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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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Arynne said:
Hamlet himself says it, in Act V, scene i, when he and Laertes are fighting. ( ;) )

Now that's SINCERELY a cold thing to say, hehe.

@etherna accepted!

I really like her and it would be cool if this ~*~*~ mysterious Fred figure what a shitty name to have ~*~*~ comes up again wink wonk.
I'm going to have a character that's the son of Aeolus (the god of the winds)


He'll be an agile fighter who can use wind to propel himself around at a fast pace, so he'll have increased speed. Also, he'll have some basic control over wind currents.

As time progresses in the RP I plan to work in the ability to generate small storms by using conflicting wind currents to generate cyclones. Wind would also grant him the ability to move clouds and condense clouds giving him the ability to manipulate storms, although that would be really far down the line (it would take skill mastery to do that so I'll leave that for the future after he's used his powers for a very long time).

I suppose he'd be able to use wind as a weapon of sorts as well, he could create sharply shaped wind currents that can cut enemies, but again, that's far off from the beginner stage he'll be at when the RP begins. For now he's an agile fighter who can zip around using the power of wind who can also use vague wind blasts to knock enemies down.

LMK if there are any issues with the character ideas that I have

PS, Aeolus is the son of Poseidon, so Aeolus's domain crosses into the domain of his father (who is the god of storms) so if you're wondering why my character can create small storms, that's why.

Wind currents that are travelling in opposite directions and have different temperatures form tornadoes and Hurricanes, so it'd only make sense if the demigod of wind would be able to create them
NeoStigma said:
Uhm I updated my app. I apologize If I missed anything! >_<
Not trying to be "that guy" but you control magnets and fire?

Magnetism is electricity in another form, so you essentially control electricity and fire while also being a super sniper who (at the age of eighteen) can both drive excellently and fly planes. Oh and your guy can make some of the best armor in the world.

AND you're guy's armor gives him enhanced strength/speed.

Dude, you made the OP GOD OF WAR.

I've done it before too, I've had my shares of OP GODS OF WAR (yes, in all caps damnit) so please don't take offense. I don't mean to be the douche who points out everyone's flaws, but just in case no one else does, I have to step up.

Based on your description of your character, I'm guessing that you're a Hephaestus, which would give you Technokenisis (understanding of tech upon first glance) and (in some rare cases, but go ahead and take it) Pyrokenisis. The whole magnetism thing is coming waaaay out of left field.

Also the super power of Artemis children is accuracy. My character uses a bow and even I won't claim that my dude can hang with the best Artemis marksmen.

(source for powers) http://camphalfblood.wikia.com/wiki/Demigod_Abilities

PS - To the GMs, I'll have a photo up tomorrow afternoon, LMK if there are any issues in my CS -

Favorite color is navy blue
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Yo hunter thanks for your feed back! I just want to say. Yeah I took out the magnets and stuff, you're right I apologize. Also the suit basically helps my character fight, this is because my character is basically super weak physically. I mean even with the suit on he has the stamina and strength and speed of an average teenager. But if the suit's a no go I'm down to take it out. I mean it's up to the mods, to tell you the truth the suit was basically for aesthetics because my characters a fan boy lol.
After some digging on the Percy Jackson Wiki, I found out that, according to the lore of the books, Aeolus isn't a god but a powerful immortal. Which is crazy considering that he was a god in greek mythology. Luckily, there is an alternative for me, which is Boreas

-http://camphalfblood.wikia.com/wiki/Demigod_Abilities (check the bottom of the list)


So Imma go add Cryokenisis to my character, considering that it's listed under "demi-god powers" for Boreas.
@HunterJJ alright, so like I said with ModernRanger, I really do appreciate the help, but please leave the other characters up to me.

If any of you guys are at all concerned with something, feel free to PM me or any of the other GMs.

In all likelihood, it's probably something that we were going to say anyways.

Alright fellas, my favorite time of day.... time to nerf some people!

*rubs palms eagerly*

@OriginalDaydreamer I'm gonna' pm you again.

@Arynne you get a pm too.

@NeoStigma and you get a pm! :'D

@HunterJJ I really appreciate the effort you've put into your cs.

The character is great, but he's kind of... super powerful, and we're gonna' have to fix that.

He ain't no Big Three.

So the whole thing about having winds cut people, that NEEDS to be limited to when the weather is cold enough.

The thing about him creating a vacuum also really concerns me.

You're going to have to add some major limitations or drawbacks to that one.

I feel like it would take a lot of concentration.

I'm also a little dubious on him being able to completely freeze people.

That should be advanced and have some drawbacks.

And about the ice armor... you're going to have to elaborate on that a bit.

Please take into account how long he has been in camp in proportion to how much control he has over his powers.

And those pms will probably have to wait for a few hours.

I need to go to work now. uwu
I'll remove the vacuum power, you're right, it's OP.

Also, the freezing people part isn't a power that would freeze someone completely at a touch, it's more of an immobilizing tactic, and it requires that he touches the opponent directly or that he can fire a sustained ice blast at the person/thing for a while.

