Castouts (Accepting new characters)

It was getting harder for Chris to sit still as Kat continued to work on her make-up. The make-up itself felt foreign on her face and an urge to just scrub it all off and tell Kat and Steven she decided not to go, overcame her. But no Chris was not going to just change her mind. Not now at least. This wasn't easy for either Kat nor Chris and she wasn't going to let her sister go off on her own, well with Steven.

"Of course Kat," Chris said quietly. "I mean you wouldn't have known. I didn't really talk to you guys much. Kept to myself. But it's the truth." When Kat was done, Chris stood. She moved to where her clothes were, but then decided to screw it. She couldn't see herself anyways and looks had stopped mattering to her once she could not longer see them. Chris followed her sister, sure she was not going to enjoy this night.

Chris shook her head. Both Kat and Steven said that they'd have to keep the guys away from her, but Chris doubted it. Even before she was scarred and blind, Chris had her boy troubles, but it had never mattered to her. Now it just made her feel pathetic and was just another reason to stay inside and away from people. Chris was undesirable, looks and personality both. No guy would ever want her unless he was desperate. And Chris would never allow desperate in her life.

When they got there, Chris just wanted to turn back and go home. She nodded at Steven. "Okay."
Katarina smiles when Steven compliments both her and Chris, almost glowing, and she is pleased for Chris as well. Although she really wants this night for herself, to be able to let go and have fun, to be able to feel for once that maybe someone is attracted to her, she also hopes that Chris will enjoy herself and be able to loosen up and see that her blindness is not the end of her life...that maybe things can be better. It's a huge step for her to agree to go at all...for her to talk to Katarina at all like they'd done today. Chris telling her that she didn't want her to hurt herself, that she didn't want to lose her...Chris letting her put on her makeup, telling her she was was an unexpected end to the night that Katarina was made hopeful by. She had to keep trying with Chris, put out more of an effort...she had always wanted to be close to her sister, like other sisters could be. Maybe Steven would help with that too. He really was going to do so much to help all of Xander would just have to suck it up and get used to it.

As they stepped into the warehouse, Katarina looked around herself, her eyes bright. The pounding music and throngs of people were exactly the sort of distraction she could lose herself in. She stepped forward, tugging lightly at first Steven, then Chris. "Steve, come on, dance with me...Chris, you too. I bet if you get out here it won't take two minutes for someone to come ask you."

She pressed herself close to Steven, then turned so her back was against him, grinding in a manner that she was sure Xander would not be happy about...well, screw him. Didn't he think she was crazy or whatever anyway?
Xander had looked up as Calico's vehicle pulled up, hearing the engine. Immediately, he stops his power and frowns as Calico storms up to him. His eyes widen as Calico's hand wrapped around his throat and lifted him off of his feet. His eyes narrowed as the older guy spoke, even though he was finding it harder and harder to breathe, he was still pissed off. He recognized Calico as Kyle's boss. "First off, I don't Sparkle, I'm not some stupid twilight vampire." His voice was becoming more and more scratchy, short on oxygen, and he glared at Calico, "Second. I didn't blow up anything!" His hands move to where Calico is gripping his neck and as they connect a blue spark leaps from their hands and Xander shocks Calico enough for him to let go.

When he is dropped, Xander's hand goes to his neck protectively and he tries to get his stolen breath back, not liking the fact that he is currently knelt over as if he is bowing to Calico. Which he's totally not. "Assh*le." He mutters under his breath.

