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Fandom Camp Half-Blood; Olympus' Revival OOC

She could be one of those people that
@Marlin Roads
erzulie erzulie
thatawesomedude thatawesomedude
BackSet BackSet
FrazzledFox FrazzledFox
Hollycrest Hollycrest
@cecilia rowe

Hey guys! My apologies for my absence.
I had a little accident at work.
My hand thought it would be fun to get into a fight with a pizza cutter.
To say the least, my hand was not victorious and I had to go get a few stitches, so typing has been a bit painful.
I promise to have a reply out soon.
Again, I'm very sorry for the delay and if any of you have decided to drop this, I'd understand.​
Glad your feeling better. If I were you I would scold your hand inking its a good idea to fight sharp cutting utensils.

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