Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Katarina, listening to what Steven is saying, tries to imagine not having brothers and sisters. She can't do it. Ever since the moment she was born, she always had Xander, and it wasn't too long before she had Chris and Kyle too. Alice had been further along down the road, but even so...even seems incomprehensible, unbearable, to think that for the rest of her life, there would be no Alice.

There had always been someone to play with, someone to talk to, someone that she belonged with as a group, even if she was sick to death of them all. A thousand times Katarina had wished she could have some time to herself, that she could only have to worry about herself, but a million times over she had been glad that her siblings were there. She could not imagine being the only child in her parents' home, with all their wrath directed on her alone. True, it was stressful to have all her siblings to worry about, to have to try to protect Chris and Kyle and even Xander at was stressful now to feel that she had to be responsible for them, that every decision she made was her failing them. But what would she do now, if she was all on her own? What would she do if she had lost not only Alice, but the others too?

She would not want to be alive.

She is half listening as Steven continues, thinking solemnly about this, but looks up when he mentions how beautiful Chris is. Her first instinct is some jealousy, but when he goes on to mention Xander jokingly too, she smiles.

"Yeah, yeah, you're pretty too, that what you wanted to hear?"
Xander continues to glare at Calico as he speaks, he shows no change in emotion or body language as Calico threatens him, still no change when he is dropped by the gang members and even when Calico splits the massive, old, strong tree in half he stills doesn't change.

Then he leaves. Xander breathes out a sigh that he didn't know he had been holding in, he finally allowed himself to wince as he reached forward, picked up the bloody picture and put it in his pocket. He couldn't lose that picture, it was the only one he had of all five of them. Alice included. His body ached from the punches and he was becoming more and more dizzy as he got up and headed home, one arm around his stomach protectively and the other hanging loose by his side.

By the time Xander can see the motel in the distance, his vision is darkening rapidly and he has learnt to ignore the blood dripping down his forehead. He wipes his mouth and doesn't even notice it comes away with blood on it. "Almost there.." He mutters to himself, but before he can reach the door and go inside, his vision goes black and he crashes to the floor just outside the motel. A bit of blood dripping onto the floor where he has fallen as he lies motionless.

(I'm gonna introduce Lei in the morning, just waiting for Morning now so I can wake my characters up :D )
Jessie held the receiver to his ear but his attention was on the girl as she readily entered the room Hailey was in. His plan clearly wasn’t working, and he knew that if Mike had left any bruises on the girl that this new comer would be able to see it. What he didn’t understand was why this stranger seemed so worried about Hailey when it looked like she was just passing by.

His lips almost tightened, Calico hadn’t sent any type of security over, as Jessie had stated he didn’t need it. All he was doing was breaking the blonde in, getting her used to the trade he would soon be selling her into. It all meant more money for him, and that meant that he could get the fix he was waiting for.

Hanging up the receiver he went after Raekel, entering the room behind her and seeing her shake Hailey, trying to wake her up. Luckily, the girl seemed to remain unconscious and he took the chance to grab the strangers arm. If and when he succeeded in getting a firm grip, he would pull her out of the room. “I didn’t want to do this to you” he notes, as he tries to force her out of the room.
As she and Mex were moved into a booth, she wondered if this was Steven's doing. Sure she didn't know the guy well unlike some of her siblings, but she actually felt happy about it. He seemed like an okay guy. He obviously made Kat happy and he seemed to be a big help. She was glad someone like him came into their lives. It was different and Chris wasn't sure what might happen because of it, but she was happy with how things were going so far. And if he could help with Kyle's power... Well that would be one of the best things to happen.

Chris was happy for the booth as well. She wanted to get off the floor and away from people. She felt better being a little separated, although she was still on edge about being with Max, a stranger. She knew she should try harder to get along with him, but it wasn't all that easy for her. It took effort to come here and that was mainly for Kat's sake if she was being honest.

When Kat came over, Chris listened to her, nodding. "I'll try and relax," she said back to her sister. And she would. She stiffen when Kat spoke of her powers. If she could see, she might look at Max to tell if he heard. She reached out a bit, trying to tell if any physical signs might tell her, but her powers were muddle by the noise. She leaned close to Kat. "Some interference, but it's okay."

