[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Uhhhm. Masaru is masquerading as Rinaka's servant and, as such, isn't supposed to be that far away from her without expressed permission. His original 'excuse' for being at the teahouse was to collect some tea that was supposed to acclimate newcomers to the heat of the deep South.

Rinaka herself is a well placed noble of House V'Neef, engaged to marry [NPC fiance name here] and is his younger sister. He'd been demoted in his family for failing to Exalt while she'd gained all the glory by becoming a Wood Aspect. He'd Exalted by saving her from an ambush by a spurned suitor after she'd gone looking for him on his work travels. I'm not sure if she'd be opening her own door and addressing him as her brother in the street.

I'd thought it might be tacked onto the end of Chapter 1 so we could go to Chapter 2 cleanly.

Captain Hesperus
My gosh. Why did I think your mistress and Rinaka were two different people? And why did I call Phios her husband. Stayed up too late for sure.

Sorry about that. I'll edit the post sometime today. Basically, you guys will already be there when the other meeting happens.
A quick question, Wolfie. When were we allowed to spend that bonus XP? I'm thinking I want to buy up some extra languages retrospectively, namely Low Realm and Riverspeak.

Captain Hesperus
XP can be spent anytime, just mind training times. With that on mind, that five day trip was the perfect opportunity. You can totally retro-actively spend for that time. Also, you can save that time to "spend" on training later, if you like.
Cool beans, then consider 6 XP spent on Linguistics 2 and 3 (Low Realm and Riverspeak).

Captain Hesperus
I have to take the blame for the 'cool beans', I say it quite often and I've been living with him for a while- some things do rub off I'm afraid.
I am a very old-fashioned man.

Captain Hesperus
For those of you who have never been in a game with the Captain and myself, we tend to post a lot when our characters have interactions. And if you have a tendency to post maybe once a day... well, all I can say is, sorry. Okay, so I'm not as sorry as I hope I sound. We have a history of doing this. :)
And I am writing a potted primer of 'Life on the Blessed Isle'.

Captain Hesperus
Holy shit, guys. I'm ... I'm taken aback. You guys are awesome. This is amazing stuff and I'm honored to run this game for you. Thank you. And thanks to everyone for playing and bringing this back. This is awesome.

Quick question, what exactly does Arjun know about Phios and his relation with Tetsuo and Cadence at this point?

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