[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Yes indeedy. I have the stats to wield them, so I don't have to worry about penalties. I just have to find some and afford them.

Captain Hesperus
Oh, but you have to love that Quintessence, it's a currency, then it's a sword, then it's a banquet!

Captain Hesperus
Actually, having just checked the rules for RD's Cadence does get a roll at -3 dice (you call the stat+ability). If she decides to talk to me about that, then I get 2 paradox. (not dice, 2 paradox)
The fact his swords look familiar from a previous encounter with a certain elderly warrior from a teahouse in Gem. It would be interesting if she did remember them. Pattern bite is fun!

Captain Hesperus
I have to say, I'm really enjoying the Cadence rant. It's awesome.

And, it's up to you, ehmygirl, if Cadence notices the swords. Only if you choose to will I ask for a roll.
To be honest, that wouldn't be in character. She sees what she's supposed to see: guard. She's not interested in his swords. What happened yesterday happened yesterday and she'd rather forget about all of that. She just sees some stupid guard getting in her way and if he persists she's just going to shove him out of the way. She needs to relax, calm down, and try and renew some of her essence anyway.
Just FYI, guys — Myllinnia playing Resplendent Diamond Tempest will be joining us again soon. Looking forward.
Well, I am damn sure that I'm not going to be letting this Lunar get to my three-dot Ally. Not now, not ever.

Captain Hesperus
He better have some bad-ass Sid-fu up his sleeve because this Lunar is a blocking machine....

Captain Hesperus
Shen Fo won't be attacking, just blocking him. till backup can arrive and take him down once more or reason with him. Know the fights you can win and those you have to walk away from. Very Battles.

EDIT: I'm trying to make sense of the Sidereal charm Impeding the Flow on page 157 of Sidereals 1E. 3m, Instant, Reflexive. Parries an incoming attack that he's aware of and is not impossible to block. It notes explicitly that this is not a perfect defense. So for 3m all I get is a parry action at my full dice pool not an automatic parry?
I know, digging into some of these charms again I'm shocked at how unclear they are compared to the 2E. The Lunar charms are pretty bad.

Anyway, no. You spend 3 motes and automatically parry an attack you're aware of. No roll needed and you don't have to an action open to do so. They point out at the end, though, that this isn't a perfect defense. So an unblockable attack cannot be parried with this charm.

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