(Oh dear Xander, that's gonna earn you a punch O.o )
*Calico doesn't like being shocked, he pulls back his arm intent on delivering a killing blow to Xander but decides to only connect with his jaw, after all he can't talk if he's dead but he doesn't stop, kneeling over the kid he continues to punch him, not caring that people are watching, hell even a cop sees this and continues to move on once he sees it's Calico doing the attacking. It must seem like hours to Xander but it's only been about a 3 minute beating before Calico stands up looking down at the kid, while a bunch of his gang file in behind him, there has to be at least 8 of them, two of them pick Xander up onto his feet, one hold his head up so he can see Calico.*

What happened to my shit you brat! You better tell me or I'll drag you ass back to that hole you live in and make you watch as I get what I want from your sisters! Oh then I may ask them some questions afterwards. *Pretty much meaning he'll rape his sisters and make him watch.* So you want to talk no big man or do we pay your sweet sister's a visit?

(So does Xander sell Steven out to save his own skin?)
( O.o I dunno! He wouldn't sell him out if it was just him who was being threatened, but he's threatening his sisters! O.o )

Xander has just managed to get his breath back when he is punched in the jaw with incredible power, definitely enough to bruise his chin for a while. But then he carries on punching and punching and punching. Xander can feel the distinct shock of pain each time that Calico's fist land on him, he knows that his back and body WILL be covered in bruises tommorrow - if he lives that long - but he still doesn't make a sound at all while Calico is beating him.

He knows from experience that yelling out in pain, even a simple wince, can spur them on, or annoy them. For his Mum, it spurred her on, glad to know she could harm her son even though she was a girl, and his Dad. Well it pissed his Dad off so he hit him more. He told him a real man should be able to take a beating without making a sound, so when Xander made even the tiniest wince of pain his Dad would hit him twice as hard.

So he didn't even wince while Calico beat the sh*t out of him.

When he finally stops - after what seems a lifetime - Xander's head is lifted and he is glaring at the older guy. He can't help but spit on the floor beside them, not hitting Calico with his spit, and doesn't even seem shocked when blood is spat out rather than saliva. He is prepared to tell Calico to go to hell, that he's a bast*rd and he deserves to die.

But then he threatens his sisters. Xander's eyes widen unintentionally, then he glares at him, speaking through gritted teeth, "Don't you dare touch my sisters you sick assh*le." He is shaking lightly with the effort of controlling himself, but you can see some blue sparks leaping from his skin before vanishing back once more. "It's taking everything I've got here not to electrocute your stupid henchmen. Touch my sisters and you'll be dealing with fried human."

He closes his eyes for only a few seconds - not trusting Calico in the slightest - before the blue sparks seem to die down a bit, still there, but died down - he then opens them and they seem to be electric blue before they go back to normal. "I heard an explosion. Went to find out what had happened and there was a blown up car or something, and a man with a bullet through his skull. There was no-one else around, surprisingly really, it was a loud explosion." Xander can feel blood running down his forehead and he is giving Calico a death glare, ignoring the pain he feels almost everywhere.

He can imagine now how unsuperior he looks. Calico hasn't got a scratch on him whereas Xander is just some kid - clearly younger and smaller than the guy - being held up infront of him with blood running down his forehead, probably a bit from his mouth aswell, and his chest is heaving up and down from his offput breathing and anger.
*Calico seems to be coming to his senses, if this kid was that big of a threat, why isn't he showing it, if he had a gun that could do that kind of damage where the hell would a street rat like him get it, but he's not convince this is all Xander knows, pulling the bloody picture out of his pocket he holds it in front of Xander.* I swear if you're lying or holding back on me and I find out, I'll keep my promise and pay your sisters a visit and when I'm done with them they'll beg me to kill them. Let the brat go! *Calico walks to the tree Xander was sitting by a huge tree a few hundred years old with a thick trunk and with one punch at the trunk of it splits in two and falls over.* Think about that the next time I see you that could be you!

