Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

I can't let this camp fail. She looked at the boy Henry "Can you feel it something's wrong" She doubled over again.
"Are you- Sapphire was cut off when she got a head-ache,and fell to one knee on the ground -oh gods" She said,sensing something wrong at camp.
"What was that?"

Victor felt something, a coldness in him.

"Lets go find out what that was right now. Someone could be hurt."

Victor followed Dallas and Pallas towards whatever was making that sound.
"We need to get back-and fast" Sapphire said,calling a cab.She hopped in and told them the directions,waiting for the others
Henry nodded and winced a bit before looking around trying to piece things together. He wanted to help, but he didn't know what he could really do, this would take them working together, something he wasn't to good at doing.
"We feel it don't we?" She curled up and grew a lightning bolt in her hand and electrified her knife. (i have to go in a bit i have school tomorrow and i'll be on after homework)
Henry followed after Sapphire and knew that James would follow him. "What is happening?" He asked in a emotionless way trying to keep the sarcasm and rudeness out of his voice at the moment.
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

The twins, with Victor close behind them, steadily headed towards Thalia's Pine.

On arrival, Dallas's heart skipped a beat.


"The Titans...." Pallas finshed for him, gripping her sword tightly in her left hand.

Dallas watched as one, who he was pretty sure was Pheobe, Titan of the Moon, slam her fist against the barrier.

Pallas blinked, "They're trying to break in... And if they do. We'll all be goner's." Pallas mumbled.

"What do we do?"

( @Emily VanShowmen )
Victor stared at the Titan in terror.

The camp, the one place a Demi-God was supposed to be safe at, was being attacked by a Titan.

"That, my wonderful cousin, is the million dollar question."
Henry frowned thinking about it and letting it soak in. The place they had just told James was safe was under attack. "By whom.." He wondered out loud thinking over it all. It seemed just his luck that something like this would happen.
"I don't know.But by my guess,it's Zeus's dad or Mother Earth" Sapphire said,and they arrived at camp "That'll be 27 darcheramas,please" The cab driver said.She handed them the money,hopping out of the cab
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

The Titans, Pallas knew well, were not supposed to be here. The last time anybody checked, the Titans were buried away somewhere in their own territory. Just like Oceanus....... Oceanus! Pallas couldn't believe they forgot about the water.

"They could be trying to infiltrate the camp, using the water! Oceanus or Atlas!" Pallas announced.

The million dollar question, Dallas thought, why was that so familiar?

Dallas frowned when he saw Sapphire appear with some new Demigods.

"They won't make it into camp, unless we distract the titans somehow..."
"Guys,run!" Sapphire said,fighting as many of the monsters around the Titan as she could.She ducked and rolled,and she tried to defeat as many monsters as she could,to spare the boys some time to run
Henry followed after Sapphire and pulled James along behind him. "Well then.." He muttered feeling as if he had just walked into the worst battle ever. "So looking at our odds here I would say we are going to be getting our butts kicked from all angles.. yes?" He said sarcastically not meaning to but he did it a lot when he got into bad situations.
"Well, i suppose its good that i can raise the dead eh?"

Victors eyes turned a eerie black as he shot his hand toward the Titan.

The ground around the Titan started to bust apart as arms and heads started rising from the ground.

"There we go, they'll attack and distract the titan. Atleast for a short time. They are decayed bodies after all. Come on! We have to help them."
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Dallas nodded approvingly at Victor's trick. "That will distract em'."

Pallas had her eye's on the new demigods.

"Distraction or not, they won't make it across the border." Pallas reasoned.

The twin's met each other's eye's, "Okay, I Got a plan." Dallas muttered. "I'll go left and draw attention to myself. You-" Referring to Pallas, "-and Victor, get to the new kids and help them safely get across the border. Good?"

"Good." Pallas mumbled. "Don't get killed."

Dallas took off, hollering and screaming at the Titans.

"Ready Victor?" Pallas muttered, her eye's flickering from the boy to the new kids.
Pallas Crosby

Pallas slashed at any monster that got in her way. Granted that, that didn't do much good, she still pushed forward.

Every now and then checking to see if Victor was still behind her.

Seconds after she reached the new demigods, she smiled.

"Hi," She announced to the Two. "I'm Pallas, and I know you only hear this in movies. But come with me if you want to live."

Pallas pulled her sword through an Empousi that had treated to close to them. The creature erupted into Dust.

She turned to Victor, "How long can you keep those things-" She motioned to the Dead army. "-up and going?

( @Emily VanShowmen & @Odayaka Inazuma )

Dallas Crosby

Dallas yelled, flailing his arms as he stepped out of the Barrier.

The army of the Dead had risen and were in full swing at the moment.

Thankfully, most of the Titans attention was focused on the Undead instead of him, but a few had spotted him.

Dallas appeared next to Sapphire. "Need some help?"

( @Toughchic236 )
Victor was pouring sweat.

His energy was slowly seeping out of him.

"Not long. 3 minutes tops. We need to go now."

He put his hands on his knees.

How could he be so weak at a time like this?
Huffing Henry followed the girl doing his best to help fend off the monsters. He, unlike James, was a rather good fighter. After all he had been fighting off attacks for awhile now and had gotten the hang of it for the most part, though he did have to admit he need a lot of training. He watched as James tried his best to protect himself. He shook his head thinking to himself that he would always be protecting the little runt. "Hey you, that line was cheesy." He said to the girl being sarcastic again.
Sapphire sliced at more baddies,a cut on her forehead."Yeah,I could use that" She said,smiling up at Dallas "Behind you!" She yelled,stabbing an empousai that was behind him.It disinigrated behind him.

( @Nikki Rodgers )
Dallas Crosby

Dallas moved swiftly, slashing at another monster. He noticed the Army of The Dead begin to fade.

"Sapphire! We have to get inside the Barrier, before Victor's army fails. Or we're totally screwed." He announced, grabbing her forearm.

Dallas pushed through the crowd, sneaking a peek to his sister.

Dallas felt pain through his chest. An Lamia had sunk her claws right below his rib cage.

Wincing, he sliced through her.

"Come on!" He urged.

( @Toughchic236 )

Pallas Crosby

Pallas watched Victor with concern.

"We've got to get past the Barrier. We'll be safe.... I hope." She mumbled the last part.

Three minutes....

That's all Dallas had to get across the border. Only three minutes before any Titans would take notice to them.

Pallas's eye's focused on the one kid that had shouted out, "Cheesy or not, I'm saving you and your brother's life. I wouldn't be complaining!"

She silently hoped that they'd make it. Even if she'd have to do the same thing Logan did that one night.

"Okay, keep moving."

( @Emily VanShowmen & @Odayaka Inazuma )

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