Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

"I know a couple of guys.. the ones that really come to mind are Yammat and Zak... I've spoken with them. If I remember right Yammat can control darkness and... Zak does something with his skin, I saw it earlier today when he showed us... but I don't know what it does. Either way... aren't they partners? I bet we could work with them and have a really strong group." Kamryn replied, glancing around to see if she could spot either Zak or Yammat. Catching a glimpse of the familiar faces Kamryn pointed.

"Hey look, they're over there! Did you want to team up with them, Jo?"
"Yeah, sure " -Jo replied softly, she was trying to calm down and relax to help her transformation last. "They could help with some defense and we could offer some distractions. Its a win-win, but still, we will just work together to defend each other, each team has to gather their own flags. We dont want to see ourselves empty handed by the end of the game.."

She looked at them both, she thought they had pretty good chances of putting up a good fight. And if it came down to it, Physcals couldnt attack them if they couldnt see them and when she vanished her shadow vanished too, so the darkness guy coudlnt control them. Though those were just assumptions she made, She couldnt be sure, each Kraya had a different power and a different control over it. She just hoped for the best.
"Losing this isn't an option. I think you and I can win... teaming up with them will just make things easier!" Kamryn said, full of energy to get the game underway. Gripping Jo's arm she headed toward the boys, practically dragging Jo along behind her without really thinking about it. Not that Kamryn was exceptionally strong but she could get a little over enthusiastic about things sometimes.

"Zak! Yammat!" Kamryn replied as she and Jo got close enough to be able to talk to the boys without shouting, though Kamryn was practically shouting anyways. She was really excited about this game... for reasons she wasn't quite sure but regardless she was pretty excited. "Should we work together? Did you want to work with Jo and I? Because I think we'd be a great team... Don't we have one of every class if we team up?" Kamryn rambled away excitedly.
Yammat nodded in agreement. He blushed a bit at the sight of Kamryn. he red, braided hair seemed to motion flawlessly with the wind, and her eyes were so bright, they could light up a room. Yammat could write a whole poem about Kamry, but his poor social skills and low self-esteem won't allow it. He saw a young least she looked like a girl. Man she looked young. It was actually really cute. Yammat...your minds to active for your mouth. Say something. "Who's your friend, Kamryn?"
Suddendly Kamryn got Jo's arm and pulled her over to talk to the boys "For a mental class she sure can get strong when she's excited" she thought to herself. They got there and while Kamryn was talking Jo couldnt help but to feel funny in the whole situation, she was not only the shortest there but also teh youngest, yet some of these people looked very enthusiastic, specially Kamryn. Jo couldnt help to smile, she certainly couldnt forget the fact that this people were plotting something dangerous but... In the longest time, for being in that school as long as she could remember... thing ever felt so..exciting and..just fun overall. Maybe..they werent bad people.. Jo shook her head, she had to focus on the game for now. It would be easy to mantain a perfect cover but, vanishing 2 people could get exhausting if she didnt focus properly. 
Jo suddendly snaped back when he heard Yammay ask for her, she blushed again over spacing out so much. "He's tall" she thought, it was a bit embarring that she had to look up to see him, even if it was just a bit. Then again, she had to look up to most people usually...

-"Im Joey, but please call me Jo - She giggled - "I dont really live up to such a manly name"

((OOC: uhuhu, 2 posts in a row cuz im too into this xP ))
"Hmm, yea, you're right, the more the merrier" he says in reply to Yammat. Zak was surprised when Kamryn came rushing over with Jo by her side, it seemed that their partners were coming to them. "Sounds like a plan, should be a good team then" Zak lets out a smirk when Jo introduces herself, she seemed alot more shy than he remembers, but that didn't matter. He looks around to see some of the other teams and pairs moving out to hide their flag. "I'm Zak, in case someone doesn't know, are we ready to go?"
"And in case anyone forgot I'm Kamryn!" She said, unable to resist the urge of dropping her name back in so that she didn't feel quite so left out.

Looking between the three of her... well she wouldn't call them friends really but people that she had spoken to before. "We need a strategy, guys! With all of us working together this shouldn't be too difficult to come out on top of. Also, I am pretty sure we are ready to go. As soon as we have a strategy. Guys, we really need a strategy. What's the plan?!"

Kamryn was bouncing up and down at this point, excited to get things started but needing a plan to follow first.

