Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

"Don't worry, my lady Adelaide. Captain Christopher Kenway will take good care of us." Joseph smiled in a friendly manner, for he knew of no other way to behave. Such kindness was etched within him. "I can give you some apples if you want. I think there's some w-water here too. Daniel always says to stay hydrated."

On deck, the anchor had been plunged to the sea. Christopher and his men lined along the rail of his precious vessel, facing the side of the Caister ship equal in size.

"Hello there," he stated to the men parallel to his own. "You're awfully far from Caister. Enjoying a little vacation?"
Evan stood tall and proud as he yelled back to Christopher. In his hands was a small bag, he wound up his hand and threw it across the way to the Siren. Some of the crew flinched, but it wasn't a bomb.

"Just coming for my princess." He smiled at the crew, and drew a pair of pistols from their holsters. "I brought her something, to show her who really cares for her."

He aimed a pistol at Kenway and shrugged.

Adelaide still pounded on the door, ignoring Joseph for the most part.
His princess. Christopher's lip curled.

She is no one's princess but mine.

"Aye," he replied, eyeing the bag suspiciously on deck. "No need. She knows who cares for her and who doesn't, Evan."

It was only half a lie, or so he hoped.
"Oh, dear Captain, but she trusts me." Evan tutted and crossed his arms over his armor. "I am her guard, her loyal guard, I want what's best for her of course." The words whispered through his lips were lies.

Adelaide thought she knew who was trustworthy and who was not. So far, both men had shown her kindness, and both of them seemed to have their secrets.

"Open it." Evan smiled, almost giddy with the thought of showing the bag to the princess. "But I don't want you to, go get her."

Even pointed both of his guns at Captain Kenway, and every man on his ship did the same. He cocked his gun at Kenway and repeated the order.

"Go get her."
Christopher could only chuckle. "Gents," he began, spreading his arms as if to welcome them. "You mistake me, I assure you. You see, Evan..." The captain began to descend the stairs and spoke with his body as much as his lips, sporting an aura of complete apathy. "Mm, Evan. You see, you're not only adjacent to the most fearsome pirate vessel in all of the Hellsea, but you are pointing your terribly-made guns at the man who sieged Caister during a night of utmost security, broke the unbreakable walls at Balmoral and brought New Castle to it's knees. You don't know what I am capable of, nor do you know what I hold in the hull of my beloved ship."

When Kenway reached the deck, he climbed atop the rail and held the rope of the rigging for support, a threatening smile on his face. "Furthermore, I have no knowledge of this princess whom you seek."
The banging continued from Kenway's cabin. Evan raised his eyebrows in suspicion and aimed a gun towards the doors.

"Why are the doors to your cabin barred then, dear Captain?" The red head asked. With one hand aimed at Christopher and the other at the door he continued to speak. "Hiding something?"

Evan shot at the door, and from inside Joseph and Adelaide could be heard screaming. There was the sound of footsteps, only audible from the Siren, but it was clear someone was in there now. Evan smiled and put both guns back on Kenway's head.

"Get her, now, or you'll find your ship at the bottom of the sea. I know she's in there, Kenway."
He chuckled. "You talk as if you have the means to sink the Siren, but if you had clearly I would have been defeated by now." Christopher took a bottle of rum from the rail and uncorked it with his teeth, spitting it into the sea before taking a long, time-consuming drink.
Evan turned from Kenway and lowered his weapons. Men still had their sights set on him, however. He instructed his men as silently as he could, and two cannons were aimed towards the door of Kenway's cabin.

He had heard it. Adelaide. After protecting the girl since he was no more than a man, he knew what the girl sounded like. She was in there.

"Give the girl to me." He turned and screamed at Kenway. "If you do not put her on deck within the next ten seconds, I will blow down the whole cabin. I know she's in there you god damn pirate!"

Evan was visibly shaking. His intentions were unclear, but it did not bode well for Adelaide.
"Awfully impatient. You sure you were raised in the castle?" Christopher chuckled, knowing his arrogance had angered the bodyguard enough to make realistic threats. Climbing down from the rail, the captain waved dismissively to the gunman on the opposite ship. "I suppose my secret is out, then. Indeed, I hold the princess of Caister in my cabin, the future queen of all Valhalla. That is, once we have finished ending the reign of Lunaris." He chuckled. "But naturally, a bodyguard shouldn't know of such things, right? Perhaps you could explain why members of the Holy Triumph are among your soldiers?"

