[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

I was also thinking that Bao nu Shi has been keeping an eye on Tetsuo discretely (not using a Resplendent Destiny) or perhaps giving events enough of a nudge to push these other Solars towards Cap'ns characters. How does that sound?
I'll allow you to have "kept an eye" on the characters and then used a resplendent destiny to be someone in the house the characters are in, if everyone else is okay with that solution.

Or something else similar, of course.
Suits me just fine. That manservant's always been working here, the one who turned up a couple of days ago...

Captain Hesperus
Cadence and Masaru handwaved their way past an angry spook in the dungeons that Gijen ditched us in. There followed an off-stage journey across the desert wherein Cadence exposed herself in many ways. On arrival at Reus, there was funtiems as Cadence met Masaru's sister/mistress and Masaru got verbally bitch-slapped for not informing Cadence about the relationship earlier.

Meanwhile, Arjuna and his ex-gladiator bodyguard, Salvator have a meeting with Rinaka's fiancé regarding missing gemstones and are invited to dinner where Cadence is play-acting at being a civilised and erudite dinner guest and Masaru is back in his role as 'Loyal Tetsuo', his lady's manservant. Game continues.

Captain Hesperus
My work here is done


Captain Hesperus
I don't believe I have any Constellations what will allow me to don the guise of a servant without incurring Paradox. For going incognito, using Arcane Fate (no Destiny) is probably my best bet since no one remembers servants anyway. Would just like to clarify if any experience was awarded for my participation in the first chapter. I will take a back seat and just read the next few posts till I can think of a way for Bao nu Shi to make a reappearance.
I don't remember giving XP ... That might be something that I need to do. Stay tuned.

You could be a house guest the NPCs have "forgotten" about and just come in for dinner like you've been there awhile. Then you can be anything.
A quick check up in the Sidereal book:

The Mast

This is to college of raw physical exertion and pure

muscular strength. As the mast holds up the sails, so do the

heroic efforts of those in this constellation provide the

main strength of their endeavors. This constellation's

ascending precincts are the abode of raw strength of body

and spirit turned without question to a task. The

constellation's descending aspect are strength without

thought, the deliberate unwillingness to question orders

and the stolid inability to communicate. It is the college of

the soldier, the ditchdigger, the scribe and the house

servant. It is the sign of the insect.

Since Bao-nu-Shi is a Resplendent Destiny under The Spear, you could have a house servant, or even Phios or Arjun's most trusted scribe...

Captain Hesperus
Hmm, first combat roll of the game and I botch. Bodes ill, does it not. It could have been worse I suppose, I might have been fighting solo and already used my Charm activation for that action. I have full-pool Dodge Charms standing by.

Captain Hesperus
I think we're waiting on the result of my botchety-botch-botch, Salvator's knifework and SuddenlySeriousSidereal!!!'s attack.

Captain Hesperus
I really need to get some Form weapons. Hands and feet just aren't cutting it...

Captain Hesperus
Yup, I need to get Essence Fangs and Scales, which, of course, needs Snake Form. I need to train more.

Captain Hesperus

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