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Fantasy Burning Skies

Yeah, sorry, can't approve this. I know the overview is still a shambles, but I know I mentioned somewhere that it's been 20 years since the dragons first showed up and destroyed the kingdom of Zorta. Unless Hydreus here drank from the fountain of youth or was the king's personal black smith before he was even born, I really don't think he'd be 15 years of age at this present time within the rp. Change that and I may approve, key word being may. I know I'm pretty lax on my standards, but I want you to know what you're getting into.

This isn't some kind of shounen anime where the main characters are kids who kick ass and the enemies are just fodder. Every fight's going to present the possibility of your character dying. It's pretty much the worst case scenario to be in at all, short of being in the shadow of a dragon that's wide awake, so if you intend to go in with that cutesie anime mindset, I'll make sure to send a reality check your characters' way. Same message goes to you two, @Kira031110 and @RealityEntity.

Enkerzed said:
Yeah, sorry, can't approve this. I know the overview is still a shambles, but I know I mentioned somewhere that it's been 20 years since the dragons first showed up and destroyed the kingdom of Zorta. Unless Hydreus here drank from the fountain of youth or was the king's personal black smith before he was even born, I really don't think he'd be 15 years of age at this present time within the rp. Change that and I may approve, key word being may. I know I'm pretty lax on my standards, but I want you to know what you're getting into.
This isn't some kind of shounen anime where the main characters are kids who kick ass and the enemies are just fodder. Every fight's going to present the possibility of your character dying. It's pretty much the worst case scenario to be in at all, short of being in the shadow of a dragon that's wide awake, so if you intend to go in with that cutesie anime mindset, I'll make sure to send a reality check your characters' way. Same message goes to you two, @Kira031110 and @RealityEntity.
No worries, I 'm still cookin' my food back there, and I'm all unto being realistic.
Enkerzed said:
Yeah, sorry, can't approve this. I know the overview is still a shambles, but I know I mentioned somewhere that it's been 20 years since the dragons first showed up and destroyed the kingdom of Zorta. Unless Hydreus here drank from the fountain of youth or was the king's personal black smith before he was even born, I really don't think he'd be 15 years of age at this present time within the rp. Change that and I may approve, key word being may. I know I'm pretty lax on my standards, but I want you to know what you're getting into.
This isn't some kind of shounen anime where the main characters are kids who kick ass and the enemies are just fodder. Every fight's going to present the possibility of your character dying. It's pretty much the worst case scenario to be in at all, short of being in the shadow of a dragon that's wide awake, so if you intend to go in with that cutesie anime mindset, I'll make sure to send a reality check your characters' way. Same message goes to you two, @Kira031110 and @RealityEntity.
I made some major changes in my biography, my appearance, and My skills.

Is my edited overview of my character Realistic enough or where should I change in my characters overview?
Mistory1997 said:
Name: Abel Sinclair
Age: 18

Gender: Male




Height: 5'9"

185 lbs

Eye colour: Emerald Green

Hair colour: Snow White

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Hunter

Personality: Abel is...nice. ok, he cares, but nice might not be the word. Abel is very distant with everyone really, and while he is in control, he isn't all there. he can be unpredictable, borderline mad, and dangerous, but humans...he has a soft sot for them. its more to everything else that he has a problem with.

History: Abel... Abel was born a thrall. his mother was burned in the initial attack, and without anyone knowledge, was in the early stages of pregnancy. as her body reacted to the burns, so did the baby. he was born a thrall, and even though she was a thrall, motherly instinct is something that cant be restricted. she cared for the child, as well as worked under the dragons. none of them had experienced this before, and couldn't have known the truth. having been born "half" dragon, he couldn't be burned. not by dragons at least. but he showed loyalty, so he was allowed to stay and work. As the years went on, Abel started to see what the dragons had done. he saw as humans became thrall, and how the weakest were tossed aside. the anger that boiled inside was something he wasn't familiar with. and soon he had grown to hate the beasts. they never even noticed his disappearance.

