Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

Jacob was getting tired carrying a girl and using his sword arm at the same time. His excitement in the battle was a good feeling, but he still had his limits. The medic group was within sight, and he needed his rock music to get him pumping. Of all the things I need, why that? He thought to himself.

All he could do was keep slashing, keep himself angry, keep himself fuelled to challenge what came at him. Or at least keep going until the cavalry arrives. Then again with all that was happening, maybe he was it.
Dallas & Pallas Crosby

Dallas kneeled by his sister's side, while the Apollo's girl, her name was Alli.

The girl dripped some Ambrosia over the wound.

Dallas watched it heal instantly.

Alli dribbled some liquid in her mouth, as she claimed was "For the poison."

Color rushed back into Pallas's face.

Alli smiled, "That should be it."

"Thank you!" Dallas mumbled, as the girl took off to help others.

Pallas coughed, her eye's fluttered.

"Hey," She mumbled, lightly sitting up.

Dallas pulled his sister up, smilling, he was just happy she was up again.

"Come on, we have a Battle to win."

Pallas winced at the sight, but she couldn't help but feel better.

The camp actually had a Chance to win.

Now they Crosby twins we're going to show them how Good the Children of Poseidon were and make their Father proud.
She was out cold now and had time to think of a plan for when she got healed. Alice was positive that she wouldn't depart from the world of the living yet. I can't give up its too much fun! Why was that her first thought? No watching others die isn't fun! She was about to (if she was awake) punch herself out but that had already been done for her. She'd have to defeat them someway. Water! Water conducted Electricity and she had the power to make that happen, she just needed a kid of Poseidon. But she was sure there was at least one.. She had to get healed and to a Son or daughter of Poseidon.


Henry hugged his brother before running out into the battle field. He preyed James would stay true to his promise and keep safe. Side stepping an on coming attack he slashed at the creature's neck and rolled out of it's reach as it turned back around and came at him with it claws. Swearing to himself he could see no end to this war excepted for with their blood. So many of his cousins were dead already and yet there were still so many monsters attacking. What in the name of Hades have I got myself into this time? He wondered to himself as he slid underneath of a monster slashing at it's underbelly.


Watching his brother fight James felt more then a little bit useless. Ever since childhood Henry had been protecting him and for once he felt as if he too should fight. Grabbing his blade he ran out into the fight in hopes of being useful for a change. Henry had always told him that fighting was not his talent and would never be. Well it was time for that to change.

The sounds of metal clashing filled the air, and blood and dust were all that remained in Jacobs nostrils. He let him emotions keep his powers in check. Every time one of his undead falls, another rises to take his place. At least he hoped it would be like that. Then again there were no shortage of bodies for the furnace.

Waving for some of the skeletons to act as his personal guard, they helped clear his way to the group. Monster after monster fell into dust, but this was getting too much for him to handle from the way things were. When it seemed like he was in the clear, he sent his soldiers back to the fray and pushed himself to the group. He didnt know how to explain him being here (he didnt even know himself to be honest) but right now that didnt matter.

"I need a medic and I need one right now!!"
Her body went numb. She was losing all feeling, something was wrong she wasn't going to make it, when something happened she coughed and her eyes fluttered opened.

"She should be ok" the obvious apollo kid ran off to help others.

"What happened?" Alice looked up. "Who are you? Never mind I need to find an Poseidon child now. I have a plan" She staggered to get up.

Trying his best James was having a hard time fighting off the monsters, yet he refused to give in or return to safety. There was still one thing he had to try before he declared himself a complete failure. Summoning up his courage he begin to use the one weapon he was good with. His magic. Unlike his brother who had spend his time fighting with weapon and what not. James had spent his childhood learning magic. After all his mother was Hecate and he felt if he could not master such a thing as magic, then he would just be a waste of her time.
Jacob felt a bit releaved she was ok. Though he had no idea what that stuff was. He could have used some of it in the past. "Names Jacob, I'll talk later, I need to-"

When she mentioned her plan, all he gave was a puzzled look. "Poseidon child? What, is that code for something?" An arrow flew by his head and his attention was back on the battle. "Look if you got a plan, make it quick, I'll buy you some time if I can!" With that, he rushed off with his blade forward.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

All Hades seemed to have broken out.

The Titan's, which surprisingly have subtracted in number, were smashing their fists against the barrier.

The Twins stood back to back, ankle deep in the nearby river.

At that very moment, they felt invincible!

Pallas flickered her wrist and watched as a coil of water pierced through a Hell hound, that pounced on a nearby camper.

The camper waved in appreciation before taking off.

Dallas swung at a monster that must of either been stupid or super brave to have jumped into the water.

Pallas hated the scene.

Her friends... Many were dead. Other's seriously wounded.

But the number of monster's were decreasing, that was good news.
She had to get to a child of Poseidon, she ran around till she found them. She ran up beside them and explained to them her plan.

"It would work" She smiled to them. Hoping she'd be able to help them and take out a few more Titans.

(@Nikki Rodgers)

Smirking James managed summoned fire to him and begin to throw it at the monsters. It was one of the few magic things he could do with out fail. He soon ran to Henry's side and stood next to his brother. "I know I broke my promise, but we are brothers and we should stand together." He said smiling at his sibling. Henry gave him a sigh and smile in return and James felt sure that things would be okay now. Standing back to back with his brother James felt for the first time like they were equals.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

"A daughter of Zeus?" Dallas murmered.

"Now, that's weird. Finding two big three in one day." Pallas smiled.

