Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]

Sapphire grinned back at him "Okay,will do" She put them in her bag,zipping it up and slinging it around her shoulder "Believe me,they will..." She whistled,and a cab came speeding down the road.It left skid marks,and soon slammed the brakes,stopping in front of the two."Hello,dearies!" The three hags said,in sync."Hello,Wendy,Wynn,and Helen" Sapphire said,getting into the cab "Oh,did you get your hair done Wendy?"

( @LadyNerdington
(Oh,sorry! Can we continue later,or can I continue now?)
Alice had finally made it away from the creature. Whew! She looked around debating what to do next. She could go to the main station and hopefully get the creature away.
Sighing Henry pulled James along behind him as he quickly shuffled through the crowded streets. He knew the monster was close behind them but he didn't wish to fight it here or yet. Making a quick turn he stumbled into a alley and pushed James behind him. "Stay out of the way." He growled at his brother not meaning to sound that way with him, but the week had been a hard one. Every time he had ventured out with James they had gotten attacked. He rather hoped this kind of thing would stop. Swearing under his breath he grabbed a piece of metal pipe that had been laying on the ground and got ready to fight.
The three hags started to speed off "Oh,I just got it touched up..." Wendy said "But where are you going today,sweetie?" Sapphire pulled out her trinket,moving a few gears "I want to go to Allen Town,please.Oh,Helen! What a beautiful dress" She said,really trying to get a cheap deal
She smiled looking at the sign above her head. She'd been running forever to get here. Her and her mother had lived here, she could get away with anything here, if they still remembered her.

"Allen Town, Sounds pleasant" She smiled sitting on the curb of the road, hoping for a smidgen of luck to happen along.
The hags speed off even faster "Thanks,I just bought it..." Helen said,and they slammed the brakes."Wynn...did you get your nails done?" Sapphire said,pulling out her pouch of darcheramas."Oh,I did dear! That'll be 27" Wynn said,and she handed then the money "Bye,ladies! I'll see you later" Sapphire said,leaving the cab.They all said goodbye,and speed off."Allen Town...okay" She walked off towards a series of alleyways.Thats where monsters seemed to corner the most people .
She ran into another person in an alleyway.

"Oh pardon me, I'm just running away from something" She tripped and fell. "Dammit it s almost here!" (i ran into you toughchic!)
Henry growled as the monster crawled around the corner. Taking a deep breath he charged at it only to be knocked a side. Getting back to his feet he winced and looked around for the horrible creature. Frowning he noticed it had advanced on James, backing his brother into a corner where as he could not escape. Swearing vividly he ran at the monster thrusting the pipe at it with hopes of impaling it.
"Stay behind me" Sapphire told the girl,obviously a demigod.She touched her knife charm,and it shifted in her hand,turning into a real knife.She got into a fighting stance,ready to fight the monster
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Pallas dug her feet into the sand, she absolutely loved the beach, but of course, everyone else knew that. They were the Children of Poseidon, for Gods sake. Pallas pushed Dallas backwards, smirking, "Me first!" She yelled, dashing into the water. Of course, even though the water washed over her, Pallas broke the Surface completely dry. Dallas walked onto the dock, before plunging in. Forcing a wave that shoved Pallas under. She reappeared, sending a wave back at him. Just another usual day at Camp, Pallas couldn't help but think. Pallas shot a big wave at Dallas, before sinking to the bottom of the lake. Not even bothering to reappear to take a breath.

Dallas did a few lap's, before relaxing, staring up at Zeus's domain. It was so different, than his father's, Poseidon.

Pallas glanced up through the water, seeing the perfect opportunity, she took it. Pallas pushed through the water quickly, sending a big current up at her brother. Startled, Dallas shot up, glaring down at his sister, who could barely contain her laughter.

" Oυσ. αιφνίδια κίνηση!" Dallas cried out.

Pallas reappeared, laughing uncontrollably. "Your a Jerk too." Pallas replied.

