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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

Should this be remade?

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Care Bears... prepare to stare!
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Not as far as I can tell. o:

Though we probably shouldn't have too many children for The Big Three.

Who were you thinking?

and why is orange your favorite color
that is sinful
I've been thinking about a number of them so far, I just didn't want to narrow it down to one of the big three only to find out that I can't choose them.

I'm partial to:

Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, and Hephaestus... in that order. However, my characters usually come from their pictures, so I've still got a ways to go!

and @Nico, i just really like orange ;)
I'm leaning towards: moody musician, child of Dionysus or Apollo --


Arrogant science genius, child of...Hephaestus?



Champion rower, child of a less-well-known sea god (One of the Nereids?)


Thoughts? Suggestions?
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The moody musician, that sounds like an interesting character x3
I second that motion, though I would also love to see a science genius child of Hephaestus as well.
Well, here's the character concepts:

Aria's mother is rather well-off, and tried to give her daughter every opportunity to "find herself": lessons in fencing, archery, martial arts, swimming, riding, guitar, flute and drums; enrollment in the best summer camps and softball leagues; urging into theater and ballet. Aria enjoyed all these activities, the music most of all -- she should have done well at them, but she was "unwilling to commit" her frustrated instructors said. "Brilliant but lazy" her teachers in school called her, noting that she relished both reading and debating, but lost interest the moment it became something she had to do. She showed up for practice or rehearsal when she felt like it, did her homework if she felt so inclined, was uninterested in competition. Activities were pursued for pleasure alone.

Until she came to Camp Half-Blood, she was spending more and more time alone -- either on solitary hikes through the countryside, often staying out overnight, with or without her mother's permission; or at musical solo sessions that went on for hours, drumming or playing guitar until her hands bled, trying to make sense of the burning extremes within her.

Aria's body and mind are forums for the interplay between proper behavior and total abandon. When she is excited, angered or scared, some primal instinct seems to stir within her. She likes feeling this way, but is scared her behavior will alienate her friends.

A favorite activity of hers is catching frogs, grasshoppers, small birds and field mice. As she cups these little creatures in her palms, peering intently into their tiny eyes, she wonders if she is trying to share their thoughts -- or if she regards them as a predator would its prey.

The most beautiful, intriguing thing she has ever seen was a robin's egg transfixed by a thorn.

An alcoholic father and a workaholic mother sent Alexandra fleeing into books before most children could spell their own names. She read everything she could get her hands on to escape the turmoil at home. Her interests gradually drifted towards mythology: she had read Gods, Men and Monsters, D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths and even Robert Graves’ retelling for children by the time she finished kindergarten. She made few friends, being so far beyond most of the teachers, let alone the other children, that they could not even begin to understand her. But that was all right. She had her precious volumes, her ‘Young Curie’ chemistry kit, and eventually, the Internet.

Her parents were not pleased by her lack of social skills and her increasing withdrawal into her room to read or experiment, and they expressed it in their different ways. Her father called her a nerd, a bookworm and a pathetic little dweeb. Her mother warned her about ending up a lonely old woman. Both fretted she would poison someone or set the house on fire. Now, looking back, Alexandra can see clearly that they both felt threatened by her obvious genius.

The older she got, the more her family turned on her. They punished her perpetually with hurtful, insulting words, and she responded with cool indifference. This reaction technique only spurred them on: her well-deserved arrogance made them feel small. Her father lost his temper one day when she refused to get off the computer and come meet his boss. He hit her then and there.

Alexandra had just started a new school, and the promise of a new challenge. She was in no mood for a fight…but when her father’s hand struck her, it triggered something inside, something that had been building up for years. With a flash of something like madness, she struck back in a flurry of blows, kicking and punching him. And as she did, she spouted off Hamlet:

“I prithee, take thy fingers from my throat;

For though I am not splenitive and rash,

Yet I have something in me dangerous,

Which let thy wiseness fear: hold off thy hand.”

She was ten years old.

Oh, Alexandra’s father recovered, eventually. Physically at least. Emotionally, he was never quite the same. All in all, it was a relief when a friend of her real father showed up. Life got much easier, with that knowledge. Knowledge always helps.
hhhhh i can't remember who said that in hamlet or when or where :I

But I like both of these ideas a lot! ;w;

Seriously, I laughed when you threw in that passage...

so just to make your choice harder, i think i'm slightlyyyyy more partial to the annoying genius


i also like the picture for the moody musician best ehehe

you could totally mix the two

Alright, so I've been put in charge of accepting/rejecting characters.

Here's what I have so far for our current characters.

@OriginalDaydreamer as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain, but I would suggest reading over all information for the role play first.

@GinjaGen I'm going to send you a PM.

@Chiryoshi as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain, but I would suggest reading over all information for the role play first.

@Arynne accepted!

Lovely idea, as I already mentioned. (:
Pine said:
hhhhh i can't remember who said that in hamlet or when or where :I
But I like both of these ideas a lot! ;w;

Seriously, I laughed when you threw in that passage...

so just to make your choice harder, i think i'm slightlyyyyy more partial to the annoying genius


i also like the picture for the moody musician best ehehe

you could totally mix the two

Alright, so I've been put in charge of accepting/rejecting characters.

Here's what I have so far for our current characters.

@OriginalDaydreamer as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain, but I would suggest reading over all information for the role play first.

@GinjaGen I'm going to send you a PM.

@Chiryoshi as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain, but I would suggest reading over all information for the role play first.

