Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

Adelaide shrugged and turned to the pirate with the other mop. In a few short swings of her own mop, she'd disarmed him and held the end of the broom, sopping wet with water, just inches from his face. The girl new how to fight. It was a shame her instincts weren't sharper, but in the proper setting she knew the mechanics of it all.

"You could give me another sword." Adelaide grinned, one eyebrow raised, as if challenging the Captain. "I was trained by Marcus De Foille of Ashbourne. He's considered a great master by many, but, it might not mean much if you haven't heard his name."

Marcus was older now, but his reflexes hadn't slowed one bit. For practice, he made the young girl wear pants at first, much to her embarrassment. The dress code did help, however, and she was soon learning proper technique, and even beating her cousins in fights. Of course, these fights were a large secret, as Adelaide was banned by her father from practicing again at the age of sixteen.

Tea parties didn't suit her.

Just like in the books she'd read, the princess had always longed to leave the castle walls. The many tales of pirates, swordsmen, and Kings filled the libraries of Caister. She'd read them all, but never once did she find a single heroine, they were all men.
As the princess valiantly disarmed the sweeping pirate, chatter began to ensue through the crowd of onlooking pirates. Even Christopher was impressed, which was saying something.

"Not bad," he stated. "Still, if you think you would win against the captain of the
Siren, you are sorely mistaken."

Ana giggled as she watched the two. "This is how Maia and Daniel met," she reminded everyone, much to Kenway's embarrassment.
"I never said I'd win." Adelaide shrugged and picked up the second mop. "I haven't even challenged you, oh good Captain."

At the mention of Maia and Daniel, the hairs on Adelaide's neck stood at attention with how embarrassed she was, her face flushed red and she stared at Ana with an open mouth. The girl was oblivious to the electricity in the air between the two, it wasn't friendly, it was more of a testing nature. They pushed each other to figure out what the other might do in return. A game, she might say.

"Ana!" Adelaide squeaked. She lowered the mops to her side and slumped her shoulders. All well, she told herself. "Come on, Ana, I'll teach you instead. The Captain doesn't want to hurt the princess."
"Captain Kenway's already teaching me how to use a sword. He's a really good teacher. Maybe he could teach you!" Ana smiled innocently and clapped her hands, wanting to see a show.

"Anastasia," Kenway groaned.
Adelaide sighed. Her attempt to shy away from the situation had failed. Oh Ana, I can't wait until you learn to pick up on hints. The girl thought internally. She knew that facing Kenway would be a bad idea, as it was probable she'd lose. He had a real sword, and she had a wooden mop handle.

That wasn't quite fair.

"I think the Captain might want someone other than a royal girl to teach. No one wants to hit a princess unless they're being paid." Adelaide said to Ana. It was true, after all. Being royal meant nothing on the ship, though.

Behind her, the two pirates who had been fighting with the mops started to quietly exchange pieces of gold. One mumbling to the other.

"Ten on Princess Adelaide."

"No way, Kenway."

"You're on."

They weren't even fighting and pirates were making bets.
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Ten on Princess Adelaide. "Have my crew no faith in their captain?!" he shouted with a small laugh. "Where are my bets, then?"

"You're the better swordsman!" one of them shouted. "It's just...I don't think you'd be willing to hurt the princess, Cap'n."

"Pfft. Royalty means nothing here, not when I'm the captain of the country
Siren. Very well. We'll see what daddy taught his little doll." He turned to Uati. "Give her your sword."

"Captain, you are still injured and--"

"Give. Her. Your. Sword."

"...aye, sir."
Adelaide cursed for the first time in many years, under her breath of course. She only meant to taunt the Captain, not to get herself in a fight with the man. Yet, here she was, next time she would watch her tongue.

Slowly, with all eyes on the princess, she made her way to where Uati stood at the helm. It was a long, silent walk, every head turned to her as her light footsteps padded across the wooden beams of the ship. Uati hesitantly handed the girl his sword. It was heavier than she was used to. With one hand she twirled it full circle and then slashed a few times in the air in front of her to get a feel for the weight.

Then, with all eyes still on the girl, she walked down the steps and back to the deck. She knew the skirt would get in the way, so in an overly dramatic fashion, she tore it off from the knee down. Mama would not be happy, as she really loved the dress, and she would need to find pants later.

