about Rikarah from her watching?

Rikarah knew now that Natalia couldn't have seen the memory's end result...and yet the fact that she knew anything at all, that she had seen her vulnerable on many levels, rubbed her raw in a way she quite resented.

"I see," she said finally, and that was all. "We will talk tomorrow, then, Natalia."

She has no intention of doing so, but Natalia doesn't have to know that. Rikarah turned slightly, keeping her eyes closed, and hoped that the girl would get the hint to leave her be.

If Natalia has the same ability, it is that more imperative that Rikarah remain on guard, and that she succeed in penetrating the other girl's mind first, at all times.


As the knock sounded at their door, Katarina jumped slightly, then sat up, expectant for either Kyle's or Xander's voice to call out to them. But no, it is Steven...Steven inviting them out? Steven would still WANT that, after everything he heard from Xander...after everything he saw? And where is Xander? Xander is actually okay with this?

She glances at Chris before getting up to let Steven in, running a hand nervously through her hair as she gives him a quick smile. "Uh...hi." She can't keep her thoughts back long though, and she blurts, "You WANT us to?"
Yeah, you deserve to have some fun, just promise, you come with me and you leave with me, don't want to worry about you getting rides from some stranger and don't drink anything unless I give it to you, raves can be fun but they can also be dangerous, so why don't I give you and Chris sometime to get ready and I'll be back in about 20 minutes. (he doesn't know that's not enough time for 2 girls to get ready especially when one is blind. lol) Anyway I was gonna invite Xander, to try to see if he'll relax a bit but I can't find him or Kyle, hope they're staying out of trouble. *Speaking pass Kat* So how about Chris you up for some fun?
Chris was sort of relieved to hear those words from her sister. She nodded, glad that at least she made some sort of progess with her sister. Maybe down the road they could actually be normal sisters or at least be closer than they were now. Chris wondered if she would like that or not, but she felt she might.

She heard the footsteps before Steven got to the door and knocked. She knew it wasn't her brothers, so familiar with their footsteps and movements. She heard his offer and almost laughed. It seemed ridiculous to the blind girl. Who would want to go out in public with her? Who would want to take her anywhere?

"Why do you want me to come?"
Katarina might share Chris's incredulity that Steven would want them to come along, let alone actually invite them, but that doesn't mean she's going to stand around questioning him all day. She smiles back at him, slowly at first, then without reservation, her heart quickening in its beats. Maybe Xander hadn't scared him off...maybe she herself hadn't yet. And if that was the case, she better be on her toes, she better be doing all she could now to keep his interest.

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes," she said, which meant more like minimum double the time he'd said he'd give them. It was that much harder without running water to look decent. "Chris, he wants you to come because it's about time we had some fun, right? Just will be cool, and I'll make sure no one bothers you that you don't want them to."

Impulsively she went back to Chris on her bed and shook her arm gently. "Come on, I can do your makeup and pick you something to will be fun."

It would be the first time she had deliberately touched Chris's face since the fire, if she did that...but that doesn't cross her mind until the words have been spoken. Still, Katarina swallows, determined to make good on that offer.
Chris was amazed at Kat. Did she really want her to go with them? Chris had always shut herself away. She didn't like being out in public or in large groups of people. Even if she was blind, she could feel the stares. Feel the judgements. If she was just normally blind, it wouldn't be that bad, but no. She had scars as well, showing the world something she'd rather not want them to see.

But Kat had also offered to keep people away. Chris wasn't so sure she could keep everyone away and she couldn't keep them from staring. Still it was something Chris had never thought Kat would offer. And to do her make-up? Chris felt touched. In a long time, she felt a sense of warmth from her sister. A connection that reminded her that they were family.

"Okay," she said softly. She couldn't say no. This was her chance at finding her way back in the world and she couldn't just reject her sister like that. It was probably not easy for her. "I'll go, but... I can't promise I'll stay for a long time."

Smiling back at Chris tentatively, although she knows her sister cannot see her expression, Katarina nods, more relieved and glad that she has agreed to come than she had expected. It can only be good for Chris to get out and try to have fun, to be around other people. Maybe if she got out more she would feel better about herself, and not want to hole off to herself so much. Maybe she would loosen up enough where she would smile, even laugh. Katarina cannot remember the last time she has heard her sister laugh, and it makes her more hopeful than ever that this will be what will help.

She and Chris never do anything together, especially not just for fun....and as she turns back to Steven, smiling at him again, she feels hope and gratitude towards him as well. Without him coming around today, Kyle could have seriously hurt himself or someone else, or burned down their shelter. Without him she would still be trying to find some guy who wanted her, and they wouldn't have money or weapons...and Chris would be sitting in their room yet another night.

