[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

The closest I can make out from the broken Charlie-Foxtrot of the Resplendency Paradox rules, by acknowledging you are a Chosen of the Maidens you need to roll one Paradox die. I don't believe that it breaks the Destiny, since you are not acting out of character for the act. You'll just need to kick the crap out of Gijen in private for his humongous breach of protocol...

Captain Hesperus
Captain is right. Roll 1 Paradox die. Your Destiny stays intact, although the others who only know your current destiny, like the Solar, may start to get suspicious something is going on.
I suppose its' too late to retcon acknowledging my destiny. But then even trying to deny it would probably just look even more suspicious.

How do I die use the built-in die roller again?
Roll the paradox, but we won't worry about your Destiny being blown for now. Sidereals take awhile to get used to.

To roll dice, post a reply. Then, on the right-hand side of your post is a drop-down menu "More options". Mouse over that and "Roll a die" should appear.
So he wants to try and fence with me does he? Well I'll force him to just come out and state his intentions. Conversations are just another form of Battle, after all.

EDIT: P.S. If the other characters in the room (Sidereal or Anathema) wish to jump in feel free to add your 5 cents
Yay! Pattern Spiders don't start preparing to eat your soul!

Captain Hesperus
Is Mr Gijen wearing a Destiny? If so, can I make a roll to see which one he has donned himself with and if not, can I make a guess as to his identity/caste/etc?

EDIT: Would just like to add that this current IC scene is Awesome. I just wish our other Sidereal could post soon as I think her comments would be.... interesting...
He is not wearing a Destiny. You can tell that without a doubt. But please, make a Intelligence + Lore roll and a Perception + Awareness roll.
So I did not achieve the required number of successes or scraped it in? Hmm, I'm guessing I'm not going to receive an answer to that question but I am curious.

EDIT: The advantage of PbP is also its' disadvantage - its' slower pace, allowing one the opportunity to consider and refine a characters' actions. I'd not have been capable of such a verbose sparring of just words in a face to face game, unable to think quickly enough for social combat. I'm enjoying this very much, Wlf ^_^
On the contrary, sir. You beat the difficulty I had set. Not by much, but you did.

Glad you're enjoying it. I hope you continue to.
@Myllinia - Im a bit confused because Gijen asked about you, not my character. Bao nu shi was thinking thoughts (the bit in italics) about if to reveal who and what you are to the Sidereal. Are your words still true to your intent? (Ie, is the confusion mine or yours)
Oh no worries, I was not responding to the thoughts or your chara, but to see if he was okay with the information she gave. To clear it up though she gives Bao the final glance cause she knows him more. Its late now for me and I'm now trying to remember if I thought Bao knew that much information or that more... like... artificial in nature, thus granting that section its spot.

Sorry for the confusion.

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