Then Kat was gone and Chris was alone with Max again. She almost dazed out when Max spoke. She turned her body to face the direction she felt he was in.

"I came because my sister asked me too. I don't get out much," Chris said with a shrug. "But don't worry. I may be blind, but I'm not helpless."


Jillian nodded when Lionel went to bed. He stayed in the main room, taking up a game of solitaire with some beat up cards. He was sure some might be missing from the deck and a few cards seem to be from other kinds of deck, but he didn't mind. It was something to do to pass the time until the boys arrived, Jillian wanted to be here to greet them. He wanted them to be able to ease into the shelter life and he didn't want any problems either.

He talked about it a little with one of the helpers who thought it should be fine. This shelter wasn't that full and once Jillian mention they didn't look like adults, a few other agreed Jillian made the right choice in asking. Jillian could only hope so. He had helped Lionel out when they first met. Lionel was of course younger than both Julian and Duck and was a little younger than. But Jillian knew he couldn't just let the kid suffer on the street. Even when he had a hard time adjusting to his new life, Jillian was there for him. Jillian wasn't sure why he took Lionel under his wing, but it felt right. And Jillian was happy for it now. Lionel was like a brother. Someone here in his new life, he liked and wanted to be around. A happy thing to have occurred.

He hoped Duck and Julian would also be happy things.
*Steven takes Kat back under his arm, pulling her close against him, partly cause the music is so loud it's the only way they can hear each other but mostly cause he likes how this feels* So you look like you're having a good time, I'm glad I convinced you and Chris to come out, although I'm not sure about that guy she's with, he looks like a tool. *laughs at that, and realizes there is a bit of jealously in his words, not that he was with Chris but he looked like a guy without a worry in the world, he was probably spoiled rotten and rich. He quickly shakes those thoughts out his his head and decides to continue his fun with Kat.* Hey you know the thing I hate about these things the most? They never play slow songs to dance to, it's always this crappy house music that I have to say all sounds the same to me and these damn lights are so annoying, it's have to focus on something across the room...So it's a good thing you're right here so I have no trouble looking at you, ok that was corny I know, sorry.
Katarina leans against Steven, glad for his arms around her, feeling light and free and for the first time in weeks, maybe months...maybe even years...happy. Happy to be close to someone who seems to like and care for her, someone who worries even about her siblings, as if they belong to him by extension too. Happy that someone would want to spend time with her without her needing to give something in return, that someone could find her interesting and attractive, that someone could see her utterly screwy life and how she herself was far from normal, and not run in the other direction. Happy that for tonight, she could forget her life at the motel and her daily struggles just to get by, let alone reasonably care for and provide for her siblings, and just have fun, like she's a normal teenager...just any other girl.

She was happy, and that was not something she wanted to analyze, but rather to savor.

"Hey, he's been nice to her...he's trying to make her feel comfortable, and it's about time. People shouldn't be scared of her or not wanting to be around her just because she's blind, that's stupid. She's still just Chris," she half yells back at Steven over the music, about Max, and it seems Katarina is talking to herself as much as to him, convincing herself as well that her behavior towards Chris up to this point has been without merit. "She deserves someone noticing her."

Steven feeds her a line that is not unlike those of most other guys Katarina has come into contact with, but he immediately calls himself on it, only endearing himself to her more. Katarina smiles and looks him in the eye, pressing her palm flat against his side.

"I like it here with you. I'd probably like it anywhere with you."


As they stand together, the last notes of their shared song reverberating about them, Julian half closes his eyes, almost praying, though he does not believe that any God would ever answer or even listen to anything that he, Julian, might ask. It was terrible to even think that any holy being would ever even want to look at him, let alone allow him to speak. It was more like silent, controlled thought, a hope or wish that he and Duck would someone be able to get by in their next destination.