"Thanks," she tells him. "We'll be ready soon."

She goes to him again and hesitates, glancing back at Chris, before kissing him fast but firmly, just to make sure he'd have a reason to come back. To hell with Xander, what did it matter what he thought?

Shutting the door, she turned to Chris, inspecting her face for a few moments before taking in a subtle breath and going to retrieve her makeup.
(Yeah, but I do want Calico to find Xander, it would be fun - so long as he doesn't kill him I don't mind if he knocks him around a little bit, though I think Calico would anyway. Just watch out for Xander's shocks ^,^)

Xander had left the area after about ten minutes and had wandered around aimlessly for a little while, lost in his own thoughts of what to say to Katarina, how to handle Kyle, maybe even try to get Chris out more. He could do this. He could do what his Father never did - protect them.

While thinking, Xander had made his way to the local park, sitting down on a bench by himself he noted how there was no-one else in this park - probably because of how late it was - and he double checked, looking around before he decided it was okay.

Lifting up his hand, concentrating solely on his power, he stared at his palm, after a few moments, a few sparks leapt up from his palm and danced on it, the light from the electricity lit up the smile that had spread across his face. Unlike Kyle, Xander liked his power, he just needed to focus it and develop it to the point where maybe he could shoot at it at people - so far all he could do with it was shock people and make a few stray sparks leap from his palm.

He failed to notice two gang men that had spotted him and recognized him as Kyle's older brother, he also didn't notice how momentarily freaked out they looked from seeing his power before they ran back to Calico to tell him where Xander was, and what he was doing.


Natalia nodded, began to walk away and then paused. Would it be worth it to ask her what she saw of her Mother? Who the man was who she saw pass Natalia? She glanced to the girl on the couch, then, after taking a look at her tired expression and ignoring the fact that she could feel exhaustion coming from Rikarah, she shook her head, "Yeah. Speak to you tomorrow. That's a promise." She spoke the last three words with a determined tone, she WOULD speak to her about it tomorrow.

She then left the girl's room, heading back to her own to find Terabithia already curled up, passed out from the long day she had endured. She sighed and threw a long coat fro their wardrobe over her aswell, taking another one for herself and laying down beside the younger. Terabithia blinked open her eyes sleepily, speaking in a tired voice, "Blue?" Natalia sighed and wrapped an arm around Terabithia as the ginger-haired child snuggled closer to her, "Yeah Abi?" She murmured softly, her own eyes closing, "You're not mad at me, are you?" "Of course not Abi." "Are you mad at Rika?" Natalia paused, opening her eyes to look at Terabithia, "I don't trust her." "But are you mad at her?" Terabithia stared down Natalia before the older girl answered honestly, "No" Terabithia smiled lightly and closed her eyes, snuggling against Natalia, "Good, I like her." "Good night Abi." "Night night Blue" The two girls fell asleep side by side, snuggled together.
Jessie was livid. There was probably a better word to describe his mood right now but as the random stranger of a girl powered her way through his locks, he was a little shocked. Just a little. This was an everyday occurrence at his house, except it didn’t happen every day and he was sure it didn’t happen at all.

Here he had been, minding his own business; quite literally in fact, sending Hailey in with one of his right hands, hoping to break the girl. She was too clingy for his taste and not to mention, each day she simply got older and older, and farther away from his kinds of taste. At least she had quieted down by the time the random girl forced her way into his apartment, but judging by her question, she had heard the screams. Jessie quirks a brow at her, scanning her figure briefly before he responds,

“What’re you doing in my house?”
he notes , an obvious question, “I haven’t been killing anyone lately, no…” deciding to respond after a long moment, giving her an odd look. “My roommate and his girlfriend are just getting a little rough” he explains, rubbing his forehead exasperatedly. “It’s been keeping me up too” he sighs, before the door of the room opens and Mike comes out, giving the new comer an appreciative look before smiling and strolling along to the bathroom. The fact that he is stark naked doesn’t seem to bother the two of them whatsoever.

.:Vassel:. Due to the post being all three pages behind, I posted this here. I will go delete the other one. Just so you know, if you get to Hailey, she will be passed out.)
Duck begins to tap the seat of the bench, and begins to get lost in the music. This time the performance is less on ignoring the world, making it just him and the music, but embracing his surrounding. As he glanced to Julian playing his guitar, Duck really appreciated how simple the lyrics smoothly walked on top of the strumming of the guitar. As he looked forward and noticed the trees rustling, and it felt as though the park was enjoying the goodbye performance.