He still hears the voices. not of one dragon, but many. that may be what crippled his sanity. but he holds his own, and works for the humans, even if they don't know it. he hunts, finding food and supplies. always left at the cave entrances, and never any proof of who left it.

Skills and abilities: Along with being a natural hunter, Abel is amazingly adaptable. he can find a use for anything, a stick? a spear. A stone? a projectile. and he can use all with amazing efficiency. being born a thrall, his physical capabilities are also abit more. Higher stamina, and amzing strength give him an edge in the field.

@Enkerzed is this allowed?
i havent a clue. thats why im checking ^^

I have no trouble if it isnt. Im just wondering
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Mistory1997 said:
i havent a clue. thats why im checking ^^
I have no trouble if it isnt. Im just wondering
The only flaw might be if dragons in this universe aren't sentient. If not, your character would be feral.
StoneWolf18 said:
@Enkerzed is this allowed?
Hnnnnnn, I want to say yes. I WANT to say yes. I just... have to think about it first, I guess. That's another thing I've never considered y'see, thralls and birth.

As for dragons, they're about as sentient as any other apex predator. Smart enough to get the job done, but don't expect much in the way of art or science or other things like that out of them. They do however understand subservience, so humans offering themselves to a dragon is definitely going to be of interest to them. More than anything, they are creatures of dominance, not just sheer destruction. Thralls being embryonic dragons, they're pretty much the same but they still retain their intellect from when they were people. They can talk, wield weapons, build camps, use tools, whatever other people can do so long as it's all in the service of whatever dragon is currently their master.

Left to their own devices without a dragon master, they'll either go independent, perhaps look for their own thralls to lord over (though whatever they can do to establish their dominance over other thralls will never match up to a dragon's call); or simply go downright mad, having enough humanity left to understand and be terrified senseless of what they've become; or simply wander around in search of a dragon to serve, like it's some kind of need. It really varies quite a bit from individual to individual. Most do indeed simply go feral however, but if they're following a dragon, then they'll wanna capture more than kill a person, if possible. Whether dead or taken alive to be brought to a dragon and then turned into a thrall, whatever threat the person posed will be neutralized.

For the first sort I mentioned, those going independent, they'd have to be dragon enough mentally to consider themselves equals to other dragons and stronger than the average thrall in some way to justify such an opinion, AND have the willpower to resist a dragon's call. So in short, they're polar opposites of those strong enough to retain their humanity and if I were to say that born thralls were possible, I'd say that they'd easily fit into this category of thrall, having never had a sense of humanity to begin with. They're quite a breed apart in any case.

So... I dunno about you guys, but all that stuff I just thought up gives me an idea for a new character! Still, I'm just not sure about thrall, er, pregnancies. Any thoughts on that, anyone?
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@Hydreus oh hey, I didn't notice that you edited your character til just now. Yeah, that's looking a lot better. Consider him approved!
Enkerzed said:
Hnnnnnn, I want to say yes. I WANT to say yes. I just... have to think about it first, I guess. That's another thing I've never considered y'see, thralls and birth.
As for dragons, they're about as sentient as any other apex predator. Smart enough to get the job done, but don't expect much in the way of art or science or other things like that out of them. They do however understand subservience, so humans offering themselves to a dragon is definitely going to be of interest to them. More than anything, they are creatures of dominance, not just sheer destruction. Thralls being embryonic dragons, they're pretty much the same but they still retain their intellect from when they were people. They can talk, wield weapons, build camps, use tools, whatever other people can do so long as it's all in the service of whatever dragon is currently their master.

Left to their own devices without a dragon master, they'll either go independent, perhaps look for their own thralls to lord over (though whatever they can do to establish their dominance over other thralls will never match up to a dragon's call); or simply go downright mad, having enough humanity left to understand and be terrified senseless of what they've become; or simply wander around in search of a dragon to serve, like it's some kind of need. It really varies quite a bit from individual to individual. Most do indeed simply go feral however, but if they're following a dragon, then they'll wanna capture more than kill a person, if possible. Whether dead or taken alive to be brought to a dragon and then turned into a thrall, whatever threat the person posed will be neutralized.

