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Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer


Minority of One

I am interested, but would like to know where exactly this RP would fall on the scale of post length. I know that it was envisioned to spilt the gap between casual and detailed, but is there a rough number of sentences expected?

Answer: I expect each post to set the scene, have a bit of character progression, and provide enough material for other players to work with. Two solid paragraphs as a general guideline for minimum post length.

This should be played as a fun fantasy romp, so casual posters will be able to keep up. But detailed writers like myself might post lengthier scenes in order to really flex our imagination muscles.

Please read through the Lore and Mechanics tabs before you submit your character. That way you'll have a clearer understanding of how your champion should fit into our world. Thanks!

Character Sheet

*layout may be adjusted to preference




Height & Weight:

please provide a brief description even if you submit a picture

Dragon Tell: a minor physical trait that suggests your supernatural blessing, usually hair, eyes, or skin color

Hometown: name of undertown and/or cavern city



Important Equipment:

Combat Style:

Weaknesses and/or Disadvantages:



Dragon Name:



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  • Name: Malias Seriean

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Height & Weight: 6'0" & 165 lbs

  • Name:Desna Tonrar, Champion of Wraprax

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Height/Weight: 5'8 // 135lbs

    Dragon Tell: Enlarged canines & elongated forked tongue

    Creamy complexion, well muscled from strenuous exercise, long limbed, flexible, short and tidy black hair, indigo eyes.

    Combat style: Desna is a master of Kirima, the sacred martial art of the Mothsong Monks. It's a combat discipline that emphasises defensive & intercepting strikes until the opponent has been properly broken down. It's a slower, more methodical fighting style, but patience has more than one benefit to the martial artist. First, its calculated strikes always serve to protect the attacker against counter strikes. And second, its cat and mouse nature often baits aggressive opponents into launching into a wild offensive—which is exactly what the Kirima master wants.

    Kirima instructors require their warriors to train in total darkness. Light is a luxury in the underworld, and one must be prepared to protect themselves without its support.
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Name: Dominic Peregrin Edward Fischbach

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 5'10 cm, 142.733 lbs

Appearance: Dominic has golden hair with a slight brown tint. His body is of an athletic build, his eyes were blue until he was chosen by the dragon.

Dragon Tell: His eyes were formerly blue, but after being chosen they had become pure chocolate-brown. His voice had also changed a little.

Hometown: Ozryn


Occupation: Scout/Hunter. Dominic sometimes goes on the surface when the giants aren't really aware and bring 'fresh' meat and fruits close to his home. Dominic also helps defending the city against attacking animals and such, though rarely has it been attacked.

Archery, swordsmanship, riding, tracking, scouting.

Important Equipment: Bow, arrows, quiver, sword, throwing knife, dagger.

Combat Style: He prefers using the bow and arrow, but when it comes to close quarters then he'd rather use his sword or dagger. Also, on occasion, he'll throw his throwing knife or, if he has to, his dagger.

Weaknesses and/or Disadvantages: He's mortal like any man, sometimes too faithful or unaware of his words and actions. For example, he could warn about being putting too much emotion into something while he, without realizing it, is actually putting too much emotion into something. He also got a soft spot for his loved ones.

Personality: He's protective and sometimes could be taken as an aggressive person. However, if you manage to get on his good side then you'll know he's really a nice person. You wouldn't like to get on his bad side though.

Background: Dominic was born in Ozryn, long after the humans moved below the surface. As a child, he always wanted to go and see what was 'outside', but, like all children, he wasn't allowed to. He once wandered far while none was looking, but was caught at the gates of the underground world. He was told a story ever since, he was told the truth, to remain in his home.

His ancestors, the ancestors of the Ozrynans, lived in a peaceful kingdom named Nuthesea-a kingdom not small. A large one, and a powerful yet peaceful one. It was beautiful and simple, like a massive village with a castle rather than a kingdom actually.


