Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

He raised his brows a bit. "Fine. Don't vomit on the deck, or you'll be scrubbing it on your hands and knees."

Pushing himself to his feet, the captain towered over the vulnerable princess and placed his hand on the back of the door, holding it shut. "Let me tell you something, princess, just to make things clear." Christopher leaned in, their faces inches apart. His aura changed in a second from casual to domineering, even threatening. "You are a princess in Caister, true. But here? You're aboard
my ship. You are in my country, and I'm the king. You are nothing but a prize to be won. Your royal status means nothing here. I was told to deliver you alive; your condition was not a part of the agreement or the contract, however, and should you challenge my authority I will make this a very difficult journey for you."

The blue in his eyes burned like ice.
Adelaide held her hands up in defense, scared of Christopher. His eyes bored into her very soul, and threatened to rip what little bravery she had to shreds with a single blink. She took a step back and nodded her head.

"I understand." She said quietly, and shrunk back to the safety of the hammock that rocked in motion with the waves. Adelaide carefully backed past the hammock until she sat against the wall, her body slunk down to the floor and she wrapped her hands around her knees.

It was such a shame the white dress she wore would go to waste. She loved it from the moment she laid eyes on it a few days prior. A birthday gift, her father said. Now, dirt and salt from the ocean served to muddy it until it blackened. Her innocence would disappear until she was nothing more than a slave in whichever kingdom she was to be sold to.

"I'll just." She mumbled, stopping to glance up at Christopher, "I'll just stay here then."
The captain was immediately shocked--he hadn't wanted to frighten her to the point of remaining in his quarters, he only intended to establish authority and make her understand who exactly was in charge. He swallowed the guilt and knew that if he took back his words now, he would appear weak, and instead Christopher slammed the door behind him as he left.
The moment the door slammed shut Adelaide put her head between her knees and began to sob. Her emotions caught up with her in a release that was tearful and hurt her chest. Not only that, she wanted to vomit from the rocking ship. She tried not to wail, but eventually, her voice cracked and she couldn't reign it in.

"Why?" She asked out loud.

Adelaide laid herself on the floor, still curled up, and continued to cry until she couldn't. She stared at the floorboards, at the door, and the realization set it. Then she shut her eyes and tried to rest. She was to be sold, she would probably die. Why give Kenway the satisfaction? If she had an opportunity, she'd jump ship. The girl couldn't swim anyways.
A light, gentle knock came at the door. It had been hours since Kenway had been in his own quarters, but it didn't seem likely that he was behind the door; a man like himself simply would have barged in.

"H-Hello?" a little voice asked. "Can I come in?"
Adelaide sat up, and pressed herself against the wall. She didn't have it in her to cry any more. Her eyes were sore and inflamed from crying, and she was starting to get hungry. A part of her regretted not taking the apple, but she wouldn't accept help from him. She couldn't.

This wasn't Kenway, so who was there? She responded, confused, "I, yes?" The door opened, and she peaked forward to see who would enter.
The door slowly opened. Anastasia Holland carefully stepped over the threshold, carrying a tray of food for the princess.

"Hi," she said with a wide smile as she kicked the door shut. Her eyes brightened with delight. "Whoa...a real princess! You're really pretty."
The difference in grace between the girl kicking the door, and the cautious step inside. The small child was cute, with her bright blonde head of hair. Adelaide held no ill will against her, but she was curious as to how such a small child found her way aboard The Siren, of all ships.

The girl's compliment threw her off guard. Although still tired and forlorn, Adelaide managed a smile. "Thank you. My name is Adelaide Everette, of Caister." She introduced herself formally, and this seemed to excite the girl. "What's your name?"

She still didn't want to eat. Kenway had to keep her alive, Adelaide figured this was his way of getting her to eat, by sending anyone other than him.
"I'm Anastasia! But everyone calls me Ana." She beamed brightly and placed the tray at the princess's feet, crossing her legs and sitting down as well. The girl was no more than seven years aged, and though raised by pirates, she looked clean, happy, and completely unharmed.

