Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

"Well!" Christopher said, merry with joy for the first time in a long while. "It's about bloody time, aye? How about a wedding in a fortnight?"

"Can't it be sooner?" Catherine chuckled, nestling into Hunter's protective hold. The group around them burst into laughter.

"Food! A dress! Music! Ah, the second
Siren wedding, I can't wait--Kenway, you'd better find some damn rum!" Mrs. Newman was beside herself with joy, so much so that the others began to worry her heart would fail.
There was so much cheer and laughter on deck, that when it finally settled down, it was close to evening. Small twinkles of stars appeared in the sky, and Adelaide stared up at them for a minute before heading inside Christopher's cabin.

She toyed with the top of the Nightshade again, and opened it by the small cork. It didn't smell like anything, she discovered, so it was a pleasing sign at least she would have no problems swallowing it. With a name like Nightshade, she thought it would be more poisonous than helpful. Daniel's words still broke through, no more than three drops.

Adelaide tilted her head back and cautiously held the bottle above her tongue before tapping it three times. Three small drops hit her tongue, and she swallowed as best she could. She smacked her mouth loudly and waited, but nothing happened right away. She set the bottle on the table and turned to walk towards the hammock, it was then that the effects set in.


Was the only thought she had before collapsing on the ground in front of her bed, but at least she could sleep now.
Of course, he couldn't let her lay on the floor. Christopher chuckled as he reentered his chambers hours later, only to find the Queen of Valhalla passed out on the floor. He noticed the Nightshade and didn't blame her for possessing it; at least she was sleeping peacefully from what he could tell.

Gently, he lifted her from the floor and set her in the hammock. Come morning there would be plenty of things to do, so he was glad for her ability to sleep even if it wasn't completely natural.

In his dreams, he envisioned a little dark-haired girl singing a song he had taught her long ago.
The Nightshade originally gave her no dreams. Her sleep was deep but eventually, her dreams started to break through and torment her. An angry Christopher, sword in hand, sliced off her head. She tried to hold herself together, but the blood, her hands felt slippery and-

Adelaide shot up, breathing heavy, she quickly looked around the room to make sure she was awake, and pressed her hands to her throat to make sure no one had hurt her.

"You're okay." She panted. "You're okay, Addy, it wasn't real."

It would still be a few hours before the sun would rise, so she sat back and threw her arm over her eyes. Her body needed the added rest, anyways.
When the sun finally broke over the mountains, Christopher rose from his bed to rouse the crew and begin wedding preparations. It would be beyond relief to know that they could have a day of joyous celebration, and while the Despair still needed some finishing touches Kenway knew it could wait. Hunter and Catherine were far more important, indeed.

The groom was helping a group of pirates twist decorative ribbons and flowers along the ship's railing when he noticed the captain, and waved awkwardly. He would have to work on that.
Adelaide helped Catherine get ready along with Mama. They were all close in age, and the bride insisted on having a few girls to help her, her sort of bridesmaids, she said. Her dress was still with Mrs. Newman, so the two girls helped Catherine with her hair.

"I thought he would never ask." Mama said jokingly, as she pinned a small flower to Catherine's long hair.

The Queen had kept quiet about Hunter coming to her for advice. She wasn't sure if it was something she should talk about.

Mrs. Newman's slow steps could be heard around the corner as she brought a dress for Catherine. All three of the girls tried to sneak a peak as best as they could.

A wedding on a pirate ship, Adelaide mused, she never thought she would attend one. It was only around a month earlier she was supposed to be married herself, but she had dodged that, as well as a massacre.

So that was good.

"You look so beautiful, Catherine." Adelaide assured, both hands rested on the girl's shoulders.
"Do you really think so?" the girl chuckled. "I hope so. I mean, I know he'll think I am, so that's all that matters right?"

"Of course." Mrs. Newman stood in the doorway, holding up a
dress she had made for Catherine. "I hope you like it, child."
Catherine couldn't contain her excitement, the dress was beautiful. How Mrs. Newman had the time to make it was astounding, and how she'd kept it hidden was even more incredible. The girl looked as if she might start crying.

After a few more assuring words from both Mama and Adelaide, Catherine stood at the base of the steps, which headed up towards the deck where everyone would be waiting.

"Mrs. Newman, you should send her off." Mama clapped her hands together, and Adelaide echoed the statement, other than Gregory aboard, there wasn't another person to send the girl off on her wedding day.
"I'd be honored." Mrs. Newman offered her arm to Catherine, and the two stepped on deck where the decorations were dominant. The bride smiled at her groom, and Christopher stood at the end with a celebratory bottle of rum in his hand.
It was hard to believe that it was supposed to be Adelaide standing in front of a Lunaris priest, being married to some other nobleman. That could have been her, more likely though, she would've been dead. Now, here they were on a pirate vessel watching Catherine and Hunter.

They looked so happy, Catherine was near in tears, but the ever calm Hunter wiped them away as he'd done when he proposed. Adelaide stood in the back of the crowd, smiling up at them. Who couldn't smile today?
The ceremony was over as soon as it had begun, and as Christopher declared his Striker and Sailmaker husband and wife, the deck of the Siren erupted into cheers and applause. Immediately following the declaration of their love, Hunter and Catherine engaged in a kiss and each pirate dashed to the hull, carrying keg after keg of rum from beneath.