For the first sort I mentioned, those going independent, they'd have to be dragon enough mentally to consider themselves equals to other dragons and stronger than the average thrall in some way to justify such an opinion, AND have the willpower to resist a dragon's call. So in short, they're polar opposites of those strong enough to retain their humanity and if I were to say that born thralls were possible, I'd say that they'd easily fit into this category of thrall, having never had a sense of humanity to begin with. They're quite a breed apart in any case.

So... I dunno about you guys, but all that stuff I just thought up gives me an idea for a new character! Still, I'm just not sure about thrall, er, pregnancies. Any thoughts on that, anyone?
Yet, if his mother was a thrall under a dragon (meaning she was mindless and no longer retained a human mindset) how would she teach him things such as speech and to wield a weapon? That and as a newborn, how could he resist a dragon's cry?
I suppose she wouldn't, she'd be too busy serving the dragon, not the child. Whatever he learns he'd have to learn on his own. The thing is, it's not that the mother can't teach those things - being a thrall doesn't make one lose any knowledge or skills - it's just that she won't, not unless a dragon wanted her to or she had the willpower to retain her humanity. In which case, what would she be doing hanging around a group of thralls in service to a dragon? The very thing she'd want to avoid to keep her mind her own.

As for the child, he of course wouldn't have any resistance at all to a dragon's call as an infant, but as he grows, he would either mature into an alpha or beta type personality. Most remain as beta type followers, but as the transformation from human to dragon is a mental as well as a physical process, it's inevitable that a few may strike off on their own before their transformation is complete. Perhaps their minds turned quicker than their bodies. For some, it might be the other way around. Either way, they are more dragon than thrall now. The important thing to remember is that thralls are essentially newborn dragons, so whatever stage of life they were at before is irrelevant insofar as their mental development is concerned. They all start off as babes in the woods with no choice but to follow the nearest adult, a dragon. Well, those unable to resist its call anyway.

I will never be able to summarize all this for the overview : / And this is all, well, mostly assuming I'll allow the idea of a thrall woman being able to give birth, which I'm still trying to decide.
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Enkerzed said:
I suppose she wouldn't, she'd be too busy serving the dragon, not the child. Whatever he learns he'd have to learn on his own. The thing is, it's not that the mother can't teach those things - being a thrall doesn't make one lose any knowledge or skills - it's just that she won't, not unless a dragon wanted her to or she had the willpower to retain her humanity. In which case, what would she be doing hanging around a group of thralls in service to a dragon? The very thing she'd want to avoid to keep her mind her own.
As for the child, he of course wouldn't have any resistance at all to a dragon's call as an infant, but as he grows, he would either mature into an alpha or beta type personality. Most remain as beta type followers, but as the transformation from human to dragon is a mental as well as a physical process, it's inevitable that a few may strike off on their own before their transformation is complete. Perhaps their minds turned quicker than their bodies. For some, it might be the other way around. Either way, they are more dragon than thrall now. The important thing to remember is that thralls are essentially newborn dragons, so whatever stage of life they were at before is irrelevant insofar as their mental development is concerned. They all start off as babes in the woods with no choice but to follow the nearest adult, a dragon. Well, those unable to resist its call anyway.

I will never be able to summarize all this for the overview : / And this is all, well, mostly assuming I'll allow the idea of a thrall woman being able to give birth, which I'm still trying to decide.
The only other thing I can think of is the child being still born or a miscarriage because the stress is too much. If it can make a fully grown man sob in pain, a pregnant woman would be tortured because the transformation isn't only affecting her, but the child as well. But that also depends upon how many months she had been carrying him at the time. If she had just "started" than maybe but if she was well on at about 7-8 months, nope. That and, if she remained in service to a dragon, it wouldn't care that she's with child so the tasks she would be completing would be enough on its own to cause complications.