(Sorry about the fail at first, didn't tell me that Zak had posted. This should be fixed now though, I'm thinking :) )
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"Well, we need a spot to hide our flags, and we need to find where the other flags are hidden" Zak says simply, he wasn't quite sure how helpful he would be, because his power made him glow he couldn't really sneak up on anyone, it was really only helpful in a fight. He did know his way around the campus, however. "I know a few places we can hide the flags, do you guys have any ideas on a strategy?"
-" Hiding the flags wont be necesary, just hand them to me, I cant be part of any attack or defense, but Im sure Im the best hiding spot around, also, I can turn you guys invisible for some amount of time if you wish so, but with the flags safe any of you could go steal the flags of others!" - Jo said calmly with a smile, then paused for a second - "However, maybe someone should stay near me just in case....- Preventions never hurt anyone, and the less risk of getting hurt, the better for her.
"Isn't that cheating?" Kamryn asked after a moment, scratching at the back of her neck. She was pretty sure that Jo had mentioned this plan already but she had been so excited to team up and get started that she hadn't really been paying all that much attention. Now it seemed like cheating... what if another Chameleon did the same thing.

Kamryn really thought about it for a moment... the teacher hadn't said anything against it. So... maybe it wasn't cheating and it really did give them advantage. Still, it felt just the slightest bit like they had an unfair advantage. She smiled a bit to herself... if Zak did hand his team's flag over to them then they'd already have a total of two flags and they'd have defeated a team before they even got started. She waited to see if Zak would, or not... wishing she could take back her question now.

((Guys, Guys... what if when your flag is taken you have to join the team of whoever took it? So it would be more like a war? Just a randm epiphany thought moment xD ))
Mac stood in front of his own team. He didn't recognize any of the people gathered, yet he hadn't really branched out much yet. He had been too busy concentrating on an escape, and the reason why people wanted too. He had done this exercise before and had learned a little from his last time, so he was trying to instruct his team on some strategy. "The best way to handle this is to spread out, get to know each other's powers, and use them in combination with one another. But keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to use your powers. Also, try to look disorganized if you can, it will make the other team relax. Does anybody else have ideas?"
-Hmm, well its not cheating, I've done it in other games, thought dont worry, for us chamaleons its a matter of time, not everyone is good at vanishing, not everyone does it right, but whats more important, everyone has a time limit of how long they can hide. However I do know that some Mentals can sense the precense of chamaleons with their thought...I dont know if you can do it though Kamryn - she said hoping for a yes - Even then, I could help you spot them if they have any flaws in their camouflages - she stopped for a second to think about Zak and Yammat - I suppose I CANT carry the other team's flag, Im sorry, you guys would have to hide it..even from us." - She started worrying, they were running out of time to plan things out. When the game properly started it would be war...
Zak knew that their team was more of a truce between the pairs anyway, even if they were both to succeed, one would have to beat the other in the end. "Thats fine, giving you our flag would basically be like surrendering anyway". He runs through a few places that he could put the flag in his head, though he knew he had to make sure he wasn't followed, especially with Chameleons and Mentals around. Zak's face brightens up as he thinks of something, his skin shriveling and bulging as he summoned his power, a slight green glow reaching the other members of the group. "Hey, Jo, is there any tell-tale signs of an invisible Kraya? Perhaps a little warp in the air or a shimmer than could be noticed if someone like me lit it up?"
-Well yeah, our transformations aren't stable all the time, so a strong movement, heavy breathing or even excitment can give you away with some things. Most people move too fast and make breeze, others you can tell by a distortion of the camouflage, it could be a shimer, a shadow, a darker tone that doesnt match the escenario. If you manage to startle them, chances are these things will become more obvious - Jo said calmy, she knew she was giving important information but in the end, she was confident of her skills.
Kamryn listened with interest, a little bummed that she and Jo didn't get an easy win but not wanting to be Zak and Yammat like that anyway. She considered what Jo had said about mentals being able to figure out where other Chameleons were. Her face fell a little..

"I'm really sorry Jo but, like I said to you earlier, I can't defeat you if I can't see you> I haven't really figured out how to press illusions on the minds of people I can't see... I have to have eye contact with the person for at least a moment." Kamryn heaved a sigh, feeling just this side of useless. At Zak's words though she rubbed her chin in interest.