It is with trepidation that Julian begins to slowly make his way out of the park, looking back to see that Julian is following. With each step to the homeless shelter, making note of the landmarks as per the directions Lionel and Jillian had given, his anxiety intensifies.
*Steven smirks at Kat then rolls his eyes* Now who's being corny, face it you just like me cause I'm charming, good looking, kind, sweet..Feel free to stop me at anytime or add your own adjectives. Let's see smart, funny oh and those watered down ginger ales are probably what really makes you want to be with me. Oh wait except for the ginger ale, those all describe you. Hey want to have some fun? How about I let you decide if the next few people can get in or not and lets see what happens. *They don't have a dress code or anything like that and they don't really card unless someone looks like Kyle's age, they usually just pick out the thugs, lowlifes, or if they just don't like the way they look.* Now you'll have to stand in front of me and act like you're in charge, you have to be confident when you look at people and don't let them back you down. *Takes her by the hand and goes to the front doors, confident that Chris will be fine with both the wait staff and the bouncers looking over her.* I promise it will be fun and a bit of a thrill.
Charming? Good-looking? Kind, sweet, smart, funny? Katarina would not have used a single one of those adjective to describe herself, and found them very difficult to believe that anyone, even Steven, could really think they were true. But before she could overanalyze them, before she could protest, Steven was distracting her attention, leading her towards the front door as he described to her what sounded like a prank...her being a bouncer? Really? HER?

Katarina was 5'6 and 125 pounds, hardly the typical image of what people might picture as a bouncer "type." Who would believe her?

"Steve, I'm a girl, and I'm not exactly a bodybuilder either," she protested as he guided her forward. "I'm in ripped jeans and a jacket, I don't have a uniform or anything...who's going to listen to me if I tell them go away? They'll probably just push right past me."

Still, she finds herself standing in the door all the same, Steven not having taken no for an answer. Her heart beating faster than usual, her mouth a little dry, she tries to straighten her posture, to look each person in the eye who is approaching the front door, but still she is self conscious, certain that all will immediately see through her. The first guy who comes up is almost a foot taller than her and stockily built, tattoos circling his arms and neck. THIS is her first guy?

Still, Katarina lifts her head, and tries to sound confident as she looks up at him. "Sorry, can't go through. Next?"
*Steven and one of his co-workers stand behind Kat and give the guy a look that says "We could break you in to pieces if you don't leave, which he does.* Not bad but I can hear the doubt in your voice, next time when you say it, roll your eyes at him before you send him off and watch what happens.* Steven moves next to her and waits for the next guy to show up, he had about 4 girls with him, now Kat can see how Steven makes some of the money he gave her.* Sorry, no room, come back in an hour, maybe someone will leave and we can fit you in. *The guy looks at Steven then back at the girls, then nods at Steven and pulls out a roll of bills and slips two hundred dollar bills in Steven's hand. Steven sort of looks away and steps to the side letting the man in with his girls. Gives one to his co-worker working the door with him and puts the other in his pocket. * That's how you work a door, looks like I get to treat everyone to some pancakes tomorrow.
Katarina watches as the guy she had asked to go away leaves, no less convinced. It wasn't like he had done so with her standing there alone; surely it was obvious that she had backup that would step up and take over for her if he had refused to listen. Still, as she watches Steven somehow end up with two hundred dollars after turning a guy down, she's got to admit that this looks like a skill that would be in her best interest to learn. She's pretty sure she'll suck at it, just like everything else she's ever tried to do for money...but it has to be worth a try, right?

The next guy who comes up is with three others, two girls, one guy, and Katarina looks them over quickly before standing tall, rolling her eyes and saying with as much assurance as she can muster, "It's full, no more in tonight."

She waits, wanting to glance back at Steven to see how she had done, but restraining herself. She would blow her own role here if she looked back at him, like she doubted herself, even if that was precisely what she was doing.
Max couldn't help but smile at Chris' comment. She was stronger than she seemed. Though it wasn't too much of a surprise. Blind people were naturally seen as weaker than most people. He took another drink of his ginger ale before speaking.

