Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

Henry sighed and did as he was told for once. He saw this as no time to be messing around or taking things lightly. His brother was the most valuable thing in his life and if James got hurt because he had been fouling around he would never forgive himself. Staying on guard he followed the girl as they fought their way through the monsters.
"Stop complaining kid and get a move on. We're getting killed here."

Victors vision was getting blurry.


"Should we go help your brother Pallas? It looks nasty out there."
Pallas Crosby

Pallas pulled her sword through another monster, glancing at the battle field.

Some more demigods from inside the camp had began to battle along with them.

Pallas recognized some of the kids from the Ares cabin, Wooping and Hollering every time they killed something.

Her eye's trailed to the Barrier, they were really close.

Victor's voice rang in her ear's. Dallas was in trouble once again.

Her eye's flickered back at him. It was obvious he was struggling to keep the army up.

"Don't strain yourself." She told him. "I'll help them out. Get these two-" She motioned to the twins. "-across the border and somewhere safe."

Her eye's flickered to the twins. She glanced at their weapon, "Learn how to use those quickly. Don't get killed."

Pallas nodded to them before taking off towards her brother.

Avoiding the crowd and the monster's, she slashed at them.

( @Emily VanShowmen & @Odayaka Inazuma )

Dallas Crosby

Dallas grabbed onto Sapphire, pulling forward.

The army looked weak but was holding on, battling on.

Victor must be really straining himself, Dallas thought, lunging forward.

"I'm alright," He muttered to the Sapphire, "All we have to do is make it across and we should be safe."

Dallas felt another hand grip down on his shoulder. He almost swung, until he realized it was his sister.

"Dallas are you okay? Sapphire?"

Dallas nodded.

"Your bleeding!"

"I'm Fine!"

( @Toughchic236 )
Henry nodded and begun to attack the monsters as they came at him. He learnt fast, which proved handy. Grabbing James he pushed his brother toward the area he assumed was safe. He only thought this because it seemed as if the people around him had been trying to get them there. Swearing he winced as his arm got cut, but it didn't slow his pace down by much. Twisting out of the way he avoided what could have been a fetal blow. Huffing he twisted around and stabbed the monster in the back of the neck before it could turn once more on him.

James sighed as he watched his brother fight. He was trying his best to handle himself but he just wasn't skilled with such things like Henry was. Stumbling as he was pushed toward the area of which he noticed was safe he looked back at his brother and shook his head a bit. He wished he was strong and talented like that.
Alice scrambled looking for cover from the Titan. Holy Hephaestus, he's huge! She looked up and at the campers who were fighting.
(sorry guise I feel asleep last night)

"Come on, we have to get you to safety."

Victor turned and started trudging towards the barriers.

The battlefield was bloody, sadly It was the blood of his camp mates that covered the ground.

The baddies just disappeared after they died. They don't even die..its rather depressing.

Victor stumbled but caught his balance on a overhanging tree branch.

"Come on new guys, you coming or what?!" Victor shouted behind him.

Was this the end? It seems id be seeing my father sooner then I planned.
Alice couldn't find shelter anywhere! She kept running and running. She stopped. The Hades am I running for? I should be fighting! She ran over to a boy who was fighting.

"Need any help?" She offered.
Henry ran toward James, fighting as he went. Ducking out of the way he slashed at monsters as they advanced on him. Frowning to himself he wondered what in the name of Zeus he had done to get stuck in this mess. It wasn't like he had every done any thing bad.. well maybe a few times but still.
Victor rested his back against the tree.

"We could use all the help of the Gods, chica. I left my weapon in my cabin, do you have something I could use?"

The sweat was getting in Victors eyes now, stinging him.

Dammit. I don't see how Ares likes this sort of stuff.

He looked at the girl and felt a weird tingling in his heart.

"Who are your parents girl? Surly Ares? What with that astounding red hair."

Victor stared into the girls eyes, already guessing her answer. But not believing it himself.
( It's alright! It was really late :3 )

Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Pallas hand clamped down on her brother's forearm, pulling him towards the barrier.

He was bleeding an awful lot for such a small wound.

It must of hit a main artery, Pallas decided, dodging a hell-hound that had actually jumped clear of them.

