[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

From what I can tell, Cadence is the sort to stick well below the radar and as far as Phios is concerned, 'Tetsuo' is a devoted servant to his fiancee, trained in several useful languages and skilled in household management, etiquette and proper deportment. Sort of like a major-domo or head butler.

Captain Hesperus
Yeah, Cadence isn't the kind to go looking for people to notice her, especially a dragon-blood.
I'd say by the fact he was sat in a chair with the House Peleps mon engraved on it and engaged to marry a House V'Neef Dragon-blooded that he is definitely a Realm Dynast and most likely Dragon-blooded himself. I'm sure there would have been proper introductions off-stage.

Captain Hesperus
Since none of this was explicitly said to me or IC, I want to be sure before I make a post rather than assume stuff.
Yes! He is a Water-aspect DB. The V'Neef's have secured a marriage for their daughter Rinaka with him, which is exciting since he is highly sought after.
No, you silly. He's there it was just Arcane Fate messing with your perceptions. See?

Captain Hesperus
Of course I need to get permission from the ST to bring my character back since I did disappear for 3 months, if he says nein I will understand :)
I think the Wolf in bamboo armour can be quite understanding (and bribable)...

And yeah, 1e still.

Captain Hesperus
Ah, MrSerious. I trust all is well?

I have unlocked your character and changed it's status. Now I just need to figure out where you are.
I notice the new characters are using some sort of swanky template? That seems to be new :P . Can I get a recap of whats happened? Im guessing some 'downtime' xp is too much to ask for :P (greedy)
Well, once I figure in my brain how you made it out of the underground death trap seperately from the others, we'll know about downtime.

And new template?
By swanky template I assume you mean the tabs. I can't remember where the example is but I believe it was in help (think it was with the October update?). It is very nifty.
Yes to use tabs you simply

[tab=Tab 1]Foo[/tab]
[tab=Tab 2]More Foo[/tab]
[tab=Tab 3]A Bit More Foo[/tab]

To create:

  • Foo

Captain Hesperus
Yeah, I really like the tabs. Been using them in my submission threads. Going to start converting characters over to that as well from other games.
Okay, so, MrSerious, I'm thinking you're going to wake up at the mouth of the underground complex still in Gem. You had been separated from the group and made your way through many perils.

That sound decent? If so, we'll make that a new thread.

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