(Remember Calico has no powers, that is pure training and genetics)

*Steven is slow to give into Kat's invitation to dance with her and Chris but does give in at least for a few minutes, before he has to get to work, cause some people are starting to arrive, which in his book is lame, unless you work here and came with someone that works here, no body shows up to a good party before midnight.* Listen I have to get to work but I'll keep my eyes on you and Chris if you start to get overwhelmed just have Kat bring you by me and you can hang out with me or if you two get tired Kat you can take my car home and I'll catch a ride with someone. *For some reason and completely by impulse he leans in and kisses Kat on the cheek as he slips his car keys in her hand.*
Kat smiles back at Steven, her face slightly flushed as he breaks away to go do his work. She can still feel his lips on her cheek, and she has a strong impulse to reach up to touch the spot, but manages to resist. Somehow it seems even more sweet and endearing to her that he would kiss her not just on the lips, like any guy, but on the she was different than just a pair of lips. Like she was special.

Still, Katarina isn't in the mood to stop dancing just because Steven has to. The music is throbbing all about her, strong and steady, so that she feels it as a pulse through her veins, and she has no intention of ignoring it, so she looks back at Chris, then, making a decision, lays a hand on her arm. "Want to dance with me? I can lead....I bet we wouldn't dance five minutes and some guy would cut in for you."
"Don't say that," Chris said suddenly, almost jerking out of her sister's grasp. She hated it. Hated it! She was not attractive and no one here would ever think to approach her. She stood still for a moment. "Sorry," she muttered. She was having some fun, dancing with her sister and it wasn't that bad. The music did interfere with her powers a bit, but not as bad as she had though it would.

But Chris didn't want to hear that again. Not from someone like Kat, who had found someone. Chris had been placed in the mind set that she was not desirable. Even before her blindness. She wasn't all that attractive or even that pleasant to be around.

"I will dance with you," Chris said with a nod, trying to smile and relax. "But if anyone comes over it will be for you."
Katarina blinks when Chris partly pulls away from her, slightly taken aback. Was Chris already pulling back from her...was she already wanting to leave, to fade back alone into the shadows likes usual?

But then she was apologizing, reaching for her again, and saying that she would dance with her...even saying that others would dance with Katarina. Katarina doubted that. She couldn't get a man to pick her up on the streets, why would they want to dance with her if they wouldn't even do what they would no doubt find more pleasurable than dancing with her?

Still, she didn't argue as she took Chris's hands and began to lead her, turning her so Chris was facing her as Kat lightly held her hand in one hand, her hand moving to Chris's hip with the other as she twisted and swayed, guiding Chris to feel the rhythm of the music as well. Closing her eyes, Katarina tried to feel it as Chris must, to block out everything but touch and sound, and was surprised to find that she actually enjoyed it more. She smiled, loosening up further as she kept her eyes closed.

Maybe things would be okay after all...if they could still dance, if they could still have fun, then it couldn't all be wrong. She had thought it was impossible until now.
*One of Steven's friends that was a waitress walks towards the girls with a couple of bottles on a tray* You'll Steven's friends right? Well your drinks are on the house, so when ever you want one just wave me over, you girls are in my section so I'm suppose to look out for you, do me a favor only take drinks I bring you, everything I give you will be unopened, I don't want anything to happen to you, I owe Steven for saving my boyfriend from a bunch of drunks so I want to return the favor.*On her tray is two unopened bottles of Ginger Ale, even tho it's an illegal rave they still don't serve to minors at least not ones that are friends of the head bouncer.* Now shout if you need anything or someone gives you trouble.
About half an hour past midnight, a black Mercedes-Benz CL coupe rolled up to the warehouse. The doors open and Max along with a few other guys come out of the car. When they entered the door, the music blasted in their ears. "Wooo! Tonight we are going to have a good time!" He shouted for a bartender (for lack of a better word) who threw a bottle of ginger ale which Max caught in mid air. After taking a drink, he made his way to the dance floor, leaving his friends behind. Friends were nice and all, but for a college boy, a good night did not involve guy friends.

