[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Wow, this looks familiar. Can't think where from though...

Captain Hesperus
Okay, so I'm going to leave this one up to the group.

First, we're going to hand-wave you guys out of the underground torture vaults. But, what's the plan after that? Where to? And what about Arjun? Where do you all meet?
Do you? We can run you separate and all find out if you ever cross paths. Or we can say something like, "And Cadence and Masaru meet up with Arjun, their friend/contact/handler/etc. in X"
From what I know of Cadence. she would have little to do with any noble, considering her slave history. It's more possible that Masaru 'Loyal' Tetsuo would have had dealings with him on behalf of his sister or her fiance. A more likely occurrence could be a meeting on the road to Reus.

Captain Hesperus
Arjun could certainly have dealings with Tetsuo and her 'Mistress' if they had any interest in any brothel services or sampling the Dream Parlors, although from what I read that seems a bit unlikely, however, Arjun is looking forward to expand his influence and power within his house, and perhaps she was appointed by one of his superiors, either his mother or the head of the House, as a contact with this Realm family for a particular purpose, which I'll lave for you to decide.
Okay. We have Kasheal joining with a possibility of seeing his character tomorrow. We'll try to tie this all together, if we can.
Well I have put up the basics of Salvator and will be finishing the crunch bits in the morning.

As for knowing the group its likely Salvator's name will be known to any who have visited the arena recently. Also as he is currently a hired sword in most respects it is quite possible he may have done work for one of the noble characters (as a sellsword or possibly hired thief). Or they could have heard of his services and possibly wish to hire him. Plus chance meeting could probably easily happen.

Anyway I am tired and rambling so I will bid you all a goodnight.
All right. Let's get this party started. (stupid holidays ... )

Yes, so, we left Cadence and Masaru heading to Raes, a small village about five days north of Gem.

I'd like to discuss together how we can narratively tie all of you together ahead of time. Either in backstory or options for our next scene in Raes.

It is possible that if Arjun finds out about an Exalt offering services as a sellsword, he would try to contact him and getting him to work for him to further his cause of expanding his riches both legally and illegally, if he has deep ties to any other noble house he might be cautious at first, but he definitely wants a good deal of allies and or muscle on his side first before he starts any real dangerous machinations. As for Raes, is there anything there of importance? I think we can find a reason for Arjun to visit the village, specially if there's something there that might interest him like a newfound contact for illegal trades of gems, or perhaps an anonymous tip regarding a juicy rumor on the despot or some other noble, anything he could use for leverage to gain power.
I'd still like to see the meeting between Masaru, Cadence and his sister, if only to flesh out that ally/plot hook and to see how this revelation changes the dynamic between the two Celestials. There's the chance that the four Exalts meet either at the fiance's home (Arjun's conducting a bit of business with [the sister's fiance's name here] maybe) or even in the rich quarter where the house is located.

Captain Hesperus
I like Captain Hesperus's idea and am happy enough having Salvator stating of in Arjun's employ (if he pays well enough of course =P )
There's nothing at Raes. Not yet at least. We can make it whatever fits the story best.

What kind of village would be out in the desert?

And yes, I think we'll go with Cap's idea. Great to flesh out the relationships a bit and to introduce the characters. Nice work.
There's all sorts of reasons to have a village in the desert. It could be the last oasis before the final run to Gem, it could serve as a collection hub for desert jewel seekers, it might be a market village for nomads, it could be renowned for it's sand-yacht building...

Captain Hesperus

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