[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

An intriguing development - I'm not sure how my character feels about this. If I recall correctly, the Sidereal Bronze Faction (as a general group) feel like they should be the ultimate ones pulling the strings keeping the Solars in check by only doling out as much information as they need to know.
Slightly wrong. The Gold Faction are behind the CotI are under this belief. They feel that if they can keep the Solars under their 'tutelage and guidance', then the Solars won't go all God-king crazy, since their Sidereal advisers will be doing all the actual ruling, while the Solars bask in the warm fuzzy glow of hero-worship and adulation.

Captain Hesperus
herpI meant Gold xD A bit out of posting ideas in the IC thread presently, but then I think its' time some of the others spoke up (I'm looking at you Mei and Diamond Tempest)
Yeah, Rai is all for taking down the Realm, but I too want to see more comments from Diamond Tempest and Sage.
Yeah, a lot people don't like the way it works. I think I would prefer to get an email per post, personally. I think they did it the way they did (get a alert only for the first unread post) because it lessens the amount of email both sent and received.
Yeah, I click on the Forums tab now and look for a dot beside my games. I don't trust the Alert system for nothin :P
Perfect opportunity for Bao nu Shi to say something... but at the moment I am drawing a blank as to what comes next...
So Cap says that this game needs more players and that Wolf's looking for Lunars, or rather, that's my understanding of it. If such is the case, I'd be happy to create a Lunar for this game. Specifically, I'd love to have one mated to Cap's character. :)

If it's all good then I'll have Cap go over a Lunar character sheet with me as I've never played a Lunar before. Should be interesting though, no?
MrSerious said:
I fear my posting is about to go into decline again, I can't think of what to say in this scene :/
The scene has about run it's course. We'll be moving away from it.

ehmygirl said:
So Cap says that this game needs more players and that Wolf's looking for Lunars, or rather, that's my understanding of it. If such is the case, I'd be happy to create a Lunar for this game. Specifically, I'd love to have one mated to Cap's character. :)
If it's all good then I'll have Cap go over a Lunar character sheet with me as I've never played a Lunar before. Should be interesting though, no?
Lunars are a blast. If you'd like to play, please feel free to roll a character and write me a backstory. Please keep in mind, this is a 1st Edition Exalted game.
Would his outburst at being there at the Usurpation give any further clue to his identity? (before he leaves the room) surely there must be a way to get everyone on the same page Including Gijen...
@MrSerious: The dice really don't like you in this scene...

Also, the Lunar's calling out Sage for her 'stand back and see' attitude.

Captain Hesperus
I know, right? :(

But I feel... dirty... trying so hard for stunt dice all the time.

EDIT: I'm thinking Nara-O or something similar? Since he said watching and no Sidereal would be watching the Usurpation, they would be at its' forefront. Darnit I wish I was paying more attention when I wrote my post as its' only occurred afterwards. Prolly why the dice rolled so bad :P

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