"All right then Captain." Adelaide cooed. "En garde."

Adelaide took her stance before leaping forward with nimble steps to jab at the Captain.
Christopher couldn't deny that she had been trained, of course. Being the only heir to the throne of the world it would be idiocy not to prep the girl for combat. Still, training and experience were two different beasts entirely and he blocked her blow without any effort.

"Someone get me an ale," he taunted.
Adelaide ignored the taunts, and kept quiet as she was deflected. While he was out of her league in terms of experience, she had been properly trained, and had always had excellent footwork. If she played it right, she'd at least come close to winning. She knew there was no possible way for her to win, but she wouldn't go down without a decent show.

She went in to attack, as he deflected she danced her way around him so she stood behind his back.

"Keep your eyes on me, not the ale, if you wouldn't mind." The girl said playfully.
Laughter echoed through the crowd. As many as could fit on the deck of the Siren had appeared for the show, many making bets as pirates were expected to do.

Slowly, the pirate turned to his princess and faced her. "Don't break a sweat," he teased. "I'd hate for you to get too tired before we start."
Adelaide shook her head and laughed along with some of the crew. He taunted and teased, but she wasn't tired. The more he talked, the harder it would be for him to keep his breath, so she let him talk big.

She swung at him again, their blades collided between them. In terms of strength, he had the upper hand, his sword easily pushed her back against the deck. Adelaide made a rash decision to drop the strength from her sword and let it fall back in her hand, then she rammed into Christopher with her shoulder.
He didn't expect something so brash from Adelaide, and his body collided with the railing on the stairs. The laughter fell silent and changed to excited chatter; the princess was more than she seemed, certainly, and the battle was far from over.

Kenway broke into a stream of laughter and rolled his shoulders a couple of times, each move deliberate and slow. "Alright, alright. I was going easy on you, princess. But the time for that is long gone." Gripping his cutlass, he began to circle her like a bird of prey.
The girl took careful, deliberate steps as Christopher stood opposite of her, the two held their swords out as if to taunt the other to move. Adelaide had to think of something. He was stronger, bigger, and had more battle experience. She had fancy footwork and a good grip, that was all.

The crew gathered around, making the space they had to work with even smaller now, much to Adelaide's disadvantage. Nothing was going her way. Although, she had to admit, she was having fun facing off with the Captain, and the crew seemed to be enjoying it as well. How often was it that their Captain fought openly on deck? Probably a lot, but still, for her to challenge him, it must've been something not common.

"Are we starting now?" Adelaide asked curiously, her face grew soft and innocent as if she hadn't known. "It's about time."
"My words exactly."

Without warning, the captain lunged at Adelaide and crossed blades with her a few times for the crowd's amusement; in truth, he had complete control of the fight and was more than willing to exercise it. The ring of cutlass on sabre was familiar to captain and crew. Many times had Uati and Christopher dueled in hopes of teaching the ebony man how to use one versus fighting with pistol swords. He knew the blade's weight and ability, though the person behind it was foreign to Christopher's fighting expertise.

No matter. He still had the upper hand.

His movements were speedy and swift, and in no more than three movements the captain had disarmed his female opponent and held her weapon in his other hand, a large, cocky grin on his face.

"Ready to go again?"
While the Captain teased her, yet again, Adelaide whirled around to his back, grabbing his wrist in the process, and pinning his hand to his back. It would be easy for him to free himself, she simply wanted to get him back. She held the sword over his hand and leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"You're talented." She said quietly. It would do her good to practice with the man from time to time, but she wouldn't admit it with all the spectators, afraid Christopher would only proclaim her wish out loud.

Adelaide backed away and said more audibly. "No, I think maybe another time would be best." She smiled, a bit of admiration in her eyes, before she swiftly turned away and headed below deck so she could visit with Mama. It was the only time she'd truly looked at Christopher without a hint of irritation, whether he saw it or not she didn't think about.

Cries from the crowd could be heard, the losers of the bets paid up. Why bet against your own Captain?
Christopher drank the ale he was brought and playfully punched those who bet against him on the arm, exchanging laughs as they lost their money to smarter men. Even still, the captain looked to where Adelaide had gone and thought on his sins, as well as her father's, and forced himself not to follow.