Despite all this, I'm not against the idea totally because I'm still trying to figure out what my character's attitude toward him would be...
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I'm sorry I've caused such a problem ^^ if there's anything I can do to help the decision just ask!
It's no problem at all @Mistory1997, I'm glad you raised the matter in the first place. I would never have considered it otherwise. Anyways, I've made a decision. As a person transforms into a dragon, their reproductive organs eventually become obsolete, as dragons do not reproduce other than by burning living creatures. However, the change may not so immediate for some individuals, so a female thrall could still theoretically have her bits working well enough for at least another year to produce a child, but that child would definitely be a thrall right from birth. In conclusion, your character is now approved @Mistory1997, although I'd change this one little bit here: he saw as humans became thrall, and how the weakest were tossed aside.

Dragons don't reject thralls. They fly around, they burn some folks, they shout, some thralls become bent to their will and then they find some place to sleep, expecting the thralls to do everything they can to follow and protect them. By the time they wake up, they're off to find some new thralls to add to their collection while the previous ones hold down the fort. The thralls that are currently attacking mine's and everyone else's characters are likely new additions to an existing group or the beginnings of another. Not all dragons are so prosperous after all. Either way, they wouldn't be so picky... allllllllthooooough, I guess it would depend on their personality. One dragon might burn all and sundry, another might keep its eyes peeled for the biggest and strongest, and aim to turn rather than kill with their flames. Hm... y'know what. Don't worry about it.


OH WAIT, HOLD THE PHONE. Why would her mother be following a dragon if she had the self possession to name and teach her child? This ought to be addressed. If she was following a dragon, that'd mean that her will is no longer her own and she wouldn't even be able to make the choice to care for her child. I think it would make more sense if she had the willpower to resist a dragon's call and lived in solitude to raise her child, perhaps instilling him with human values despite his nature as a thrall. Then maybe, after becoming enslaved by a passing dragon, his mother sacrificed herself to hunt it down and kill it to free her son. After regaining his senses, he's back with a grudge and this helps him to go independent where others may have become more sensitive to another dragon's call after having been enslaved to one. Oh hell, this backstory writes itself! What do you think? Well, anyways, I'll approve your character.
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Name: Desmond Hayden

Age: 47 Biologically, Physically 27

Gender: Male

Race: Thrall



Desmond Hayden for all extensive purposes has the body of a warrior or even gladiator as many people have commented, this can be a blessing and a curse due to the constant thought he is more muscle than speed or brains which is actually not true at all. Due to his his high impact no holds barred training it has developed his body to almost peak physical condition without any augmentations most of the time. This is certainly useful when it comes to combat and his own unique style of fighting but his muscles arn’t the only part of him, standing at a even six foot.

It’s also noteworthy to know his body type is almost a picture perfect mesomorphic type with only a little bit more influence in the upper half that’s rarely noticeable unless you are taking his measurements. This makes it easy to find something to wear for him thankfully. Once you pan in closer for a deeper look into his body you may notice it adorned with series of scars in every which way that all looked to be moderately healed by this point but it’s rare for a new one to appear on his body mostly due to his healing factor, the scars that he has accommodated sense his healing factor are more symbolic because he allows them due to significant events are they where inflicted so bad his healing cannot fix them. As for body fat? Pft on this man damn near non-existent.

Hayden’s hair is usually a spiked messed due to his rare care of it, at most it’s combed or brushed to straighten it but it usually ends up rugged and spikey to say the least. It adorns the color of raven black just like the rest of the hair on his body, he likes to maintain good hygiene so he doesn’t let hair grow out to crazy proportions choosing to keepy body hair close to the body. His facial most of the time is a rugged five o’clock shadow he can’t bother to shave and at longest a small beard if he truly can’t find the time after a week or two.

