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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

Should this be remade?

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Yess like that's why all those movies like fast and furious and transformers (not good examples of clever crime but it's still crime) make it, because people generally like crime

and violence

and half-naked women

mucchhh better then anything else, generally

the first book will always be my favorite cause in my opinion it was the best out of them all

the age thing is beyond creepy

she's like four-hundred and he's like 16

I was like no stop that's never going to happen

and if it does that author should be ashamed

that's the best thing about Artemis

he's not tone of those adolescent boy's that get's all super crazy about girls

I mean he had some crushes but his main priority was making money

which was super awesome

don't get me wrong

i like romance sometimes in movies/books but it has to be like your relationship has to develop slowly

you can't just be in love in a few days cause that's just not real but that's all they show in the media

and romance can't be the MAIN theme of the movie

I mean I prefer it the background tbh

that's why I loved stuff like naruto which had more gritty stuff then romance

but the 'tragic' history stuff annoyed me so i mostly skipped through it

opal is so much better dead and let's just leave it at that

i thought the author brought her in at first to attempt to set her up artemis or something actually

not that it would ever work

it's more then ick it's UGGH


i mean i don't imagine artemis being cute or handsome or anything

i always imagined him as being just plain with striking eyes or something

sokka was just annoying in the movie

just like he was at first to me in the series

cause i was like why have non-benders when you have benders?

and all he had was that stupid plastic boomerang

yea cause omg every other hero survives like the whole harry potter thing

i was like yes for once an author who understands

then a clone?

that book wasn't satisfying at all and part of me wishes i hadn't read it at all

just noticed that double post >.<
I feel like it's that episode in every 'realistic' TV show that has a split of highschoolers and middle schoolers.. and they are seperated, until that 1 episode that features them both together.

That is what this feels like.


So, my comment got liked but no one has said anything.

Did I just break the 4th wall?
Sweet. ;D

I have another idea for a character, too. But I feel like there is WAY too many characters at the moment. It's going to become overwhelming for everyone.
/is responding to a 1x1 and trying to finish a character for another rp
Edward hooking up with Bella? <3

Opal and Artemis? (Or Eragon and Arya -.- ) Noooo, nooo noo. No, no. No.

Btw, the water tribe is based on Native Americans... or Eskimos. I think Iroh was one of the few, well, not good, but not bad either.
GinjaGen said:
Feelin' really old.
You're only a year older than meeeee


[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]It looks like he has a small disorder or something with his skin rather than a burn

I kinda disgree... Having third degree burns all over my body, I can attest they look like burns....

In the picture he didn't look like he had a burn is all I'm saying. Just that there bumps on his skin.

Ew burns...not fun. I burned my shoulder once. Were you okay?
I agree with Infi on this one. If you compare the one in the movie to the one in the cartoon. The one in the cartoon is whole lot worse than in the movie.
Yeah that's what I meant. In the movie it just doesn't look like he had a burn :/
They look like real burns, but that doesn't mean it looks like Zuko; just more realistic. Like, the new Freddy Krueger has realistic burns, but I like the old Freddy better. Though not just for the aesthetics.


GinjaGen said:
A year is a long time buddy.
But seriously, you and Nico make me feel SLIGHTLY less old.
Hahaha, I don't broadcast it because I feel old too, but I'm 21. I felt better about it today though... I was talking to some girls at Macy's who turned out to be almost as old as my mother. Now I feel young as a baby lmao. Seriously, I was like, "You were born in 79?!?!" I hope I didn't make her/them feel bad lol.


IronDragon said:
I agree with Infi on this one. If you compare the one in the movie to the one in the cartoon. The one in the cartoon is whole lot worse than in the movie.
The cartoon one looks forever fresh.
Don't sweat it Flare. I've burned my shoulder, but it wasn't anything really serious, so I wouldn't know for sure. So i wouldn't know

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Don't sweat it Flare. I've burned my shoulder, but it wasn't anything really serious, so I wouldn't know for sure. So i wouldn't know

*uck, I'm missing it!
Like ohmygawsh i love SNL but it's so awful xD

One of my favorite skits was with Chris Hemsworth. They did a Star Trek one...it was beautiful


Dammit people, all posting new characters and stuff.

I'm never going to finish my post at this rate lol.

but also partly because i'm not sure where to cut it off

@GinjaGen i should probably bring them inside the camp but i'm having trouble making it flow nicely *flails arms uselessly*

on a side note

i think i now have a pretty solid idea for my iris kid

i'm going to like SUUUUUPER re-create an old character of mine and develop the shit out of him

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