They listened to the Girl's plan.

"You know that's the Craziest thing I've ever heard-" Dallas began.

"But it just might work." Pallas continued.

The twins glanced at each other, before turning their back to discuss privately.

"Wanna do it?" Dallas mumbled, with a half smile.

Pallas nodded, "Of course. Anything to save the camp."

They turned back, "We're in!" The announced all at once.

"I'm Pallas-"

"And I'm Dallas, lead the way."

Henry was a little upset at James but he was more proud then anything. He had never seen his brother like this before. So determined to do something. Yes, James had always been a happy go lucky kid but he had never been like this. "Aim to the left." He called to his brother as he slashed at a advancing manicore. Rolling out of the way he watched as James jumped to one side and set the creature on fire. "Your turn brother!" James called to him. Jumping to his feet he ran at the manticore and stabbing it while it was distracted by James.
"Pallas and Dallas" She nodded remembering their names, "ok shoot the water at a target lets say a Titan and I'll get the electricity going" She concentrated feeling the electricity in the air around her. she put her hands into the stream of water, knowing it wouldn't hurt her and released it, some how it rejuvenated her she could do this forever. She hoped they could too.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

The twins smiled.

Gradually stepping out of the water before she sent ripples of electricity through them.

They both had the same thought: Would it hurt them?

They weren't sure and didn't want to find out.

"I didn't catch your name, kid." Dallas mumbled, taking his sister's hand.

They were more powerful together than alone.

The water swirled around the twins, into a mini hurricane.

Yes it used a lot of power.

But they were big three children.

Dallas thought they could handle it.

The water formed a spear, electricity circling through it.

They shot the water at a Titan.

Easily it pierced through it.

The Titan shriveled in a layer of Dust.

The Twins grinned. "It work!" Dallas announced.

They began to set up to do it again.
"The name's Alice but just call me Ace!" She smiled creating a storm, her anger at the Titans formed it. "wow sweet!" she concentrated more and more, creating a huge storm. "You guys ready?!" She looked at them.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

"Gotcha Ace!" Dallas joked, smiling as the Twin's levitated more water spears at the Titans.

The Number of Titan's began to Decrease.

But, that meant the monster's were increasing.

Dallas had to stop more than once to slash away the monster that had charged them.

Soon there was only one Titan left.

He seemed to have noticed and turned his attention towards the Twins and Ace.

"Quickly now!" Pallas yelled, forcing the water to rise.

But it was to late.

The Titan brought its foot down on where the three were.

If Dallas hadn't tackled Ace away, she would of been dead.

Pallas had rolled into the Creek.
Ace was pissed now she got back up and charged the Titan. She WAS going to kill this SOB, even if it took the last of her strength. The winds helped her distract it and she jumped up using the winds to keep her steady.

"OI" she called at the Titan, hoping it would turn around. It did and it grabbed her. Her lightning spear grew larger until she stabbed it into the creature that held her and POOF! Gold dust and she landed this time. "That SOB is dead" she smiled running over to Pallas and Dallas helping them up.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Now that the Titan's were out of the way, All the camp had to do was kill the rest of the monsters.

Or they could simply go back into the border.

It's not like the monster's could get back in.

But looking at the Scene of bodies, the monster's would need to be killed to collect them.

Tonight would be a sad one, what with all the burning of the shroud's of the dead.

Chiron would have a lot of letter's to write to the parent's of the Dead Demigod.

Dallas smiled, twirling his sword.

"Let's kill the rest."
She looked at Dallas and Pallas. She could get along with them. Finally a break in her life. She ran and attacked the monsters with a smile.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

This was it!

The battle was fading.

And even though, many had died, it looked like the camp was winning.

Monster after monster, the golden dust was flying.

The twins had minimum injuries.

Like the gash above Pallas's left eyebrow, gushing blood into her eye sight.

But, she could manage.

The twins watched as the monster number decreased.

They let the Ares children, or what was left of them, take out the last few.

Blood turned the grass red.

Bodies were
littered everywhere.

Apollo's cabin and other's with Ambrosia or nectar, rushed out to find anyone who had survived

A girl handed Pallas a square of Ambrosia, but she shoved it away.
She sat on the ground. "Whew" she fell over into the bloodied grass. She was handed a ambrosia square. Mmmmm cookies!
Jacob with all the stuff he's seen, couldnt help but watch in awe at how the giants were toppled and went poof.

"I'll be damned. I'm fighting with a group who's got gods on their side."

Suddenly he heard stomping from behind him. Charging. Rolling out of the way, the figure rushed past him, and when he rose to his feet, he faced a Cyclops. Clad in Greek armour. Holding a giant club this time. His eye as pale as his own skin with his rage to out-shine it.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Jacob yelled.

That didnt stop the monster from swinging at Jacob. This was going to be tough.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

As soon as the twin's heard another kid shout, they knew it was trouble.

Each casting their bracelet into a sword, the twins charged toward the Cyclops.

Dallas recognized the boy from earlier, it was the other son of Hades.

The twins ran up behind the Cyclops.

Pallas watched as the Cyclops swung at the kid.

"Hey ugly!" She yelled, watching the monster turn it's attention towards her.

Dallas rushed forward and brought his sword down into the Cyclops ankle, rolling away when it slammed its club into the ground.
She saw the twins run After the cyclops and she did too. "I thought you died!" She jumped hacking at its knee. She hit the ground with a thud. "Holy crap that hurt." She tried to get up and almost screamed in pain. I broke something. She thought.

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