Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Jo took Kamryn and walked away as fastly as she could without losing her concetration. Mentals were to dangerous to get near to, at least for now. -"Keep an eye for elemental and physical, it'd be easier to steal the flag from them" She had completly lost Zak and Yammat while trying to keep an eye for other chamaleons. She shook her head and tried to focus. She was starting to get tired, the fact that personal training had been so exhausting for her was starting to become a problem. However, the class wouldnt last much longer now, the more people realized that, the more agressive they got. "Hang in there Jo" she thought to herself.
"There's someone behind me? We'll see about that." Mac projected himself as an image of a dragon blowing fire. Yet there was no sound or real movement because he couldn't construct a full anatomy in his mind. However, that's all he needed. A person fell out of the tree. He started approaching the person, "The name's Michael MacMahon, but you can just call me Mac."
"Point taken." Kamryn replied, only the slightest bit hurt that Jo didn't have confidence in her abilities to take down another Mental. She was probably right, come to think of it... but Kamryn had been ready to give it a shot.

So now Kamryn kept an eye out not only for suspicious 'defender' behavior but also an attack that was physical or elemental. Just to check she would send illusions their way and see what their attack was. Of course she didn't see Defenders very often... but finally spotting a Physical that could shoot spines very similar to a Porcupines Kamryn did an inward celebration dance before pulling Jo in that direction.

"We can take that guy on, right?? You think? I mean... I can distract him easy enough and you can look for the flag, right?" Kamryn was bouncing on her toes with excitement, ready to unleash her powers for real this time and win their team a flag.
-"Sure!" Jo wasnt even thinking much at this point, all her thoughts were into keeping the camouflage. "Maybe it wasnt a bright idea to overdo personal training today..gosh, Im hungry" she thought to herself. She just wanted to get this over with.

She started walking towards the guy but then stopped at some point to let kamryn work and tell when it was safe to get any closer. Jo had never been the best at working in teams, specially today with all the stuff that Kamryn and Zak had been talking about. She just couldnt find herself trusting her. She didnt look like a bad person at all but...Jo was too defensive about the whole situation. Once again with tons of mixed feelings that she refused to show.

She kept an eye out for their enviroment, some people had really gone violent on each other, there was a lot of tension around. Some krayas could become really intimidating when using their powers..
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The projection Mac had created fascinated Zoey. She now wondered why she had become a Physical rather than any of the other types.

Zo began to follow Mac over to the fallen person, trying to copy Mac's walk, but she looked a bit clumsy trying to imitate his 'cool' walk. The boy on the ground had to be on the younger end of the ages. I wounder what he's going to do with them, she thought.
Yammat shrugged, but nonetheless stuck to the Elemental. Despite his orders, all he cared about was defending the flags. That's all he had to do, and all he cared about. He sat on the perch kicking his legs rhythmically while humming a blissful tune. When he finished, turned to the elemental and asked, "Element?" The Elemental looked confused at first, but realized Yammat was asking his new company his power. The Elemental conjured ice and shot it at a tree, thankfully not the one they hid their flags. Yammat widened his eyes in interest. He lifted his hand and darkness loomed over the trees. The Elemental stared in shock, fear, and a thousand other negative emotions. Yammat rolled his eyes. "Calm's not THAT dangerous."
"What do we have here? Why were you climbing around in this tree? Huh?" The boy scrambled backward, then started running away. "Ach really? Come on man, you're going to make me chase you down? We both know who will win that one." Mac looked back for a second, getting ready for a sprint, then noticed. that the tree still didn't seem natural. He waved for Zoey to come over and look. There was something odd about this tree.
Zak was on his way leaving when the Elemental's ice spike shot hit a tree in front of him, thinking that he was under attack again, Zak turns around sharply, ready to fight back, but sees that Yammat was only talking to him. He lets out a laugh when Yammat returns the gesture and shows his own power to the Elemental, who was basically cowering. It was a bit more of a worried laughter though, Yammat's Darkness was fairly intimidating. He was about to get on his way again when he sees a boy and a girl approaching the tree that held their flags. He wasn't quite sure what type they were, but his team outnumbered theirs, so he simply walks into plain sight of them and waves his pulsing stone-edge blade at them, shouting "Hey! Back off, Alright?!"
Mac hears another contestant yelling at him and sees him point a sword toward the tree. He turns to Zoey saying, "It seems we've hit a soft spot and made the defender… bark" I hold back laughter at the horrible tree pun as I put my hand on the tree, trying to figure out the trick to it.
Yammat saw the people coming up near their tree. Yammat would not stand for it. That was the SPECIAL TREE! No one. Would get. TO. THE. TREE!! Yammat summoned a gargantuant spider out of the shadows and sent it towards the intruders. It's not that hard to kill, but it would at least work to scare intruders away. The spider got on its hind legs ready to strike. 'They better not go for them flags. They better not go for them flags.' Yammat continually thought to himself.
As Jo and Kamryn seemed to be doing fairly good stealing others. Funny enough, as she wondered how Zak and Yammat were doing she had to stop flat as a giant shadow spider passed by her. "Im going to take a wild guess and say they are doing just fine" She thought to herself. She kept on looking at the spider, it looked like something that would crawl from a kid's nightmare. she also recognized the target, it was the guy from before. He looked pretty tough for a chamaleon. She was intrigued into how he was going to take defense against it.

