Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

"You guys come in at the best times" Sapphire said,getting up.She dusted some monster dust off of her.She saw we right arm,noticing the slash into it."Oh,'s bleeding" she said,looking into her backpack.Fresh out of ambrosia and nectar...she cursed under her breath
Pallas Crosby

Pallas nearly jumped out of her skin, which was odd since she should of been use to people popping up next to her, when the new demigod that Sapphire had brought to camp, appeared next to her.

She sensed the harsh tone in his voice, and mumbled back. "I can handle my-" She winced, the pain increasing from her wound.

The poison was really starting to affect her.

"All I need is some Ambrosia or Nector and then....." Pallas stopped, figuring the new recruit probably had no idea what either of those things were.

Pallas shook her head, "Just help me get Sapphire across the border. She need's the attention of an Apollo's kid. Quickly."

Pallas smiled at Sapphire's remark, "We always seem to do."

That was when the Dizziness kicked in.

( @Toughchic236 & @Odayaka Inazuma )
Henry sighed and gave a brief nod before grabbing hold of both girls and tugging them a long. "Okay but I think you need a hand too." He said sounding a little less harsh. "Sapphire are you good enough to walk by yourself?" He asked her raising a eyebrow and hoping she was. He could only help one along and still be able to fight.
Henry gave Sapphire a quick nod and continued on his way. He slashed at a few creature that got in his way hoping to knock them out of the way just long enough to get to safety.
Pallas Crosby

Pallas didn't try to pull her arm away from the boy.

Truthfully, she did need the help.

The Poison was getting to her.

It was good she was left-handed so she could still use her sword.

But with each slash she noticed her movement's getting slower.

Pallas stumbled, steadying herself by gripping the kids arm.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." She mumbled, flicking the black hair from her green eye's.
Henry gave the girl a pointed look before huffing. "I'll believe that when Artemis has kids." He said before helping her a long. "Look don't worry about it.. as far as I am concerned on the matter I never helped you." He said smirking as James came back into view. "We are almost there." He told her with a sigh.
Pallas Crosby

Pallas chuckled at the kid.

He wasn't half as bad when you were nearly dying.

She guessed that was a good thing.

He mumbled something about never helping her and she nodded, "Whatever floats Atlantis...." She mumbled.

Pallas blinked rapidly, darkness pulling her in.

"I think...." She mumbled. "I might black out...."
Henry sighed and scooped her up into his arms seeing as he believed he could get to the barrier without having to fight. "Don't worry I got you." Looking at her he sighed and took of running holding her close to him. Once to safety he gently lay her on the ground and turned around looking at the other side. Shaking his head he truly thought he was looking into a nightmare. He tightened his grip on his knife and looked toward Sapphire.
Alice didn't feel like a hero. She felt as if she had failed and she'd let people down.

"Please let him be ok," she prayed. I have other things to attend to. She looked at the creature in front of her. empousi. She hated these things with a passion. " lets play shall we?" She looked at the kid who had saved her being carried to camp. STOP BEING DISTRACTED! She hit the Empousi, her strike only seem to make it mad. Then the real fight began.
Pallas Crosby

Pallas's vision was darkening rather quickly.

She couldn't really tell, but she thought the boy had picked her up.

Pain shot through her like a bullet.

Pallas actually began to think this was her last fight.

"Don't worry I got you." The kid mumbled.

The last thing she remembered was being laid down, before she passed out.

( @Odayaka Inazuma & @Toughchic236 )

Dallas Crosby

Struggling, Dallas trudged through the wood's to get Victor back to camp.

Hopefully there was an Apollo's kid who could help them, quickly.

Breaking from the forest, Dallas was
horrified at the scene.

If you thought the camp was loosing before, it would only be worst now.

His fellow camper's laid on the ground everywhere.

Blood stained everything.

And Ares liked these kind of things ?

Another camper rushed up, looking at the wounded Victor.

"Can you heal him ?" The question came out quicker than expected.

The kid shook his head, "I'm no son of Apollo. I'm Aphrodite's kid."

"Then get him some help." Dallas told the kid, before lying Victor down.

That was when he realized the one girl wasn't following him.

Dallas cursed under his breath.

