[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

I am trying not to be so prolific and spammy with my posting, honest :P . I do have a question for the GM however. Since my character is a member of the Five Score Fellowship, am I supposed to write reports or summaries of my field work? Who do I send them to and how do they get there :P
Isn't it all sort of a prayer to that God in the Bureau responsible for the mail. You say a prayer to her, burn your report with incense, the report arrives at the other end intact with a piece of ambrosia and she sees to it that your report is sent to the right people.

Captain Hesperus
MrSerious said:
I am trying not to be so prolific and spammy with my posting, honest :P . I do have a question for the GM however. Since my character is a member of the Five Score Fellowship, am I supposed to write reports or summaries of my field work? Who do I send them to and how do they get there :P
Cap's got it. And yes, you are supposed to.
I had to get tears somehow. And that felt the most legitimate means of doing so. Sometimes an actor has to suffer for his art... /shrug

Captain Hesperus
I am going to need to re-craft Bao nu Shi's resplendent Destiny since I'm only allowed to have 1 destiny per college active. IE I can't have Bao nu Shi AND Shen Fo since they both fall under The Spear. Hooray time to use Craft(Fate)!
The Mast is applicable for a soldier, just as long as he's a follower of orders. I think I mentioned that previously. Actually, I did back on page 15:

A quick check up in the Sidereal book:

The Mast

This is to college of raw physical exertion and pure

muscular strength. As the mast holds up the sails, so do the

heroic efforts of those in this constellation provide the

main strength of their endeavors. This constellation's

ascending precincts are the abode of raw strength of body

and spirit turned without question to a task. The

constellation's descending aspect are strength without

thought, the deliberate unwillingness to question orders

and the stolid inability to communicate. It is the college of

the soldier, the ditchdigger, the scribe and the house

servant. It is the sign of the insect.

Since Bao-nu-Shi is a Resplendent Destiny under The Spear, you could have a house servant, or even Phios or Arjun's most trusted scribe...

Emphasis mine. Which would mean that you could still use Bao nu Shi.

Captain Hesperus
Oh. Sorry about that. I did read it, but I somehow missed the word soldier :/ In which case I've still got Bao Nu Shi hanging about -yay-. My apologies if I upset you.
Yeah, It was awesome.

It's why I just closed the scene. I want to split this up and get into more fun. *rubs hands*
MrSerious said:
You are very kind GM, but I will graciously decline the +2 XP since I only joined in half way through.
Negative! Halfway or not, EVERYONE added a ton to that scene. You'll take that +2 XP and you'll like it!
ehmygirl, when you created the old man, what did you have in mind? I just want to get a feel for who you imagined him as before I mes—work with him. :)

This is really important and a first for me here on RPdom. I've encouraged it many times, but this is the first time a player has created something in one of my games. Please do not hesitate to do so. This is your game more than mine. I'll let you know or correct when it's too fare.
thanks guys, it's always nice when someone likes your stuff. :)

As for the guy I just thought that he was someone who was pretending to be something he's not. I definitely saw him as an Exalt- a Solar healer or some sort, someone who would recognize a Lunar when he saw one and be intrigued enough to wonder why a Lunar was helping out the V'Neef girl. I just saw him as someone who's been around a long time and does what he can for the people of Creation right under the nose of the Realm itself. I'd say he's older, fairly wise and finds humor in a lot of things. He would take great delight in children but he's generally known as a Healer and people know they can come to him even if they have no money to pay him. He has his own purpose there and whether that purpose is in line with the greater purpose moving the PCs about that's for him to decide. But yeah, I see him as being fairly ancient.
In case the new threads didn't pop up on peoples' Alert's, wlf has created new threads to continue the chapter.
@Scene 2: Love the RP. I'm going to kinda leave that open to you guys. I'll either pick it up when it sputters or you can let me know when you feel like you're done. :)

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