Ice armor is just that, it's ice that covers his body, giving him a layer of protection. It's easily damaged but it can be repaired easily as well.

The powers that have the "(Advanced)" wont be accessible to him for a while, so I'm definitely aware of that as well, and the powers that don't have the advanced next to them will start off weaker than they'll finish.

As far as OP goes, I know my dude is beast, but I limited him (hard to believe but trust me). According to the half blood wiki, Boreas kids are beast mode, mainly because they are the strongest when it comes to Cryokenisis, and Cryokenisis is completely insane.

(two powers off the list I decided were way too insane for my character)

"Turn yourself into anything associated with snow"

"In The Lost Hero, Khione created a "nuclear blast" made of pure cold and ice as oppose to radiation and heat of a regular nuclear explosion." (this made me lol, the author of the books was like "fuck science.... ice nuke!")

Also in terms of the quality of air, it effects him. Heavy/humid air makes his attacks stronger in terms of raw force but it hurts the speed of his attacks and it makes cutting people with air near impossible. In normal air it's a good balance between strength and speed, and in cold air his attacks are extremely fast and can cut people up. So generally, before fighting, if he can, he'll drop the temperature with his cryokenisis but if he can't and it's hot/humid he becomes a much slower power fighter which isn't his style at all.
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HunterJJ said:
I'll remove the vacuum power, you're right, it's OP.
Also, the freezing people part isn't a power that would freeze someone completely at a touch, it's more of an immobilizing tactic, and it requires that he touches the opponent directly or that he can fire a sustained ice blast at the person/thing for a while.

Ice armor is just that, it's ice that covers his body, giving him a layer of protection. It's easily damaged but it can be repaired easily as well.

The powers that have the "(Advanced)" wont be accessible to him for a while, so I'm definitely aware of that as well, and the powers that don't have the advanced next to them will start off weaker than they'll finish.

As far as OP goes, I know my dude is beast, but I limited him (hard to believe but trust me). According to the half blood wiki, Boreas kids are beast mode, mainly because they are the strongest when it comes to Cryokenisis, and Cryokenisis is completely insane.

(two powers off the list I decided were way too insane for my character)

"Turn yourself into anything associated with snow"

"In The Lost Hero, Khione created a "nuclear blast" made of pure cold and ice as oppose to radiation and heat of a regular nuclear explosion." (this made me lol, the author of the books was like "fuck science.... ice nuke!")

Also in terms of the quality of air, it effects him. Heavy/humid air makes his attacks stronger in terms of raw force but it hurts the speed of his attacks and it makes cutting people with air near impossible. In normal air it's a good balance between strength and speed, and in cold air his attacks are extremely fast and can cut people up. So generally, before fighting, if he can, he'll drop the temperature with his cryokenisis but if he can't and it's hot/humid he becomes a much slower power fighter which isn't his style at all.
Okay, so I know some demigods are supposed to be more powerful than others in actual factual lore, but as this is a role play, I want this to be a little more balanced, personally.

You can maybe have your character a cut above the rest, but at the moment, your guy is more powerful than our Zeus bro.

I've only read the first four books, but I'm assuming our protagonist got to be pretty God-prodigal mode, right?

What I know is that he started off pretty slow, and since you haven't stated how long he's been there (or maybe you have and I just missed it), I would assume he should be starting kind of at square one as well.

I appreciate you already thinking to limit him, but again, I want this to be a wee bit more even.

And it's not just you, I'm being mean to everyone.

So, thanks for removing the vacuum thing.

Does he have to keep touching them for it to work?

Does it kind of just weigh them down, form ice around their feet?

I mean, maybe we should think about how thick the ice is, how quickly he can craft it, if it covers one part of the body at a time, if he needs to work to sustain it at the proper temperature etc.

And I feel like the air would have to be near freezing in order for it to have that cutting effect, and not just be a cool gust.

Sorry about this, buuuuuut I'm sure you can understand. n-n;
Everything is scaled to experience. The reason I listed so many powers is that I don't want there to be any surprises as my guy gets more powerful. Once he masters his abilities, everything on that list is more than fair.

Its unfair to compare me to Zeus character, considering that his power list is five words long. A more detailed Zeus child would be a much more powerful character, plus, lightning kind of trumps everything considering that it strikes instantaneously with enough force to kill someone.

I'm really not trying to be belligerant, but I feel as if the only reason that your bringing this up with me is that I listed all possible abilities. If you took the powers of any character and thought out all the abilities they'd be gifted, you'd have a lengthy list of things.

Children of Hades, for example, have limited control over cold, can raise and control the dead, control earth/gems, can commune with the dead and can become invisible in shadows. Thats five powers to my characters two. My dude is stacked due to the lethality of the cryo and aero powers, but even so he's not on par with the big three.

As far as the freezing goes, its fast, but its not some insane insta freeze. Also the cutting wind connects to his ice powers, if he forms ice shards and puts them into a gust of wind it can cut enemies, but this only works in temperatures that aren't very hot. So on a 100 degree day in june, its useless.