As they were finishing, Duck smiled and sighed, kicking his feet from the bench. He noticed some people clapped for his performance, and he smiled and nodded to them. It was a bit of a sudden realization, the people didn't even go black like they usually do, they just blended into the scenery. Then they began to disperse slowly and he stood up, looking at Julian. "So you ready to go now?"

He felt a lot more clear headed speaking to the boy after the performance. His hands weren't shaking. Things were changing and tomorrow they'll be in a different place.
The more time passes, the more Julian begins to lose himself in the lose himself in what he suddenly and with intense clarity realizes is the beauty around him. The setting sun overhead, the streaks of pink and yellow painting itself through the sky, the soft whisper of the October wind through the trees, the occasional spiraling descent of the falling leaves...even the faint puffs of breath that exhale from his mouth and nose with his breath. And most of all, the music...the notes come easily, sweet and pure, and Duck's voice is strong and somehow perfect for this moment in time. Julian is smiling...for the first time since he can remember, the tight anxiety and fear always knotting itself within his chest have loosened, and he feels almost peaceful. Almost pure.

When Duck finishes the last song and Julian plays his last note, listening to it reverberate through the park, he is almost unaware that others are watching. He turns to Duck, the last signs of the smile still lingering on his face, as he nods. And he does not stutter. "Yes. I'm ready."


Rikarah hears the tone of Natalia's voice as she tells her she will speak to her tomorrow, and she knows the girl means it. It nearly sounds like a threat. But that is something that Rikarah will worry about in the future. Now she is so tired she must rest, and sleep is not an option but rather an inevitability.


Staring into her father's bulging, anguished eyes, almost relishing the feel of the hot, sticky blood dripping down her cheeks, soaking into her blouse and drying on her skin from the spray of the wound's opening, Susannah ignored the guttural gurglings of his attempt to speak, stepping back from his grasping hand.

"My name, "she said softly, deliberately, "is not Suzy."

Behind her, both her mother and sister were screeching in shock and horror, faces drained of all color as they alternately gawked between Susannah and Harry, her stone cold eyes and slightly curved lips, his twitching form and gasps for breath as his hand weakly covered his gushing throat, as he choked on his own blood. Laurel's scream cut off as if someone was choking here after only a couple of seconds, but Isabella's continued, forceful and shrill, and then turned into words that were barely understandable in their hysterical tone.

"You killed him, you killed Dad! You crazy *****, how could you, how could you!? How dare you!"

Still screaming, blindly enraged at this injustice, Isabella ran towards her sister, eyes wild, almost electric with emotion, hands extended so that her fingers were curled in a manner that resembled claws, as if she intended to scratch her eyes out. Without hesitating Susannah's knife met her head on, plunging into the younger girl's chest all the way to the hilt. As Isabella howled, her voice rising even higher than before, Susannah roughly gripped her shoulder, bracing herself so that she could pull the knife from her and use it to quickly slash her throat in the same manner she had her father's.

Letting her sister's choking form drop to the floor with casual seeming indifference, her heart beating rapidly and without rhythm in her chest, her face flushed now with rising excitement even as she struggled not to show it, not to smile, Susannah turned towards her mother. The woman had cowered back against the fridge, without screaming, without making a sound, her eyes so huge she looked close to bursting a blood vessel. She did not speak, did not beg, though tears glistened in her eyes. And as Susannah took a step towards her slowly, the bloodied knife gripped in her hands, she did not try to appeal to her.

Instead, she bolted, fleeing out the kitchen and into the hall with the panicky instincts of prey who knows all too well the predator's skill. It was a useless attempt. In less than ten seconds Susannah had her cornered against the wall, her smaller but stronger body hovering close, one hand on the woman's shoulder as she held the knife to her throat, resolve without pity in her dark gaze. As Laurel Pallis gulped for breath, her eyes beseeching, she struggled for words, pleading her daughter.


"Do not ask what you always knew," Susannah said softly, her words close to her ear, almost gentle. "You would not hear before. It is much too late to listen now."

One swift cut and Laurel too was fallen, breathing her last on the narrow hallway floor. As Susannah looked about her at the blood-spattered walls, at her own streaked hands and arms and her clothes, stained beyond all possible washing, she realized that her chest was heaving with rapid, shallow breaths, her heart knocking loudly inside her, and her face felt hot…but her hands were steady, and she was not upset. She was not afraid. Far from it…she was quite calm, even satisfied…she was pleased. Happy…for the first time that she could remember, she was happy.