"Are you a real princess, miss? I don't think I've met any princesses before. Just in stories that Joseph tells me."
"Yes." She replied. The smile was harder to muster, and she didn't touch the tray of food in front of her, despite the loud growl that came forth from her stomach. "You can eat it if you want, it'd be a shame if it went to waste."

Adelaide pretended to know who this Joseph was for the sake of the girl. She wasn't in the mood for any of Kenway's games, if that's what he was playing at. Sending in a small child, she only worried what misfortune befell Anastasia's family to put her on board this ship.

"I'm the last princess left, there are lords and ladies, but only one family has the right to be King and Queen." Adelaide admitted, she rested her chin between her knees and looked at the floor glumly. "I have no brothers, sisters, and I'm to be sold. I'm the last Everette princess."
"Maybe we're gonna bring you to a nicer place!" she said innocently, pushing the tray towards her. "Eat, my lady. Joseph says he doesn't want you to get sick. And I don't either. Princesses shouldn't get sick." Ana giggled. "I promise it's not poisoned."
Adelaide sighed and picked up a piece of bread from the tray. It was hard, and overall unpleasant, nothing like she was used to eating. She swallowed hard and made no attempts for a second bite. "Princesses are just people, they can all get sick." The girl sighed.

She wasn't worried about poison. If it were poisoned, there wouldn't be anything left on the plate. In the case that no one came for her, she didn't want the pirates to get their prize. Death, she thought, was the morbid alternative.

But they'll find me.

"Who is Joseph?" She asked, wanting to keep the conversation away from herself. Anastasia didn't know, she was too young to understand what it meant to have a captured princess on board.
The blonde took the second piece of bread and bit into it, grinning widely. "Mmm. Walnut bread."

Ana stood to grab a pillow from Christopher's bed, handing it to the princess kindly to help her back. "Joseph is the boatswain! He's really nice. He has something wrong with his head but that's okay. We all love him. He likes to tell stories of princesses and ogres and gold. You would like his stories. He would love to tell you some."
Adelaide put her chunk of bred back onto the try and hugged the pillow close to herself instead of propping it for her back. She felt if she found something inanimate, unrelated, not breathing, it might give her some comfort. Hugging a pillow was the best thing she could do for herself. Gods, she wanted to go home.

"I'm sure. It would be nice if I got to hear them." How could the child not know? Adelaide wouldn't be here soon enough. There was no time for stories or friends aboard this vessel, not for the princess.
"I heard that you're gonna be with us for a while. Oh! Wanna meet the crew?" Anastasia jumped to her feet and offered her little hands to Adelaide, giggling merrily. "Come on! They're all really nice. They won't be mean to you if you're with me. Besides, Captain Kenway said he'd push anyone overboard who laid a hand on you."
"He said that? I doubt it..." Adelaide said warily. Not with the attitude he's spoken to her with earlier. He seemed uninterested, not protective, of his 'talking' loot.

Still, she took the girl's hands in her own and followed her to the door of the cabin. She stumbled as the ship rocked, but she was much better than before, Adelaide managed to stay upright at the very least. Ana led her outside and into the morning light, where the princess glowed in the rays, the white of her dress was too bright for many of the crew's eyes. It wasn't natural aboard the naturally dirty ship.
"Of course he said that!" Ana encouraged, holding tight to the woman's soft hand. "He's really nice. He just doesn't like to be nice all the time."

The eyes of the crew members were glued to the princess, but only for a moment. Kenway's threat remained in their hearts, and though they loved their captain they also feared him. And rightfully so. They continued their work as if nothing was different, singing a

while the ocean waves rang percussion.
"There's Joseph! He's checking the sails so there aren't any holes. And there's Maia with the guns. She's really awesome. Hmmm. Oh, Uati!" The child waved to him, summoning him over to them, and the brute of a man was unlikely to disobey her.

"Little Ana," he said with a small chuckle, turning to Adelaide. "And the princess. Apologies for the dance. I know it was rather...short-lived."
"You had something you needed to do." Adelaide said curtly. "Please, don't apologize. A pirate only takes, after all." She cast her eyes upon his face, but she couldn't bring herself to be angry. Her body was too worn to be anything more than exhausted.

