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Fandom Camp Half-Blood; Olympus' Revival OOC

FrazzledFox FrazzledFox Personally, I prefer the rivalry. I'd love to watch the two trying to constantly one up each other. James is quite the flirt himself, but Perry, being the son Aphrodite, would naturally be much more charming and, I imagine, probably steal away someone James has been trying to flirt with just to mess with him.
so much yes.
Anybody else kind of worried what'll happen if all the characters end up in the same place. It'll be chaos. Unless everyone has really good listening skills.
That's what I'm worried about.
It should be fine as long as people wait for posts making it easier to keep track of who is talking to who. And I should think it would be only a few times where everyone's huddled together in a group.
Seems she's been online, but she didn't really do anything, just liked a few posts.
I'm actually online currently and working on my post.
I was scheduled to create the role play yesterday, but it seems that my virtual class accidentally withdrew me so I had to call and rearrange them to reinstate me. By the time that was complete, I had work. I also just got off of work now and am hoping to have the thread up soon.
So, I apologize for my starter not being the best, but it's almost four in the morning and I'm pretty sleepy. The next will be a lot better.
With that said, you're all welcome to begin!​
I'm currently spending the day with my best friend for our 3 year anniversary as being friends, then I have a date tonight. I will get my post up tomorrow :)

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