[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Thanks guys, her concept vastly changed from when Cap & I were discussing her the other day and yesterday evening when I decided on which picture I wanted of her. So she went form a bubbly, girls-just-wanna-have-fun type of character to someone who is a bit darker, a bit older, wiser, and worried not so much about pink.
Soo... have to come up with some way to keep the group as a whole.... We all run away together? :P

EDIT: Cool, I would like to wait till Diamond Tempests' player can post so that the scene doesn't move too far away.
Dammit I mis-read the scene and thought the Lunars were fleeing with GiJen. Sorry I didnt mean to leave the two Lunars in the ditch as it were
Well the assumption's pretty sound. Cadence is tasked with protecting Gijen, regardless of her wants and needs and Rai has not been dismissed by his elder, so it's unlikely he's going to just stand around.

Captain Hesperus
Don't like assuming Player Character actions plus I hate it when someone decides for me what my character is doing :P
I think I'd like to wait just a bit longer to see if Myllinnia has Diamond respond. Such good RP moment, I'd hate squander it.
I had assumed he Gijen hadn't left yet. But, this works for me too.

So, you all stand in the chamber with the way forward. What's the plan?
Masaru's going to have to touch base with his sister before he even considers gallivanting off for 10+ days. He needs to concoct a reasonable excuse for disappearing for so long.

Captain Hesperus
First Edition Exalted did not have an Integrity trait. In 2e, Integrity replaced Endurance. So what do I roll instead?

Captain Hesperus
You are not going to like the official version - its' Wits+Occult, diff 1, at -3 dice to your normal pool. You also need to roll at one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month and one year. If you pass at one year then you only have to roll every year. But the same -3 to pool always applies. THATS why I wore a Resplendent Destiny :P

See Page 122 of Exalted: The Sidereals for mechanics on Arcane Fate.
Hmmm, that'd give me two dice, as opposed to three dice because no Integrity...

Captain Hesperus

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