Christopher glanced over to the bag, knowing immediately what must be held inside.

"I suppose the light of Lunaris shines everywhere. Almost like..." He narrowed his eyes and raised his right arm, ready to give the sudden command, "

Every gun on the
Siren exploded and shot massive holes directly into the side of the opposing ship. His entire crew shouted with rage and indignation, chants of piracy and calls of success.

The battle for the princess's life had finally begun.
Evan and a few select men boarded the Siren and their royal ship started to fire cannons back, despite their sinking position.

Adelaide and Joseph had moved to the back of the cabin. Joseph pressed a piece of cloth to Adelaide's shoulder, the pair of them cowered and shook in fear. The bullet had come out of nowhere, they weren't even near the door, but it had ricocheted off of one of the many treasures before flying towards Adelaide.

"J-just, keep this here." Joseph had said, over and over. Adelaide said nothing in response, her eyes held wide open towards the door. It banged, as the fighting continued, and she stood to go towards it.

Just a look. They have to know I'm here. I have to show them where I am.

Evan picked up the bag, which started to soak through with blood.

"Come out Addy dear!" Evan screeched, holding his arms out as he called for her. "I've got something for you. A gift, from daddy dearest."
Christopher wasted no time. Balling his hand into a fist, he landed a brutal punch to Evan's jaw to silence him.

"Stay safe, princess!" he shouted before drawing his swords, preparing for combat with the assailant. "This is not something you want to see!"

Uati drew his pistol swords and targeted the quartermaster of the opposing ship, shooting him dead. He buried one of his blades into the skull of a nearby attacker, the other in a Holy Triumph's gut before pulling the trigger. Gregory was locked in combat with three soldiers, though he appeared to be winning despite his age.
Adelaide only heard Christopher after she had poked her head out through the door and into the chaos of the deck. Evan and Christopher were locked in battle, the two fairly matched.

Evan swung and he and Christopher were at a standstill, their blades struck and stuck in mid air. Still, he saw the girl and smiled.

"There she is. Here, sweet princess." As Evan retracted his sword and the pair started new swings, he threw the sack towards her and turned his attention back to Christopher.

She was confused as to what he meant. Seeing no reason to fear him otherwise, she stepped forward and reached out to open the bag. There was blood on the outside, and she recoiled.

Blood...maybe it's his own? Evan, what is this?

Adelaide pulled at the opening, and that was enough. She covered her mouth with her hands to silence the scream, which still echoed across the ship.

The head of her father, the King, was inside, the crown still rested on his head.
"N--" It was too late to warn Adelaide of what lay within, and he cursed himself for not acting sooner. He should have thrown the bag into the sea when he had the chance.

His momentary distraction cost him a blow to the knee. Christopher nearly buckled but bit through the pain, retaliating with a clash of swords and a slice to Evan's left arm.
"Evan?" Adelaide whispered through her hands. Trembling fingers reached for the bag again, as she pulled back more of the bag to prove what she saw was real, and indeed it was. "Father..."

She crouched over on her knees and sobbed, until her sorrow turned to anger and she screamed again and again out of anger. Joseph tried to pull the girl back into the cabin, but she would have none of it. Adelaide stormed back inside his quarters and searched the room for a weapon. A rather stale, but real, sword sat in the corner. She picked it up and brandished it as she charged back out towards Evan and Christopher.

"You did this." She growled. "Evan. Did you?" Again, she asked him, screamed at him, hot tears stained her face, full of anger and hurt. "Did you do this?"

Adelaide swung her sword down hard on Evan, making contact with his arm, slicing through the gap in his armor at the shoulder. Her own bullet graze opened, the both of them bled.

"You killed him!"
"Addy, don't!" Christopher shoved the princess back and met the sword that attempted to strike her with his own. "Get inside, I bloody told you to stay there!"

Most of the pirates had boarded the enemy ship by now, taking it over. Two ships are better than one. Uati leaped into action and grabbed Adelaide around the waist, trying to pull her away.

"No! I'm gonna kill him!" Adelaide fought against Uati, but he was even larger than Christopher. It was easy for him to drag her away. She angrily slammed her fists against his arms, but he wouldn't budge.

Uati threw her back into Christopher's cabin and took the sword from her hands. The door once again slammed in her face and she screamed at the wood and started to cry again.

Joseph was on her fast, kindly rubbing her back despite her shaking.