@Arynne accepted!

Lovely idea, as I already mentioned. (:
Anymore hint to why beyond the favourite colour thing? if it is the colour thing i though the coloured text would be enough. Or do you need more detail in some parts?
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Anymore hint to why beyond the favourite colour thing? if it is the colour thing i though the coloured text would be enough. Or do you need more detail in some parts?
Alright, I can understand the color thing being confusing, so that's fine.

For future reference to anyone who is reading this ooc post, coloring the text won't be enough, because most people do that anyone when they're trying to make their character sheets look pretty.

As for your cs, there are a few typos that have stuck out to me that I can't ignore, considering the length of your character sheet.

I'm a little concerned about that just because this is a detailed role play, so feel free to either add to the cs or send me a role play sample.

So about your character's nickname, I'm assuming that's something she has acquired in the camp.

In that case, there should be some sort of explanation as to how she got it, since it can be used demeaningly and I think some of the other campers would know the story behind that.

I know your history said that you want to reveal the history as you go, so if it DOES have to the with the camp but you have a reason for none of the other campers to know, I would like for you to pm me your explanation for that.

I'll admit this might just be a personal thing, but the description for her sexuality rubbed me the wrong way.

Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but I don't like the idea of "she's asexual because she hasn't met the right person," because I feel like that undermines the problems of asexuals.

If I'm mistaken, please feel free to clarify, as I know that it's very possible I'm being unfair about/misunderstanding this.

@OriginalDaydreamer accepted!
I think this a mostly a matter of misunderstanding I think rather make a few adjustment to the cs hopefully that would improve things. Will take things said to account.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
I think this a mostly a matter of misunderstanding I think rather make a few adjustment to the cs hopefully that would improve things. Will take things said to account.
Yeah, I definitely considered that.

Let me know when you're done, then! uwu

@GinjaGen accepted!

Nicely done. (:

@CrystalClear accepted, she looks great! (:

The only thing is... should a child of Ares be able to have pyrokinesis?

I don't know about her having that.
Oh, no problem!

I'll gladly change it to something else. ^^

Would Odikinesis be alright? Since Clarisse was able to control it to a certain degree?
That's totally fine. uwu !

Oh, but do make sure you're responsible with it.

If she ever uses that, make sure the degree of her influence is up to the other role players.
Pine said:
That's totally fine. uwu !
Oh, but do make sure you're responsible with it.

If she ever uses that, make sure the degree of her influence is up to the other role players.
No problem! I'll make sure to be responsible. c:
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Done.... Hopefully... Actually might switch gender to balance out the ratio.
Could you send me an example of the kind of post I can expect from you for this?

It doesn't have to be PJO, but something humanoid that would be the same amount of effort you would put into any other detailed role play.
I may mention that my favorite color is red, confirming that I read what it was I was supposed to read.
so I cant have my character be the son of Vulcan? Because If so I'll go change my app right now lol xD
@ModernRanger I appreciate you trying to be involved in helping with characters, but I'll handle it all, so no worries.

I know appearance isn't part of the cs, but don't like pictures and gifs totally define a character's appearance.

Neo's character has a suit fashioned as it is because he's a silly fanboy, which is something I can appreciate, so he's more than just a Power Ranger.

Now, some quick announcements.

@OriginalDaydreamer @GinjaGen @Arynne @CrystalClear @blue nebula @NeoStigma @ModernRanger @HunterJJ @jaajdbfd @DemonKitten

The other two GMs and I have decided to put a cap on how many Big Three characters that are available.

We will allow two demigods max per Big Three god.

At the moment, both of Hades have been reserved/taken and we have one Poseidon that has already been accepted.

I will expect more effort being put into these characters, and if I think they are even slightly underdeveloped or will abuse their powers, I will not accept them.

Another thing to note is that when you're giving your character a power, you need to make sure that your respective God parent is even able to grant them that.

I'm not an expert with powers, so I'll be leaving it up to my fellow GMs to help give me the red flag when something is wrong.

Just because I'm a little ignorant doesn't mean you should take advantage of this.

Don't get too creative with powers, because it might save us both the trouble of me accepting your character, then having to go back and work with you on that and withdrawing my acceptance and so forth.

As for powers, what I want is for you to describe the power, list the name if it has one, and describe your character's accessibility to the power.

If your character has just arrived at camp, they should not be a master of their powers, let alone be bestowed with all these rare gifts.

If you're going to try to pull this angle with your character, you better have a good reason prepared for me.

As many of you know, there are some powers available to demigods that will have influence over other people.

I ask that you use this wisely, and always always always make sure that the other role player has ultimate control over how their characters will react to this.

It's preferable that you limit your use of these throughout the role play.

So please make any edits to your character's powers as needed according to this new policy.

For those who have already been accepted, you are still accepted, but please be aware that we I may contact you about changes that need to be made at any point.

Refusing to comply will cause me to revoke your accepted status.

That's all I have for now.

Onto characters.

@ModernRanger as your character sheet is now, I cannot accept you.

If you would like to know my reasons why and/or wish to try to correct it, feel free to tag or PM me asking why and I will gladly explain.

@blue nebula accepted!

I love the detail you put into her.

I'll be sending you a PM soon about just a couple of minor things.

@NeoStigma from my understanding, no, we aren't involving anything but Greek gods.

Let me know once you've finished editing his history and what not accordingly.

Also, I would strongly recommend that you read over all of the information we have for the role play in the mean time.

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