Rikarah awakened with her heart beating so fast she was somewhat worried, her breathing audible and belabored. Images of her family's faces, twisted in fear of their impending doom, flickered before her thoughts, but it was easy for her to simply shift her thoughts away. It was not guilt or fear that had inspired the dream, nor was it shame. It was only a memory, her body's reaction now bred only from adrenaline.

Sitting up slowly, she realizes that she has only a faint headache and lingering weariness to the bone from her earlier exertion. In the morning she will be recovered, and from that point she will have to track the man from the zoo and properly dispose of him. With his goal in mind, she lies down again, closing her eyes.


Motioning for Christina to sit on the end of her bed, Katarina stands in front of her, setting her makeup beside Chris and rooting through for what looks like the best colors for her to use for her. She takes the opportunity then to look Chris directly in the face, as she rarely does now, making herself do so without flinching or looking away, without worrying that Chris will think she's staring at her. She IS staring at her...and as Katarina makes herself do so, she realizes slowly that really, Chris's face isn't so bad. If she can make herself look at her straight every day, if she can make herself do what Xander seems to have no trouble with, and treat her without guilt or pity for her state of being...could that change things? Could that help?

She took in a deep breath as subtly as she could, then, for the first time since the fire...probably for the first time in years, even before the fire....she touched her sister's face, as she gently began to apply her foundation. Several moments passed before she psyched herself up to say what she was stunned to realize was true, if she really did look at Chris.

"'re still pretty, you know. Even are. You always were prettier than I am."
([MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION] , can you please make Calico find Xander? I posted about him in my last post, they can knock Xander around - I'd prefer it if they did actually, because it would be fun to see how Xander handles it and how Katarina handles seeing him with a black eye or whatever. But just don't let Calico kill him pleaseee)
Chris sat as still as she could. She was pretty good at being able to not move for some time, but this was different. She was getting nervous about agreeing to go out. And Kat was looking at her. She knew, even without her sight, that her sister didn't look at her face often. When she touched it though, Chris felt a jolt. It was such a foreign feeling to her. No one had touched her face much since they had tried to heal it as best as they could and Xander did that mostly.

She tried hard not to squirm away from her sister's touch. It was a strange feeling, but she relaxed a bit. Chris smiled a little at her sister's comment.

"Do you really think so? I can't judge, at least not on what we look like now, but I always thought you were pretty when we were kids."


Liselle found her way into the park and moved behind a tree. Quickly, she stripped her shirt and then put on a new one, throwing the ruined one in the trash. She looked around to see a guy staring and flipped him off.


Liselle knew it was sort of her fault, but she hated being looked at like that. At least now-a-days. She moved into the park further and saw Julian and Duck performing. She listened for a moment, closing her eyes and then smiled and clapped.

"You two are getting really good," she said, as she walked over to the pair. "So what's up?"

*Calico who had been furious just a little earlier had calm himself mostly cause he just inhaled a bunch of his own product, so when the news that his people bring him and about what they saw, makes him question them, with a black handgun in his hand he points it at them.* I don't care what he was doing, I said I wanted you to bring me those brats so I can find out what happened to my SHIT! *He fires hitting one of them in the knee cap sending him to the ground grabbing his knee in pain.* I guess I'll have to take care of this myself! *He jumps up and steps over the guy he just shot, moving to the door.* Stop bleeding on my carpet or I'll shoot you again! *He drives to where they say the saw Xander, not caring it's a public place or that it's still daylight, he rushes up to the kid and grabs him by the neck, amazingly he lifts Xander off his feet till he's eye level with Calico.* Hey there brat blown up any vans and shoot anyone in the head lately...You own me for all that shit your blew up, Sparkle Brat!

*Steven waited patiently by his car for Kat and Chris to finally come out, when Kyle sticks his head out of his room, and runs up to Steven, also happy that Xander hadn't run Steven off.*

Kyle: Hey Steven are we gonna train tonight, so I can learn how to use my powers?

Steven: Sorry Kyle, I have to work tonight but we can start in the morning, but that means you need to get a good night's sleep if you want to be able to handle it. So get going there..Oh I forgot you need a code name cause all heroes have to have a code name..Let's see how about Ember for now?

*Kyle's face lights up at the idea of a code name, even if it's kind of lame*

Kyle: Ember is cool for now but if you think of something better that's ok too, now I'm gonna go to bed so I can get up first thing in the morning and start training.

*Steven grins at him as he sprints back to his room and dives onto his bed, doing his best to fall asleep.*
"What ever I want," Raekel said to him. She smiled a little. Of course he didn't expect some random girl to just casually to unlock his door and then come strolling in, but Raekel didn't care. She came here for a reason and she sure as hell wasn't going to let this guy get in her way.

