Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

Adelaide didn't know what to do at first, so she took the hand and shook it. "Sorry, I'm used to curtsying."

Ana was always so excited, it was a relief to see on the ship. Being taken, she thought it would be a lot worse, but the cheerful Ana and kind crew had proved that pirates don't have such a bad reputation. At least not Kenway's crew.

Kenway is still an ass.

"Is it hard? Making sails?" Adelaide asked in amazement. "I've never been able to sew anything, or make anything like that."
"I can teach you," Catherine chuckled. "It's not too hard, it's actually quite repetitive. Mrs. Newman and I make them together." The girl smiled and hugged her knees, looking to the deck of the ship nervously. "I hope he's okay..."

"Hunter?" Ana giggled. "He'll be fine. He's huge!"
There were too many names Adelaide was trying to remember. Mrs. Newman, Maia, Anastasia, Catherine. Her head was filled with a new list of names she had to memorize, as well as match the faces.

"There's so many people on a ship." Adelaide sighed and put her head between her knees. "Everyone knows who I am, but I don't know who they are."

The cannon fire sounded weaker, out of ammo or out of the need for the weapons? Adelaide didn't know. She prayed that the town would make it out alright, Acomb was very near to Caister after all.
"Mhm. I struggled too, for a long time. But you get used to is." She smiled warmly. "It sounds like the siege is over..."

"I hope no one got hurt," Ana said with a small frown.
Although having not a single person come back uninjured was unlikely, Adelaide agreed. As much as she was angry towards Kenway for taking her prisoner (and locking her in the brig) she did her best to harbor no ill will to those who hadn't so much as spoken more than a word to her. They were still human beings after all.

"Should we go check?" Adelaide stood up, unsure of what to do next.
"Move!" Maia burst through the door to the Sanctum, rummaging through a pile of medical supplies like her life depended on it. The front of her shirt was stained with blood, and her hands were shaking.

"What's happened?"

"Kenway's hurt. Really hurt. We took Acomb successfully but..." She shook her head. "Fuck, I can't let him die."
"He's not going to die is he?" Adelaide whispered to herself. He was cruel to her, but he had saved her life, right? Christopher jumped into the ocean right after her, so that had to mean something. He couldn't be all bad.

Adelaide fought with the angels and demons of her mind, unsure how to react. Her face was blank. She followed Maia back up to the deck, despite a word of protest from Mama, and felt sick as soon as she laid eyes on the open world.

Acomb was just off the ship's side, and looked as if parts of the city were up in flames, others were broken where the cannons had made their mark. There was blood, too, a trail of it that led right to Christopher on deck. She took a step forward with her hands covering her mouth.

"Shhh. She's fine. She's in the Sanctum."

"Good." Christopher covered a gaping hope in his side where a bullet had entered, holding the cloth per Daniel's orders. "I'll be fine. I just--ahh, just...need rest. Tell the crew to get the hell back on board, and weigh anchor."
Adelaide cautiously approached, and when Daniel saw her coming, instantly screamed in her direction. "Don't come any closer, you should be down in the sanctum!"

Blood. Red. It soaked the side of Christopher's shirt and her head started to spin. She forced down the bile she felt rise in her throat. Adelaide had never seen blood, nor any serious injuries before. The only time she herself had been injured was when she fell off a horse, and another time when she tripped down a set of stairs, but that was it. Her lifestyle tended to leave out the gory bits of battles, they stayed on the outside of the walls.

She contemplated going closer, a life for a life, she could repay the debt to Christopher, but her feet wouldn't let her move.

"He's bleeding." She squeaked out. Adelaide swallowed hard. "Can... I help him?"

"Shh. Don't talk. Darling, help him!" Maia pushed on the wound while Gregory kept the Captain's head held up instead of remaining flat.

"The...princess needs to go...below deck..."
"No, I want to help." Adelaide said with more sternly. She knelt next to David and held Christopher's head up until it rested on her lap. The doctor looked at her with a pained expression, as if telling her it was a bad idea, but so far he didn't stop her.

You were right, I was wrong. It's not terrible here. The crew adores you, they respect you more than I thought. I jumped into the ocean to get away, but you were right, it's not bad here. You saved my life, now I repay the debt.

That was what Adelaide wanted to blurt, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. She sat with his head in her lap, Maia panicked, and the doctor worked. Shame filled her. This was all she could do.
He couldn't resist a cold chuckle, feeling the warmth of Adelaide so close to him. "Not going to jump in the ocean, princess?" Christopher would have laughed if it didn't pain him to do so, and the attempt was ruptured with a roar of consecutive coughs. "Agh, shit. Water. I need water..."

"Of course." Gregory left and returned shortly with a cup of water, carefully assisting his captain while he drank it.

"Enough, thank you Gregory." He waved the older man away while Uati took the helm and navigated the
Siren from the harbor.

"He was trying to save a little girl from a crewmember that had gone rogue," Maia said with guilt. "You bloody idiot, Captain. You should have let me back you up."

"What was I supposed to do, leave her to be a victim? I never liked that sailor anyway, better to be rid of him. I just didn't see his friends." Christopher chuckled. "I've had worse. Where is the girl now?"

"Mrs. Newman, Catherine and Ana are with her. She's shaken up, but she's uninjured."

"Good. She speak the King's tongue?"

"I don't know, but I think so."

He nodded. "When the sun rises again, ask her if there's anywhere we can bring her. Or you can offer her a job. Gods know there's always work to be done around here."

