[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Numbers are all crunched, having a spot of trouble with the backstory. Don't feel you have to wait for me ;)
I'm not. Not sure I'll have time to post tonight, but I might yet. Hang tight everyone else.

Wait, I mean...err... yeah, I'm totally waiting for @JayTee . :)
@MrSerious lemme see.

The strange girl from the sand-demon-stampy beast is potentially in our hands, Salvador has slipped away, Arjun is about to slink out the door after successfully dewinding Rinaka's sails, Mal has arrived to upset the egg basket (very successfully, so far), Cadence and Tygus are messing with Mal's props, Masaru is all defensive over his sister due to Arjun and Mal's activities and @Myllinnia Diamond has been absent...

Captain Hesperus
Indeed, but Arjun has rather eloquently pointed out how precarious her position currently is. The Realm is a long way away (almost as far away as it is from Greyfalls) and Gem and the Despot's armies are only five days march away.

Captain Hesperus
Character sheet is up. Sorry for the wait. Writers block was and still is a pain in the ass, so I just threw some words at the screen and hoped for the best.
When I first read the name, the first thing that popped into my head was this:


Captain Hesperus
Nevermind, just did a google search.

It's been way to look since I've seen that movie. I need to watch it again.
He's a night caste, he could probably just show up as the guards are taking Mal away and make inform her that he doesn't really appreciate her trying to come and do business without first discussing things with him. Could be he also knew what Phios was up to. Hearing that Phios had had an accident and learning Mal was also in town, he decided that it would behoove him to make a personal appearance.
Also, I'm having a block, for some reason. So I turn to you guys. Who do you think the soldiers are that Cadence and Tygus are diving toward right now? I can't seem to think of anything interesting...
ehmygirl said:
He's a night caste, he could probably just show up as the guards are taking Mal away and make inform her that he doesn't really appreciate her trying to come and do business without first discussing things with him. Could be he also knew what Phios was up to. Hearing that Phios had had an accident and learning Mal was also in town, he decided that it would behoove him to make a personal appearance.
Mal, Fade, how do you feel about this?
Works for me, although I'd need a TL;DR of what Fade knows about the other PCs. I currently don't know much of anything :confused:
You don't know who Cadence, or even Tygus are but you're familiar with who Phios is, and that he has dealings in things that aren't exactly kosher. He's probably had dealings with you, you're probably also aware that he has interest in the slave trade. You would have heard that he was killed by a monster of some sorts, and if you know anything, from what you were able to glean from reports, you figure it was a Lunar who had killed him. Why, you're not sure but Phios' death could put a hamper on your operations in the city. And then there's his 'widow' to deal with, find out how much she knows of his operations and whether or not she'll be interested in taking them on. What really puts you out is that you learn that Mal is in town, trying to get it under her control. This does not please you and you decide that it is in your best interest to make sure that if anyone is going to be the kingpin in the south, it is you and not her. Although she does have an impressive system, you're not willing to be the second best in town. And that is why you're here- to make sure that you're not getting tossed out.

As for the soldiers Cadence and Tygus are diving towards, they bear Mal's standard. If she's going to try and take over a city, it helps that she's brought a some armed muscle to help her establish her control. Cadence and Tygus would have claimed the city as their Lunar territory which would be why they know that there're people who don't belong inside the city's boundaries.

Does this work?
Sort of, but why does it matter to me if Phios was killed?

Also, we seem to have a PvP thing that's about to happen.
I do like how Bao nu Shi appears only when needed most, unlooked for, Gandalf like ^_^ . Hence why I'm sitting back for a mo refamiliarizing myself with this game.
MrSerious said:
I do like how Bao nu Shi appears only when needed most, unlooked for, Gandalf like ^_^ . Hence why I'm sitting back for a mo refamiliarizing myself with this game.
Yes, like Gandalf... " A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives exactly when he means to."

In truth, he got lost and had to wander around a little until he found the right road.

A wizard is never late, nor does he ever ask directions. He arrives exactly when he remembers the right road."


Captain Hesperus
JayTee said:
Sort of, but why does it matter to me if Phios was killed?
Also, we seem to have a PvP thing that's about to happen.
It doesn't matter to you. Not yet. But, this is a chance for you to make a reason why it would. Or a reason tying you to one of the other characters. Or to Rinaka. Whatever you think would be fun.

Essentially, you as the player want to join in the fun(I assume) so create a fictional reason to do so. And it's all you. Bend the fiction to your will. You're a creative guy.
Hmmm...I understand you might be looking for another player? Any particular needs the group has?

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