She had to admit, when Kamryn was excited about something she really gave great efforts to get it. Her power was making the game really smooth. And Jo enjoyed seeing people's confused face. However she was really exahusted now, she thought of maybe telling Kamryn. She wondered if that would make her look weak, or like a bad teammate, so she just tried to hold a bit more.
Mac saw a giant spider approach out of the corner of his eye. Nothing like that existed in real life, this was just another ruse to distract him, but he decided to play along, he had a trick up his sleeve. He grabbed Zoey's arm and pulled your behind the tree, feigning terror. Then, as the tree came in between him and the spider, he whispered to Zoey, "Run to the next tree and watch the path of the spider, make sure it doesn't start digging into the tree. No time to explain why. Got it?" Before she could reply, Mac morphed into a little white mouse, they were so small that their structure hadn't been that hard to memorize. He then proceeded to scurry into a hole in the tree.
Yammat saw a mouse, but thought nothing of it. The two people were hiding behind a tree, so this could be his chance to grab the flags and save them from the raiders...or whatever. He leaped down to Mr. HallowTree and punched a bigger hole in the tree. He noticed the rat and gently swept it aside. "Sorry Mr.Mouse, but I need these flags to win...or if worse comes to worst....survive." Yammat grabbed the flags and jumped back to his perch point. He command the spider to attack the people behind the tree, and it did. should've, but one of them was gone. The spider gave a sad look and Yammat's eyes grew wide. "W-what!?" Yammat was terrified, what if they escaped? What if they got to Zak? What if they took the flags. He counted the flags...all present and accounted for. "Whew..." He turned to the now injured tree, where there flags once were. "Sorry tree."
Mac heard a loud crunching sound as he burrowed toward the pole of what he knew was a flag. Suddenly a gigantic hand brushed him away. He caught a thorn in his foot and pain shot through his body. "Shit, who knows where that will end up when I go out of phase." he thought. Out of the corner of his bloodshot eye, he saw the last tendril of the flag slipping out of the hole in the tree. He wrenched his back, being buried behind some bark, and latched onto the flag with his mouth. He smashed through the bark and another shot of pain rushed through him as he began to flap violently at the end of the flag. All he needed to do was turn back into his human form and he would have the flag. Yet when he thought of this, he felt his mind slipping into unconsciousness. He tried to fight it, but the constant whiplash was taking a toll. If he slipped now, he may never regain control of his transformations. He may be stuck in an endless void of transforming to his unconscious mind's content.
"Jo! Did you see that Giant Spider!" Kamryn asked, her excitement filling her with a burst of energy. She had been wearing low but Spiders were always something that fascinated her... She looked to Jo, grinning at her companion. She noticed that Jo had gained a weariness around the edges of her eyes and her smile faltered a moment.