Dancing, and somewhat jumping, across the floor, he caught a few girl eying him. And for good reason, he was him. He gave a wink or a nod and they almost swooned. Closing his eyes to fully feel the music, he wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone. He turned to see two girls that were dancing. Both were fairly good looking, though Max didn't really have a type to compare to. But they seemed a bit young to be at a rave, 15? maybe 16? He gave a princely smile. "And what are two lovely ladies doing here alone? It's very dangerous for any girl to come to this sort of place unescorted."

He noticed the younger one had scars around her eyes and her eyes were a bit unfocused. A blind girl? A blind person really had no business being in a place where just about every guy there was a predator. But he guessed they had to have fun as well. And at least she had someone with her. He noticed some people staring at the blind girl, whispering. No doubt they weren't complimenting her clothes. He took the sunglasses off his head and placed them on the girl. "There. Nothing to see here. (No pun intended) Just a couple of girls having a good time."
Katarina looked up in surprise as the man approached with drinks for them, thinking them at first to be alcoholic, which would have been perfectly acceptable to her. She makes a face when she sees it's only ginger ale, somewhat disappointed, but then accepts it, handing the other to Chris at well. Well, CHRIS was too young to drink, anyway, even if Katarina didn't think she herself was. And it was really nice that he'd made a point in handing them over unopened, and got someone to personally deliver to them...Steven really was nice. He really was thinking of them.

Thanking him, she resumed dancing with Christina the best that she could with both holding bottles, but was shortly approached by a fairly attractive young man. She smiled as he called them both lovely, amazed...yes, she had been rejected today, but now this was the third person who had complimented her lucks. Nudging Chris, she whispered, "SEE, I told you!"

She is further happier for her sister when the boy puts sunglasses on her. Giving him a grateful smile, she says aloud, "This is my sister, Christina. She mostly goes by Chris. I'm Katarina."
Chris was having fun, she would admit. Not outloud, but she was sort of happy that she had decided to come. She realize that she had missed this. Spending time with Kat and just letting go for a while. Dancing was something that she found she enjoyed and the sensation of the music and the beat, the pounding of the music that filled her senses. It was amazing.

When someone came over, Chris tensed for a moment, being drawn back into reality. She was worried at first, thinking they were being offered alcohol. Chris would dance and maybe even talk to people, but she refused to drink. But Kat handed her one, so it couldn't have been alcohol right? Kat wouldn't let her drink. Or she hoped so. She opened it, after saying thanks. It was a nice gesture she had to admit. She drank a little and smiled. It wasn't alcohol after all and a cool drink felt nice after dancing so much.

Chris felt the bump and moved herself away from whoever it was. She became alert though as he talked to them. Chris frowned at his comment. If anyone tried anything, well... Chris was sure nothing too bad would happen. Steven wouldn't leave them defenseless and Chris thought she and Kat could do okay themselves. When he placed the glasses on her face, she blushed a little and almost threw them off. She suddenly felt self-conscious and began to pull into herself as well.

"Don't touch me," she mumbled. When Kat nudged her, she just looked away. She reached a hand up to touch the sunglasses. Sure it was a nice gesture, but Chris meant what she said. She guessed she wasn't fully ready to go out and have fun. She turned in the direction she thought him to be.

"Thank you," she tried, louder this time.
*Steven was at the door keeping an eye on Kat and Chris while trying to do his job, he was leaning against the door with one of his coworkers when a group of Asian men, Steven knew from the area as gang members, not Triads cause none of them were full Chinese but a hood is a hood in his eyes. Steven steps forward blocking the doors so they couldn't go in.*

Steven: I'm sorry gentlemen but we're full right now. *He makes this loud and clear even as his coworker lets other people in by them, doing this on purpose to prove his point that thugs, hoods, and gangbangers are not welcome even tho they tend to spend lots of cash but they usually invite more trouble then good business.* Now push off fellas.

Thug: You seem to have plenty of room so be a good boy and get out of the way before you get hurt.

Steven: Look I'll be clear this time, It is the policy of the management to refuse entry or service to any asshole..assholes we choose!

