[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Ok, got myself the Fae Book to know a bit more of these crazy Raksha, I just think it's worth to mention that Gladdening Visage does not work on people with a Per + Ess greater than your Performance [4], in that case which assumption charm have you got active? if it's Assumption of a Person's Heart, whose person are you basing it of?
"If this is her only active Assumption- type Charm' date=' the raksha exists in Creation as an extension of that creature — she cannot exist outside of its presence, and she involuntarily becomes a dematerialized but manifest spirit when the creature becomes unconscious or someone attempts to forcibly separate her from it. If she has another Assumption-type Charm active, she can leave its presence and does not dematerialize (voluntarily or otherwise) in either circumstance."[/quote']
Since that charm allows you to exist only as an extension of Phios, I don't think you can use it off Phios' heart since not only he's absent from the room, but he is dead, you would need to have another assumption charm active to manifest and be visible to the rest of us, or use this charm based on someone else's heart.
I can always shift it as Phios died onto Rinaka, her hearts worst fears assumed in a living being. Should work well considering the thrashing you just have her!
Just keep in mind that you will have to be constantly at Rinaka's side to exist, or activate your other assumption charm to prevent becoming dematerialized.

Poor Rinaka, I was just joking with the Phios' affair comment and now she has made that fear a reality.
/Masaru prepares to open a can of whoop-ass on the Gem noble...


Captain Hesperus
Where's my damn bodyguard when I need him? >_> <_< >_>

It was for her own good, she wanted to mature so I just gave her a push in the right direction. Blame Mal for Phios infidelities :tongue:
Oh that's right, blame the emotion draining being of non reality! And to be fair, nothing did actually happen between Mal and Phios but the way people assume things around Fae, reality tends to buckle so who knows if they did or if it was just a story shaped into being.
[QUOTE="Cabin Girl Frixz]Oh that's right, blame the emotion draining being of non reality! And to be fair, nothing did actually happen between Mal and Phios but the way people assume things around Fae, reality tends to buckle so who knows if they did or if it was just a story shaped into being.

Thanks for allowing that! :D

Captain Hesperus
That's how we Raksha roll. Some fun story comes along, we eat that up! Suckers for good plot twists.

I've kinda found the best way to play one is to play the persona of the Raksha as if she was typing the post. It's a bizarre experience but essentially what Raksha do in the fluff.
We can't analyze if it's a forgery, but does this will have any validity at all? or is it simply Fae shaenanigans?
Okay, so let's roll back a moment.

Arjun activated Motive-Discerning Technique. Mal, what is your true motivation or what are your true feelings for the situation? Essentially, he can tell why you're doing what you're doing in this situation.

Mal, don't you have to make a Cup-shaping or Staff-shaping attack BEFORE using Heart-Cutting Style? If so, roll it

Masaru, you'll have to roll to put Mal down like that, unless she's letting you. Assuming she's not, you either need to roll for a clinch if you're looking to do some bashing damage, or for a hold if you just want to pin her without hurting her. What would you like to do?
My motivation is to take over Gem and establish trade with her other routes through it. She also doesn't want to be kept away from Rinaka or the other exalts either.

I don't believe so, it weakens a target drastically before the attack. Like a Debuff. But I'll roll it now! (Forgive me but what do I roll :S )

And I won't resist being pinned!
Boy, that motivation won't fly well with Arjun at all.

Also @ehmygirl, I know it's in character for Cadence destroying the will, but maybe let us get involved a bit more with possible plot points next time?
Mal, it's up to you if you want to reveal that deep on motivation or not. The Gem part, that is. The Charm only explicitly draws out for the immediate situation.

@Lord-Leafar it is completely her choice to have tried to take the will. I let it go because it was in the open on the desk. Also, no one tried to stop her. But, I'd say her taking the will IS a plot point. Seeing as there isn't a plot (I pre-plan only the world, not the story), her character doing that conflicts with Arjun, creating tension and good RP. Just what we're looking for. :)

Perhaps I should have backed it up and asked if anyone was trying to stop her? Either way, I think it will play out very fun this way.
I understand, I just meant that there is something I could have done (or maybe someone else) to create or extend the plot with the will, but that option is now moot and I hardly had a chance to do anything about it.
I understand. You had a chance to do what you do best, bend the situation to your advantage or diffuse the situation and wrap it up nice and tidy. That chance went with the will, and it makes the situation far more difficult. But you have something far better. You have the woman who created it—or paid to have it made. There are resources to be had somewhere in there. And I'm very confident, Arjun, you can raise to the challenge. :)

Every door a window. Every window a Void well.
Cadence is illiterate and doesn't understand that there could be a use in the will to help her allies and friends. All she understands is that some woman she doesn't trust and who raises her hackles is trying to hurt her friends and allies so she does what a Lunar often does and just acts. Tygus didn't give a good reason for it not to be destoryed so she is trying to protect friends and what not. I'm sure Arjun can ask her about it later and she'll say she destroyed it and it'll be something of an argument- or not, depending on what happens next.
Figured out my roll! (Manipulation + Socialize)

Her immediate goal then is to stay near the Exalts, in particular Rinaka.

Very nice roll. Hang on to that.

What I'm reading (page 137 of "Fair Folk") says that the roll is Conviction+Ability for Cup attacks and blocks. Is that what you have?
Ahh, I looked it up and it said roll

Attribute + Ability = 11

If it is cup it should be compassion plus ability then which would be 9 dice instead.
Here's what 137 says:


Roll Conviction + Ability for Cup attacks and blocks. Dodging a Cup attack requires a successful Conviction + Dodge (plus Essence, in Exalted Power Combat) roll. The base damage of a Cup attack is the raksha’s Valor plus shaping weapon damage. Soak against Cup attacks equals the target’s Temperance + Willpower. The damage track for Cup attacks equals the target’s Compassion + Cup.

In shaping combat, the Cup resembles Brawl, with a focus on entanglement (shaping clinches). Entertainers often lock their targets in one-on-one interactions or assail them with the raw, swift, brutal power of their art.

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