"Hey, we should find somewhere to take a break cuz I need to slow down a moment." Kamryn said quietly, holding onto her smile as she attempted to offer Jo a break. It was never best to suggest your team mate being tired... and in truth Kamryn was pretty tired too. They could go to a hidden area somewhere where Jo could become visible and Kamryn could watch for people, tricking them away with simple illusions.

"Besides, the longer we wait for people to defeat each other, the less we'll have to do... and we've got a pretty good backing now I think. I mean, it's not perfect and stuff but at least it's not just us two on our team anymore, right?"
Jo looked at Kamryn like she was an angel, she was almost sure anyone could've seen how worn out she was by this point. She hid the flags on the inside of her clothing. "Sure, I mean if you are tired I guess we could rest of a while.." Jo said with a smile and a mocking voice, giving away she was completly exhausted too. "Got any place in mind where we could hide for a while?"
"Heading into the trees could be a start." Kamryn replied, pulling her in said direction of trees - though hopefully not in the direction of the spider or any other commotions. "The battle seems to mostly be going on out in the open... which doesn't make much sense so we should be careful in here, but it's better here than in plain sight." Kamryn reasoned as she wove her way through the trees at a decent pace. Finding a river and a tree partially torn out of the ground next to it she pulled Jo into the 'cave-like' area the tree's roots created before collapsing onto the ground and taking a grateful breath.

"I wonder how much longer this will continue." Kamryn murmured, ready for a good meal and bed. Her spirits sank a little as she remembered she wasn't allowed dinner tonight because of her poor job in focusing earlier in class.
"You know, a part of me dies when I realize how easy it is for you to drag me around everywhere" Jo thought to herself while being dragged along with Kamryn a third time, she started wondering if she should gain weight, then shook her head "I certainly cant wait for dinner anymore, Im afraid if we stay any longer the roaring of my stomach will give us away" Jo said joking, but actually scared that might be a problem.. She let herself get dragged along with Kamryn to the cave area. Moments later one of the bells rang; announcing that the game was soon to be over, 10 minutes? 5? Who knew, all that was left was to survive the last moments.
Zak figured that Yammat had the defense covered, that was until he saw that there was what looked like a mouse had gotten hold of their flag, hanging on only by the tatters. Zak was immediately suspicious, why would this mouse decide to hold onto their flag? Unless, of course, it wasn't a mouse, and a Kraya in disguise. He hears the bell chime that signifies that the game would close soon, and figured there was no harm getting this mouse off his flag, if it was a Kraya then it was just a matter of defense, and if it was really was a mouse, then who cares? Zak walks over Yammat who was holding the flags and tries gently pulling the determined mouse of his flag, he didn't particularly want to hurt it, Kraya or not.
Zoey began to take another look at the tree. Mac was right, the tree looked to be possibly hollow. Zoey went to get a better view but the sound of an angry voice telling her to back off made stand stiff. She turned to see a slender tall guy with black hair wielding some kind of big sword. The weapon felt as if it was giving off a 'killing' vibe.

Mac seemed unafraid by the guy, even cracked a joke which made Zoey laugh aloud which only eased her freight to nerves.

Now she saw before the guy a large spider. An ugly, hairy, eight-legged, six eyed, big butt, body sized fanged mouth spider! With the sudden appearance of it, Zoey should have reasoned it being a Mental, but with her being isolated for the last month by herself and the very human Doc, fear took over logic. She reached out to grab Mac's back but he was already spinning around grasping a hold of her upper arm. He quickly dragged her behind the tree. To Zoey he looked genuinely scared of the beast. Mac whispered,

"Run to the next tree and watch the path of the spider, make sure it doesn't start digging into the tree. No time to explain why. Got it?" Then he was suddenly a mouse. Why is he leaving me alone?! She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, repeating to herself his instructions. One thing she can't resist is completing an order.

