[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Y'all can step off my turf is how )_)

No, but for realzies. I figure Phios was one of my major informants, and now that he's dead my contacts is down to 3, as opposed to 5. So now Fade is pretty mad that his informant web has taken a hit, and he'll looking for payback.

Seem like a good mutual goal?
Millershipper said:
Hmmm...I understand you might be looking for another player? Any particular needs the group has?
Bed glad to have you. We don't have any glaring holes that I can see, so make whatever you like. Note the Houserules when you make your character.

JayTee said:
Y'all can step off my turf is how )_)
No, but for realzies. I figure Phios was one of my major informants, and now that he's dead my contacts is down to 3, as opposed to 5. So now Fade is pretty mad that his informant web has taken a hit, and he'll looking for payback.

Seem like a good mutual goal?
I think this works great. Are you going to come in looking for the killer right off the bat?
I'm still thinking this one over. It's been ages since I've played 1st Ed. I'll break the books out and see what splats I still have. Where is the party right now? That way I can be working on backstory as well. :)
No problem. Keep in mind this is a very "story" game. We're bending the story to our will and creating "emergent" details. Just a heads-up. :)

Glad to be playing in a game with you again, sir.
WlfSamurai said:
I think this works great. Are you going to come in looking for the killer right off the bat?
Yes, but in a very round about way. I deliberately avoided taking any offensive skills/charms to force me to think outside my usual stabhappy box.
JayTee said:
Yes, but in a very round about way. I deliberately avoided taking any offensive skills/charms to force me to think outside my usual stabhappy box.
Fantastic. It's not going to be hard/take long for you to find out that Tygus is the one who killed Phios. He's been hanging with the party since. So, that should bubble fast. :D
Masaru's going to be getting Rinaka out and to her apartments. Once there, he's going to sit with her and talk over her plans. He wants to support her, but he wants to be clued in at the same time.

Captain Hesperus
I am assuming that we took in the strange young woman that fell out of the blood-sand golem-thing and I'm sure someone has to be keeping a close eye on her. You know, just in case she decides to do it again...

Captain Hesperus
whats the deal with your character JayTee? Perhaps Bao nu Shi can 'locate' you to nudge you towards the group
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]I am assuming that we took in the strange young woman that fell out of the blood-sand golem-thing and I'm sure someone has to be keeping a close eye on her. You know, just in case she decides to do it again...
Captain Hesperus

This is what I assumed, but actually, who is? Bao could have her...
MrSerious said:
whats the deal with your character JayTee? Perhaps Bao nu Shi can 'locate' you to nudge you towards the group
He's a go between for illicit organizations. If you want something shady done or found out, you go to him. If you need to know where to find the best assassins, smugglers or whatever, you go to him. If you want to find out where you can get the best illegal goods...

You go to him.
"Stay out of my affairs and I wont ruin your life."

If you're familiar with Siham over in Xarvh's Empires game, I'm channeling a bit of him in to Fade :D
Okay, two things.

First, on top of @JayTee (Fade), we have another player joining us. Welcome, @tr4nsience. Any thoughts on what character you'd like to play?

Second, I'll be opening three scenes for this chapter. One for Bao Nu Shi and Fade, one for Cadence and Tygus, and one for Masaru and Mal. Good?
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[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]'Sandy'?
Captain Hesperus

And, okay, now I have to use this.

Seriously though, she's been unconscious since the "incident".
MrSerious said:
what do you mean by narrative-y by the way?
It's not a very apt description, but I'm allowing you guys to direct the story and create story elements as we play. It's kind of a focus on narrative.
So... when does the next chapter begin? :) The one where I'm driving a wagon, Sandy unconscious in the back following the strands of fate to the next Solar in need of nudging. :)

EDIT: How much xp to raise my Essence from 2 to 3? And what are the limits/rules on Sidereals raising their essence?

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