( Need Someone to Interact With! )
(I'm back for only a little, sorry! :( )

Tamaki was quiet almost the whole ride. He wasn't one for speaking and left everything to Sapphire. He seemed to poof into thin air. He finally spoke as they existed the cab. "There might be someone down that alley way across the str-." Tamaki stopped short when he saw a girl bump into Sapphire. Tamaki looked up and saw a monster following the girl. She was a demigod. Tamaki spoke up and said, "You there. We see what you're running from leave it to us." He slipped off his rings which suddenly turned into his dual katanas. His eyes were hard in the dim light as he ran towards the monster, running his sword across it. It screeched and tried to bat him away. Tamaki was quick and avoided the attack and slashed again.
She looked at the girl with blue hair. Her bracelet knife charm just turned into a knife!?!?! She stood firm behind her imagining a lightning bolt in her hand. and it appeared. She threw it hitting the monster with a shock.
Tamaki narrowly got hit with the lightning bolt as well as he jumped back just in time. A child of Zeus? He asked himself looking at her. He jumped back and landed right by the two.
The metal pipe went right into the side of the monster, though it seemed to do little harm to the creature. Breathing heavily Henry stepped back and pondered what he could do to defeat this creature. The other ones he had faced had not been quite this tough and he feared this would be a battle he would not be able to win. He would be happy though with just get James out of here alive.
"Tamaki,go help those boys two alleyways down.I'll handle this." Sapphire said,striking the monster.The monster had gone out of paralyzation,and Sapphire used her body to shield the girl as much as she could
Tamaki suddenly heard deep breathes in an alley not far from where he stood and he heard Sapphire and nodded. His eyes darted to it as he quickly heard a low rumble. Another monster? He thought swiftly, all of a sudden heading in that direction, if he was to late, well let's not think about that. With his twin katans in his hands he quickly found the creature with two brothers, cornered. "Hold tight," He yelled to them jumping up and jamming his swords into the beast. His eyes showed no emotion as he pulled them back out and slashed them against its side. He jumped over it from it's back and right in front of Henry and James.
"Get a trash can lid,you can use it as a makeshift shield" Sapphire told the daughter of Zeus.She struck the monster in its soft underbelly,and it slowly disintegrated into yellow dust."I have a feeling we're gonna see more monsters"
"Who are you?" She asked the girl defending her. "Move, I don't want you hurt!" she yelled, pushing the girl lightly aside. All she thought of was the monster and trying to get it to explode, a huge bolt of lightning appeared in her hand and she disintegrated the next monster.
"My name's Sapphire" She said,walking out of the alleyway "I'm a demigod too.Do you know what that is?" She said,getting a knife out of her backpack and handing it to the girl "You'll need that"
Tamaki looked behind at the two brothers and suddenly pulled two daggers out of his jacket pocket. He handed it to them and said, "Hold these. You'll need them." His voice was composed and barely showed any emotion. But, if you listen carefully they were full of concern. He then grabbed two random trash an lids and gave them to Henry and James too. "Defend yourself, let your demigod senses kick in."

The monster suddenly roared again after it was weakened. Tamaki glowered at it as he suddenly shot his one of his katanas into the beast's underbelly. It immediately disintegrated. He raised his hand and the katana came back.
"yeah i know what i demigod is, my life is based off the greek gods" She smiled taking the knife. "its light surprisingly"
"It's kind of bad you know about your origins" Sapphire said,grabbing two trash can lids."Do you know who your godly parent is?" She said,scouring the area for any other monsters
"I have idea" Alice rolled up her sleeve and showed sapphire the lightning shaped tattoo on her arm, "mom before she died told me it might be zeus, but i doubted it"
"Your mother was right" Sapphire said,handing her a trash can lid "Use that as a shield." She walked around more alleyways,finding no one else "Do you know any other demigods?"
Henry watched as James took the knife and gave the person in front of him a narrowed look before taking a knife as well. Grumbling to himself he refused the trash lid and looked at his brother worrying about his safety. "I know how to fight." He said with a huff before looking over the blade. Is problem had been lack of weapontry, but being 17 you couldn't just go into a store and buy that kind of stuff.

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