Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

"It's okay, Miss Addy. I miss them and my brothers, but everyone here loves me just as much. They're all my family. Everyone here owes Mister Kenway their lives." Ana smiled a bit. "He saved us. All of us."

Catherine nodded grimly, and hugged her knees. "All of us..."
Certainly not everyone?

"I'll still tell you that story if you want. I bet Joseph hasn't heard of it." She laughed.

Kenway saved Adelaide, too, now that the stories were clear. It seemed everyone had their own tale to tell about Kenway, nothing but positive stories about rescue or heroism. Odd, since the man carried the title of a pirate. Adelaide didn't often associate heroism with pirates.
"Make it a bedtime story, Miss Addy. I sorta feel like you don't think Mister Kenway's a really good guy. But he is! I promise!" Ana stood and cleared her throat to the women sitting around the fire and declared, "We should all tell our stories about how Mister Kenway saved us, so Miss Addy can start being nice to him."
"Ana...don't say it like that." Adelaide sighed, her eyebrows knitted together in frustration. She didn't understand why they disliked each other, but all well.

"Yes, Miss Addy needs to be a lot nicer." Mama scolded jokingly at her husband's side. Kumar, Adelaide had heard. The pair laughed, knowing full well the awkward relationship of Adelaide and Christopher.

Only Mrs. Newman knew the whole story, outside of Christopher, and she didn't look like she would spew it anytime soon.
"Who goes first?" Ana asked the group. None of the tales started with happiness, so most everyone was hesitant.

Catherine hugged her knees tighter and shook her head. "...I don't...I don't know if I want to go back to that place...then again, I suppose it would benefit the Queen to know..." She bit her lip nervously.
Adelaide immediately wasn't sure if this would be a good idea. She had to remember that she hadn't been a part of any of their misfortunes, but they wouldn't have any kind words for an royals.

"I want to hear, Catherine." Adelaide encouraged her to continue. "It'll be okay."

She was getting better at lying, at least. It would pain her to hear about what her father was really doing, but she had to hear it sometime.
The blonde hugged herself, looking fearfully up at Addy. "I suppose you're right. Mrs. Newman always says that talking about it helps."

"Damn right I do." The old woman raised her hand, and everyone chuckled, if only slightly.

"Okay." Catherine took a few deep breaths, staving off the panic as her heart began to race. "I'm, uhm. I'm from Lunaris, your majesty. I was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. I'm sure you've met him multiple times." She cleared her throat. "Anyway...I was told I had to marry the High Priest of Lunar. I refused. Th-they..." She swallowed the lump in her throat as she began to shake. From a distance, Hunter took notice of her physical discomfort.

Slowly, like rain, Catherine shed a tear. "My father locked me in a room and told me not to come out until I had learned my lesson and behaved like a true woman of Lunaris. It was dark, I couldn't see anything. But I felt it. I felt everything they did to me. One man at first, though each time I refused the marriage, another was let into the room. Five men total at the end, all of them had...taken their turn." She wiped her cheeks. "I agreed to marry the High Priest then, but that night I faked my death and was able to escape the city walls. It was there that I found Hunter, in the desert, broken and bloody after his tribe was destroyed by the Holy Triumph. We traveled to the coast where we came across a pirate ship--at first I was scared, but after hearing my story, Kenway explained the purpose of the
Siren and offered me a job. Hunter, too." She bit her lip. "...that's about it."

From behind, the large man picked up Catherine by the waist and set her in his lap, his legs crossed. With rough hands from woodwork, he wiped her tear.

"My Catherine should not cry."
Adelaide closed her eyes towards the end of Catherine's story. How a father could do that to his daughter disgusted the girl. Thank God for Hunter.

"I had no idea." Adelaide mumbled to herself more than anything, she wiped a hand over her face and reopened her eyes to see Catherine crying in Hunter's lap. It would have been best for Adelaide to keep quiet, so she did.

"Who's next then?" Mama asked seirously.
Mrs. Newman chuckled. "I was the first one to meet Kenway," she said fondly, reminiscing with a hint of amusement. "He was tryin' to loot my home, so I shot him. HAH! Then I nursed him back to health, and he asked me to start this little journey with him. Can't say I regret it."
"Aww, Kenway." Adelaide shook her head and laughed once. "I thought these stories were supposed to make me like you, you broke into an old woman's house?"

There was some laughter from the group overall. It was amusing after all, to find out Christopher had been shot by the old woman. She didn't elaborate any more after that, but it was happier than Catherine's story by far.
"Shiva and I were removed from our homes in Balmoral," Kumar stated with a small sigh. "I fought a guard for trying to take advantage of a merchant's wares, stealing them, you know. I told him to stop, so our home was taken from us. But we found a new home on the Siren." He smiled and rubbed his wife's arm affectionately.
"That's very noble of you, Kumar." Adelaide praised the man. She didn't realize guards could possibly be corrupt, but the news made sense after her eyes had been opened.

On the ship, there were quite a few couples, Adelaide noticed. Kumar and Shiva, Maia and Daniel, she was mostly sure Catherine and Hunter must have been close. It wasn't exactly typical for couples to be together on a ship, at least not in Caister. Even being a woman on a ship was a stretch.

