Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

He hated being back in Caister. With every breath he took, every bite he ate, every drink he swallowed and second he slept and word he spoke--the hatred for this place was woven into every aspect of every action and he couldn't get away from it. Nor did he want to. The anger for Caister was what kept the Commodore going when he felt like all was lost and the world was better off without him. It shocked Christopher, how often such dark thoughts came to him considering the success he'd had. But he was never a man of mental stability. Those who knew him best knew that fact to be true. Sometimes, even Christopher Kenway hated who he saw in the mirror.

"Commodore?" Uati spoke from the threshold of the blonde's chambers. "Her Grace has acquired the key. We should leave as soon as you're ready."

It took a few moments for the pirate to form a reply, so caught up was he in his thoughts. "Aye," he spoke finally, "after the coronation. The people of this blasted place need to see I'm here, see I'm alive, see how much their queen supports me. Only then, when I've memorized every apologetic and smug look on their rotten faces will I go underground and find the damned page."

Uati knew what the Commodore's words meant. "...aye, sir." With that, he closed the door and left Kenway to his peace.
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So far, everything was running smoothly. Adelaide, now used to dressing herself, was actually uncomfortable when two women came into her room to dress her in a fine gown for the coronation. They even commented on how long her hair had grown. Now past her shoulders in long curls, she couldn't help but twirl at the strands.

Despite the localized coronation, restricted to Caister, so many people attended that the streets were filled with those who supported her cause. Word had spread of Lunaris' attempt on their Queen's life. Those who loved her stayed, the others left for another city.

It was a day filled with speeches, long talks, and regal mannerisms all around. Adelaide hardly went two words without cheers from the crowd or a blessing from someone. But, the moment finally came when she found herself knelt before Wesley, a golden crown in hand. The room went silent so they could hear what the man had to say.

She glanced nervously around the group in front of her, trying to feel some comfort. The responsibilities ahead of her weren't any run of the mill tasks. She had to stop a country from tearing, keep the world together and end Lunaris' reign.

" declare, from this day forth, shall be known as Queen Adelaide Ella-Rose Everette." She hadn't even caught Wesley's speech, and the crown was placed on her head before she knew it, blushing as she realized he'd said her full name. Not many people knew her middle name, but this wasn't a time for being shy.

Adelaide stood, slowly turning. She let out a shaky breath, which turned into a radiant smile by the time her face was visible to the crowd behind her. She stood for peace, and everything the people needed.
Christopher stood with the crowd out of respect, offering his applause with the group of nobles and commoners alike. He did no cheer, or whistle, or cry out her name and promises of peace like many in the crowd below him. Instead, he watched. The entire speech was spent locking eyes with those who were unnerved of him, who whispered to each other and tried to hide it, who shifted uncomfortably under his stare.

The people who judged him. The people who whipped him. The people who threw a snake in front of their queen's horse and labeled him a traitor to the crown. He drunk each and every one of their faces in and relished in his newfound power, and when he was satisfied with how triumphant he had become, the Commodore quickly removed himself from his seat and walked out the nearest door.
After the crowd had lost their excitement, a small feast started to welcome in their new Queen. Well wishings, good tidings, all words of congratulations but in a different manner each time, Adelaide was forced to stand in the front of the room and accept the praise and luck. All the wanted to do was scurry off and go back to the rocking of the ship.

One of the last to greet her was an older man, a long shawl drawn over most of his face. She didn't like the anonymity, but she curtsied all the same while watching him with a wary eye.

"May I have a word?" He asked. She allowed it. "Private?" Adelaide glanced to her guards behind her, waving them away. Here in her city, she was less fearful of a second assassination. Lunaris had failed twice already to kill her, there was no third time.

"Follow me, then." Adelaide said slowly. She paced into the hallway outside and shut the door behind the pair. Whatever he had to say must've been of some importance.

The man revealed his face. At first, she hardly recognized the old slave master. She didn't even know his name, but she knew she'd seen him before in her childhood. It never would have connected without Christopher having told her about the slave masters in Caister.

"Do you know what that man is?" The man asked.

"I owe him my life." Adelaide spoke over him, which he didn't appreciate.

"One of my slaves. I branded him, gave him his number." He hissed in anger, not happy with the new Queen's companion. "And now you allow him to walk the halls, free? Put him back in the field, under my whip my command-"

"Who do you serve?" Adelaide asked him.

"He's a piece of grime beneath the heel of my boot." The man continued. "Get rid of him!"

"Who do you serve?" She asked more firmly.

"You, my lady." He replied begrudgingly.

"And now, him." She affirmed. "I've no use for slaves here, and I've no use for you. Do not question who I associate with in the future."

Adelaide stood, waiting for the man to speak up if he would. Who was he to tell her what to do? To beg for another slave, when he already had so many? There were still slaves. Well, not anymore. She was going to change it first chance.
"Sir?" The small group of pirates that had volunteered to go below Caister and venture the catacombs were surprised to see their captain, their commodore, already changed back into his pirate garb and arriving so early from the coronation. "Sir, isn't the queen's coronation today?"

"Aye," he replied, not meeting eye contact with them. "It's over."

"Isn't there usually a feast?"

"Not hungry." Christopher gathered his weapons and fastened them to his belt, not noticing the wary looks his men were exchanging with each other. The commodore was a, to say the least, ever since they had arrived in Caister. But no one had dared question it. The man was already on edge as it were, and no one in the group had fancied a lashing.
Uati shook his head at the men as well, as if to silence them before they spoke.

"Here's the plan," Kenway said in a stressed tone. "We're going to go underground, get that damned page and haul ass to the Dread Caves and fix up this mess."

"Sir?" Even Uati was shocked. "What about the queen? The other men? Protecting her? And the other key?"

"She can protect herself. I hate this bloody fucking city and I'm not going to stay here longer than we have to. The hawks will find us at sea, I'm confident of that. And Lunaris won't dare attack Caister, not when they know we've taken all of New Castle's naval power and turned it against them. I've got the key situation taken care of. She has her own knights, and I don't belong here, not anymore."

Kenway drew his guns and made sure they were loaded before returning them to their proper place at his side. "Ready?"
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While she was arguing with the slave master, who had a few more words for her it seemed, something caught her eye that shouldn't have been there. Weapons, banned from the coronation due to her somewhat delicate situation.

How did he get those in?

"I won't let you get away, lassie." He growled.

With no weapon to defend herself, she opened her mouth to call the guards. The master tutted at her, waggling a dirty finger. He smiled and the world died a little, his toothy grin so rotted she nearly threw up.

"Don't be calling for your friends." He snarled, finally drawing a dagger from his waist. "You don't know who's listening, my lady."

The master swung at her, Adelaide did her best to dodge, but with nothing to blunt his swings, she felt too open. She finally managed to pass something of value, a small statue made of some type of stone. It wasn't important. She used it to defend herself, too far away to call for anyone of use.

Adelaide threw the statue at the master, watching it gracefully land on his feet. As he thrashed, she leaped forward and pulled the blade from his hand. He retorted by lashing out at her, only grazing her cheek. No matter.

She ran, ran like the wind, calling for every guard she could find. How many idiots did Lunaris send to kill her?
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