"Jo, do you have the energy to spare to become invisible? ...can you become invisible? Either way, it would be cool to see if Zak's power works like that! Might give us a leg up since I'm kind of usel

ess in that area." Kamryn's voice got a little quieter at the end. She was really finding everyone's powers extremely interesting... was there no end to what a Kraya could do? Well, the different kinds anyway...
Mac contemplates where to put the flag. "Perhaps the best hiding spot is in plain sight…" he thought to himself. "I'm tall enough to block the flag. I could take on the image of the ground behind it. Making it invisible, but only from the front. And that would leave the others outnumbered. But whatever I do, we have to think quick, because we're about to begin."
-I can give you a demo, since its going to be flawed it wont waste as much energy, and hey dont worry about you, I dont even know how other mentals do it, I shouldnt have suggest about things I dont know about - She smiled - Zak, Kamrym, Yammat, focus on where I am, I wont move an inch so you wont have too much trouble spotting me.

Jo took a breath, and started vanishing, when she had completly blend in she started thinking about other things that would distract her, she started thinking about the teacher Tom, or whatever his name was, she thought about how she didnt know herself, that she was emotionally weak...The more sad she got, the more her camouflage would crack... She coudlnt really see what the flaws were, but she knew they were showing...She did it for a while, wiped her now teary eyes and showed herself again. Calmy always
Zak's glow show up the cracks in Jo's camouflage, the points where it was weak would catch the green noticeably. Pleased that he now has some advantage over the Chameleons, Zak retracts his hide back into his skin. He notices Jo started tearing up after she stopped using her power. "Well, it works a little, are you alright?"
Kamryn wasn't sure what to do... It took a really unhappy feeling to make people's eyes leak and Kamryn didn't like that any Kraya ever felt that way. Wanting to comfort Jo took second place to a horn sounding and telling them that the games would be beginning soon. Ever thankful for the warning bell Kamryn looked to their teammates. She hoped that Jo could put aside her sadness for now, although Kamryn made a mental note to offer her company later if Jo needed someone to talk to.

"That was really very useful, Jo." Kamryn said gratefully, finding it interesting how Zak's powers worked to enhance the cracks that had been beginning to appear. "Thanks! Now Zak, you just gotta find a place to hide your teams flag and then we can start our hunt for other peoples!" Kamryn tried to withhold her excitement now and it was fairly dimmed at the distress from Jo but it was still there... the energy and enthusiasm fr the games still showing through at different intervals.
-Im fine - she said smiling - I dont usually get much sleep and Im the kind of person that tears up when they yawn *giggles* dont worry about it - she lied with a smile. The teachers started giving signals that the game would start soon and everyone should get ready.
Mac turned to his group, one other of which was a chameleon. "I've got an idea. Hide your flags, quick. Then us chameleon's will pose as flags in plainer view. We'll keep drawing them away while the other two search for the opposing team's flag. There's the warning horn,"
Zak gives a nod to Jo and Kamryn as the warning bell rings, and sets off with his teams flag. He would ask Yammat where he wanted to hide it once they got far enough away. As he walks away, he notices what looked like other people's flags just left in the open. He fought against the urge to run and take it, a gut feeling told him that no team would hide their real flag like that. He waited for Yammat to catch up with him.
Mac watches as his partner, an elemental, starts to raise wind. Listening for flaps of flags. Mac goes out of phase for a second to wave the other chameleon away. They were being too obvious. He couldn't see where the other physical class team member had gone off to.
Jo saw another guy looking at them "Is he a chameleon?...his face looks familiar" She smiled at him and spelled "Bring it on" with her lips. She grabbed Kamryn's arm "Are you ready? , I will pinch your arm softly when we are near enough to someone, you distract them, make them sad or whatever and take the flag, ok? we need to stay close to Yamat and Zak in case they need us" The bell rang.
Kamryn glanced at Jo looking skeptical. "Make them sad?" Kamryn asked, looking at the Chameleon Kraya and shaking her head. "My powers don't work on emotions unless I know what makes the person said. See, my ability is to cast illusions so that the person sees whatever it is that I've woven for them to see. The problem is it only lasts as long as I can focus and the less they believe it the harder it is to keep it going. Plus I really haven't mastered putting an illusion on more than one person at once."

((OOC: Figuring we can put a pause on this for now so that Coko_Bacon does't feel too left behind, because that's the last thing I want any of the roleplayers in this roleplay to feel. It's just a thought though, you can take it for what it's worth.)

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