She trailed after Ana as she pointed out the various crew members, trying hard to put names to their faces in case she'd be seeing them later. That way, she could identify each and every one of them. Evan had to find her, but, they were already a day behind. He would come, right?

Adelaide let go of Ana's hand and paced to the edge of the ship. Endless blue all around was all her eyes could see. She set her hands along the rail, and traced the wood, coated in sea water. When she looked down, the deep gaze of the ocean met her stare. It would be so easy, she thought, to just reach up...

Adelaide grabbed a section of rope nearby and held it tight, her foot twitched, it wanted to rise up to the railing and send her down. Another day, she told herself, Evan would come.
Uati watched Adelaide walk towards the edge, frowning to himself. If only you knew, princess.

"No, no!" A short man with a wobbly run dashed to the princess, taking her arms protectively and pulling her from the edge. "N-No, mi'lady. You might drown. That's not...not good. Not good." The man had a bit of a squished face, but it was gentle in nature; he couldn't harm a fly if he wanted to. "You can't be hurt. I won't l-let ya get all hurt. Drownin'. Not good."

"Joseph!" Ana skipped to the side of the disabled man, hugging his leg and meeting Adelaide's eyes. "This is the storyteller! He's super nice. Say hi, Joe!"

Shyly, he waved. "........
"Hello." She responded, as she went to curtsy she remembered it didn't matter here. Her natural tendencies had kicked in, but the boy didn't seem like a threat. So far, the few people she'd met were only concerned about keeping her alive.

Maybe he knew a few stories Adelaide knew. She'd spent so much time reading as a child, her favorite books were memorized in her mind. No, she told herself, they're all pirates. They just want to get the gold, and get out.

"Sorry, Joseph, I just wanted to have a look outside." Adelaide lied. "I've never left the castle before."

And to think, the only time I've ever left is because I was kidnapped.
"It's okay Princess Adelaide," Joseph said while fumbling his hands. "I just don't wanna see you get hurt. Future queen and stuff." He giggled like a child. "Hehe. You said my name. I'm the Boatswain here. Did you know?"

Barrels of laughter emerged from the hull, obviously from drunken pirates taking a break from looting and plundering.
"I'm no Queen." Adelaide murmured. "I'll never get to be Queen now."

The silence hung in the air between them, only the drunken laughter and shanty above deck could be heard. The princess wanted to go back inside the cabin and pretend this was all a dream, not be outside socializing with the very people who wanted to sell her. Kenway, she told herself, it had to be him. He sent a sick boy and a child to loosen her up.

"Ana, I'm sorry, I'd like to go back inside now." Adelaide's voice cracked, and she felt another hot surge of tears coming on. Not now. This was all too much for her to handle.
"Okie dokie." The little girl waved goodbye to her friends and led the princess inside. Out of habit, the girl brought a blanket and pillow to the hammock where Adelaide was set to sleep, and poured her a glass of Christopher's wine.

"Uhm. I think I'm gonna go check on the Captain. He's been acting weird lately. Boys are silly." She gave a bright smile to her new friend. "Is that okay, miss princess?"
"You don't have to call me that, princess." Adelaide did her best to smile again, it was better but not by much. Her eyes looked hopeless and too sad for the emotion portrayed on her lips. "Adelaide is fine."

She wasn't a princess here. Christopher Kenway's words rung in her ears.

"You are a princess in Caister, true. But here? You're aboard


ship. You are in


country, and


the king. You are nothing but a prize to be won. Your royal status means


here. I was told to deliver you alive; your condition was not a part of the agreement or the contract, however, and should you challenge my authority I will make this a


difficult journey for you."

A prize. Adelaide was nothing more than walking, talking loot. How much was she worth? Was Kenway getting a fair deal for the princess at least? No matter, she thought, and climbed into the hammock.

"You don't have to ask me, really." Adelaide mumbled. "Kenway's the Captain."
"Don't be sad, Princess Adelaide." Ana frowned and put the blanket over her princess. "Captain Kenway says this is the only way to save you. I promise we can make you happy. Don't you wanna be happy?"

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