[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

How to know you're a good ST:

  1. Use a purple dinosaur in you games. ALWAYS.
  2. Forget what system you're running your game in.

All right. I have one down. :mad:

Okay, just as MrSerious said: Captain, ehmygirl, and Black, roll Wits + Occult, difficulty 1, -3 dice.

Sorry guys.
Lol, I was wondering about the contents of the next room. So we may well be having to tame purple, green spotted Tyrant Lizards to ride to this town...

Captain Hesperus
Good call guys! I was wondering where I could fit it in. Thanks!

*writes the purple dino into the next room*
I believe Rai (Blackadder's character) is a Full Moon, so the archetypal war machine right there. Also Cardinal (MrSerious' character) is a Battles so, he'll have a pretty solid front-line warrior build. Also, Masaru has a combat-bias.

Captain Hesperus
Sidereal's native charmset isn't too great at fighting directly and they have small mote pools. SMA is GREAT at combat, but lots of xp is needed for that.

Wearing a resplendent destiny makes things difficult for Bao nu Shi since dipping into Peripheral essence accrues Paradox points and getting an anima flare breaks his destiny completely.

EDIT: Also ehmygirl, why did you change your name? EHM does not suit you IMHO.
because people seemed to have a problem with saying ehmygirl. there was em-y-girl... but most people call me Emily anyway. And those are, in fact, my initials and everyone calls me Em. Except for Mom and Cap, they always call me Emily. :)
ehmygirl and masaru will need to make another Arcane Fate roll in an hour to remember Gijen with the same die pool :/ And then again the next day at about roughly the same time.
Stupid useless Arcane Fate, stupid useless Mask, stupid useless Sidereals....

What were we talking about?

Captain Hesperus
More like 'who were we talking about?' :D As a reminder its a Wits+Lore roll at -3 die pool, 1 success needed.
Do I need to make a conviction roll for Masaru's response? I feel as if I need to but I'm not entirely sure. This is pretty much how she is but it doesn't mean she wants to be like that.
ehmygirl, I think that fits perfect into her Conviction of 3. But if you think she's having an internal conflict with herself about saying that, then by all means, feel free to roll it. I leave it up to you.

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