[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

So I promised a post, and then power was lost. Its late now that it came back, I'm gonna to bed. Sorry for the delay but yes tomorrow there will be posts! *grumbles about stupid winter and its odd power destroying teeth!*
yay a postie! xD I think I've caught up in all three games I'm in. Man a day or two of inactivity can pile up on one person. Oo
Tell me about it. I know I'm spreading myself a little thin when I go to bed then get up five hours later, I have 12-15 alerts...

Captain Hesperus
Uhh, sort of. I'm waiting on new shifts at the moment and I have a job interview for a hospital tomorrow...

Captain Hesperus
There's nothing wrong with spelling Nazis. I'm a grammar Nazi myself though I have to force myself to refrain because lemme tell ya... people don't know their grammar and it hurts my eyes.
Sorry guys, Something has come up for tonight and can't post. I'll try for tomorrow morning. If not, for sure tomorrow night.

Thanks for hanging in.
Too late to get a GOOD post in, tonight (morning, almost 1 am). I'd rather wait and not ruin both these fine RP moments. I will continue to re-read them both for the next 20 minutes because I love them.

Perhaps on the morrow (today) I'll have more brain capacity. Stay tuned guys!
I'm just bimbling along riding the flow of other peoples' emotions. Masaru's head is in all sorts of places right now, his feelings are going out to his sister and the fact that she's got to face the fact that her immediate marital future and security is all shot to hell, to Cadence for the fact she's discovered a friend/betrothed who had been lost to her, to Ty for the years that have lead up to this chance in a billion encounter. Also he's still got to take stock of his own feelings for Cadence, whether he actually has feelings for her, or if he's just a little jealous that she has something that he's never had: someone willing to devote a hefty portion of their mortal lifespan to her and her memory.

Captain Hesperus
Salvator is just enjoying the show and resisting making stupid comments that would ruin the moment for others, well at least resisting for now.

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