"Uh-huh. I'd like to say I believe you, but I'm not sure," Raekel said, keeping an eye on Jessie. She knew she was probably going to get in more trouble than whoever it was who screamed. He said roommate and girlfriend, so she assumed it was the "girlfriend" who had caught the thief's attention. Raekel paused for a moment and dug out her lighter and a cigarette, lighting up right there. She took a puff as Mike comes out of the room. She raises an eyebrow at Mike and then looks at Jessie.

She wondered if she tried to go and see who was else in the room, if he would stop her, but she moved anyways. She made it to the room and looked inside. There was a girl in the room, but she was not conscious it looked like.

"So rough, it knocks someone out? I'd kill the guy who would try something like that with me," Raekel said, sounding angrier than she thought she would be.

(If you want to have Jessie stop her, I can edit)


Lionel thought about it. Did he want to go anywhere else? He wasn't sure. He had some ideas, but he found he was tired as well. Lionel shook his head at Jillian.

"No I just want to go and rest. You know."

They headed back inside and Lionel nodded at the people there. He headed to his cot and laid down. He wondered when Julian and Duck would get here as he struggled not to fully fall asleep.
As the girl continues to be a problem, Jessie looks at the phone across the room, making his way towards it as she makes her way towards the room Hailey laid in. After breaking into his house, lighting a cigarette and blatantly ignoring him as she explored his house, he was appalled at her audacity. As she opened the room in question and asked about the state of the woman, he shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s his business. Not mine” he answers, then as an afterthought he adds, “I’m sure you don’t want anybody poking around in your life…” he provides and gives her an almost threatening glance. The flush of the toilet seems to relief him somewhat as he turns to the phone and starts dialing. “Now, I suggest you get out of here before you get arrested” he notes, being smart enough to let the phone dial. That way the trace of the outgoing call was still there…
Go ahead," Raekel said with a shrug. As much as she didn't want to be arrested she wasn't going to leave Hailey lying there. She moved into the room and looked down at the girl, frowning. This was wrong. Whatever had happened. Raekel wasn't known for poking her nose into other people's business, but she had to see if the girl was alright. She was sure she could do that and be out of here in well enough time.

Raekel poked Hailey, then shook her. She had no idea how to wake an unconscious person, but she thought why not try that way? It wouldn't hurt. She thought about what Jessie said. Sure she didn't want anyone poking around in her life, but they wouldn't find much, she was sure. Well they would find a lot to keep her in jail for a while, but besides that. It didn't matter to her either.
Surprised at Chris's question, Katarina pauses in her careful application of lipstick on her sister's lips, blinking. Her sister had thought she was pretty? Really?

Katarina has never thought she was pretty. There had been too many occasions where one or both of her parents sneered at her about her "rat nest hair" or "trampy clothes" or "beady rat eyes," one of her least favorite of the remarks. There had been too many boys who had implied that she was less than stunning in her figure and less than gorgeous in her face....and of course, it was impossible to get through middle or high school without girls trying to cut each other down to size. She had always assumed that Chris didn't think about her and her looks one way or the other, other than to maybe feel secretly pleased that she came out on top in that department.

Chris thought she was pretty? With Steven's comments too, that was two people in one day.

Katarina smiled, lightly biting her lower lip. "I didn't know that." She hesitated, then, taking another slow breath in, began to apply makeup to Chris's eyes, with very light, hesitant touch, not wanting to hurt her. She didn't use much- only eyeliner and mascara, not wanting to hurt her- but the fact that she could psyche herself up to do it at all was an enormous effort for her, and she almost held her breath, praying that it wouldn't be too weird or upsetting for either of them. When she was finished she let out her breath, pulling back and looking Chris over.

" look great. Just watch, all the boys will be after you a way more than me."

Taking out a short black skirt and low cut top from her side of the dresser, she slipped into it, then hesitated, thinking of her injured arms and legs, and pulled on tights and armlets as well. She ran a brush through her hair and touched up on her makeup, then, Going to open the door, she calls out to Steven, "We're ready."
*Steven smiles as the girls come out, waiting for them with the car door open.* You both look amazing, I may have to spend the night keeping guys away from you both. *sighs* Still no sign of Xander, well I guess next time he'll come with us. *Waiting till they're both inside and closes the door then runs around to the other side and gets in, drives downtown to a warehouse that has long been closed but the people that work the rave have been there all day setting up and cleaning the place for the party. We get there a few hours early so I can go over things with the rest of the bouncers and inform them to look out for Kat and Chris and don't let them leave without me, I give them these instructions in case we get separated.* Remember my rules girls, stick together and have fun.

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