*This pisses off one of them who steps forward about to throw a punch at Steven but stops, when 2 more bouncers move in behind Steven, instead a couple of them resort to trying to scare their way in by pulling up their shirts and showing their guns. Steven and the other bouncers return the favor by opening their jackets all of them were armed and their weapons were all in very expensive shoulder holsters.* Move on or get buried! *Don't know if they thought they were out classed or something else but the gang members decide to leave, Steven is sure that this isn't the last he'll see of them, but that's find maybe he'll add them to his list.*

Ok, now that all that drama is over EVERYONE LETS HAVE SOME FUN!
Disappointed by Chris's reticent reaction, Katarina nudged her again, whispering to her with a raised eyebrow, though she knew her sister couldn't see it. "Chris!"

She smiled back at the guy, angling herself in such a manner that it was clear that she, if not Chris, appreciated the gesture. "Yes, thank you...what is your name?"

Hearing some sort of commotion at the doorway, Katarina looked over, craning her neck to see what was going on. Steven was talking to a group of Asian guys at the door, none whom she could see very seemed they were having a conflict of some kind, that Steven wasn't letting them in. Were they threatening him? Did he know them?

Then she saw them show weapons beneath their shirts and gasped, instinctively grabbing Chris's arm and hissing for her to stay near her, her eyes trained on Steven at the door. Her heart pounding, Katarina took a step towards him on impulse, wanting to call out to him. What if they hurt him? What if they killed him? What if they shot him and just kept coming inside, shooting everyone...what did they want, who were they?

"'s okay...if I tell you to get down..." she started, but even she knew that she didn't sound as though things were okay. But then Steven was joined by a few others, all who she saw had weapons too, and they were moving away...still, though she was relieved to see that Steven was hurt, were they really going away? What if they found another entrance? What if they came back later with more people, or different weapons?

Her hands were shaking slightly as she called to Chris, "I'll be right back, stay here," and then made her way to Steven in the doorway, leaving Chris with the boy who had been looking out for her for the moment. Coming up behind Steven and grabbing his arm, she said anxiously, "What was THAT?"
(Sorry writer's block.)

Max couldn't help but laugh at the two girls. He had heard the comment about not touching Chris and it was well understood. In a scene like this, you couldn't easily trust anyone. He smiled as the eldest of the two introduced them. "No problem. My name's Max."

Max turned to face the door as the commotion started at the door. The bouncers were keeping a group of Asians out of the rave. They had weapons and flaunted them off as if it was a normal thing for them. Max guessed them to be part of the Triads or at least associated with them. If he remembered correctly, that should be the only gang that had a large enough influence and dealt with Asians. He himself had never dealt with the Triads and he certainly couldn't be bothered to start now.

As the gangsters went away, Max shook his head. "These days, it seems like everywhere you turn there's at least one gang stirring up trouble." He turned back to Chris. Since Katarina had left to talk to one of the bouncers, he assumed it was his duty to make sure Chris wouldn't wander off or get in trouble.
*Steven turned to Kat and smiled at her, noticed Chris wasn't with her and looked a bit concern* That was nothing it happens everytime, a bunch of small timers think they're gonna bully their way in, last time that happened there were fights all night and a girl got raped, I plan on stopping it at the door, now lets go find your sister, you really shouldn't have left her alone, even the pretty boys that look harmless are dangerous, sometimes they're more dangerous then the gangbangers. Hey cover me for a bit if there's trouble just hit my cell. *After he talked to one of his co-workers and slipping his arm around Kat's waist and started moving through the crowd back towards Chris.*
Not really sharing his concern, Katarina shrugs in regards to Steven's question about Chris's whereabouts, pointing in the general direction of where she had left her. "She's with Max, it's okay. He likes her, Steven....he gave her sunglasses to wear so she wouldn't be self-conscious. I should have thought of that, but we don't have any right now. We barely have clothes, let alone accessories...hey, wonder why he had sunglasses while inside a dark building in October. That's kind of weird."

