Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

-Well whatever you can use to distract them will work, we only need it from the person holding the flag, and it would just be a distraction for a few seconds to grab it and leave, it doenst need to be a consisten emotion, Im sure they get confused if they start feeling a mood swing, that's when we get the flags" Jo replied

((OOC, last comment from me if we are waiting for Coco_Bakon :) ))
Mac looked across the field. A familiar girl was pointing hat him and saying something. He had been found out. "I knew I shouldn't have gone out of phase!" he yelled. Deciding on a different plan of action, Mac changed back to his normal form again, sprinting forward and leaping into the air. He began to construct the image of a bird in his head. He had been practicing this for months. A projection, or an inanimate transformation was easy, because there wasn't much thinking involved. A bird on the other hand. Mac had studied the anatomy of a bird for weeks, noting all the different bone structures and vitalities.

As he formed the image in his head, he found himself as a large orange bird, resembling an eagle. It wasn't perfect, but it worked, he was flying!

((OOC, This idea was bugging me for a while, so this is the last one I'll do until it starts moving again.))
Ignis walked out of his solo training area steam still coming off his body. It seems he lost track of time in there like usual and headed to the team area. Arriving in the class late he was a little lost wondering what to do.
Zoey stared at the stethoscope around the Docter’s neck.

Zoey, can you hear me?...” He shook her shoulders lightly. Zoey smiled before returning the action. “…Good, I was saying you’re cleared to go back. You’ve finally healed up. You need to go back to class, they are currently playing capture the flag. Just walk around and if anyone walks up to you say, ‘Can I be on your team?’ it’s that easy, you can make tons of friends that way.

Zoey always wanted lots of friends, at least the kind of friends the doctor talked about. He was always asking things like who did she like the best, and if she ever had questions. Of course she asked him a few, she was with him for a month. But something about leaving the medical room scared her. She traced the tip of her shoes along the threshold. Then she placed her fingers barely into the hallway. It was colder, foreign to her skin.

She turned to the Doc, a bit worried some.

Ummm. What should I do out there.” Zoey whispered to him. He chuckled a bit.

Just be yourself.” Zoey gave him a determined nod.

Can I be on your team?” She smiled before venturing into the hallway.

Zoey, now wandering the school, began to search for other people. For a moment she thought she had found someone but it was her own reflection. Zoey stared at herself; her blonde hair was long, probably need a haircut soon. Then she looked up at her face, recalling hearing one of her female teachers asking if she was pretty, she stared at her lips. “Pretty; pleasant to look at or listen to.” Zoey decided her lips were pretty, then she looked at her eyes, her left eye was green and her right blue. “Not pretty..” she had yet to meet someone else with Heterochromia. “bizarre.” She sighed, pulling her hat further onto her head and turning away from her reflection.

Zoey felt a shadow overhead and looked up. It was an orange bird, which was her favorite color. She began to wave her hands into the air;

"Hey Mr. Bird! You're pretty!" She smiled, happy to see something so bright in her small world.
Mac was making a mad dash to get away, when suddenly he felt a foreign mind grapple onto his. It must have been one of the other contestants trying to distract him. If only they knew what he was attempting. Mac struggled to concentrate, but his power was to weak to withstand the interference. In a rush of emotion, his bird became a ball of flame and feathers. His emotion had altered his transformation. It was physical as well… he was actually burning! By this time he had gone out of phase again, he was human, but he was still burning. As he plummeted to the ground as a ball of flame, he clenched his muscles and imagined a rubber ball, one he used to play with as a kid. Unknowingly, he transformed into the ball in his memory. The fire could no longer burn and I bounced harmlessly on the ground… then was sent flying uncontrollably in a series of bounces.
Zoey watched in horror as her beautiful bird began to fall in flames. Before she could decide on what action to take the bird became a human, an on fire human! The thought; chameleon's power gone wrong crossed her mind. She saw him hit the ground as a rubber ball, bouncing all over.

Frantically, Zoey tried to follow the ball,

"I'll help you!" She shouted. She jumped in front of it, but it just bounced off her, "Ouch" she said rubbing her arm. At this point Zoey just wanted to leave the Chameleon to his own problems, he'd hurt her! But Zoey reasoned he was out of control. She glanced around, looking to see if anyone would help her help him. Nobody seemed to be around. Zoey once again began to follow the Chameleon ball, this times with her eyes. She traced it's pathway of travel and took in a deep breath. She began to flatten her torso into the shape of a large tarp. She screamed from the pain of her organ and bones turning into an inhuman substance. Tears began to stream down her face as she began to overlap herself around the ball in layers, just like a blanket.
Mac felt something wrap around him, stopping his movement. "Oh great. Well my plan's really backfired now… backfired… ha! Oh well. Whoever you are, could you please put me down? If I lose concentration, whatever is around me will be torn to shreds."
(OOC:I'm really, REALLY sorry! My desire to get a good night's rest got the better of me.)