Evan and Christopher exchanged blows, but the outcome was becoming more clear. Evan grew tired, and his strikes were weaker than when he first started. Half his crew had been killed, or were about to be.

"She still got to see who loves her most." Evan smirked, "Daddy."
That was all it took. With a sudden motion, Christopher had Evan pinned to the deck, one sword in his stomach and the other through his shoulder.

"How long have you been working for Lunaris?!" he shouted in rage, wrapping his hands around Evan's neck and squeezing. "What are their plans?! Why are you targeting the princess?!"
Evan grinned mischievously, even though his time had come, blood staining the deck he was pinned to. He dropped his sword and it clattered against the wood. The battle was short lived, and he hadn't suspected to lose, yet here he was.

"You ask too many questions." He spat, a line of blood spilled form the edge of his mouth. "Ah well, one last shot."

Even tried to raise his pistol, but he couldn't. His body went slack, and his eyes glazed. After having protected the princess for so many years, this was his fate. He'd been raised to kill her, and he had failed.
"Answer me!" His voice was vicious, furious, but he knew Evan had died before he would allow himself to believe it. "I need answers, tell me you bastard, or I'll sink you to the bottom of the Hellseas!" Christopher's face was red with rage.

"Captain..." Maia attempted, but she knew there was no talking him down.
The fighting stopped. There was no one left now, no one from Evan's ship. It still floated just parallel to the Siren, but there wasn't a single man aboard. The crew left had abandoned ship the moment Evan had been pinned.

Joseph returned to pressing a cloth against Adelaide's shoulder, it would scar, but there was little worry in that. He just wanted to stop the bleeding before the princess noticed, the screaming is what worried him.

"He's dead." She said between sobs. "Evan betrayed..." She hiccuped, and held her hand over her mouth. The bag with her father's head still sat outside the door, and she cowered as far away as she could from it. Pressed against the raised floor by the back windows, all she could do was sing. That silly song, she whispered between sobs and hiccups. The lyrics came back without even trying. Even when she stopped halfway through, the words were on her lips without a sound.

"I'm lonesome since I crossed the hill,

And o'er the moorland sedgy

Such heavy thoughts my heart do fill,

Since parting with my Addy (Betsey)

I seek for one as fair and gay,

But find none to remind me

How sweet the hours I passed away,

With the girl I left behind me.

O ne'er shall I foget the night,

the stars were bright above me

And gently lent their silv'ry light

when first she vowed to love me

But now I'm bound to Brighton camp

kind heaven then pray guide me

And send me safely back again,

to the girl I left behind me

Her dark brown (golden hair) in ringlets fair,

her eyes like diamonds shining

Her slender waist, her heavenly face,

that leaves my heart still pining

Ye gods above oh hear my prayer

to my beauteous fair to find me

And send me safely back again,

to the girl I left behind me

The bee shall honey taste no more,

the dove become a ranger

The falling waters cease to roar,

ere I shall seek to change her

The vows we made to heav'n above

shall ever cheer and bind me

In constancy to her I love,

the girl I left behind me."
There was too much to think about that prevented him from immediately rushing to Adelaide's side. His crew would take care of her. He believed in them.

A few silent hours passed. The royal vessel was given new colors--pirate colors--and a new staff, a new captain, the beginning of a Kenway fleet. The ship followed closely behind the
Siren in calm waters as if nothing had happened.

Carefully, Christopher knocked on the door to his quarters, where princess had remained.
Adelaide sat quietly against the back wall. She had managed to open one of the windows, something she hadn't thought possible for the room, but she spied the hinge. It was the safest and most comfortable spot for her now. Far from the blood, far from what she'd seen.

At the knock, she only slightly turned her head, then went back to the window. "Christopher?" She asked out the window.
The captain opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind him. He noticed that Adelaide had been bandaged from the wound she'd suffered, which gave him some minimal form of relief.

"Adelaide," he said softly. "We need to talk."
"I would imagine so." She smiled sadly at the ground and rested her head against the a closed window. Christopher stood near the open doorway, not acting his usual sarcastic self, probably because of what had happened.

Adelaide didn't move, but curled up into a tight ball. She wasn't sure if she was ready to talk. Not after that.

"Evan, he." Adelaide shook her head quickly. "He tried to kill me."
"He did." Christopher pushed out a sigh and closed the door behind him, taking a seat at the table and propping his feet up on its edge. "Go on, ask your questions. I'll tell you what I can."

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