"Of course." Maia looked up to Adelaide and gave a small smile of gratitude, before turning to her husband. "Is he going to live?"
"Do you want me to jump back in the ocean?" Adelaide asked unhappily. The thought still lingered in the back of her mind, but she held on. Held on because of the oddity of the crew and their concern, they weren't normal pirates that much was certain. Christopher continued on to explain how he'd saved a child from his own crew member. How many other men would've simply left the girl to die?

"He'll live." The doctor nodded. Adelaide let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. She was scared. Never in her life had she seen someone so close to death, and it gave her no comfort to be near the Captain, but she felt it was only fair. His ship, his rules, his life was important.

She started to hum quietly, the doctor nor Maia could hear the tune. Mama had awakened a new calming method inside the princess. It was true, what she said, singing made her feel calm, even if she only knew the single one.
Of course I don't want you to jump in the ocean, you idiot. He opened his mouth to speak, but when he heard the princess's song his lids became heavy. He mumbled the lyrics as sleep began to take him.

"We need to move him to his quarters," Maia stated with a frown. "I'll talk to the crew."

"Okay." Daniel nodded and kissed his wife's cheek, helping Gregory lift their captain up and into his chambers.
Adelaide thought she heard him whisper to the tune, but it was only her imagination. She didn't want to leave him, felt obligated to make sure he was okay. The couple, Adelaide had only just noticed they were a couple, took Christopher to his room. Hurridly, she ran to the door to open it so they wouldn't have to stop.

They put him on his bed as gently as they could, and Adelaide's heart started to beat from her chest. His eyes were closed. His wound was bleeding. A million different thoughts entered her mind and she strained to calm them.

Her feet took her to the side of his bed before she noticed the feeling of wood under her them, she still wasn't wearing shoes since she'd kicked them off. They sat in the corner of Kenway's room, neatly placed side by side.

"Princess, why don't you join the others? Hm?" He asked kindly.

Adelaide shook her head. "He jumped in to save me, even though I made him mad. Furious really." She bit her lip and looked awkwardly at the Captain. "I want to make sure he's okay. It wouldn't be right if I didn't make sure."
"You'll kill me in my sleep," Kenway said with a chuckle--it was clearly a tease, though he easily could have been serious as well.

"Just as joking as always," Maia sighed. "He'll live."
"I don't think I could." Adelaide responded seriously, not realizing the joke.

She sat on the ground at the foot of the bed and leaned her head against the post. Besides watching Christopher, she was trying hard not to be forced back into the brig. She'd spent one unpleasant night there, and she'd had enough. If she could prove herself useful, maybe she could at least sleep on the ground somewhere. It didn't have to be comfortable--just not the brig.
"Hm." Christopher laid back on the pillow and let various crewmembers dote over him, applying painkilling medicine and infection-fighting salve. When they had all come and gone, it was just the two of them again. Princess and pirate. Captive and captor.

"Sing," he asked with heavy breaths. "That song you were humming earlier. Where did you learn it?"
Adelaide had brought a chair over so she could sit next to the head of the bed, it was easier for Christopher to keep an eye on her, and her on him. She swung her feet and folded her hands neatly in her lap, then frowned. "A servant boy taught it to me. He was a good friend, but..."

In the time alone she'd had to herself she remembered now. Her father had him executed for making Adelaide fall off of her horse. She never saw the boy again, and she couldn't even remember his name. What her father did was wrong, and she hated him for what he'd done. Of all the people in the world, he had been the only one to reach out to her, her only friend inside her cage, and now he was dead.

"He died." She gulped down a heavy sigh and leaned her head back over the chair. "It was my fault, too, and now he's gone."

Adelaide closed her eyes and hummed the song as Christopher had requested. She couldn't sing, she didn't remember the words.
"A servant boy." A slave is what you mean, but daddy made sure to keep your little eyes shut.

"Tragic. How did he die?" The pirate turned to face her, though his eyes remained closed.
"I don't know." She admitted. "Some friend I was."

In the end, it was supposed to be a public execution. The boy had 'attempted to murder the princess'. The King wouldn't allow his daughter to attend, so she stayed in her room and prayed. She wasn't one to pray, but that was the only day she had. Guards watched every exit to her room to make sure she wouldn't s top her father, all that for the murder of a servant.

"I don't remember the words anymore." Adelaide confessed.
"It's simple. Just think about someone important to you, you'll remember." Christopher threw the lyrics around in his mind moment by moment, and smiled, remembering a young Adelaide listening intently as he sang it to her.

"You can sleep in the hammock again. If you promise not to jump into the ocean. I can't save you this time."
Adelaide rose from the chair and turned back to stare quizzically at the Captain, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "How will that help me? I don't know his name, and I barely remember his face. Just the eyes, blue I think. I was pretty jealous." She laughed at the thought. Adelaide silenced herself quickly and shuffled to the hammock. She hadn't meant to laugh out loud.

"I won't jump in." Adelaide yawned and snuggled in to the hammock she'd been away from for a single night. The fabric and ropes stretched under the added weight, and rocked her into a familiar daze.

"What kind of Queen would that make me?" She added quietly, before dozing off.
He chuckled to himself before adding, "A pretty shitty one."

But obviously not too bad, since I sieged a port just to find you a new dress.
When Adelaide awoke in the morning, she was on the floor, blanket tossed haphazardly around her small frame. She pushed herself up and tried to orientate herself to the space again. After spending some time on the vessel, she'd become used to the rocking of the ship, and had no problem standing up any longer.

Her throat was still sore though. Never do that again. She told herself. Adelaide found the pitcher of water Christopher had once served her with, and poured two goblets full. One for her, and one for the sleeping, wounded Captain. As quietly as she could, she moved the chair she'd sat on the previous night closer, so it was within arm's reach, and set the goblet down for him.

She sat back down at the table and plucked an apple from the bowl. At least she was eating now.

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