"In my opinion, you're only helpless when you admit it. A man can lose every battle he's been in, but as long as he still views himself as the strongest, he is." He thought back to the incident that changed his life, the day he discovered the existence of dominoes. That day, he was left bleeding and exhausted on the dirty New York ground, robbed by a man that could control metal. Still, though he lost a bit of pride and money that day, he never once felt helpless. That incident had opened a new world for him, a world he was determined to rule. He glanced over at Chris. She seemed nice and normally he would spare her. But if stepping on her was a way to get to the top, he will do it.

"It must be nice having a sister. I'm an only child so I have no brothers or sisters, so I'm a bit jealous. Do you have any other siblings?"
*Steven and his friend try not to laugh to loud as Kat turns the people away, I know it's seems mean but when you work a door for hours on hours you need to amuse yourself where ever you can, as the people leave Steven moves behind Kat wrapping his arms around her and hugs her, without thinking about it he leans in and kisses the side of her neck.* You did awesome Kat!

*On the otherside of the warehouse there is a small side door, with little security cause it was supposed to be locked and barred, however the gangbangers Steven sent away earlier returned and with all the noise from the music noone heard then pry the door open and enter the rave. Once inside the don't even try to be subtle about their presence and start getting into trouble right away, making it to infront of the VIP lounge, they're greeted by two bouncers, being turned away once more they decide to not take it, one of the gangbangers snaps and pulls out his gun and fires it hitting the bouncer in the shoulder, that sends the entire place into a panic, which excites the other members who pull out their guns and start firing at first in the air but as they're bumped and nudged they start shooting into the crowd. At the front door Steven and his co-worker hear what's going on, Steven pushes Kat to the other bouncer.* Don't let her move! Kat stay here! *Steven normally would head straight for the trouble makers but this time he's moving for where Chris is, sadly it happens to be the same place the trouble is. The crowd is to thick so using his own gun is out of the question, as he get's to the VIP lounge and can see Chris and Max, he catches in the corner of his eye a gangbanger turning his gun towards them, with no time to spare he jumps on a table and uses it to sprngboard and land right in front of Chris and Max, with his back to the shooting, he spreads his arms across their table and grips it so he can brace himself. With no time to try to conceal his powers he has to use them in front of Max, Steven's eyes glow bright white, as the muscles and skin on his body harden, to a point of being as hard as dense steel. Just in time for a powerful shotgun blast to hit him dead in the back.*

(There Max can see Steven's powers. :P )
When the first person actually walks away due to Katarina's telling him to do so, without the other bouncers sending stronger nonverbal messages for him to do so as well, Katarina is surprised by how good it makes her powerful. She can feel herself standing taller and straighter, her shoulders thrown back, and the fact that Steven is impressed with her, that he approves of her, is that much more confidence-inspiring. She grins back at him, laughing slightly, but it is when he hugs her, kissing her neck, that Katarina really feels amazing. Her smile widens, and one hand touches her neck before she can stop herself, her face flushed with happiness. She starts to turn towards him, intending to kiss him too.

But that is when the sound of gunfire breaks out in the next room, and immediately her happiness is replaced with shock, even horror. It seemed to be coming from the area where Steven had lead Chris and Max, no, NO, Chris...CHRIS, Chris couldn't see. How would she protect herself, how could she run...CHRIS, oh god, oh no...

"CHRIS!" she screamed, starting to bolt towards her, but then Steven is tossing her back towards one of the bouncers, and he's running away, he's leaving her...NO! He's going straight to the gunmen, he's going to put himself right in the middle...he'll be hurt, he'll be killed...he'll be...CHRIS...

Katarina twists and writhes, finally breaking from the bouncer and scrambling her way through the crowd, shoving to follow after Steven. She is not thinking of what it is she can actually do to help, which is likely nothing at all. She is thinking of Steven, of her little sister, the only sister she has left. She is frantic with the fear of what her latest failure had brought...she had dragged Chris here, she had left her alone. If anything happened to her, it was her fault. If anything happened to Steven...
( xD Seems that everyone wants to be noticed by Max. Not complaining though.)