A signature mark one should note of Hayden is the horizontal slash across his nose that has been there as long as he could remember, if asked about it he simply chuckles shrugging it off moving to some other task. His face is hold a strong jaw something that adds to the ‘hero’ vibe people usually associate with him, holding mostly normal features one should expect from that of human birth before. It is worth knowing that his eyes are typical a light brown/hazel depending on the light but when he enters into a state of battle or excitement they turn a deep maroon color in the irises.

His outfit is his combat attire which consists of a set of heavily augmented armor pieces he inherited from his family. The armor consists of two pauldrons that are three plates fused together to add mobility to himself, his torso armor is a simple metal chest like vest that fits right over his head similar to that of Spartans from ancient Greece, followed by this is the exact same design for his pauldrons but on his outer thighs. Finally on his right hand is a gauntlet that act as a grip for his sword but ends turns into slight claws finishing his set of armor, under this armor he usually wears some type of comfortable clothes. His scarf is event more prominent here as he attaches a clip usually a indicator of his lineage something he inherited from his family.

As for his dragon or thrall arm as he likes to call it consists of his right arm or his sword arm something he likes to keep hidden none the less. When in view they can see a black scaled arm with patches of thicker scales located on his forearm, shoulder, and fist. Due to how focused and progressed his thrallness is he had developed the secondary attributes of large spikes scattered on the top of his forearm and on his knuckles. Unsurprisingly his Tertiary attribute are the near durable of steel but still can easily tear through flesh or damaged armor.


Height: 6'0

Weight: 235

Eye colour: Naturally brown, Thrall-Mode Maroon (Dragon arms)

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Human Dominated Thrall (Aka himself)

Occupation: Drifter


A pragmatic hero at it's finest, one could simply use those words to sum up our draconian arm hero. But sadly when you get into the nasty details of who he really is it ain't that neat. The first and foremost thing you must know about Hayden is his unshakable, unbreakable (for now), willpower that holds no known limits other than his physical body. One does not survive as a untied thrall for as long as him by simply being weak minded nor imposing. His simple willpower and refusal to give up his humanity to any space beast or person who dares to try- this is in his eyes is the greatest power of humanity. As for who he is as a person one would see he is someone who knows that sometimes you gotta make hard choices for the betterment of everyone else- a man who is willing to give life and limb to achieve his goals. While not always nice or kind he has always been steadfast in his choices and beliefs which helped him as a knight and now stalwart defense of humanity.

Even if he is an asshole at time, he truly does have a love of humanity.

While in battle Hayden takes on a more direct approach one could say, sometimes you could get the blood thirsty thrall side of him which aches to see the blood of his enemy spilt upon the ground.. or the battle hardened Knight which simply scoffs and swiftly cuts down the beast or man before him. He's a two sided coin sadly due to his Thrall nature but it's a fact of life that you don't want to be on the receiving end of any of his attacks.


The birth of Desmond Hayden and the events that transpired are not importance- hell the fact he became a knight is unworthy of being told at this point in the world and have long been lost save for a few scattered memories. But something that is important is that he was a knight and he was there the day the dragons came from the stars. He never saw men die so quickly and so useless to a threat so Superior in force that it seemed divine retribution had fallen upon all of them. During the battle he fought along his once mentor and now comrade the father of Ains- the two had dedicated themselves as the last line of defense but not by choice Ains father had to make sure his son had made it to the safe area but the two never got the meet for Hayden and his comrade where cut off by a fierce draconian beast that spit hellfire so intense it felt as if they would become liquid. But. While Ains father was caught in the blast only Hayden arm was caught allowing him to catch the beast off guard with a well place (and lucky) strike to the under belly unknowingly striking the weak spot while it was in mid flame something was it's undoing.

When everything was over Hayden had collapsed next to Ains father believing they where done... but they weren't. Waking up a whole day later together they soon notice their wounds where gone replaced by small strange patches of skin. This was the first day of a long transformation something they would only find out about later, sadly the two could not stick together. Ain's father held a son he needed to find and Hayden needed to see what type of destruction the beasts had caused causing them to say their final goodbyes- this would be the last he would see of the man ...for now. None the less Hayden believes that he will one day find his comrade.