Yammat spastically ran up to Zak, Kamryn, and Jo. "Sorry. I spaced out." He said blushing. Yammat turned to Joey with a smile. "So you're Joey? Nice to meet you." Yammat simply observed Joey's chameleon powers. Interesting....
Zoey blinked her tears back as she listened to the muffled Ball’s voice. Intimidated by words, she quickly unwrapped the ball, returning her body as quickly as possible to normal. She then cowered away from the ball, weak from the pain and stress she'd just put her body through.

I’m s-sorry..” She stuttered. “..I was just trying to help…Please don’t-” Her breath drew in short at the end of her sentence.

So far Zoey regretted leaving the Medical Room.
Zak shakes off his desire to take the open flag and leaves to finish hiding his own flag, he figured that if it was put somewhere that nobody would check, then it wouldn't need defending. He walks up to a seemingly random tree much like the others surrounding it, dark green leaves with think bark around the trunk. There was something different about this one, Zak knew, the tree was hollowed out almost unnoticeably, enough to hide a Kraya inside, and so plenty of room for a flag. He siphons the flag through the trunk and covers the entry with leaves and bark again, once it was disguised enough to his liking, Zak returns to the group where his partner and the others are. "Hey Yammat, I've got something to show you." he says in his usual confident but vague tone, trying not to give too much information to Jo and Kamryn.
Yammat jogged to Zak and looked at him with curious eyes. "What's up?" He saw the tree, which Zak clearly had interest in. He had a huntch what Zak was planning, so he said it right off. "You plan to hid the flags in here?" He double took to be sure that no one heard. He was curious to know if Kamryn was aware, but it was a long shot. He still didn't know why they were to take others' flags, considering it was enough effort to hide their own. Yammat didn't question though, for both his and Zak's sakes.
"Pretty neat, huh? I don't think anyone would check here unless they knew what they were looking for. There's plenty of room for the other flags as well." He scratches under his chin as he speaks, the only way anyone would really know that their flag was there would be Krayas with Mind-Reading or X-Ray vision, still, it would have to do. "Well, do you wanna split to look for other flags? Or go together?"
Yammat looked around. "Split up. I believe it would be better if one of us guarded our flag, despite the chances of being suspicious. We can guard from a perch point?" Yammat was a good strategist, and he knew this kind of stiff through and through. Something off topic came to Yammat's mind. "Y' you think that we had in....the first of our KIND?"
Zak's eyes widen as Yammat changes the subject, it seemed like a weird thing to bring up right now, but it was certainly an interesting topic. "Uh... I'm not sure, really" he burrows his brow in thought "They never really told us where Krayas came from, I suppose it could have started from some mutation from a human" He shrugs heavily, he really had no idea, it could have been anything theoretically. He gives a little laugh as he shakes his head "Anyway, I don't think now is the time to talk about it, I'll go looking for some flags, if you have some trouble defending, just kinda shoot something in the air and ill come, alright?"
Kamryn shook her head, feeling that Jo still didn't understand what her powers did but she could easily provide a distraction, at least for one person.

"Well teammate, lead the way! Since I presume we'll be working together on this... right? Also...where'd Zak and Yammat go, weren't we going to be a team?!"

Kamryn heaved a sigh- it would be so much easier to have teamed up with them. She considered hunting down their flag for a moment so that they had no other choice but to join their team but... she wanted to be a good sport. So, if she noticed them on someone's team then she would find that team's flag and then they would have to join her and Jo.

