[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

What exactly is the situation on Raes, does it belong to Gem? is it independent? I kinda assumed this was another town under the control and government of the Despot, since any gem trade is strictly run by his officials and anyone trying to get his hands on it without the Despot's permission is subject to severe punishment, that was why Arjun was contacting Phios in secret to begin with.

A Dynast trying to steal the gem trade from the Despot would certainly draw his enmity, will this be the case here? I just wanna be clear on what to expect from Rinaka's plan and see how to proceed accordingly.
Great question. I'm establishing now, based on that question, that this city is a puppet city under the Despot's rule. It's not publicly known and Phios had made a deal with the Despot, or at least his upper echelon of people, on a trade agreement that would bring gems in at a much lower cost. Arjun is keenly aware of all this but doesn't know what Phios was getting in return. Rinaka may not be aware at all of any of this.
Is there any chance that during the last 3 days I could have glimpsed on some of the paperwork kept by Phios to have a better clue of the deals he was running, or maybe find the name of a few contacts or the Despot's officials he was in touch with, Arjun would not have stayed idle for the last three days for sure.
How exactly does your gossamer magic works? Does it alter memories, or reality itself or what? Arjun's ambitions might conflict with Mal's, or they could potentially find a common ground and benefit each other.
Gossamer is the stuff of dreams which Fair Folk use to bend reality in Creation. They can spend it to fuel charms, create impossibly amazing items or use it to write their own version of reality. As it runs dry they can refuel by sucking mortals or exalts dry or by having the appropriate charms and absorbing run off emotion from powerful beings.
Yes, I know that much, what I was referring to is as to the mechanics of your charms, do you write yourself solely into the memories of people, or do you actually re-shape reality by creating physical evidence of your presence/contacts that did not exist a moment before?
Ah! It's really up to the Fae. In this case Mal is writing herself in physically. Notes, letters, ledgers, contacts and references. Strong willed people like Exalts wouldn't be affected by memory warping but mortals would. Mal is avoiding that by creating a physical reshaping.
@WlfSamurai One question, can I retroactively change one charm I had and I've never got to use? I would like to swap Frugal Merchant Method for Speed the Wheels. I haven't had the chance to use FMM and it doesn't look like I'll be using it anytime soon or too often.
@Lord-Leafar Yes, you may switch those charms. And yes, we can establish that you were able to look at quite a bit of Phios' paperwork. You have a pretty good idea on who his main contacts were, including Mal.
@Lord-Leafar Also, can you give me a Manipulation+Presence roll to see how influential you words are on Rinaka, please? The Difficulty is 2. If you succeed, she'll get flustered and defensive, realizing she hadn't thought this through well enough. If you fail, she'll tell you that you're just telling stories and that you don't know what you're talking about. She won't take you seriously.
Masaru, I forgot to tell you about your previous roll. With it, you were able to tell the look she gave you was one of, "I don't need your help or input. I can do this on my own, thank you very much."
What is Mal's appearance exactly? Is it obvious there's a hint of supernatural in her?, she is App 6, not exactly a mortal's (or Exalted by that matter) standard appearance right?
Yeah, she's the same Appearance as @Myllinnia's character. So they are both heart-stoppingly gentle on the eye.

Captain Hesperus
Yes but I did use a charm to become accepted more readily by creation! So while she is attractive, she isn't reeking of Fae. If you do sense something, she's at best a 'heroic' mortal or a possible minor god.
I would say you're beyond 'Heroic' standards with App 6, what are the mechanics for this charm? Does it impose a certain reaction on observers or gives guidelines? Also what are the characteristics of your assumption charm on your physical body?
Gladdening visage allows me to masquerade as mortal or as a beneficial little god. My assumption allows me to be in a humanoid mortal shape but that can be altered radically.

Without the assumption, I'd calcify since I'd be unshaped.

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