Dallas cursed in Ancient Greek, blinking away the darkness that threatened to consume him.

They were only yards away from Thalia's pine, when somebody cried out behind the twins.

Instantly, they turned to see a son of Hephaestus, Carter, Pallas believed his name was, fall to the ground.

Pallas crossed eye's with Dallas, before shoving him towards the barrier.

"PALLAS!" Dallas cried after her, stumbling backwards before falling past the border.

Pallas wasn't listening, she had already raced to the wounded demigod.

He was bleeding near his throat. Luckily it wasn't his juggler vain.

"Carter?" Pallas murmured, which confirmed her fear.

He was unconscious.

Dallas stumbled next to her.

"Need help?"

She nodded.
"Umm my father is Zeus, and you can use this knife," She handed it over to the boy "What's your name?" She grew a lightning staff and got in a fighting stance. I've been an acrobat for years and I can't do this simple task? Her next goal was to get to the head of the Titan and stick him in the head. She smiled at the boy. "I have a plan."
Henry got back to back with James and gave his brother a nod. They had often used this method of defense back home when they had gotten in over their heads. "James just relax and let your instinct take over." He advised his brother as he stabbed a monster and kicked another one. "Kay." James called back to him. He could hear James taking a deep breath as calmed himself.
"Introductions later Cousin. Go take care of the Titan."

Victor turned behind the tree and stabbed a hellhound in the eye.

Me and my father have to talk about these things.
Well that was a great introduction, cousin, aren't we all related on the godly side......Ewwwwwwwwwwww! She put a lot of thought into this before realising she'd better get in gear to get up to his head. She jumped off of trees and onto the Titan holding onto his hair. She willed her spear to grow into a huge bolt of lightning and dug it into his neck. Shabam! He crumpled into gold dust, leaving her standing in midair, she looked down and started to fall, screaming.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

The twin's did their best to drag Carter across the border. After about four minutes, they were successful.

Pallas glanced backwards at camp, watching many of Apollo's children rushing to heal.

Ares children rushing into battle.

Satyr's playing their flutes.

"On-- Two over here!" Pallas called to one of the healer's.

Dallas grabbed Pallas's elbow, not releasing her. "Be careful." He mumbled.

Pallas smiled, "Promise."

Her smile faded instantly as she got a clear scene of the battle grounds.

Like every good fight, One side is winning and one is loosing.

She would of never imagined it would be the camp that was loosing this battle.

Pallas glanced around, noticing Victor had gotten the new demigod's across safely.

I'll have to remember to thank him, Pallas thought, If we survive.

Pallas swung her sword through a Lamia, with a hiss she exploded into dust.

Going to dash off to one side, she suddenly stopped.

A spike had embedded itself deep in the tree next to her.

Pallas's eye's drifted to the creature that had shot it.

"Manticore...." She mumbled, watching as it drew attention to her for speaking it's name.
Oh hell she's falling.

Quickly Victor plunged his hand into the ground which immediately opened a fisher that spewed hell fire.

Out of the ground came a pale horse. Its half rotten flesh fell in clumps from its body. Its eyes glowed a light green and seemed to pierce Victors soul.

Even though this was his horse, he is still scared of it. But he ignored this and jumped on its back and sped towards the falling girl.
All she could think of was, Well bai guys im dead! The thing was she didn't seem to be afraid of death it actually calmed her. She fell for what felt like forever. Wind slow me down! She thought it worked a bit but it still let her down she kept falling and falling, she eventually passed out.
Victor rushed towards the girl, leaping in the air he caught her.

He rode a little ways further before fatigue finally started to take over.

His horse dissapitated and he and the girl fell to the ground, rolling to a stop by a creak.

The last thing Victor saw before passing out was his Undead Horde burst into nothing more then blood and guts.
Waking up by a creek, she saw the boy and rushed to his side.

"Wake up" She picked up the kid, "This was cause of me wasn't it?" she carried the kid across the creek and to the shade and "safety" of the trees.

She hit herself. Now im hurting people. great. She wondered if he'd ever forgive her. So she stayed by him fighting anything that tried to hurt him.
Pallas Crosby

Pallas lifted her left-handed sword, smacking away another spike that had flown towards her.

