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Fantasy Burning Skies

Name: Abel Sinclair

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Thrall



Height: 5'9"

Weight: 185 lbs

Eye colour: Emerald Green

Hair colour: Snow White

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Hunter

Personality: Abel is...nice. ok, he cares, but nice might not be the word. Abel is very distant with everyone really, and while he is in control, he isn't all there. he can be unpredictable, borderline mad, and dangerous, but humans...he has a soft sot for them. its more to everything else that he has a problem with.

History: Abel... Abel was born a thrall. his mother was burned in the initial attack, and without anyone knowledge, was in the early stages of pregnancy. as her body reacted to the burns, so did the baby. he was born a thrall, and even though she was a thrall, motherly instinct is something that cant be restricted. she cared for the child, as well as worked under the dragons. none of them had experienced this before, and couldn't have known the truth. having been born "half" dragon, he couldn't be burned. not by dragons at least. but he showed loyalty, so he was allowed to stay and work. As the years went on, Abel started to see what the dragons had done. he saw as humans became thrall, and how the weakest were tossed aside. the anger that boiled inside was something he wasn't familiar with. and soon he had grown to hate the beasts. they never even noticed his disappearance.

He still hears the voices. not of one dragon, but many. that may be what crippled his sanity. but he holds his own, and works for the humans, even if they don't know it. he hunts, finding food and supplies. always left at the cave entrances, and never any proof of who left it.

Skills and abilities: Along with being a natural hunter, Abel is amazingly adaptable. he can find a use for anything, a stick? a spear. A stone? a projectile. and he can use all with amazing efficiency. being born a thrall, his physical capabilities are also abit more. Higher stamina, and amzing strength give him an edge in the field.


If you check the ooc thread, you'll find out. Please don't post in this thread unless you're making a character.
Name: Sky

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: a Angel of Death (i bring dead people to there final destination)


Height: 5'5

Weight: 145lb

Eye colour: Grey and dead

Hair colour: Grey and black hair

Affiliation: Death Angel

Occupation: Helping dead people with Passing through Purgatory

Personality: Sky is a very shy and sensitive girl, she has a personality disorder with Sky as the host and Max and the aggressive host. Sky loves helping people with emotional problems and she can get them to be comfortable talking to her just by looking at her. She can easily change your emotions with a snap of her fingers, but she does it less often due to pass experiences. Max is... well very aggressive and crazy. She only takes over when Sky is in danger

History: Her Brother suffered through depression and she woud non-stop change his emotion. It was like a drug to him and he couldn't live with out her doing it. She kept doing it, but her brother lost grip of reality and commented suicide

Skills and abilities: Flying and changing peoples emotion

Extra: She has often anxiety attacks<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WDF_1257018.jpg.40174c0cd14053928289bba09c2933b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WDF_1257018.jpg.40174c0cd14053928289bba09c2933b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Olivydoo said:
Name: Sky
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: a Angel of Death (i bring dead people to there final destination)


Height: 5'5

Weight: 145lb

Eye colour: Grey and dead

Hair colour: Grey and black hair

Affiliation: Death Angel

Occupation: Helping dead people with Passing through Purgatory

Personality: Sky is a very shy and sensitive girl, she has a personality disorder with Sky as the host and Max and the aggressive host. Sky loves helping people with emotional problems and she can get them to be comfortable talking to her just by looking at her. She can easily change your emotions with a snap of her fingers, but she does it less often due to pass experiences. Max is... well very aggressive and crazy. She only takes over when Sky is in danger

History: Her Brother suffered through depression and she woud non-stop change his emotion. It was like a drug to him and he couldn't live with out her doing it. She kept doing it, but her brother lost grip of reality and commented suicide

Skills and abilities: Flying and changing peoples emotion

Extra: She has often anxiety attacks
I would read over the information before making a character. This is heavily lore breaking.
Name: William Van Dalen

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Height: 5'9

Weight: 172 Lbs

Eye colour: Hazel

Hair colour: Sandy Blonde

Affiliation: Survivor

Occupation: Bandit, Exile

Personality: A cantankerous, unruly individual who redefines the term 'rough around the edges'. He has very little in the way of manners and respect, but bows like most of his kind to raw physical strength. Though not the bravest on the battlefield, he is quite resourceful after living on his own for sometime and has demonstrated the ability to be adaptable when the chips are down. While he often has good information to share due to his travels, he can be something of a braggart and exaggerator which tends to annoy his friends ... or would if he actually had any friends outside of Rufus.

History: William is a thoroughly unremarkable ex-bandit with a long history of getting into trouble and weaseling his way out again. It is really all he's ever known as he was born into the life alongside a thoroughly more talented sister who ... actually really hates his guts. Though he could've been a good, loyal fighter alongside of the rest of them, William's tenures have never really ended well which dampened his clan's perception of his abilities. For example, after returning from a successful raid of a neighboring survivor's cave, his group was ambushed by a group of thralls who not only destroyed the goods they were after, but killed quite a few good men save for William as he was heroically knocked out by friendly fire less than 10 seconds into the fight. Having to crawl home and take the brunt of the clan's blame certainly did no favors for his reputation. After having several more incidents plague his bandit career including one that implicated him in the loss of the bandit chief's daughter, he was eventually branded as a 'bad luck' and exiled from the group under pain of death should he come back. He has since tried to scrape a living on his own by wandering to the underground, but the lack of experience has chased him once more to the surface where he faces the harsh world utterly alone ... save for some wandering mangy cat that has taken a liking to him despite his reluctance.

Skills and abilities:

Though he is currently equipped with only some fur rags and a bone dagger, William is more experienced using Axes than anything else.

Though he is rumored to be an unlucky kind of guy, he has somehow miraculously escaped becoming dragon bait or a Thrall. He must be doing something right ...

He has some knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness, but he isn't familiar with everything outside of the basics.

His scrapes with death have given him some endurance as well as experience in harsh situations.



Although it is a female cat, he has given to calling the beast 'Rufus' just because.

He currently is completely unarmed aside from a razor-sharp bone hatchet he made himself after being ousted from his old clan.


So this is the prototype of the character I want to play - if you can forgive the rust as I've not rped in a few months. Just let me know if anything is not approved so I can make the necessary tweaks and changes. If this roleplay gets back off the ground, I should be ready to go during the times I don't have to work.

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