"What the bloody hell is that?"

Gregory peered through the spyglass again before making his deductions, frowning. "A ship, Captain."


"Can't tell from here."

The captain sighed. "Right. Keep an eye on them while I rouse the crew." He clapped his Sailing Master on the back for encouragement, before clearing his throat and preparing to shout.

"All hands on deck! Enemy ship approaching, ready the guns and sharpen your swords, take a swig of ale and ready for combat! On deck, you scabber's dogs!"
Adelaide ventured to the helm before the ship had appeared. Christopher was usually there, so she had been avoiding stepping foot there, but now she didn't mind his teasing remarks from time to time. It was more bearable. She still wanted to go home, though. What Christopher intended for her was unclear and unsaid. Slavery? Prostitution? She had no idea.

At the sight of the ship her heart stopped, she gripped the railing and let out a happy cry. She had to reign it in though with a slap to cover her mouth. It wasn't terrible here, but, the ship!

"That's from Caister!" Adelaide shouted to Gregory. She turned back and peered off into the distance to see what else she could figure out. "Royal...Fleet." The words stuck in her throat.

It was hard to say, but she choked the words out, and smiled to herself. "Everette colors. Gold and red."

They found me.
"Well, fuck."

"Make ready the guns!" Uati shouted, going below deck to corral those who couldn't fight and the children to the Sanctum. Maia hopped on deck and grabbed the princess's wrist. "You need to get to safety!"
"Safety?" Adelaide shook her head. "That's my father's ship, why would I need to get to safety, they won't attack if they know I'm on board!"

The princess shook her hand free from Maia and trotted down the steps from the Helm, holding close to the side rail the whole time.

Evan, someone was bound to be on board. She could finally go home. Mixed emotions filled her entire being. Did she want to leave? It had been a few weeks she had to guess, and the crew had been nothing but kind to her. Then again, there was home, and everything she found near and dear.
"These people are not your friends!" Maia shouted after her, but deep down she knew it was useless. Could she blame the princess, really?

A large brute stormed on deck, his copper skin glowing in the sun. He narrowed his eyes at the oncoming ship and approached the princess. "They are preparing their guns," came his deep voice, like thunder as he pointed to the oncoming vessel. "The princess should go below with my Catherine."

"Hunter's right," Christopher stated in a haste, grabbing his dual cutlasses and loading his gun. "We can outrun them if we really wanted, but it's a fight they're after so it's a fight I'll give them."
"But." Adelaide stared, she shook her head. These were her friends, despite what Maia said. Evan, her father, and the guards of the city. These people knew her best, they were here to rescue her, and they couldn't see it.

Maybe it was true after all, they were only after a reward. Why Adelaide strayed from the thought was naive, hopeful a pirate could be kind.

"No." Adelaide said forcefully. "If I stay up top, they won't harm you, please. They wouldn't hurt me."
Hunter looked to Christopher, and the two exchanged doubtful looks. The former placed a large hand on Adelaide's shoulder.

"For princess's safety. she should stay with my Catherine."

"Or at least in my quarters until we know what their intentions are," Gregory added.
"May I at least stay in Christopher's quarters? Lock the door, bar me in, I don't care. I just." Adelaide huffed. In truth, she just wanted to be on deck in case anyone was close enough to grab her.

She angrily paced in front of the group, and looked back to the ship on the horizon. As it approached she could see the cold glint of armor and swords.

Before any decision could be made, a cannon fired from the opposing ship and landed just near the Siren. Another shot out, and then another. Adelaide still held close to the edge of the ship in hopes someone would see her.
"Shit!" Christopher shouted. "Hunter, take her into my quarters and station Joseph to look after her." The captain was confident she wouldn't hurt the disabled boy. The mysterious tribesman nodded and promptly picked Adelaide up by the waist as if she weighed nothing, and after entering the captain's quarters set her down on Kenway's bed.

"Wait, wait!" Adelaide followed after Hunter, but he slammed the door in her face. Something barred her way, until Joseph was allowed inside.

How badly she wanted to be on that deck, to go home. Her opportunity was right there. Furiously she screamed at the door and banged her fists against the fine wood until her hands were sore.

"You said you weren't going to sell me! Trade me! Kill me!" Adelaide screamed. "Then why can't I go back? Kenway!"

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