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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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If he stops contact with a person or object, the ice melts at a normal rate, and it becomes like any normal ice in terms of strength. When he is touching the ice, either through an ice blast or physically speaking, it's stronger than natural forming ice as he is actively adding to it and repairing it. Once he stops contact it loses a considerable amount of strength as it's structural integrity is no longer supported by the powers of my character. Depending on how long he's been freezing something, it can be imprisoned completely within ice or just covered in a light sheet that can be broken through. It's hardly a fatal attack though, hypothermia inducing maybe, but unless he traps someone for hours they'll come out alive.

The ice armor is more or less a thin layer, maybe an inch thick, of sheet ice. It doesn't stop blows from hitting him, but it does add a second skin to absorb impact. Think of it like a bumper on a car. It's not going to stop damage, but it'll lessen the effects of blows. It can be cracked and broken easily enough though and overall it's quite weak. The one great part about it is that it repairs at a fast rate.

Once I bring in the suit of armor that I mentioned in my CS, the ice armor will be forgotten for the most part.

At the core of it, it's really just a sheet of ice over his limbs and torso, it can be broken, crushed and hacked through, but it can turn an otherwise lethal blow into a wounding blow and a bad wounding blow to a light wounding blow etc, etc.

Also, certain types of attacks do more damage to the armor. A crushing blow, for example, would go right through it, while a slashing blow would be dampened by a lot unless a very large amount of force is put behind the strike.
HunterJJ said:
If he stops contact with a person or object, the ice melts at a normal rate, and it becomes like any normal ice in terms of strength. When he is touching the ice, either through an ice blast or physically speaking, it's stronger than natural forming ice as he is actively adding to it and repairing it. Once he stops contact it loses a considerable amount of strength as it's structural integrity is no longer supported by the powers of my character. Depending on how long he's been freezing something, it can be imprisoned completely within ice or just covered in a light sheet that can be broken through. It's hardly a fatal attack though, hypothermia inducing maybe, but unless he traps someone for hours they'll come out alive.
The ice armor is more or less a thin layer, maybe an inch thick, of sheet ice. It doesn't stop blows from hitting him, but it does add a second skin to absorb impact. Think of it like a bumper on a car. It's not going to stop damage, but it'll lessen the effects of blows. It can be cracked and broken easily enough though and overall it's quite weak. The one great part about it is that it repairs at a fast rate.

Once I bring in the suit of armor that I mentioned in my CS, the ice armor will be forgotten for the most part.

At the core of it, it's really just a sheet of ice over his limbs and torso, it can be broken, crushed and hacked through, but it can turn an otherwise lethal blow into a wounding blow and a bad wounding blow to a light wounding blow etc, etc.

Also, certain types of attacks do more damage to the armor. A crushing blow, for example, would go right through it, while a slashing blow would be dampened by a lot unless a very large amount of force is put behind the strike.
Thank you for the clarification, I'm okay with all of this.

Idk if I accepted you last night, but if not, you're accepted now.

*rainbows fluffy animals sparkle unicorn*
Pine said:
Thank you for the clarification, I'm okay with all of this.
Idk if I accepted you last night, but if not, you're accepted now.

*rainbows fluffy animals sparkle unicorn*
Thanks, I completely understand why you were trying to get my perspective on the powers. Walking around in a hulking 300lb impenetrable suit of ice armor would be overpowered x10
HunterJJ said:
Thanks, I completely understand why you were trying to get my perspective on the powers. Walking around in a hulking 300lb impenetrable suit of ice armor would be overpowered x10
Yeah, lmao.

Or, like, a giant tank that can't even walk anywhere.

Even RELATIVELY thick ice can be tough.

i mean, i've only ever come close to breaking my arm from trying to catch myself falling on an ice rink

having that fractured arm was a bitch

Sorry if I seemed a little rude earlier.

I had a headache and was stressed from work, so I probably should have waited. -w-;
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but electronic devices are allowed.

I came up with idea that Hermes had created some way for the demigods to have laptops and phones, and it not to attract monsters. So Camp just got a bit more advanced xP
Pine said:
@NeoStigma accepted!
Is that a selfie I see?

Did you take a fucking selfie?

Is it a selfie? Yes.... Is it a selfie of me? Nopre. Found it on the interwebz (8))

I can get a more focused stock photo if you'd like, it'd take a while though, I was struggling to find a photo that matched the character until getting lucky with that one. Idk why but it was a struggle to find a character model that fit.
HunterJJ said:
Is it a selfie? Yes.... Is it a selfie of me? Nopre. Found it on the interwebz (8))
I can get a more focused stock photo if you'd like, it'd take a while though, I was struggling to find a photo that matched the character until getting lucky with that one. Idk why but it was a struggle to find a character model that fit.
Lmao, not, that's fine.

I just thought it was funny, because you DID mention taking a picture of yourself. xD

I know the struggles with finding pictures, so you're a-okay.

Glad you found someone!
My OCD about character creation is getting haywire.... need.... right..... photo..... for..... character.......

FFS I'm bout to spend the next ten minutes searching for another character model.

I'm feeling the token black guy approach to this thing.
i mean it's totally fine if he works keep it lmao

I spent like an hour trying to find a decent picture for James, and that's a quick find for me. e__e

This guy just screams "demigod of wind" to me.
Haha , luckily, I've discovered it's not as bad if I start with the picture...

And that is the DEFINITION of a demigod of wind for me!
Why did I read that as "god of wine"?

And then in my mind I was like ~*~*~ lol totally ~*~*~ and I'm just really glad that I reserved any dumb comments I might make until after I was done with what I was doing.
I feel like making a character who is a person of color. RPs should have more diversity c:
I have as well. When I made this character I was like "meh, all of my other characters are like everything but white... So let's do white this time."


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