The next few months to years began to become a pain filled blur for the man which consisted of coming to terms with his transformation and the new world they lived in. People who where burned like him became either thralls or dead becoming minions to the dragons a fate which he would not allow himself to be subjected to. Be it his unshakable will power and the sometime brought on self-mutilation to block the feelings of being drawn he managed to resist the call. But the dragons where his only threat for he had to deal with humans as well, for as time keep moving his body began to change along with his scorched arm- he learned despite where being burned one could have all sorts of changing but for him it seemed to be focused in his sword arm mostly. The first change was the scales followed by the spikes and then claws- but these changes where not cosmetic for every thrall strength and senses surpassed the normal human but for Hayden due to the focused nature of his transformation his draconian arm held far Superior strength than any human or thrall.. but it paled to the dragons.

The next decade or so found Hayden traveling the lands as a drifter offering his services to small human settlements or the occasional dragon hunting group using his manners from his years as a knight to navigate the shady tidings of being a thrall that held his humanity. Needless to say sometimes he was force to draw his blade to defend his life but as he progressed he began to soon not need food or water- but he collected these supplies to distribute to other humans who needed them but they also made good trading items. These misadventures where the very way he managed to get legendary sword 'Guardian' a mammoth of a weapon no human or normal thrall could ever hope to use. There is a story behind that blade you would need to ask the man about but weighing near four hundred pounds and the girth of it makes it quite a sight to see him swinging it with his arm with ease. It's scary to thing what his full strength may be one day or even if he has ever used it.

Skills and abilities:

  • Unyielding Willpower
  • Titanic Strength
  • Master swordsman
  • Knowledge of Battlefield Tactics
  • Bargaining
  • Horse riding
  • Aware of Surroundings

Thrall Mode- We've all heard of berserkers and what happens when one loses their shit, well this is similar to that. Hayden over the years has had a constant uphill battle of dealing with his thrall cravings but it has had a upside. He has learned to at times utilize the power of his feral side to allow a more bestial unrestrained version of himself to take over his body that embodies the primal carnage within him. In this mode he has no mental restrictions on his body nor regard for his body allowing him to battle at his finest. Normally to trigger this he needs to allow himself to give into it however in extreme anger or 'slipping' when it comes to his mental state he can automatically enter it become a threat to himself and anything near him. The side-effects to using his and whether or not it it progresses his transformation is unknown.

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Name: Libel Tyron

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Libel is quite a thin yet strong man with long brown-ish/dark-ish hair and a short beard. He is rather tall and has a deep voice. His eyes are green and his complexion is of a white paleness.

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 160 lbs

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Brown/black

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Tends to do freelance mercenary work yet also has a tendancy to dabble in thievery.

Personality: Libel is very shy around new people and is quite quiet. Once he gets to know people his personality comes out. He is very ambitious and liberal, believes in equality yet keeps to himself also.

History: Libel grew up poor yet made good money by thieving which provided support for his family, eventuall they became more wealthy through time. He is a 'self-made man' in some people's eyes. When the dragons came, he went to the caves and lived underground with every other survivor. He was trained to use a bow and arrow as well as sword, he is more skilled with the sword.

Skills and abilities: Can weild a bow and arrow as well as a sword. He is a very experienced thief who is good at pickpocketing and distracting others.

Extra: Nothing much other than the fact that he always carries his weapons on him and smokes a pipe occasionally.
Name: isabella lavenza

Age: 8

Gender: female

Race: human



Height: 4"3

Weight: 61 pounds

Eye colour: orange

Hair colour: black

Affiliation: survivor

Occupation: thief

Personality: isabella is a quiet and shy little girl with a massive tendance to try and avoid people that seem scary and stay quiet but usually fails. Clumsy, clingy to people that have helped her.