She laughs, then is pleased when Steven puts his arm around her, immediately moving in closer to him. Still, she stops him from moving back to Chris, pulling him to a stop and instead finding, then searching for her in the crowd, pointing her out to him.

"She's okay, see? We should leave her alone a while, let him flirt with her a while. She won't ever have anyone if I'm always breathing down her neck when we go out. We can see her from here, it's fine....I'll go get her if she looks like she's looking for me."

Turning her head up towards him, she smiled. "Thanks again for helping us....gonna have to make it up to you, huh? Give you reason to stick around."

Her tone is flirty, playful, but in truth she means it.
*Still a little distracted by Chris's whereabouts, he does turn his full attention to Kat and her statement.* Hey Kat, seriously you don't owe me anything, I'm not sticking around cause I want something from you, truth is after what happened to my parents being around you is about the most normal comforting thing that's happened to me in weeks. *Kat feels soft and warm and considering there is no running water at the motel she smells amazing.* I'll stay as long as you want me to.

(sorry have to go back out for a bit, be home in a couple of hours)
Stay as long as she wants him to...he would? Obviously her efforts to please him were working, then...obviously, by some miracle, despite her conflicts with her siblings, despite her lack of a single redeeming quality about herself that Katarina could think of, despite her awful-looking arms...hell, despite the fact that she could rarely do more to clean herself or wash her hair than to use a bucket of water rather than a real shower...somehow, Steven didn't mind any of it. Somehow he was looking past that, and still he liked being around her...was promising to stay.

How she had gotten so unbelievably lucky, Katarina had no idea.

She is so focused on her amazement at this that she almost misses the part about his parents. "Your parents? What do you mean...what happened?"
*Holding her close he leans in and whispers in her ear* I'll tell you later, no need to spoil tonight's fun, I'm gonna have one of my buddies keep an eye on Chris, why don't you go make sure she knows better then to accept anything that is unopened and not to leave without you, then you could come hang out with me by the doors. *Signing another waitress to come over.* Hey that girl over there is my special guest, any chance you could set her up in one of the empty VIP booths? *The waitress looks at the girl he's pointing at and nods.*

Waitress: The guy too? I guess I can and watch out for her but you're gonna owe me ok?

*Steven gives her a smile and nods his head at her* No problem and thanks.
Chris just shrugged when Kat did that. She didn't think it mattered much. Not like she was a people person nor friendly after all. But she was going to be sure not to be an ass if Kat was around. No need to stir up a fight or get a lecture or something.

Chris touched the sunglasses again, wanting to feel touched, but finding it hard to. It was nice and Chris knew that but she was so use to pushing people away before and now avoiding people in general, that she felt it'd be hard to actually care about anyone beyond her family. Besides she didn't know the guy. At least Kat was with her. If Max upsetted her she was sure Kat would make him go away. She promised she would if Chris got uncomfortable.

Then something was happening at the door. Chris tensed, wanting to reach out and learn more, but she didn't. She stayed still until she was sure that everything was going to be alright. It sounded and seemed that nothing bad happened and Chris was relieved. Still it set her a little on edge.

Then Kat left her and Chris was suddenly alone with Max. She wanted to call her sister back. Ask her not to just leave her like this. That she didn't know this guy nor really trusted him. She was aware she could just walk off, but she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get away safe or out of way. The music did interfere with her senses after all. So she tried on a smile and faced Max.

"Everyone can be trouble."
Continually impressed with Steven and how thoughtful he's being towards them both, especially Chris, Katarina remains against him, enjoying the feel of her arm around her, before reluctantly pulling away. He was right...she should check on Chris, even if at the moment, she would much rather hang around him than her little sister.