The men there lived in peace until one winter happened, until a spell of evil fell, until the tragedy occurred. The giants, who defended mankind with all their will and kindness, had become aggressive, bloodthirsty. It was like they weren't themselves, controlled by somebody. Isnus, the protector of Nuthsea, who lived in the gorge which split the Western half of the kingdom with the little rest that was on the Eastern side, woke from his deep sleep. Isnus was like an old man. He always slept, and when danger struck he woke and did his will, saved the kingdom from the disaster.


This time, however, was different. The giant rose and grumbled, stretched and yawned, then his massive fist landed on the Western side, destroying it completely, killing almost everyone. He turned to the Eastern side and crouched, picked up a boulder from below him, and hurled it at the helpless people, destroying their homes and killing their families. They ran in fear, to the mountains, and very few crossed the bridge without dying. They fled to the mountains and found a great cavern, which they built their new homes in, calling their new home Ozryn.

Dominic, while exploring the caves new to him, found a tomb, a single tomb in a chamber of its own. He entered and was encountered by a warrior of rock and stone. The guardian explained how it was guarding its masters tomb, a dragon of yore. The champion had completed the 'rituals' and had become one. Dominic swore he will make Isnus pay for his doings, or whoever changed him and the other giants. His adventures, however, are yet to come.


Dragon Name: Birroth son of Dammath

Appearance: Birroth has rough, dry skin, more than other dragons. His snout is similar to an crocodile's. Birroth has a few bony spikes on his back, between his wings, and flat bones along his tail and neck. His tail is long and thing, twisted at the end, with a single spike at the tip. In the center of his wings are long, curved sharp claws, and on the tips of his wings, too. On his head is a V-shaped dark crest, and the nail on his middle toe is long and curved.


Personality: He's cautious and intelligent but somewhat playful and has a very kind heart. In battle he becomes a ferocious fighter.

Combat Style: He mostly attacks like a lion . Birroth's main weapons are his claws and teeth. On his middle toe on each foot he has a long, curved, sharp claw. He rarely uses his fire, mostly as a last resort of some sort. Birroth lunges at the enemy, sinking his claws (which cover the tips of his wings and his legs) into the body of the victim, then biting into the neck, or other parts of the body, tearing huge chunks of meat. His fire is weaker than most dragons, which is why he doesn't like using it much.

While Birroth isn't a gigantic dragon like most of the other dragons, he could take down almost any enemy, even other dragons, no matter what their size is. Birroth also has great physical strength, allowing him to easily hold on to the enemy. With 15,000 pounds per square inch of bite force, and razor-sharp steel-hard teeth, you wouldn't like to get into Birroth's jaws.
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Name: Anat Amos

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Height & Weight: 5’4”//130lbs

Appearance: Thin and short, little muscle to speak of. Wide boned face, strong jaw. Blue eyes under heavy brows. Dark skin and hair.

Dragon Tell: From finger to elbow on one side of her body her skin is replaced by dark scales and her fingers by claws. Wears a thick glove and long sleeves to avoid looks from her local clansmen.


Hometown: Banta

Occupation: Merchant, Cartographer.

Skills: Mapmaking, diplomacy, mercantilism, botany and cooking.

Important Equipment: Cartography tools, an obsidian dagger for self defense and loads of cooking equipment.

Combat Style: Nonexistent. Could probably stab something if it stood still long enough.

Weaknesses // Disadvantages: Bad eyesight, needs glasses for anything closer than three feet in front of her face. No formal combat training.

Personality: Generally reserved but easily excitable in matters of her field. Bookish. Dreams of mapping the world above ground.

Background: Born into a tiny settlement far from the larger centers of commerce and community, her mother was a governess and her father a guardsman. Her childhood was mostly unsupervised and despite efforts to the contrary Anat managed to explore the cave systems surrounding her home thoroughly without being devoured by something hungry or hulking. Her habit, previously thought dangerous and without merit, was encouraged when her father found rudimentary maps under his daughter’s mattress. She was raised to be both inquisitive and discerning, though often her humors favored the former.