Looking around and noticing that in some areas flags were placed in plain sight Kamryn shook her head... either some people really weren't trying or there was a trap involved. At least these people had the advantage that Kamryn didn't know the trap.. but otherwise she'd have to tip toe carefully. She was a little worried about how far the other Krayas may push this to win...
Yammat nodded and jumped to a tree branch. He smiled as he shot spikes off the ground to scare people away from the tree. One time he had to shoot someone who was flying. "I love my 'job'...!" Yammat whispered as he continued scaring people. So many methods to try. Cerberus, Medusa, pitfalls, and giant spiders! Shrieks were EVERYWHERE, and Yammat LOVED it all!
Zak rushes away from Yammat as he begins his defense, his hide growing out of his wrist and enveloping his arm. By the time he got to the first defender, his entire arm was a glowing stone-edge blade. His defender notices the glow and turns around with a quick ice spike which catches Zak slightly on the side of his face, leaving a small cut. Another attacker comes in from the side and tackles the defender with a vicious shoulder-charge. Zak was a little shocked, at first, he and all the other Krayas seemed to be getting way too involved in this game, if he hadn't avoided that ice spike he could have been seriously injured. Regardless, while the mauling Physical attacker pins the Elemental to the ground, Zak rushes around to take their flag. With the flag in hand, he uses it to heave the Physical off his new team mate, who barks and sneers like a mad dog who had his meal taken away from him. Zak shines his arm in the Physical's face, and he backs off, not wanting to get sliced. The Elemental looks a little disappointed but follows Zak as he goes back to hand the flag in to Yammat. He gives a quick nod to Yammat as he places the new flag with the other in the trunk after looking around him "Stay here and help him" he says briefly before heading out again. One down
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"What are you apologizing for?" groaned Mac. He felt like an old duffer with a kink in his back as he stood. He tried to straighten into a good posture and heard a bunch of cracks. He winced a little. Then, walking over to the girl, he said in his slight scottish accent, "I wasn't trying to threaten you, I was just warning you what would happen. I'm grateful for your help, though I don't recognize you from my team."
Zoey saw the man stand up. His accent took her a bit by surprise but in more of relaxing way. She was still a bit skeptical, but only a bit. Picking up her hat from the ground, dusting it off, she replied,

My name is Zoey, I just got released from the Medic.” She paused to talk to herself.

Team -the Doc-” Now she placed the hat firmly on her head.

Can I be on your team?” She asked, nervously rubbing her fingers together waiting for his reply.
"Be on my team? Well I did have a team already set up. Aw heck, I don't know where they've gotten too. Yeah alright. Do you know what's going on?"
Jo kept Kamryn safe as more and more teams started getting disqualified, She tried whispering to zak sometimes if she saw someone approaching him, Some teams were going all attack and it didnt work well. She heard a bell notifying the first group had fallen, the first flag had been taken. She looked around but it was no one she knew..

She took a breath in relief. "How are you holding up Kamryn?" she whispered. As she looked around there seemed to be some sorf of strong happenings in some areas. Elementals were pretty rough, If they wanted to get flags Jo had to approach violent scenarios without aletering her emotions, other wise her whole camouflage could be spotted.

"Im staying away from flames that's for sure" She thought to herself.
"I'm ok, so far." Kamryn said quietly, not wanting to give Jo away by talking too loudly. If only she had the mental ability to communicate with other people through their minds. Well, she supposed she could have it worse... she could not be a Kraya at all... "I'm sorry that I haven't been much-" Kamryn was about to continue when she spotted what looked to be a 'defender' - someone who stuck around where their flag was hidden to defend.

"Hey, Jo, there might be a flag over there... want to go check it out?" Kamryn asked as she tried to get a read on that person's capabilities. It was so difficult to tell... they could be anything. Kamryn began to head swiftly in that direction, not waiting for Jo's response. She linked to the person's mind while trying to figure out just what illusion to show them that would be most useful...
Even before Jo could give Kamryn some words to cheer her up, once again, she was being dragged around the field. She had to contain her laugh while thinking "Is this a habit of hers?" But oh well, she looked motivated towards getting the flag, and Jo was not about to stop that from happening. As they got closer Jo really started focusing on her camouflage, If the person happened to be another mental, the only way out was if he couldnt see them at all...
Zoey’s grin spread from ear to ear, nodding.

Capture the Flag. Though I wasn’t able to participate last time… Where is our flag?… Better yet, don’t tell me, that way I can’t somehow compromise us. Ummm…. What should I call you?” She tilted her head to the left at the end of her question. She was looking behind the man, by some means one of the tree’s leaves had sagged since she had last looked up.

Today’s weather was fine as ever.

Zoey returned her gaze to the man. She began to whisper softly,

Psst, I think someone is in that tree behind you.
Not realizing that she wasn't visible (because she pays as much attention to Jo's abilities as Jo does to her's) Kamryn took a bit of a roundabout way towards the defender that she could see. She had decided on an illusion of someone directly attacking them. In the end her best idea as far as the ability of the person was an Elemental that manipulated the air and sent a gust that 'knocked' the defender down and away from where he was hiding his flag. Though... he'd only feel the gust if he believed he was being attacked, otherwise the defender would realize that he was under attack from a mental.

It worked and the defender began to battle the illusionary foe, but as soon as they attempted to attack they appeared confused. "They're mental." Kamryn said, sighing. The person's gaze flashed around wildly, trying to spot whoever was attacking them.

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