Max nearly jumped as the commotion started. It had certainly caught him by surprise but Max never went out unarmed after the incident with the domino. As he reached for the gun in his belt, Steven barged into the booth. Max hesitated for a bit. Sure he had a license to carry, you could get a lot of things with money, but was it wise to pull it out in front of the bouncer.

His thinking was interrupted as Steven took a shotgun shot straight to the back. Without much thought, he pulled the pistol out and shot at the assailant. The bullet only grazed the hand but it was enough for the guy to drop his gun. Max leaped over Steven's body to grab the gangbanger's collar. He slid in a way that brought both the man and himself slamming onto the floor. Max landed on his back while the other man's fall was broken by his skull.

Wincing a bit due to the pain from the impact, Max got up and checked on Steven. His eyes widened as they scanned the bouncer's back. There was no blood, and upon closer inspection, no bullet wound. The only proof that Steven had gotten shot was a small hole in his shirt. Max could hardly conceal his excitement. Another domino! What was this one? Increased healing? Invincibility? Three, maybe even four, dominoes in one day.

Continuing gunshot made him come back to his senses. That's right. They were still in a fight. Max tipped the table and seats over to provide the group with makeshift cover. "Chris, hide down here," he said, grabbing the blind girl's arm and pulling her behind the table. He dragged Steven as well to cover the bouncer more. He only had 9 rounds left and no back up mags. Max hoped that Steven would have something that could help them.
*Steven is pissed now and in pain, he can take multiple gunshots but he knows that there is still a chance that a bullet can still get through, he's lucky that blast didn't shatter his spine but he's mostly pissed because he had to expose himself in public, his only hope was no one saw him cause they were to busy running for their lives. He knew eventually the other bouncers would come in but not until enough of the crowd was gone so if they have to shoot there be less chance of hitting an innocent. His first instinct is to just pop up and take these guys down but Chris is his priority right now. Covering Chris's body with his own, he grabs the edge of the table Max flipped over and lifted it as if it was a piece of paper and used it to shield the three of them* We're getting out of here right now, I won't risk Chris's life over some gangbangers so whoever you are if you want to live stay close. *Not waiting for Max to answer Steven starts moving with Chris and the table towards the doors, kicking things out of the way as they move*
It was getting more and more chilly as Duck and Julian walked. He couldn't help but reflect on what just happened, the very special moment he was sort of longing for. It was a good way to lighten everything that was happening so quickly. As he walked, he didn't realizes he was pacing behind Julian and they were walking out of the park. Duck couldn't help but look at Julian, thinking of how his attitude sort of strange, but calming when they finished the song. Now it seems he was reverting back to his thoughts. Maybe the boy had trust issues like himself, too. Duck didn't want to intrude in his thought process.

They made it outside the park and Duck followed Julian who seemed to have known where he was going, sort of. Duck had to look around just in case they weren't going the right way, but so far it wasn't too hard to really find all the landmarks. He looked to Julian, who looked like he was still stuck in thought, and it wasn't a very comforting. Duck was also a little anxious, too, but really wanted to say something to the boy. He tried to keep pace with the boy and kept a smiling facade, hiding his mild anxieties. It was hard to think about one thing and show another feeling, rather it just gave him a headache. Duck at least wanted to do that to make the boy feel comfortable. The place was within sight and here their lives will be different.

They finally reached the homeless shelter and suddenly he felt a little overwhelmed. How does one just enter a homeless shelter? Do they just talk to people? Maybe enter and BOOM instant community inclusion? Are the police involved? Duck was a little hesitant to enter, and saw there was a little desk in the room with a receptionist. It was Tall man, but he seemed really nice. He instantly greeted the two teenagers, and all Duck could mutter was "Uh... W-we're... here to stay?" The man laughed a bit and replied, "Ok I'll find a room for you." Duck stopped the man, "W-we were ... told to come here by Jill... Jillian. She's with a boy. Lionel." The man was a bit confused, knowing Jillian wasn't really a girl, but he remained friendly, "Ok they're in the room a few doors down, but I think Jillian is in the main room if you'd like to go there. It's just through that door right there. You guys can go ahead and I'll prepare some papers you can sign for check in and I'll meet you guys there."