Check out the power list here, you'll see that my guy is underpowered when compared to a Zeus/Poseidan/Hades.


In terms of how long he's been attending the camp, he was recruited during Junior year of HS and he's currently 19, so he's had about two years to learn the basics of his powers under the tutilage of the camp's staff.
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HunterJJ said:
Everything is scaled to experience. The reason I listed so many powers is that I don't want there to be any surprises as my guy gets more powerful. Once he masters his abilities, everything on that list is more than fair.
Its unfair to compare me to Zeus character, considering that his power list is five words long. A more detailed Zeus child would be a much more powerful character, plus, lightning kind of trumps everything considering that it strikes instantaneously with enough force to kill someone.

I'm really not trying to be belligerant, but I feel as if the only reason that your bringing this up with me is that I listed all possible abilities. If you took the powers of any character and thought out all the abilities they'd be gifted, you'd have a lengthy list of things.

Children of Hades, for example, have limited control over cold, can raise and control the dead, control earth/gems, can commune with the dead and can become invisible in shadows. Thats five powers to my characters two. My dude is stacked due to the lethality of the cryo and aero powers, but even so he's not on par with the big three.

As far as the freezing goes, its fast, but its not some insane insta freeze. Also the cutting wind connects to his ice powers, if he forms ice shards and puts them into a gust of wind it can cut enemies, but this only works in temperatures that aren't very hot. So on a 100 degree day in june, its useless.

Check out the power list here, you'll see that my guy is underpowered when compared to a Zeus/Poseidan/Hades.


In terms of how long he's been attending the camp, he was recruited during Junior year of HS and he's currently 19, so he's had about two years to learn the basics of his powers under the tutilage of the camp's staff.
Okay, see, since I hadn't seen you stating how long he's been a part of the camp, it was my assumption that he was going to be one of the new students.

Nevertheless, I stand by what I've said.

You don't have to keep linking to the demigod abilities, I have pulled that up multiple times and made my determinations partly based off of that and based off of how I want things.

Please understand I'm working with everyone on toning down these powers, not just you, and the only reason why I'm doing this on the thread is because you had brought it up on the thread while I have several pms going with other people.

The Zeus character is something I'm actively working with him on, and Ranger has stated that he didn't really even want powers (but, presumably, he tacked it on there to help keep up with all these other characters).

Then if you would rather, we can look at our Poseidon guy, who has ALSO listed many parts of a whole, in my opinion.

I feel like your dude is at LEAST on par with them in the scenario that they've both mastered their powers, as a lot of things you have listed have very potent combat capabilities that I would rather be a little unpolished at the moment.

I appreciate your detail being put into your characters powers, but don't assume that I'm letting that bias myself.

Quality vs. quantity.

I could have all the powers in the world, spread out, weak, and a God would be able to sweep me out with a single blast of whatever they have, so the lethality IS important, not just the number of powers.

So, I'll ask again:

- Does he have to stay in contact to keep them frozen?

- What are the details on the ice armor? Thickness? How quick does it form? How much does it cover?

As I've said before, I really like your character and appreciate the thought you've put into it, but this is the last time I'm going to ask about the powers, and next time I'll tell you how I want them to be for now.

@NoviceOfRoleplay I'm sorry, but your character will not work for this role play.

Please let me know when you have saved all the information you want for your character so that we may remove him from the sign-up.

@IronDragon accepted!

The only thing is I'm thinking for the whole blindness thing it should only be maybe five seconds max at a time, and possibly it's something he can do repeatedly.

BUT that also depends on how long he's been at the camp, because if he's going to be one of the new guys, I don't want him to have TOO much control over his powers, ya' feel me?
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
Can I ask why not?
Of course.

We're only doing Greek demigods and he is simply way too powerful.

Also, this will be a detailed role play, so we're looking for fleshed out characters.
His dad is a Greek god. Now for other points, I did write his a bit rushed, I just thought I could reveal more in the role play. If you give me 15 minutes to edit, you will see that his power is fairly equal and he is fleshed out. Though he sounded pretty fleshed out even in the rushed version.
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
His dad is a Greek god. Now for other points, I did write his a bit rushed, I just thought I could reveal more in the role play. If you give me 15 minutes to edit, you will see that his power is fairly equal and he is fleshed out. Though he sounded pretty fleshed out even in the rushed version.
My mistake, I didn't mean that he was an Egyptian God, I don't know what I was trying to type.

Nevertheless, he is still too powerful, and I do not consider what you have put to be fleshed out.

I don't like tragic backstories for seemingly no reason at all.

The other reason, which I was hoping not to bring up, is that I've seen your role playing before, and it isn't quite the style that we're looking for.

My apologies, but I have already rejected your character, and no amount of editing will change my mind.
IronDragon said:
I understand that, I'll add that to his bio.
Ok I changed it and I also added how long he has been at camp.
That works just fine.

Thanks, you're gr8.

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