"That's what a real wedding's about!" Michael Wainwright exclaimed, grabbing a pint and helping himself.
Adelaide shied away from the rum and found a safe spot on the outside of the crowd. People danced and sung, and the newly wedded couple were at the center of it all, Catherine's face a bright red with embarrassment.

"Drink m'lassie?" Michael slurred his words as he stumbled towards Adelaide. They'd only met once before, and it was hard to see the same man.

"No, um, no thank you." Adelaide declined, she held her hands in front of her. "Thank you, um. Michael. Thank you though."

"Then why don't we dance?" He suggested, his words still a blur, and before the girl could say no, he gripped her by the wrists and twirled her towards the center. Adelaide protested the whole way there, shaking her head.

"Really, please, I'm not a good dancer."
"The queen, a bad dancer? Pity." Uati chuckled and tapped Michael on the shoulder. "Allow me to teach her, then. Unless she would prefer lessons from our Captain?"

Christopher had to stop himself, nearly spitting out his drink.
She'd only said it because she didn't want to dance with the drunkard. He wasn't doing so well for first impressions. Michael ran to the side of the deck to puke before picking up another bottle of rum to chug down. Adelaide's face mirrored disgust as well as a few towards the edge of the deck.

"I know how to dance, I'm just out of practice." Adelaide huffed, combing back her dark hair with one hand, the other crossed against her chest. "I never had a partner, you know, doll in a dollhouse, right Christopher?"

She sighed and started to back away. Although it was great to watch everyone else, she didn't want to be the center of attention dancing with the Captain.

"Besides, Uati, we've already had our dance, right? Anthony did at least."
"Jesus," Christopher groaned with a roll of his eyes. "It's a wedding night, your majesty. Can't you drop the attitude for once?"

Knowing it would keep her mouth shut if only for a moment, the captain placed a hand at her waist and clasped the other around hers.

"Shut up and dance."
"Yes, Captain." Adelaide mumbled. She wrapped her hand in his, not surprised by the calloused feel of his fingers around hers.

Only after a few silent moments to themselves she laughed once and admitted. "A wedding on a pirate ship." Pirates sang around them to the new married couple, no eyes on the Captain or his Queen. If they had been, she might have grumbled and groaned, but no one was watching so she was allowed to have a bit of fun.
"What," he teased, "surprised that we have souls too?"

Adelaide was much shorter than him, but she had grown from when she was a child, so many years prior. It nearly pained him to think about it.
"It's not that." She laughed instead of scowled at the man for once. "I never doubted that any of you had souls. You're all only human."

Adelaide had to stare up to meet Christopher's face, he was taller the closer she stood. Their little dance still went unnoticed by anyone other than Uati, but he wasn't one to cheer for the event, unlike some of the crew.

"I never thought I'd get to see something like this." She admitted, a longing look reflected in her eyes, as it had earlier upon hearing of Hunter's proposal. So many things she wanted to do, and see, and now she could. As much as she didn't want to admit it, "And it's all thanks to you, Christopher." She smiled awkwardly and made no attempts to look up at his face.

"Sorry, I just. Excuse me." She tried to pull herself away, suddenly embarrassed.
Adelaide stood in front of him with her hands clutched in front of her, and she leaned up to whisper into his ear, so no one else might overhear her admit it. "You're the one who always told me that I would've been killed had you not, massacre remember? Everyone else wants me dead. Yes, I'm thanking you, and...I didn't know any better."Adelaide leaned off of her tiptoes and took a step back smiling brightly, she asked. "Would you rather I return to jumping off ships and not eating again, oh Captain?"
He gave a deep chuckle, trying his goddamn best to ignore the shiver that went down his spine. Even after over a decade, he was still wrapped around her pretty little finger.

"Nobody wants that again, your holiest of graces."
"Adelaide is fine." Her face dropped. "I'm no different than anybody else, except I was born in a castle. Stop calling me that."

She hugged her arms around herself and sighed, lips pursed after. No one on board ever listened to her request to call her by her own name. Adelaide. Ana did, but she was seven, and didn't quite understand noble normality.
Christopher had to admit, he kinda liked teasing her royal status.

"As you wish, queen of Valhalla." He leaned back against a tower of crates and picked at his teeth with a toothpick.
"Christopher, please. I really hate that." She murmured, rocking herself from side to side before heading back to her spot against the edge of the ship.

Adelaide leaned her back against the railing of the ship and kept her arms crossed over her chest. Michael was passed out on her right with a rum bottle in hand. Laughing and shaking her head, she plucked it from his grasp and dumped it out over the edge of the boat before forcing it back into place.

She didn't feel right, being here. Everyone here was a pirate, and they hated the royal families. It felt wrong to be in the middle of any of it, so she stayed out, and waited for the opportunity to slip away and give in to the sweet, sweet Nightshade.
Christopher shook his head and tossed the toothpick into the ocean, storming up to where she had gone.

"Just what the hell is the matter with you, princess."

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