Duck kind of felt just anyone could check into a homeless shelter. That was a little scary. Jillian had been safe though. So had Lionel, who was a few years younger than himself, and they made it fine. He just had to remind himself that people were safe, he was going to be safe, nothing would hurt him if he stayed close to these people. He looked to Julian, "Y-You ready for this, Juls?"
The crowd in the rave has become more like a mob, with people screaming and trying to duck and hide, or else run straight for the exit. People are running right into the line of fire, falling down, trampling each other, and Katarina feels sick with her anxiety for her sister and Steven. Where ARE they...are they hurt? Is Chris lying somewhere on the ground, bleeding out and afraid by herself? Steven can take bullets, but how many is too many? What if they shoot him in the FACE?

"CHRISTINA! STEVEN!" Katarina screams, but her words are lost in the shouts of the others as she tries to fight her way towards the area where Chris had last been, where Steven had disappeared. The gunshots are continuing, and her heartbeat speeds up, her entire body going cold at what this might mean.

But then she sees a...a table? There is a table, shoving its way through the crowd, with three people behind it, using it almost like a sickle slicing through everyone else to move forward. And when Katarina finally sees the back of Chris's head and recognizes that it is Steven and Max with her, Steven propelling her forward, supporting her and the table as a shield for them, her legs go weak with relief. But then she realizes that just because they're moving out and alive doesn't mean they're okay...any one of them could be hurt.

Still shouting their names, Katarina follows after them the best that she can, finding it harder than them to squeeze through the crowd with everyone shoving and pushing around her. When she at last is able to emerge outside, the cool night air enveloping her, she is breathless, almost in tears, her eyes open wide as she stumbles towards the three. She is shivering more from shock than the cold.



As soon as the homeless shelter was within their sight, Julian's steps had become slower, and he had shivered, every muscle tensing. It was with great difficulty that he had continued to walk, making himself enter it.

The man inside who had greeted them seemed friendly enough, but Julian could not speak to him or meet his eyes. Papers...they had to fill out papers? He couldn't write down the truth on papers! He would have to write a fake name, fake information...but Duck had just said his name. Duck had called him Juls...why had he given Duck his real name?

He nods, just barely, in reply to him, but inside he is terrified. They will find out who he is, why is he here?
Raekel saw it was pointless to try and get the girl to wake. Still she was disgusted by what she saw. Bruises and... Raekel had a feeling that this wasn't the girl's choice, but there was no way to comfirm or deny that. She was sure the others here wouldn't be honest with her. Not that she blamed them.

She scoffed and was ready to go when someone grabbed onto her. She tried to yank herself out of their grip and saw it was the guy from before.

"Why hiding something?" Raekel sneered at him and managed to get herself out of his grip. "I was just about to go. Calm down." Raekel flicked her cigarette at him. "Oh and next time you touch me, I'll knock your teeth out. Kay?"

Raekel got out of the room and back onto the streets. Wasn't what she had planned to do, but she felt a little better. Being an ass to that guy counted for something, but she made a note to keep an eye on the house encase she sees that girl up and walking. She had a few questions for her.
Chris could feel it. She was liking him, just liking, this guy a little. He didn't seem to want to protect her nor did he try to make her feel uncomfortable or lesser or anything because of her blindness and/or her gender. She had dealt with enough asses who tried to "protect" her. If she was looking (and she wasn't) she'd want someone a little like Max. But she would never confess to this at all.

"That sounds like a good opinion to have," Chris said, drinking her soda. She smiled at the next question. "I have two brothers as well. We don't always get along's nice to have a family. It must be different to be an only child."

Chris was sure things might have progressed nicely if things didn't get out of hand.

Things slowed down for a moment as Chris tried to register what exactly was going on. One moment she was talking to Max and then Steven was in front of her, trying to shield her from...bullets? There was a gunfight going on in the club?