Still, she did feel sort of guilty at his reminder to watch out for Chris. No one had ever really had to tell her to do that before, it was something she normally did out of habit, whether or not Chris wanted her to. Even before Chris was blind, Katarina had been concerned for her and what could happen for her, just because she was her little sister. Now more than ever she knew she had to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah, you're right...I'll be right back," she told him, and made her way to where Chris and Max are being guided to a booth. Tapping Chris on the shoulder, she whispers into her ear. "It's Kat. I'm going to dance with Steve some, but he's having the bouncers look out for us both, and I'll keep watching you too, okay? Just let me know if you want to leave or if Max tries anything...but he seems nice, Chris, I think you should try to relax and have fun a while. Your powers aren't too bothered by the music, are they? You can still figure out where I am if you have to?"

Without really waiting for an answer, she pulls away, giving Max a quick smile. "I'll check on you in a little while, okay?" she adds before returning to Steven, slipping back under his arm. " have any sisters? You seem like the type."
*Steven still watching Chris even after Kat returns, looking at her every now and then for and indication she needs him, mostly focused on Kat tho.* No brothers or sisters for me, it was just me and my folks, I don't even have any cousins or anyone like that, must be nice having them tho..your brothers and your sister, bet you don't get lonely very much but then again I can't complain to much, I got my parents attention all to myself, as well as everything I every wanted including my car, doubt I would have got it if I had brothers and sisters. You know I don't get why she's so withdrawn your sister is beautiful, must run in the family cause Xander is very pretty to. *Looks at her and starts laughing, hoping she gets he's joking about Xander*

*Calico still not knowing who blew up his drugs decides it must be rival gangs and decides to drive around attacking any gang members for information, the word this is happening gets around quickly, being the Triads are the most powerful in this area, most get off the street. But the group from earlier that tried to get into the rave are pissed, first they couldn't get into the rave and now they're playing hide and seek with Calico's gang, they agree that it's time they take their anger out on someone and since Calico would gun them down with all his numbers they're gonna take it out on that asshole bouncer, so they head back parking their car around the corner and wait for people to start coming out when the rave shuts down.*
Max laughed again. "Yeah, I guess that's true. Even I can be trouble if the circumstances were right." Soon a waitress came by to guide them to a VIP booth. That was a bit strange. He certainly didn't ask for one. And Chris couldn't have. Perhaps it was Kat, maybe to keep her blind sister out of harm's way. Max tried to give the waitress a few twenties as payment for the booth seeing as he couldn't let a girl pay for anything for him. (Macal you can decide whether she takes it or not. I don't really care.) After which they were lead to the booth.

Soon, Kat arrived and whispered some things into Chris' ear. Max chuckled to himself because he could pretty much hear what she was saying. He heard Kat tell Chris to say if he tried anything. He smirked. Max was not one to kiss on the first date. Not to get him wrong, Max had a reputation of being a prince but he wasn't exactly a gentleman. He still thought of the things typical guys would and if a girl really piqued his interest, he would probably dive in. The only reason he usually waited until the third date to try anything was that he loved the song "Shipoopi". It was an odd fact but he liked it.

Then Kat said something that perked his ears up. She said powers. Chris was apparently a domino. Today was certainly his lucky day. Two dominoes in one day and he even knew the name of this one. But still, was she really a domino? There wasn't anything about her that triggered any of his flags but who knows. And if she was a domino, what was her ability? Did it have to do with her hearing since Kat mentioned the loud music? Chris certainly made Max's list of people to keep an eye on. And so did Kat. If Chris was indeed a domino, he'd have to see if Kat was one too. If she was, then powers could be a genetic thing which would make it easier for him to complete his research.

As Kat goes away, Max smiles at her and thought about how to handle Chris. It wasn't a wise move to dive into this without a plan. Scaring her off would be the result he was trying to avoid. For now, he'd try to get close to her to figure out if she was a domino or not.

Max went and sat in the booth, away from Chris as not to alarm her. "So, what made you want to come out tonight anyway? Not that I'm saying you don't belong but you don't really see a blind person coming to a rave."

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