She wasn't sure how to defeat this thing.

Man, Pallas thought, I should of paid more attention in Chiron's class....

Pallas's attention was caught by Victor's horse, going down.

"No!" She yelled out, her attention flicking away.

Fatal move, Pallas realized to late of course.

The Manticore had flung another spike at her while she wasn't paying attention.

Of course being armor less, it pierced right over her leg collar bone.

Pallas stumbled, wrapping her hand around it.

Her attention turned to her brother, "Help them!" She yelled, referring to Victor and that one girl.

Pallas pulled the spike away quickly, hoping for the poison to have not penetrating her system.

Drowsiness tugged at her eye's, but she fought to stay awake, slashing at the giant beast.

Dallas Crosby

Dallas wasn't having a very good day.

But he guessed that was one of the perks of being a Demigod.

After being healed by a son of Apollo, Dallas had made his way back to the battle field.

Killing whatever got in his way, seemed to work for the Ares kids.

Not so much for the Poseidon Spawn

It didn't help much that Victor's army had fallen, along with his undead horse had collapsed.

"Help them!" Pallas had hollered.

He was going to do just that.

Dallas raced into the wood's to where he had thought they had fallen.

Ending up near a Creek, Dallas did a 360, until his eye's landed on the girl next to Victor.

He kneeled next to them, "Are you alright?" He mumbled, to her.

( @AllisonChase & @Emily VanShowmen )
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"this is my fault!" she muttered "Stupid me" She looked at the boy, she sniffled "Can you help him, he got hurt." She hated herself.

I'm Definatly going to punish myself for this~ Her "alternate" voice was back. "shut up" she mumbled.
(Sorry I'm so late guys)

Sapphire staggered through the battlefield stained with blood and monster dust.She slashed through the baddies as much as she could,and she was not giving up any time soon.She had a cut on her forehead,a slash on her right arm,and a bruise on her left leg.Sapphire passed out some more ambrosia and nectar,not accepting to take some herself.

She made her way to camp,considering healing the hurt.Then someone grabbed her left shoulder...she looked back,relieved to see the face of a friend.Sapphire supported him,due to his limp.As she walked at his pace to camp,a HellHound pounced on her."Holy Hephastuas..." She muttered as the HellHound's disgusting drool started to derizzle onto her face."Run!" She yelled to her wounded friend,and he ran to the barrier as fast as he could to get help.
(I wrote Jackson instead of Crosby earlier. My bad. I changed it :)

Pallas Crosby

Pallas blinked.

The poison from the Manticore spike was taking total effect.

Her eye's became blurry, but she still swung at the monster's that stepped towards her.

Luckily, the Manticore had been killed by another camper.

An arrow to the neck was all it took for the beast.

"Run!" Pallas heard Sapphire scream out.

Her attention immedianly fluttered to the girl being held down by a hell hound.

She would be dead in minutes, Pallas knew, if she didn't help her now.

Pallas stumbled, quickly, towards her.

Lifting her sword in one swipe she pulled her sword through the hell hound.

Pallas smiled weakly, "Hey." She mumbled.

( @Toughchic236 )

Dallas Crosby

Dallas winced at the pain in her voice.

She actually believed this was her fault, Dallas realized.

"You didn't do this..." Dallas half-smiled, "We're demigods. We get hurt a lot. You can't blame yourself."

Dallas's eye's shifted to Victor.

"I'm no son of Apollo. I can't heal him, unless he has a physical wound that I could use with the water."

Dallas considered the possibilities; The kid was hurt.

"Our only chance is to get him back to camp. An Apollo's kid can take a look at him." Dallas mumbled.

"I think he used to much power."

Dallas smiled at her, before slowly pulling an Arm under Victor for Support.

"If your hurt, I advise not to help. But if you can..."

( @AllisonChase & @Emily VanShowmen )
Henry noticed one of the girl injured. He really didn't like what he was about to do, but hey someone had too. "James stay close to the barrier thing and be careful." He said to his brother before running right through the battle to get to her side. He saw she was in the middle of helping Sapphire who had been pinned down. Coming up beside her he sighed, "You need a hand?" He asked in a rough tone.

((@Nikki Rodgers ))

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