As the little white Mac-mouse scurried away into the hole in the tree, she bolted, turning her head to see the spiders path. It was still making a B-line for the tree. I've gotta stop that spider, but how? Zoey stared at the guy once more, he seemed as if the spider was nothing. Of course, it's his spider! Her legs began to shake as the first and only idea she had, get his attention by exposing herself. But at this point it was already too late and the spider was at the tree, tearing it up with its fangs. The guy began to take out and count the flags. Zoey watch quietly, waiting for any sign of Mac. As the seconds went by a knot began to form in her stomach. Where is Mac? A second guy approached and he began to pull something off on of the flags, it was Mac hanging on. Zoey now acted on instinct and began to run over, allowing her hat to fall off. The second guy was pulling on Mac. She dashed in, giving the second guy's hand a good smack before pulling on the flag in the opposite direction as this man. Tears were welding up in her eyes as thoughts of hoping Mac was okay.

"Leave my friend alone." She said sternly giving the flag another tug.
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Zak snapped his hand away from the small mouse when someone came, seemingly out of nowhere, and hit him. "Leave my friend alone" she says, Zak's suspicions where right, it seems that this mouse was a Kraya, probably a Chameleon as well. He looks up after inspecting his now red-raw hand to see that this girl was trying to take his flags off Yammat! He wasn't about to let that happen, they were so close to the end and he didn't want to lose now. In a quick swoop, he transforms his stone blade into a earthy gauntlet around his arm and uses it to try and grab the girl off his team's flag.
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Mac was still struggling with consciousness, everything was a blur. He couldn't believe he let himself get in this situation, he needed to practice more. His consciousness began to flicker, as did his transformations. Suddenly, he became a heavy rock stuck to the flag, tugging the flag downward. Back to the mouse, there was still a chance to get out of the void. Then he flickered into a small bird with the flag in it's beak, flapping it's wings frantically. It hit someone with the other end of the pole as he rose, but Mac was too lost within himself to notice. Back to the mouse, but only for a moment. He was slipping deeper into the void. He flickered into a whoopee cushion, flopping on the ground helplessly. Then he became a small fish… still flopping on the ground helplessly. His form started fluctuating rapidly, a sort of chameleon seizure. Unless he was able to return to his mouse form unconsciously and stop at it, there would be no escaping the void now. 
((OCC: Alright, well basically, we all have supreme form that's the essence of our power. It has one element and three animals mixed together to create an awesome creature. We all have that locked deep inside us and it's hard to bring out. It's called a Paradign, and I've got an awesome way to incorporate it. If you don't like the idea, I can always delete it.))
Kamryn smiled at Jo, sharing the sentiment with her hunger. "Yeah, hope you guys get to go to dinner soon." Kamryn said brightly, keeping a watch for anyone who might try and attack them. There had been a semi-close call but Kamryn had been able to turn them away before they became suspicious.

Upon hearing the sound of the bell Kamryn sat up a little straighter. "That was the bell, right? So we don't have that much longer left? I don't think it'll be held against us if we spend the time here... we worked hard today." Kamryn said. "And it was really cool being your partner and all, Jo. I don't suppose... well Zak was talking to me about trying to get out of here for a few days and see what the outside world is really like. Would you be up for it to? Your skills would really come in handy!"
Jo felt shivers all down her spine as Kamryn asked that question. It seemed like talking to her invisble hadn't changed her mind. Jo felt scared and angry at the same time. She had to hold herself back from any transformation that her emotions could give her...She took a deep breath and look at Kamryn, no false smile, just her worried face and teary eyes.

