[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Well, good luck with the move and all the best. Sucks to lose a good player. How would you guys feel if I went and got new blood? Three is nice, but I'd like four. Plus, Cap and ehmygirl don't reallly count as two people... ;)
new blood is fine with me and I think it's funny, we're a couple and therefore we're one vote. How does that happen? :)
ehmygirl said:
Holy cow! That's huge. Have you been learning Chinese at all?
I know just the basics "hello/goodbye/thank you/my name is/etc. I've got myself Rosetta Stone in Mandarin, but I will be learning the language full on once I get there.
We just nabbed @JayTee as a new player, which is awesome. He's a lot of fun to play with. I'm having him come here first to discuss his character.

On the subject, let's talk about Mal. With Arjun gone, I'd like to position her to be more of a party character. We need to wrap up this scene, but what would it take for Masaru and Cadence to accept her?
Hey all, Wlf gave me the go ahead to poke my nose in and join the party.

Any niches that are unfilled that my character could occupy? Fighter? Talker? Mad scientist? :D
I think I'll go with Spymaster, then. It's a build I've been wanting to try out for a while. I should have a character up sometime within the week. I need to familiarize myself with 1st editions rules.
Mostly just pointers in the right direction. I'm not too interested in a combat build, just the more social/mental aspect of spycraft.
Thanks for the welcome! Like I said, I just need some time to familiarize myself with the rules, although any tips you can give me would be more than welcome ;)
To be honest, it's (obviously) a lot like 2nd Edition, but there are no General Charms, no 'tick system' and quite a few more speed bumps to Charms. We're also using the 'Power Combat' system from the 1st Ed Players Guide, so you might needs familiarise yourself with that.

Captain Hesperus
It's not essential, but there are Charm errata and certain concepts of combat (hardness, minimum damage, etc.) that are changed.

  • Exalted do not suffer the -2 dice penalty for not having an appropriate skill for a dice roll
  • Full Parry is a defence tactic, as opposed to Full Dodge
  • Exalted gain twice the points of Essence recovered from a Stunt
  • Martial Arts Styles form weapon clarifications
  • Light Armor takes a minute to don (30 seconds to rush)
  • Changes to movement rates
  • Fly-by attack information
  • 'Hopping Defences' (i.e. Leaping Dodge Method from Castebook: Night)
  • Natural Soak clarification
  • Piercing damage
  • Alterations to weapon speed and Initiative
  • Damage cannot be soaked below the Permanent Essence of the attacker (without a Perfect, of course)
  • Dice pools cannot be penalised below the user's Permanent Essence, except by Wound penalties
  • Adding Essence in dice to Dodge Pool
  • Clinch attack clarification
  • Hardness
  • New Equipment: Clinch Enhancers
  • Heavy and Superheavy armors gain Hardness
  • Hearthstone Bracers add +3 dice to Dodge Pool, regardless of 5MM
  • Lots of Charm changes
  • Alteration to the 5MM bonuses
  • Mortal and Artefact Weapon stat changes

That's the short form of the changes, I can elaborate on anything that you need.

Captain Hesperus
The old soldier has returned to guide these young pups to their birthright - IF the ST will have me. (OOC Actually the Sidereal is as young as any of these young pups, but is able to use Sidereal-fu to convince you all that hes' been around forever :3)

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