( @AllisonChase & @Emily VanShowmen )
"I'll go get someone to help her" Sapphire said,walking toward the barrier. She hoped to get a kid of Apollo to help Pallas
Her fight with the empousi continued, don't be distracted, concentrate Alice! She smiled. The empousi attacked her and cut her arm, she didn't feel the poison until after the battle was fought. Ahh my arm, her mind cried out! She kept fighting, trying to outlast the pain. She wanted to help this camp, she didnt belong here but she had to fight, this was a vision camp. anything like that was important.

"lets get to that archway" she smiled heading to it.
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After what seemed like weeks on the road and a few hours walk with his backpack and weaponry, Jacob found himself by a dirt road overlooking a vast plain. It seemed beautiful, but something was off. It looked like there was a sort of fog covering it all. Nothing thick, but like the way a thing sheet of plastic was over something. And he felt something around him. The only time he sensed it before was when two of his friends were gunned down. He knew that sense all too well, and it filled the air around the beautiful valley. Suddenly, he noticed figures in the fog. Ghosts wailing around, screaming at eachother. Encouragement? Sadness? At first Jacob thought it was from a battle centuries ago. Then he noticed the clothes. The faces. All too young, all too present.

A chill settled in his gut. This wasn't a recent battle. It's a battle taking place right now!!

This kind of fog concealed things before, and if Jacob could remove it from a small area, he might do it here. Focussing with what he thought was all his willpower, the fog slowly lifted, and he saw the battle below. The bloodshed. The monsters against people, most of which children.

All he would whisper in shock was "Lord almighty..."
She fell to her knees, doubling over in pain. What's going on? Why does this hurt so bad it's just a little cut! The searing pain of the poisoned cut caused her to scream. I'm to hurt to go on.. Soon I'll be dead. She couldn't breath, but she got up and stumbled through the archway. She needed an Apollo Kid, and fast but they were to busy with healing other campers. She was crying because of the pain, praying to her father that she would be ok. She hoped dying wasn't as painful as it sounded.
( Sorry I was off for so long, I had a Birthday Party/Sleepover yesterday )

Dallas Crsoby

Dallas carefully laid Victor on the ground, watching as an Apollo kid tended to his needs.

The camp was loosing.

It seemed impossible, the idea of it, but now that it was standing in front of him, Dallas feared the Worst was to come.

"We can't loose," He mumbled, to himself.

His eye's wandered the camp ground, until they landed on his younger twin sister, Pallas,
unconscious as it seemed, next to one of the new camper's Sapphire had brought.

His heart skipped a beat.

She couldn't be hurt, he thought, not at a time like this!

But he knew it was possible.

"I'll be back." He muttered to the Apollo kid, hoping the healing would work.

Dallas dashed off towards his sister, kneeling beside her, he glanced up to the boy.

"What happened to her ?" He growled.

In truth, he wasn't mad at the kid, but more mad at himself for letting it happen.

Dallas's eye's flickered to the girl that Victor had saved entering the camp again.

She didn't look to good in shape.

His eyes's returned to the boy, demanding answer's.

( @Toughchic236 , @Odayaka Inazuma , @Emily VanShowmen , & @AllisonChase )
(Sorry I haven't been on either. I was working all weekend)

Henry wasn't the best at explaining thing to people but he saw how worried the boy was about the girl he had just carried back to safety. "Manticore." he said with down cast look. He did now how the boy would react to that but it was the best he could do. He looked toward James thankful his brother was still unharmed.

((@Nikki Rodgers ))
Victor slowly opened his eyes and behold a Apollos child.

He sat up and cupped his head in his hands.

He heard the Apollo kid run off.

Probably has other people to attend too.

Victor brought his head back up and looked around.

Devastation surrounded him.

Fires burned and blood turned the grass red.

He couldn't see the effects the Students had on the baddies because they just disappeared, gone but not dead.

But Victor saw what they did to us.

Bodies. So many bodies.

On the hills, in the trees, in the lake. They where everywhere.

Victor sat, numb to his surroundings.

How could this happen?
Jacob saw it all. He saw the monsters. Some of them he recognised. The one-eyed monster, the dragon with many heads, even that thing that looked like a lion, a goat and a snake put together. It was becoming a massacre. His blood began to boil. Seeing the horrors made him relive his own.

"Not like this..."

It was a good run, huh Howler? NO! I WON'T LEAVE YOU!

"Not again..."

Anger was taking him again. He felt others calling for vengeance.

I can't bring them back...Can I? YOU'RE A MONSTER! A THING OF DARKNESS HOWLER!

