[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Kasheal said:
Salvator is just enjoying the show and resisting making stupid comments that would ruin the moment for others, well at least resisting for now.
Also, there's a possibility that Cadence might try to peel his face off for ruining her moment... :D

Captain Hesperus
And you can tell that Cadence is a Lunar- he got what he deserved and it was clean and quick so stop complaining- if it were me, he'd be a slave. ;)
Unless someone talks to my character directly he's just going to stay quiet allowing the Solar to grapple with the moral. For the time being at least.
Cadence is a survivalist, she's reverting to type. Once she's out of the city she'll probably fly away and hole up somewhere, unless someone gets to her first and convinces her to come back.

And it will probably take a lot of convincing.
Well Masaru's not going to be able to do it. Between being lightly injured, close to being out of Personal Essence and now having failed to protect his sister yet again, he's not going to have much ability to bring her back.

Captain Hesperus
No, she won't come back. Maybe for Ty and with a great deal of convincing but she has no reason to return. Rinaka said the wrong thing at the wrong time and it just went to prove to Cadence that she was right, the realm folk can't be trusted and that if you let your guard down they'll prove that they're all devils in pretty masks. She had thought Rinaka was different because she remained true to her brother, but that could just be because she had a solar as a servant. She's feeling very anti- realm right now and they are one of her negative intimacies.
No need to fear for Salvator Grassi is here to save the day!

Because you know the selfish git is totally the best one to follow the angry Lunar *grins* Can hardly make it worse... right?
Wolf, lemme know when you want me to post in Arjun and Diamond's thread.

Captain Hesperus
Wolf, I kinda made the assumption that a 6 success Occult roll would tell me everything I need to know about a Shadowland. If I have it wrong, lemme know and I'll edit.

Captain Hesperus

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