History: isabella was born from a mother that had survived the attacks but when she gave birth to isabella she died leaving her alone with her father. As isabella grew up her father taught her everything she needed to know in a small house deep in the mountains that was in a hidden valley. But this perfect sanctuary did not last as one say thralls an army of thralls stormed through the entrance to kill all. In a rush isabellas father had sent her through a secret passage that only she cpuld fit in then stayed behind to fight and die leaving isabella alone in this world of terror

Skills and abilities: quiet. Sneaky. Swift hands.


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Name: Diwata Larken



Race: Human




Weight:58 kilos

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Brunette

Affiliation: Dragon slayer

Occupation: Archer and trapper

Personality: Quiet and mysterious

History: Her village was destroyed by dragons, she was the only one left alive and now surviving by many ways.

Skills and abilities: Good in ranged attacks, fast runner, excellent trapper, and a wise trader.

Extra: Usually alone, and akward.
Name: Reanne Shawcross

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Human



Height: 5'4

Weight: 50kg

Eye colour: Black

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Hunter

Personality: Rea is a cheerful girl. She may be classed as a social butterfly. She is loud, outgoing and adventurous. But, watch out! Once you get on her bad side, she will see to it that you go through hell and back.

History: Rea always admired the Dragon Slayers from afar. When she was 16, she had always dreamed of becoming a dragon slayer. As years went by, she began to train, and finally at the age of 20, she joined a group of Dragon Slayers in slaying a dragon. When she first saw one of these magnificent yet dangerous beasts, she wasn't scared, no far from that. She was excited. She was excited to slay a dragon and help humanity be one step closer on taking the upper hand. Thankfully, the dragon was asleep. She crept to the dragon, she was so silent that not even his teammates noticed her presence getting closer to said dragon. After she got close enough, she hacked, slashed and stabbed with all her might. Her teammates also joined in the fray as well, and that was the first time Rea took down a dragon. Its been 2 years now, and she has earned her title as Shadow, The Lurker.

Skills and abilities:





make her presence unnoticeable

Name: Hydreus Chromia

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Height: 5'3

Weight: 58 kg (without armor)

Eye colour: Hazel

Hair colour: Blue

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Blacksmith

Personality: Quiet and Honest but sometimes when he is energetic or get to know him, he is talkative and funny


I was the King's personal black smith in the army for I make the toughest armor and strongest swords in the kingdom. I was also

allowed with the permission of His Majesty to make weapons for the best knights in the army. I was making a numerous amount of weapons and armors for the knights because of His Majesty's request of upgrading the army. Then in that time, I was handing over the weapons to each of His Majesty's personal knights when a shadow pass before us. Everyone of us outside the palace looks up and saw a lizard-like beast with wings. His Majesty ordered the knights to stand by and I fasten my pace of distributing the weapons and armor. It was too late for us to realize that the lizard-like beast was actually a dragon. It killed quarter the amount of His Majesty's knights. Our swords couldn't reach it when it flies nor we strike it when it lands for it breathes fire to those who comes near it. We have no choice but to retreat.

Now we are still in the hiding. I was still make weapons for His

Majesty's Knights now the Dragon Slayers. I do not spent most of the time attacking the dragons in his sleep for I was more busy making tools for the fight rather than increasing my stamina and attack.

Skills and abilities:

  • Archer - since I spent most of my time repairing and making weapons, I have not spend my time increasing my stamina and strength thus I practice more of my time in archery since it take me little effort to target a huge beast and a swing of my bow. But every archer has his weakness. Since I am an archer, I have low defense to defend myself against thralls that is why I am useless without any melee support up front

  • Accuracy - I have learn this in my job. Blacksmith requires gentle care and timing and precision to make a perfect weapon and sword. One must not be carefree in making a sword or the welder of the weapon has the disadvantage.

  • Swiftness - I need to run to dodge the fire's breath but since I have low stamina I have to stand on a ground while resting my body while doing archery on the dragon before the next Dragon's fire breathe.

Extra: Accept request of making weapons from me fellow Dragon Slayers

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