[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

From what I read, the Sidereals have the same Essence XP cost as Solars (current x 8). And again, Essence 2 to 3 has no training time or requirements as I read the book.

Captain Hesperus
WlfSamurai said:
Okay, two things.
First, on top of @JayTee (Fade), we have another player joining us. Welcome, @tr4nsience. Any thoughts on what character you'd like to play?

Second, I'll be opening three scenes for this chapter. One for Bao Nu Shi and Fade, one for Cadence and Tygus, and one for Masaru and Mal. Good?
I have a Dragon-Blooded and an Abyssal concept. Any preference?
tr4nsience said:
I have a Dragon-Blooded and an Abyssal concept. Any preference?
Up to you, really. I feel it will take some work to create tension as an Abyssal without becoming the Antagonist for the whole game, which I'd rather you didn't'. But, truly, your choice.

[QUOTE="Cap'n Jack Hesperus]@WlfSamurai Y'all want an archive forum for all them archived threads?
Captain Hesperus

Yes please.

MrSerious said:
With permission from the Wlf I will raise Bao's essence from 2 to 3.
I assume you're paying with XP for that, right? If so, yes, you may.
To make things fit more neatly for our meeting IC Ill say that my character wrote a fate alteration to keep this portion of the road clear essence 1 beings for the next 24 hours
MrSerious said:
To make things fit more neatly for our meeting IC Ill say that my character wrote a fate alteration to keep this portion of the road clear essence 1 beings for the next 24 hours
Suddenly God-blooded, God-blooded everywhere!!!

Captain Hesperus
Has this game gone to sleep again? I know with Frixz gone walkabout, my thread's something of a non-starter, but what about everywhere else?

Captain Hesperus
My word, my track-record here is shot. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back. Anyone still interested? I'm sure everyone is pretty busy at this point. I know @Captain Hesperus is slammed right now, right?
Why are YOU sorry? You've done nothing wrong.

All right. Well, I appreciate all the play and fun, guys. You were great. I hope my absences here haven't tarnished my ability to drag you kicking and screaming into future games with me. I love the way you guys play. It makes my games look semi-decent. Keep up the good work and keep an eye on future games.

Thanks again!

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