"What about you, Daniel, Maia?" Adelaide asked.
Daniel gave a small grin. "I found Maia wounded. I healed her, but when I found out she was a shipwrecked pirate, I almost turned her in...ah, but I'd already fallen in love with her, so I followed her to the Siren. Kenway was happy to have a doctor on board. He even married us."
Adelaide started to really think better of Christopher. Here was a group of men and woman, all struck by some misfortune, and then there was Kenway. He'd taken them in, gave them a home and a job, and in return all of them were dedicated to the Captain. It was admirable. He was the kind of leader the world needed right now, but she wouldn't say so out loud, Christopher knew what he was doing.

"I take it back, poor Christopher." Adelaide smiled for once, and she tapped the dirt with her hand. "He's alright. Happy Ana?"
"Mhm." Ana chuckled and sat by Adelaide's side. "I'm tired though. We should sleep. Maybe tomorrow we can watch all the pirates drink and dance! I like doing that, hehe."
"Do you still want me to tell you a story?" Adelaide asked her. "Or it can wait, whatever you want Ana."

Even after being invited to the fire, she felt so out of place. Catherine had called her 'majesty' and Daniel had corrected himself to call the girl Queen. She didn't feel royal any longer, didn't want to be, she preferred if they all would drop the title.
Adelaide almost jumped, not used to the touch just yet, she had no siblings. She rewrapped her arm around the girl and held her close. Ana was the only one who was comfortable to drop her titles, and Adelaide was grateful for it.

"Well, I don't know what kind of stories Joseph tells you, but this one is about a princess. Loved and cared for by everyone, she grew up to be adored by her citizens." The story was the opposite of her own, yet she hoped Ana wouldn't pick up on the similarity of Adelaide's life with the girl's. It was a story she'd once been told often, she supposed it was supposed to make her feel better.

"When she was just a girl, she was best friends with a servant. He and the princess would sneak out often times and pretend to be pirates instead of a princess and a servant. But one day, the servant boy didn't come to find the girl."

Adelaide shifted in her spot, filling in details where she needed, hoping Ana wasn't too bored. She wasn't sure how to tell a good story, but she wanted to tell someone.

"When the princess grew up, she'd all but forgotten his name, and she was so sad he hadn't come back." Adelaide realized she was wrapping up with her own life, and tried to switch back to what she'd been saying. "But one day, he did come back, and he was a real pirate then. But the girl didn't recognize him. He tried day and night to prove who he was, but the girl didn't believe him."

Adelaide looked down to check and see what Ana thought. Or if she had simply fallen asleep.
No, Ana, the pirate never even came back, because he died. And the princess misses her friend dearly.

"Yes, Ana." Adelaide rubbed her back and smiled down at the child. "After several days and nights of the pirate trying to convince the princess it was him, he sang her a song. Only the two of them knew it, because they always messed up the words. And the pirate reminded the princess of the song, and they fell in love."

If only, that would have been the perfect ending.

Adelaide was glad Ana was so innocent. She wouldn't be able to peek into the girl's life and see that there was someone similar missing in her life.
"Aww. That's good." The small girl gave a little yawn and curled up into a tighter ball, letting herself drift to sleep.

"No princess should be without her pirate."
With Ana asleep at her side, Adelaide didn't dare move. She carefully played with the blonde girl's hair, stroking her head softly as she slept.

Adelaide cocked her head at the sound of a new voice. No one else was meant to hear her story, and her cheeks grew bright red at the realization someone else had been tuned in.
"Quite the story, lass."

Kenway stood before the fire with a bottle in his hand, most likely ale, or something stronger. He stared into the flames and didn't say anything for a long time; her story stuck with him. He wondered if she truly thought that such a love was possible, or if her words were only meant to give a child hope and soothe her to sleep.

"Where'd you come up with that one?"
Adelaide stared at the ground in front of her, and continued to pet Ana's hair. She chuckled softly, and humored the Captain with the origin. "My friend, the servant. We did that sometimes, played like that."

Everyone else had their time to tell a story, and now Adelaide silently told hers to Christopher, not caring what he might say.

"I miss him." She admitted. With Ana asleep, she could tell the more truthful aspects of the story. "He said he wanted to sail, and I used to tell him I'd get him into the Navy, but no. A pirate's life was more exciting. Some day he'd come back for me and show me the ocean, because my father wouldn't let me leave the castle."

Adelaide stopped her hands and pushed them into the sand in front of her. Ana shifted only slightly in her slumber.

"Only, the boy never did come back." She bit her lip and looked at her hands sadly, "He always said he'd come back for me. And send me safely back again, to the girl I left behind me. I'm sorry, why am I telling you this, it's silly." She wiped at her eyes and then flinched as sand got stuck in them.
She's crying. The realization hit him harder than he ever thought possible, she misses me and I'm right here and she's here too, and she misses me.

Or, rather, she misses who he once was. Christopher hadn't been that naive servant boy in a long time, nor would he ever be again. He drank a few long swigs of his ale and gave a sigh of satisfaction at the taste.

"At least he won't be alive to witness what happens next," he stated plainly. "Better to have been murdered early on than to watch the world you love fall into ruin. I'm sorry about your friend. But if you've forgotten his name, perhaps you don't miss him as much as you believe you do."

Yeah, Addy. I'm still fucking bitter.

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