[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

WlfSamurai said:
I know, digging into some of these charms again I'm shocked at how unclear they are compared to the 2E. The Lunar charms are pretty bad.
Anyway, no. You spend 3 motes and automatically parry an attack you're aware of. No roll needed and you don't have to an action open to do so. They point out at the end, though, that this isn't a perfect defense. So an unblockable attack cannot be parried with this charm.
This is how I always read it. It defends any attack except Perfect or Unexpected attacks.

Captain Hesperus
Can't wait to see what dat crazy Lunar is going to try.

Oh and I need to keep reminding myself, one of my charms permanently (for free) doubles my dex+wits for initative in combat till I take my first non-reflexive action.
We're doing a narrative-type of initiative at the present, so there hasn't been any rolls for it.

Captain Hesperus
True. But I can keep that in mind and take that into account.

I should ask, are we okay with combat run this way so far? Would you guys rather roll it?
For the moment I'm good with this. I'd like to roll it when the chips are really down, but right now i'm not too concerned - its' one lunar who is outnumbered 5 to 1. I was thinking of editing my post to add some more flavor text, if thats ok with Mr GM.
Well, Masaru's more than prepared to die for his sister's life. If he had more combat Charms, he'd use them. All of them. I suppose I'm kinda missing the option of having Excellencies. SO HANDY!

Captain Hesperus
Yes. Indeed. That was a huge improvement.

But, this is merely one scene with one type of conflict. There will be many other kinds of conflict to test you. :)

Edit: Ah phone typing. Hahaha.
I'll only intervene directly in this fight if things get bad, or if I'm attacked specifically, otherwise if anyone else wants to post or act go for it.
I want to spend Essence but, unless I sing at him, I've nothing applicable....

Captain Hesperus
There is a certain DBT gift that heals 1 box of lethal per combat round which is why you ALWAYS want to outnumber a lunar in combat.
MrSerious said:
There is a certain DBT gift that heals 1 box of lethal per combat round which is why you ALWAYS want to outnumber a lunar in combat.
Yes, it also heals ALL bashing damage each turn...

Captain Hesperus

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