Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

The Cyclops roared in pain as soon as one of the twins cut his ankle, now more angry then ever.

At first, Jacob seemed surprised at the number of children fighting for their lives. Even more so at what powers each one possessed. Then again, if he could raise things from the dead, maybe others could too.

As soon as the Cyclops slammed his club, Jacob charged in while he was focussed on the twins and the girl in rage. He jumped on the monsters back, and raised his blade.

"This time STAY in Hell!"

Bringing his sword down, he shoved it in the back of the Cyclops' head, the blade piercing out of where his eye used to be. After a still moment, the monster broke away into golden dust; Jacob falling on his knees in the mud. As he picked himself up, the battle around him still ringing in his ears, he looked at his temporary allies-in-arms.

"Ummm...Hi!" He said quickly, "Can we do the hello game after we've won?"
She couldn't move. I hope to hades that I don't die. She managed to get up turning pale in the process.

"Oww" She cried hoping someone would help her.
Jacob turned to notice the girl. She was struggling. Seemed to be a broken leg.

"Oh for Gods sake..." He muttered under his breath. Withdrawing him claymore, he went over to the girl and scooped her up in his arms.

"Not to sound rude, but you need to stop getting injuries for a bit." He smirked.

He looked around the battlefield. His undead army still holding, the odd skeleton putting himself back together, a zombie throwing his arm at a monster. He could tell the monster army was on the defensive, but from the size he saw before joining the fight, it wasn't enough.

"Ok, I may be new here, but an army this size has to have a commander of some sorts." Jacob turned to the twins and gave a glance to the girl he was carrying. "Who's leading these guys? Any field commanders? Lieutenants?"
"Umm I don't actually know, Probably one of the big three's children, meaning Me, Pallas, or Dallas, or a child of hades or Sapphire or Chiron." She didn't like to be picked up. "thats a lot of Or's but seeing as I'm new also, I wont be much help." She looked at her leg all broken and stuff.
"I was talking about the monsters. Who's leading them?" He asked again. He could tell she was feeling uncomfortable. Understandable considering the situation. Wait, situation? She has a broken leg and we're in a warzone!!

Wait a minute," He quizzed, "Big three? Who are they?"
Henry and James stood back to back. At the moment it seemed as if the battle was changing directions, almost as if they now had a chance of survival. "Well at least we are still in one piece brother." James said with a smile. "True, but this fight is not over yet." Henry noted as he grabbed hold of James and ran off toward the rest of their allies. He really did hope they were winning.
"I have no idea who's leading the monsters, the big three are Zeus, My father, Poseidon ruler of the water and such, and Hades the one who owns hell. If you've read greek mythology." She tried to sound polite despite the growing nausea in her.
Jacob couldnt tell if she was telling the truth, or was delirious. Then again, he noticed her trying to stay awake.

"Dam! Ok, I'll get you back to the med-bay." He turned to face the twins. "After that, I'll need your help around the battlefield. If we can find the leader and cut the head of this snake, or at least de-fang it, they're all going to panic and either run or just whimper."

With that, he rushed off back in the direction of the camp.
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She was barely awake, trying to think of a way to help in the battle and stay safe at the same side. "Be careful. I dont know who you are but, Do me a favor and don't get too hurt and be safe." She cared about the kids here.
Gently leaving her with a child of Apollo, he gave her a determined look.

"That's my line to give to you, but thanks."

Turning around and drawing his sword, he stood over looking the battle again. Trying to look for something or someone that looked like the main commander. But all he could see was just one massive fight in a bloody and dusted plain.
Grabbing James arm Henry flipped his brother over a monster in a attempt at protecting his sibling. As he left go of his brother's hand he watched the boy land on his feet and throw fire at the monster. Once the monster was ablaze Henry took his sword and took the beast head off. Sighing he walked toward James and shook his head. "Even with this turning tide this battle is still rather intense." He said with a huff as he wiped sweat off his face.
Jacob threw his eyes around everywhere he looked. All he saw was undead, monsters, kids and what seemed like a guy on a zombie horse. Since he saw monsters attacking him, he thought it safe to assume he was on our side. Wish I thought of the undead horse though. Jacob had to find someone in charge to kill. Normally when he was in fights, he'd find the biggest and baddest of the bad and end it. That wasnt going to work twice since others have already killed the giants.

He needed to find something to instil fear; something to get the right kind of attention but not at the cost of his life.

Just then, he heard a thunderous roar in the distance. Then it was as if a wave of wind hit him. Looking forward, he noticed something flying in from over a hill. Large. Very large. Dark green scales, lizard-like body, breathing fire...

Just before he was about to yell out, he heard one of the Apollo kids whisper in fear "Cychreides..."

"That thing has a name?" I asked. "Guess some things get a reputation for being-"

That's it!

"Ok, crazy question! Can anyone fly? If not I'm going to need a long, strong rope!"
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