He took out his iron rod and let his claymore come forth.

"Not while I'm still standing..."

He started walking. The earth below him tugged at his spirit. He began to jog. He felt spirits calling to him once more. He broke into running, and raised his sword.

"Not a chance will I do nothing!"

He roared his battlecry, and soon the spirits answered his call. Behind him the earth began to split. Skeletons and corpses rose one by one. Two by two. five by five. Soon dozens of the dead followed Jacob into the fray. Jacob thought himself a thing of darkness. Something foul to call the dead out of their slumber. Something damned. But it felt good to go fight monsters with an undead army.
Dallas Crosby

No. This wasn't happening.

The camp was a goner, crossed him mind more than once.

To Dallas, Pallas seemed to pale. Which scared him.

He placed two finger's over Pallas's neck, checking her pulse.

It was weak, but there.

With some relief, Dallas sighed.

"Manticore." Dallas heard the kid mutter.

He winced, knowing the effect's of the poison.

"She'll be dead in minutes. Unless I get help." Dallas glanced up at the kid.

Then he realized there was another.


Just like Pallas and him.

"Keep your brother safe, kid. Watch her, I'm going to get help."

Dallas stepped away, running towards the front line, to where many were running to help.

Dallas twisted his bracelet, feeling the handle of his sword appear in his palm.

For protection.

But, he realized something was off.

The monster's were being distracted by dead soldiers, skeletons, and spirits.

Dallas stopped. The only kid's that could do that were Hades.

But, Victor was in no condition, and Nico wasn't there.

That was when, Dallas's eye's landed on the kid. ( Jacob )

Another big three kid, he smirked.

But now was no time to dwell on it.

He found an available Apollo daughter and rushed back to his sister's side.
Henry gave the boy a nod before returning to his brother's side. Back to back they watched over the girl until, what he could only guess was her brother, returned. Sighing he looked at the chaos around and wondered to himself if his home town had really been so unsafe. All he ever wanted was a safe place for James. "James.. After that boy is back I am going back out to fight. Please.. stay here." He asked his brother in manner of which he had never used before. It was almost as if he were bagging. Looking at James he saw a look of concern pass over him before he nodded.
She was running out of time before the poison hit her heart. She would hopefully make it to an apollo kid, she hoped.

She didn't. She stumbled down the hill of the camp then she fell almost unable to move she yelled for help, still trying to get help. Hades have fun with my soul. She smiled to the sky. Her father's domain. She tried to yell again. Hoping someone would hear.
Jacob felt himself in the thick of it. Hacking and slashing away, drawing his bow for long-shots. Shouting at his dead men to push forward. He knew he was going to feel wrong after this, not to mention a lot more answers needed, but he never felt so alive in battle. He then noticed a group of kids and teenagers grouped at a spot. Most of them looked like they were on Death's door already, and some of the monsters were eager to finish them off. Either that or it was a bad place for a med bay.

Jacob grabbed the nearest skeleton and looked at it in its hollow eye sockets. "No one dies again without my say-so!"

Pushing him aside, he started to make his way to the group, try and get them to move away. He was pretty far though. Cutting through the ranks and what seemed like gold dust, he saw another body. Fresh. Breathing? A girl on a hill top.

"Oh for God's sake..."

He charged through, slashing as before. By the time he reached her his boots were reddened and his face covered with dust. He saw only a little cut, but she looked dead already. Planting his sword in the ground, he lifted her up over his shoulder.

"You're not dying without my permission!"
Victor felt death.

A pull in his heart.

No. Another?

Victor stood and walked towards the edge of the trees.

He saw a horde of the undead attacking the baddies.

Victor couldn't help but laugh.

Gods help us. I have a sibling.

Victor looked around and found a sword and shield.

He picked up the shield and strapped it to his left forearm.

Then he picked up the sword and gave it a fancy twirl.

Now i just need my beautiful steed.

He drove the sword into the ground, opening another fissure where hell fire blazed.

His pale rotting horse walked out of the flames and circled over to Victor.

"Come now you ugly beast, we have a war to win."

Victor jumped on the back of the horse, swiveled him, and rode headlong into the bloody battlefield.
She was picked up she could feel it. She couldn't see the boy or girl who had picked her up. She managed to whisper "Thank you" and then passed out. She didn't like people that much. But these kids were her family now she had to help them.

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