-"Kamryn...this place might not fulfill your expectations about adventures..but its all I have, its not the best home, thats for sure but, it is somewhere that I dont have to hide beacuse Im scared; most likely the only place. Things all sounds too risky, I dont think I could...."- She paused for a second as she saw all the other krayas in the field -"Its where we belong... Remember what I told you earlier about being a chamaleon? Having all this questions about our families and the outside....I just cant have any more doubts about who I am, Im not that strong..."- She smiled at Kamryn with sad eyes -"Keep me away from everything that has to do with escaping, or I'll tell the guards."

Jo sighed, she had said everything she needed to say. At first she just wanted to give the news to the guards and stop it from happening but...they really didnt seem like they had bad intentions, they were just fools for thinking about escaping....Right?... Jo shook her head and kept on staring at the field. Not long now the bell would ring, and she could forget about this, Mr.Tim or whatever his name was, the escaping plan, everyone...everything. At least, thats what she hoped....

she scrolled her eyes through the other teams, until her eyes stopped flat at a scene of what seemed to be a chamaleon that had lost control over his transformation. Without even telling Kamryn she stood up and started running towards him, other krayas were too busy with the game.

"GUARDS, WE NEED SOMEONE HERE, PLEASE" she said as she continued to come closer to him. There was a strange force surrounding the whole situation. It felt like the pressure in the air had become stronger. When she got to him, she was so scared. "He needs to stay in one form...why must it be animal form!" Jo felt as the pressure got greater and greater, to this point it wasnt certain what could happen if he didnt stay on one form. Jo took one long breath and hugged the Kraya as he kept transforming. She had to focus. Her heartbeat was racing but she had to focus. She had been seeing the whole spider and mouse scenario so she thought of a mouse. She started turning, and the other Kraya with her, slowly, very slowly. She focused all her attention into turning him, the little energy she had was being vacuumed. The pressure started going down the more he transformated. She heard the guards comming to help them as she finished the transformation. She took her hands off him, her sight was blurry, she wanted to wask if he was fine, but her head fell down to the ground as her lack of energy backfired, turning her back to human. Then everything started fading to black....

(OOC: she just fainted, she's not dead xP)
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Mac continued fluctuating, his transformations were becoming larger and less defined. He felt a great warmth surround him as energy was transferred to him. His seizure was stabilizing, he felt himself reaching human form again, yet there was one more transformation lurking in the shadows of his mind. As he was set on the ground, he let out a loud eagle cry, that morphed into the growl of a tiger. He felt the a strange fire and a voice echoed in his head saying, "Essence of fire, eagle of nobility, tiger of courage, and dolphin of kindness." Then the final transformation disappeared. Well, not so much disappeared as sank into the recesses of his mind. Mac sank to the floor, unconscious.

Mac woke in the health ward. “What happened doc? Did I start drinking again?” he asked. Then the doctor approached him and started to explain, “Michael, do you remember what your last transformation was?” “Vaguely…” Mac replied. “Well… during your trance, you somehow came across your Paradign, the essence of your chameleon ability. Every mutant has this essence alive in them. Every Kraya has an essence that's reflective of their personality and ability that can unlock something greater. Your element is fire, and your have natural animal forms that are are the eagle, the tiger, and the dolphin. They are a direct representation of your personality. However, it’s only been considered theory until now. I would assume that you, as a chameleon that’s more attune to shape-shifting, was able to draw this form out easier than most. Of course it was purely by chance through your seizure, but I can’t believe that’s the end of it. Because I believe the reason your fire projection ((OOC: I’m saying a projection is shifting into a non-physical image, by the way)) turned into real fire as you were flying has something to do with your essence being activated. I have no idea how this could have happened though, and I fear it may never happen again.”

“So what are you saying doc?” asked Mac, “When can I get off this bed? I could care less about some mutant essence, I never even wanted this power. I just want to be free of this infernal place… infernal… no, not the time for that joke.”

((OCC: Edit credited to RubyRose.))
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