Some ten years later, at the age of twenty she - by accident - happened upon the burial chamber of the dragon Eucle.Previously unknown to her people, the Tomewarden was in life a recognized and well-admired intellect. Sensing that same rabid curiosity in the young woman who had stumbled upon his grave, the Cha’sid there offered her a deal. She would play host to the ancient dragon’s spirit for the rest of her natural life and in return she would receive the ability to travel the Lands Above in relative safety. It would be her duty as Eucle’s champion to fight the giantkin that had conquered her people’s homeland ages before but would gain the chance of a lifetime.

She agreed.

Family: As a child Anat was nothing if not secluded. In matters of intellect her peerage spurned and envied her while her parents sequestered and tutored her. The children of her village spent little time outside the town proper and so in that too, was she alone. Her mother was both a friend and, as a governess by trade, her mentor. She devoured books like a man perpetually starved and found solace in the stories that spoke of Times Before. She has one brother, much younger, who despite his age mimics Anat’s mannerisms by rout. His name is Aren. He is seven.

She has an uncle in Groundwater who lives there full time. He owns a small shop that sells, among other things, prints of her maps. Anat is living with him now while the other Champions gather. His name is Garr-Urr and he is her mother’s brother.

Dragon Name: Eucle

Appearance: Hulking, even for a dragon. Heavy sloping shoulders and a scales the color of slate.


Personality: Wise, benevolent. The voice of reason in situations where reason is warranted. In the Times Before he was well-learned for his species. Now he yearns to see how eons have treated the Lands Above.
Name: Connor Gabras

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 5'11, 165 lbs.

Appearance: Due to his constant training with his brothers, Connor has a lean, toned build. He's pale in complexion and has soft, features. His hair is a light grey, and he has brown eyes.


Dragon Tell: His formerly black hair is now a light grey.

Hometown: Athom

Occupation: Connor helps his father with his research, and occasionally works with his mother as well.

Skills: Archaeology, Business, Literacy, Skilled Combatant

Important Equipment: His brother, Roy, made Connor a pair of weapons as a present after he became a champion. The first, a long sword, is well made and looks nearly untouched due to its lack of battle experience. The other weapon is a short sword that Roy made from a broken long sword. They fit onto a pair of sheaths that are worn on Connor's back.

Combat Style: While not as advanced in combat as his brothers, Connor is still rather skilled and uses an unpredictable fighting style. He prefers to out think his opponents rather than fight them head on, and will always plan ahead when he has the chance.

Weaknesses and/or Disadvantages: Connor tends to distance himself from others, and his realistic outlook doesn't always help. He can also be stubborn at times, and is lacking in the social skills that his older brothers possess. While he is somewhat skilled in combat, much of it comes from his intelligence, and so many can still beat him in a direct fight.

Personality: Introverted, Realist, Kind, Workaholic, Strong Moral Compass, Often Neutral to Choices

Background: The second son of a business woman and an archaeologist, Connor lived a middle-class life throughout his childhood. His mother, Janet, was well-respected and was the primary source of income for the family. They lived well because of her, and rarely, if ever, had financial troubles. Evan, the father, was very intelligent and equally as respected as his wife. He would often teach his son about what discoveries had been made in the field of archaeology due to the boy's interest in knowledge. Connor's brother, Jack, was four years older than him, however unlike many siblings, the boys were very close and never fought with each other despite their strong personality contrasts. The whole family was tightly-knit and spent a lot of time together.

At around the time when Connor was four, the family was walking home after exploring the shopping district and discovered a young boy sitting in an alley, scavenging in the garbage for food. They brought him into their home and adopted him as another son. 'Roy' was the boy's name, and despite his different background, he got along well with his new family. As the boys grew older, they became more adventurous and began to pursue their various interests. John longed to become a part of the city's guard, protecting people and helping those that needed it. Roy wanted to be a blacksmith because of his fascination with weapons. Connor thought about following in one of his parents' footsteps as either a businessman or an archaeologist. That changed, however, after Evan and his colleagues discovered a dragon tomb deep within the caves near Athom. Dozens made the journey soon after, hoping to be chosen as the champion of the beast. After some encouragement from the rest of his family, Connor took his journey into the tomb despite his doubt of anything exciting happening. Much to his surprise, the Cha'sid that looked over the tomb asked the young man if he would accept the dragon's invitation to become his champion.