"Kat." Chris let her powers go and she tried to see if she could find Kat in the mess that came back to her. Then she heard her sister call out to her and she wanted to run over to her. But she knew that a, neither boy would let her do such a thing and b, it would be too dangerous.


Then they were moving which Chris was happy for. She moved a little too out of the protection of the table and felt a bullet hit her in the shoulder. She let out a scream of pang and held back a sob. It hurt, oh did it hurt. She kept on moving, but once they were outside Chris collapsed on the ground, trying to see how badly she had been hurt. Tears were streaming and she tried not to be too loud with her cries of pain.



When Duck and Julian had entered the main room, Jillian stood. He glanced towards where Lionel was sleeping. He waved them over to where he sat, inviting him to join him. He was relieved to see them if he was honest. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Jillian wasn't entirely sure they would show. He had offered and they had agreed, but he couldn't be 100% sure they would actually come here. Maybe it was the way they acted or maybe it was because Jillian thought he wasn't allowed friends. That life wouldn't be that nice.

"Hey guys. Glad to see you're here."
Max followed behind Chris as Steven led them through the battlefield. He wasn't sure how long the table would hold so he tried to move as fast as he could. It seemed sturdy enough though, at least for now. And even if it did break, it seemed as though Steven's power, whatever it could be, would be enough to protect the group against direct fire, even for a little bit.

After they were outside, he heard Chris scream and saw her collapse. A bullet had hit her square in the shoulder. It wasn't a mortal wound but it could still be dangerous if it wasn't treated soon. Not really caring if it was uninvited, he hoisted Chris onto his shoulder and turned to Steven. "We need to take her to the hospital. I have my car with me, but we'll have to find Kat before we go. I think she should be able to come with her sister."
Glad they had showed...Jillian was glad they had showed. They, including him. With those softly spoken words, Julian blushed, looking away and clearing his throat. Jillian was glad they were here...he didn't know if that made his being here better, or worse.

Glancing towards Lionel and seeing that he was asleep, Julian kept his voice soft, shifting his guitar to his other shoulder as she took a step forward. "Um...where is the bathroom...and which bed...which b-bed do we get?"

He thinks it would probably be wise to sleep now rather than sit around talking. So many unexpected things have happened today, so much has changed, that he probably shouldn't push his luck.



Katarina screams again when she sees Chris fall, running to her as fast as she can through the weave of people still streaming from the place. Her sister has fallen, her sister is hurt. Did she just trip, or has she been...

Her stomach flips as she sees the blood spread across Chris's shoulder, and horror becomes metallic in her mouth, so strong she is nauseated. Her sister has been shot.

"No...Chris, no," she gasps as she falls to her knees beside her, reaching for her, one hand on Chris's head, the other moving to cover the wound. "Oh god I'm sorry. Chris, I'm so sorry..."

She is already sobbing as Max lifts her over her shoulder, the familiar itch spreading through her skin that is always experienced by her when she feels any sort of emotional pain. But when Max mentions hospitals, her horror is renewed.

"But-" she blurts, as the realization of what exactly a hospital would mean floods through her thoughts. In a hospital, they would want Chris's name and address, her age and medical information...and if they didn't give it, they could certainly find a way to look it up. A minor in a hospital, brought in by her minor sister, with no parents available, certainly the police would become involved, and DSS too. They would find out who they were, they would send them to foster care, split them up, at best, and back to their parents at worst. And their parents...after these past few months, after the fire, after...after Alice...what would their parents do, if they took them back?

Katarina's tears intensify at this realization, and she shakes her head. They cannot go to the hospital. If this isn't a matter of life and death for's just not an option.

