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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

BishopOfKings said:
Bishop: Holo... Please do something to take us to the catacombs soon
Kit: *goes pale*

Max: ...

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I'm waiting on luckyandkitty
?!?!?!: What do you mean Jason?! That's Antonius... My BOYFRIEND.

Antonius: Actually Juliana that's my brother Jason... I'm Antonius.

Jason: What is going on here?

Juliana: Antonius! *throws a lightning bolt at him*

Jason: *throws his spear into the deck in front in Antonius using it as a lightning rod before quickly activating and throwing his shield at the girl.*

Juliana: *knocks the shield away with a mean looking spear.. And blasts Jason in the chest with lightning* STAY OUT OF THIS!!
Tania: *blasts Juliana* Don't you touch him!

Anthony: *pulls out some gloves and puts them on.* lady you have until the count of three to sit yo ass down.
Anthony: One. *reaches into his pocket again and pulls out a small bag.* two should be enough to just knock her out without any damage.
Anthony: Be careful Helena. She's already zapped Jason. *Puts up a barrier to perfect Helena.*
Anthony: *Frowns and vanishes reappearing in the crows nest.* I'm so stupid. Why did I even bother.

Thomas: *looks at Helena.* ok now even I think that's harsh.
Helena: *growls at Thomas* YOU- UGHHHHH *goes below decks* I swear I can't do anything RIGHT! GUUUUH WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER! *locks herself in her cabin*
Hm? What's wrong now small mammal?

Anthony: she'll hate me by the end of the day. *Goes back to being the poster child for youth depression.*

Thomas: Not my fault that was harsh.

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