Family: Connor's family is very tightly knit. His oldest brother, John, is an extrovert and quite charismatic with most people. He is currently a city guard, but is hoping to advance to an officer position. Roy is adopted, but is still very close with his brothers. He's extroverted like John, but can appreciate his alone time, like Connor. Roy is currently training to become a blacksmith, and is already quite skilled in his craft. The boy's father, Evan, is an archaeologist that encourages his sons to persue their goals in life. Their mother, Janet, is a respected business woman and was the main provider for the family before the boys moved out.

Dragon Name: Fenreck



Personality: Despite his ferocious appearance, Fenrake is rather passive. He prefers to thinks things through rather than charge in, and is usually careful about what he does. He's very intelligent, and was often found studying the natural world.
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Kaya "The Cleaver" Wexner






Height & Weight:

6'2 & 200 lbs.


The Cleaver is not a damsel, she is a warrior. If her sheer size and physique don't give that away, she will tell one personally. Her hair is short, dark, and messy. Her body bears the scars of many battles.

Dragon Tell:

Her cheek bones became more angular, and scales appeared around her eyes.






Scavenging, Combat, Butchering, Cooking, Survival

Important Equipment:

Her Cleaver, "Kaya"


Combat Style:


Her combat style mirrors her personality, as it implies using every move at one's discretion to overpower the enemy and crush them. It is animalistic, brutal, efficient in providing a way to let The Cleaver deal with underworld creatures and slavers alike. However, it is only to those she deems worthy that get to experience Hevnaar the fullest.

Weaknesses and/or Disadvantages:

She fears her own strength, and her size and mass make her movements less gracious.


The Cleaver despises slavery. Weak men that force their will upon other unfortunate souls. She values honesty for deception is a tool used by cowards and glorified manipulators.

She believes that if the sunlight is returned to humanity it might have the power to brighten their judgement and restore the compassion that was wrongfuly taken by the giants. She blieves the giants to be the ultimate opressors of man, forcing them to retreat to the Underworld and live there for centuries. No more. The Cleaver's burning rage shall be the fall of all giants. It is the same rage that keeps her awake for days on end. The same fury that she fears could be her undoing as a liberator and her birth as a feral tool of destruction.


When Kaya arrived in this world, the dying light of an aged candle was the sheer gleam that blessed her eyes. She screamed and violently swung her tiny limbs as she was torn from the serenity of her mother's womb. She felt angry as the harhsness of the underworld quickly presented itself to her. It was a sentiment she would cling onto for a long time.

Kaya's family was numerous, having two sisters and four brothers. They were all raised away from the civilized cities of the underworld, into the tunnels where few dare venture, but it was their home. Kaya was taught how to scavenge, survive, and live in the dark reaches of the tunnels.

Over time, most of her siblings perished, either at the claws of bullspiders, or in a feud with the nearby tribes. Kaya made it through her adolescence and into her early twenties. She kept the tribals at bay and earned her nickname "The Cleaver" after her last battle with a tribe. The chieftain felt that her family, being one of scavengers and regularly offing tresspassing tribesmen, needed to be put under control. He 'employed' the help of slavers to rid him of their presence. They killed her remaining brothers and sisters, because they resisted and did not wish to become slaves. Kaya and her father retreated to safety and found out about the chieftain's plans. Her father sustained serious wounds and after weeks of pain, he passed away. Kaya, fueled by rage, took the tribe on herself, casting down her wrath, killing each who stood in her way, cleaving the cowardly tribesmen. When the tribe found itself near extinction, they offered to guide her to an ancient tomb. The tomb of Ma'gar. Her was body exhausted from all the killing.

She accepted.

Ma'gar, The Unforgiving


Brutal, Aggressive, Angry
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