"No," she chokes out, and she grabs at Max's arm, stopping him. "NO, we can't take her to the hospital...we just...can't. PLEASE."
*Steven looked at Chris and nodded at Max, his battlefield experience helps him prioritize what needs to be done, they were out of the killzone, now assess the wounded and get them medical attention..Max was about to do that, now it's time to clean up. Anyone that could still move is out of the building. Normally the bouncers would clear out cause the police would be there soon but Steven is pissed that Chris go hurt and Kat is now crying, pulling off his jacket and throwing it on the ground, Steven looks back at Kat* I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought you here, take care of your sister. *Looking to his fellow bouncers that are ready to get the hell out of here* Close the doors behind me and make sure no one follows me! *pulling two guns out of their holsters Steven walks back into the building and as instructed the doors are locked behind him*
Max looked at Kat with a bit of confusion. Why was she so afraid of hospitals that she'd risk Chris' arm? He thought for a bit. Surely Kat had a reason for hating hospitals. Maybe they didn't have any insurance. He didn't want to let anything happen to a potential domino but he also didn't want them hating him. If Max had learned anything growing up, it's that it's imperative that people like you even if you didn't need them.

"We can go to my place then to treat Chris' wound. My parents run a pharmaceutical and medical supply company so there's plenty of things we can use. If we don't treat this, the wound could get infected and your sister might lose that arm. You guys don't even need to stay long. We'll clean and dress the wound and send you off with some other things to take care of it with."

He had concluded that it was best if they didn't stay at his suite anyway. Even though he hid everything well, with enough snooping these dominoes might be able to find out what he was truly after. For now, it was best to form amiable relationships with these people. He'd do background checks on them after they left.
Katarina's head swivels as Steven takes off back into the rave, directly into the danger. Not only is he not staying with them, to make sure that she and Chris are okay, he's heading back into the middle of that chaos? He's heading back where she got SHOT, where he could get shot too?!

To Katarina this seems not only to be a proclamation of his imminent death or severe injury, but also an abandonment of sorts, and her tears intensify. She covers her face with one hand, the other still covering the wound on Chris's back as though by touching it she can somehow keep the blood in. This day could not get any worse. From her rejection in the park to Kyle's near fire to Xander's showing her arm and everyone finding out about her, Steven's earlier frightening injury and now these gangsters, Kyle having seen a shooting, Chris being shot, who knew what would happen to Steven now,who knew if she'd ever see him again...she was not sure how much more of this she could take.

She barely heard Max's offer to take Chris to his home. It took several moments for this to sink in, and when she did she grabbed his arm almost desperately, tightening her fingers around it. "Yes! Yes, yes, please, take her, please help her...."

In the back of her mind she was aware that it was very late, that Kyle and Xander would surely be worried about them by now, but as no one had a telephone, she could hardly call. Max could drop them back home later...but they had to help Chris now.
(Oh dear, can only imagine how much worse Katarina's day is gonna get when they eventually go back to the motel to find Xander blacked out outside looking like sh*t. xD

Should I have him wake up alone and find his way back inside? Or should I wait 'till they get there? I don't mind either way)


Xander was cold. Really cold. So cold infact, he felt like he was lying on a hard, solid ground in the freezing cold. And the world was so dark. Pitch black almost. Was he in the middle of an eclipse? But then realized that his eyes were closed. Ah, that was probably why it was so dark. So he blinked them open sleepily, only to realize that he felt so cold because he was infact outside, and he was laying on the cold ground.


The name rang inside his mind loudly and his eyes widened, sitting up with a start and then a wince of pain. It was dark still, really dark, but now Xander could see it was because it was late, really late. The girls. They must be home by now. Xander managed to stumble up from the floor, and made his way inside the motel. One thought on his mind. Checking on the others. Making sure they were safe first. He ignored the throbbing of his head as he made his way to Katarina's and Chris's room. He knocked first of course.....then he knocked again. Once more. No answer.

His heart sped up and he called to them nervously, "Kat? Chris? You in there?" After no response he pushed the door open, only to see that they weren't there. Sh*t. Sh*t. Calico. Calico had threatened to take them, to take his sisters away from him stuff to them, if he found out Xander was lying. Which he was. No, no, no! Xander shut the door quickly, checking the areas of the motel they used for his sisters, even checking his and Kyle's room to see his little brother asleep in bed. Kyle was safe then.

After cleaning himself up slightly - enough so that he could walk properly - he left the motel, searching for his sisters.

(Could Katarina spot Xander walking past/heading over to them, I gotta go now so I had to wrap it up quickly)

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